The Unwritten Sin
Mufti Menk – Comfort in Times of Crisis #29
![Mufti Menk](
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The speaker discusses the "has been rewarded by the creator," meaning that individuals who do a good deed will be rewarded, while individuals who do a bad deed will be punished. Subhan Allah's desire to grant forgiveness is a sign of mercy and a means to elevate one's status. He also provides advice on clothing and appropriate clothing for times of crisis, emphasizing the importance of personal appearance and character. Finding forgiveness is a means to achieve one's status and overcome crisis times.
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. Well, Allah, Allah, he was happy. As you know, in my brothers and sisters, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him explains to us who the bankrupt person is. And he says that it is a person who has a lot of good deeds, a lot of good deeds. But when they come on the Day of Judgment, it is found that they were backbiting about someone, they slandered someone, they wronged someone, they ate the wealth of someone they did wrong to people. So a lot took those good deeds and actually gave them to the others, such that they were no more good deeds remaining. and thereafter,
they were still some people who wanted justice. So Allah took the bad deeds of those people and put it on the shoulders of this particular person who had initially come with a lot of good deeds. Now, that is the ultimate crisis. It is called a loveless, the one who is truly bankrupt. It's not about money. It's about your deeds. So this is why Allah says when you do good deeds, make sure you protect them by not engaging in harming others, and come with them on the Day of Judgment. We will multiply that for you tenfold. In the previous episode, we did go through this, and I did say verse number 160, of pseudo Tolan, but I've repeated this for a reason because the mercy of Allah dictates
that when you do good, he multiplies it for you. But when you do bad, he comforts you by telling you, I'm not going to multiply the bad, I will count it against you. Just one bad deed Subhana Allah. So Allah says,
a b c. d fella, New Jersey, in myth, la, la, la moon. As for a person who comes on the Day of Judgment with a bad deed, they will not be recompensed except equivalent to that which they did, and they won't be wronged. So your good is multiplied but your bed is not multiplied. Isn't that the mercy of Allah? Isn't it so comforting to know how merciful Allah is. In fact, I can tell you something even more comforting taught to us by the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says, When a person intends to do a good deed, they already have a reward by the mere intention. If they were to follow up that good deed and do it, then the reward would be multiplied. If a person
intends to do a bad deed, no sin is written against them yet, if a person intends to do a bad deed, and then decides against it, because they've realized it's prohibited, and they would earn the Wrath of Allah, then it is written as a good deed. They did a good deed they stayed away from sin, that they wanted to commit simply because Allah prohibited it. Amazing. So to intend and to plan a sin
and thereafter not to execute, it becomes an act of worship, it becomes a good deed Subhan Allah, look at the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then if a person does the bad deed, Allah instructs the angel to hold on, not to write it against them yet, for a period of time, for a part of the day or a part of the night. Why? Lana who Ania tuba, perhaps this person might seek forgiveness. So he there's no need to write it yet.
So we're given a time after committing a sin to repent. What kind of comfort is this? Imagine someone has committed a sin, major or minor, and the angels are told, and this is a correct Hadith. The prophet SAW Selim tells us, Allah tells the angels, hold on, don't write it yet, just hold on. And so Subhana Allah, amazingly, if that person seeks forgiveness, immediately after the sin, then nothing is written against them. The sin is not written, it's gone, it's wiped out. In fact, there is a good deed known as repentance. That's written for them. Subhana Allah, so my brothers and sisters,
the guilt or the regret, that a believer feels immediately after committing a sin is actually the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's the comfort being given to you to say listen
What did you achieve by this? Did you gain anything? Nothing? Seek out forgiveness. If you were to immediately say, Oh ALLAH forgive me. Allah says, You know what? The angels haven't yet written it. You're fortunate Subhana Allah, then if a person does not repent and the time stipulated by Allah subhanho wa Taala passes, then one sin is written next to their name. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us forgiveness, look at the mercy of Allah. On top of that, if later on a person seeks forgiveness, then the sin that was written against them is still wiped out. In fact, if it is a minus and Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in El hacer una de la habana, say
indeed your good deeds will automatically wipe out your minuses without you seeking specific forgiveness for my innocence. Allah says, When you've done a lot of good deeds, we automatically wipe out your bad deeds. Remember, Allah will set a scale on the Day of Judgment, he weighs your deeds. So Allah subhanho wa Taala wants you to have had more good deeds than bad deeds. If you have more good deeds than bad deeds, you have succeeded. But if you have more bad deeds than good deeds, then you have none to blame besides yourself. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us so beautifully, that
you seek forgiveness, I will forgive you. If you haven't sought forgiveness and it's a minus and and you continue to do good deeds, I will automatically wipe out those minuses but if it is a major sin, and the major sin is that sin we're in Allah has stipulated a punishment for it in this world and the next and Allah has spoken about how severe it is, that becomes a major sin. Those who engage in major sin would require a specific repentance in order to be forgiven. So you can't just say, Oh ALLAH forgive all my sins that I've committed, knowing that you committed major sins. You've got to say, Oh Allah, I did this on that day, I'm confessing to you alone. I regret it. I admit my sin. I
asked you to forgive me and I promise you, I'm not going to do it again. The minute all those four conditions are met, immediately the first time you asked Allah forgiveness for that sin, you were forgiven, you are taught to repeat the act of repentance again and again, in order to elevate your status and to become closer to Allah. Not because you are doubting the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in that verse number 160, of Sula to the Nam, were homeless, in Amman, they will never be oppressed. Trust me, my brothers and sisters, the comfort Allah gives us is such that he's looking for any excuse to show you his mercy. He's looking for any excuse to
forgive, to wipe out to actually help you fall off into genital for those into paradise. May Allah grant us that paradise. So my brothers and sisters, remember, when you have done something wrong, seek the forgiveness of Allah and move on. Don't let shaytan make you believe even for a moment that you do not stand a chance in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. My brothers and sisters, we move on to the next surah which is Surah two RF. And I do know that we're taking our time in these verses because we must derive these gems that will give us comfort in times of crisis. Allah addresses us in Surah, two RF several times by using the term Yeah, Benny dama. Oh Children of Adam. Amazing. It
is an honor to be called after the first of our species and Allah saying you are children of Adam, I want to give you advice. All children of Adam, listen to this. Now we're listening. So let's go through some of these, where Allah says, oh, children of Adam, what exactly is he talking about? The first thing he mentioned in verse number 26 of surah, two RF, he says, Yeah, Benny de mercado.
La comme lieberson worries. de como Orisha are children of Adam. I have sent it down to you clothing that will cover your private parts and adornment. And Allah says Wiley basswood Tacoma Valley cafe. Remember, the clothing of piety is the best.
So Allah is telling us I've sent you clothing to cover yourselves, giving you the main aim of clothes. Some people nowadays, clothes in order to reveal that's a sign of the hour. The prediction of the profit
Muhammad peace be upon him. He says people will cover to be uncovered, people will cover to show whereas primarily we are supposed to cover to cover Subhana Allah. So remember that Allah is telling you all children of Adam, I have sent you clothing to cover to cover that's the main aim to cover your private parts and ally saying as adornment. Now when he speaks of that adornment he quickly tells you remember to close yourselves with the clothing of piety of modesty, that modest wear, and that clothing of piety is what Allah will be pleased with. So allies telling you labasa, taco deli cafe, you want to achieve comfort, make sure you're dressed in the most appropriate way. Don't Don't
be from among those who really wants to reveal the beauty that Allah has concealed within your private paths, and you want to show it off. Allah says, Don't do that you will plunge yourself into crisis. The best from amongst you here. Allah says Libras who qualify, what is better for you is the clothing of piety. To wear, the clothing of piety would mean to cover according to what Allah told you to do. And also to adorn yourself with piety means. It's not all about your clothing alone. But it is about your character, your conduct, the do's and don'ts, the way you carry yourself as a human being, all of that is included in the term labasa takua, the clothing of piety, you cannot be
covered from head to toe and still do that which is immoral. And you cannot be a person who is not bothered about how they address others or how they carry themselves and simply say I've grown my beard, I've perhaps just covered my private parts. It's not good enough. But what Allah wants you to do holistically ensure that your dressing is also appropriate and it's that of piety and your attitude, your character, your relationship with Allah and the rest of the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala is also that of piety, then you will be able to achieve that comfort, even in times of crisis. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us or goodness akula Kali hada or sallallahu ala
nabina Muhammad
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