Moutasem al-Hameedy – Reflections On Hadeeth – Part 12
![Moutasem al-Hameedy](
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The success of Islam as a means of achieving deeds is emphasized, along with the importance of shaping behavior and behavior in the context of religion. The cultural context of Islam is also discussed, including its use for shaping behavior and behavior in the context of religion and the need for individuals to hold back harm from others and reward themselves. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's bodies and using it for personal pleasure, as well as educating children on the negative consequences of smoking in children and their families.
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Altavilla Himanshu rhodium fusina Obviously you had to hire Marina Maria de la who Fela mobula Houma Yaga sala de la Hoya shadow La ilaha IL Allah who had the hula Sharika Why should one know Muhammad Abdul who Rasool who and Nevada
do during Ramadan, we're doing halacha format. And
we read some Hadith and I said, Inshallah, after Ramadan, we'll revisit some of those Hadith and go a bit more in depth
with regards to their meanings, because these are meanings that we need in our daily life. There's something you know about how we practice Islam, Islam was sent to be lived.
Allah sent the Quran and the Sunnah to be lived, not just to be talked about, not just to have an empty sense of identity, a Muslim, and that's it. But everything in life is just, I go about doing it as everyone else does it. Islam is there to be lived. Islam as a way of life is a way of life. And if we turn Islam into just some kind of slogans, or some kind of words, or some kind of books, and a tradition that we keep on the shelf, as we go about in our daily dealings, that's exactly what previous nations did with their religion. So Islam is there to be lived. And Islam does not hinder our life, it does not lessen the quality of our lives. Islam does not make us less human beings.
Islam does not make us impractical, does not make us impractical. And the problem is that if you look in the minds of so many people, I'm talking to people, when I say people, I'm talking about Muslims, they think that if you want to be religious, if you want to be pious person,
you automatically think about impractical impracticality, you're not you're you're not practical, you don't know you don't know how to go about doing things. So these are Hadith here. They actually they show and they demonstrate how Islam is actually an active a very active way of life.
some of these Hadith are found in the other Saudi in Babylon fi bionic throttle kill higher this is a chapter on showing the abundance of the ways to goodness means of worship, acts of worship, there are so abundant everywhere, wherever you look, you will find an opportunity to worship Allah subhanho wa taala. So the Hadith and the verses inshallah will slowly build some kind of a case that you will see the practicality there, all Allahu Taala a woman and woman hiring for in Allah be Aleem, and whatever good you do, then Allah is aware of it, Allah knows of it. So, and this is what we call in a solo, mean, alpha will moon and fall will own. These are comprehensive terms. That
means inclusive terms, whatever good you do, whatever good any type of good that you do, Allah is aware of it. And there is an implied meaning of this verse that Allah rewards for it. That's the implied meaning. So whatever good you do, what kind of good can you do?
It could be an act of worship like the prayer
like vicar. Like it's still far. It could be an act of worship like fast, like sadaqa.
But what else that we consider to be good that you can do?
Do ah, again. Okay, else? Let's take some
help people. Give me a specific example. Don't let's not be too general.
You help your wife with what be specific cooking. Washing the dishes. Okay.
Okay, okay, good. Good example. Okay. What else?
Visiting a patient person. Helping the wife with the dishes or cooking. Okay, what else?
But don't worry them being good to the parents. And how do you how can you be good to the parents? Can Do we have a specific example?
Because we have it's too general bit of everything. What what do we mean by better what is inclusive?
What if he gets angry? Okay, they tell you off. You don't talk back. Right? Okay, they get angry at you. You take that patiently. Very good example. Very good example. What about calling you what if you call your mom and check on her? How are you doing today? Isn't that an act of good?
What if you see your mom you smile? You say you know you're the best mother on Earth.
Isn't she she is the sly, not because for you she is the best one.
They're on Earth.
So any kind of good, whatever good you do you find something harmful. On the way on the sidewalk, you remove it. You remove it, you see someone, you give them a smile. That's an act of good, whatever good you do Allah is aware of it and we said the implied meaning is that Allah rewards for it are Karla Corolla Walmart's Allume in Hungary yella Mala and whatever good you do Allah knows about it the same meaning but different wording or palette Allah sama yet Melmoth kala blotting Hi yah era, whoever does an atom's weight of good they will face it, they will see it on the Day of Judgment, you will get to see it. So a small thing you did.
You will see it on the Day of Judgment when you need good deeds. There are deeds that you you did in life, you never paid attention to them. You thought they were insignificant, they had no value on the Day of Judgment, one of those deeds might come to save you from the Hellfire you don't know. You know, in the in the sahih Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. There was a woman mentioned to the Prophet SAW Selim, they said she, they told the president she prays she fast she prays at night, and she does so many good things. But well, I couldn't have the EGR on her but she harms her neighbors. Gossip, backbiting you know sometimes some
some kind of you know, some women usually make their gang upon another woman they talk about her they make trouble for her. So simple things we we call them simple things like everyday things, right? The President's and it says he effing she's in the hellfire.
She's in the hellfire.
Well, look at him writing interviews are seldom too solid followed she a woman another woman mentioned to the process and they talked about her in the presence of the porcelain. She's just praised the obligatory prayers. She does the obligatory fast only and that's it.
But they said she's good to her neighbors. The Prophet was on and says he effing Jen, she is Indian. She's in Jana. Very simple thing. And the Prophet saw some also talked about a woman from previous nations. She was what she was doing bad things. She was more miss. Okay, she was involved in prostitution herself.
Yet one day, she saw a dog that was thirsty.
She goes into the well. And in her leather socks. She fills it up with water, she offers the water to the dog. It's a dog. It's an animal. Right? And what does the woman do? One of the greatest sins in Islam, right.
So the processes set themselves so she offers the water to the dog Adhaan Allah Allah, so Allah and His own to paradise.
So whatever good you do, you will see it, you will see it. And that's what we say what goes around comes around. It comes around in this life, and it comes around most most evidently, on the Day of Judgment. So whatever Allah commands us to do, whatever Allah advises us to do, whether it's obligatory, or it's recommended, it's actually good for us. It's good for us. And it's practical, even if we even though we might miss the practicality. On the short term, we don't see it. We say oh, I've been truthful in this situation and I got myself in trouble. Well, that's the short term, but you don't know the harm that you have saved yourself from. You don't know the trust that you are
building among people you don't know the positivity you're bringing about you don't know the ethics that you are the you are spreading around with the beautiful the beautiful example how often that we came out of a situation we thought we lost it right? But years later someone comes back to you and they say to you, you know because you said the truth from that. On that day. It made an impact on me make me question my my own way of life. This happens a lot in life.
So whatever Allah commands us to do is actually good for us is essentially good. Whatever we are advised against is definitely bad for us.
Work Allah to Allah man me Lhasa, the hand funny deaf See he whoever does good and it's for themselves. It's for himself for you. You do something good, it's for you. You will reap the fruits. That's a law universal law that does not break it's from Allah subhanaw taala you do something good, you will reap the fruits. There is no way this rule can be broken. No way. You will reap the fruits you will reap them. So you do good you will get good.
Then we move on to the Hadith, and Hadith a will and albida John John Dibner Juna donde Allahu Anhu con cualquier rasool Allah SallAllahu Sallam a young family have been called Eman hoobler While jihad of his ability call to your record we have bulk color and fresh wiring the earlier work through half a million will to for inland as I'll call that we're in assigning an old test not only rock
which we are Rasul Allah are you to involve to unbabel ML Allah Taku shot waka Annie Nursey for in her sada Otto Minca Allah and fcwc more difficult
from a Buddha Roby Allahu Allah He said I asked the prophets of salaam which deeds are best he was to do the best deeds. The prophets of salaam says an email below geography Sabina you believe in Allah.
You believe in Allah believing in Allah is a great deed because it's an action of the heart and action of the tongue when you say that, you know Allah and an act and it's an action of your limbs, your body. The Salah is an act of iman dua is an act of Eman and eagerness is an act of iman. So the best deeds that you can do is actually to believe in Allah subhanaw taala so to be a believer, well Jihad officer believe that you strive for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala in different ways of striving, different ways of striving, all anything you strive with, against your desires, against your whims against your selfish egotistical needs, anything any striving that you put for the sake
of Allah subhanaw taala to fulfill the commands of Allah subhanaw taala is considered to be striving. So that's among the amongst the greatest deeds call to a your record of birth, which
this is specifically Arabic. So it says which next, which neck is is best? What does that mean freeing a slave, the hero Raghava, you free a human being that is a slave that has been enslaved, which slaves our best to free for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. He says the ones that are most precious to their owners, to their master, the ones that are worth the most, and that cost the most work Federal High feminine. So that means if you want to give something for the sake of Allah, the more value it has, the more reward you're gonna get, the more it costs you, the more rewards you will get from Allah subhanaw taala. Then he said, well to fend them off. And so I asked, What if I
don't do these things? What if I don't get to do these things? The Prophet SAW Selim says, terrain or Sanyuan are just now their heart you help someone who's doing something, you give them a hand.
Or there is someone who's clumsy, someone who lacks the skills that cannot do something, you do it for them.
You do it for them. So you'll find someone, you know carrying their bags, they're unable to carry them. The overburden with the with the bags, you carry the bags for them. That's one of the greatest deeds, what was the question? What are the best deeds or you find someone trying to do trying to write but they are unable to write properly. So you write for them or you help them right? You teach them how to write.
You find someone trying to do whatever kind of job, whatever kind of job someone is trying to do a job, you give them a hand.
Let's say a plumber,
blacksmith, someone who's doing some kind of work even in your house, you have them at someone a cleaner comes like where you work, there are cleaners sometimes will come and vacuum the place and clean it you give them a hand, support them help them. That's one of the greatest deeds that you can do. Who's saying this, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and that shows you that Islam is all about what
as it is about the prayer as it is about believing in Allah it's also about being good to other people, giving your hand to other people being helpful to other people. And the prophets of Islam said in the other authentic hadith have been nasty in Allah. The people that are most beloved by Allah, the ones that Allah loves the most are who and foul homeliness, the ones that are most beneficial and helpful to people.
When you are helpful to people, you gain the love of Allah, these are the people that Allah loves the most. These are the people that Allah loves the most. So if someone truly wants the love of Allah, here, you have an open field. You have an open field of being good to people and being helpful. That's what brings you the love of Allah Subhana Allah but we don't see it that way. Why? Because sometimes our designers don't want to see it that way. They don't want to see it this way. Because by the way, there's
we want the immediate payoff.
We want the immediate payoff, we want recognition.
We want to get
an immediate response recognition, reputation, whatever it is, or some kind of immediate reward. So he says to the Prophet SAW, Selim asked another question he says jasola are a to involve to ambalal ML What if I am not strong enough to do these? These these to help people out? He says the Khufu short worker and a nurse for in her sadaqa to Minka, Lnf sick. He says you hold back whatever harm you can inflict on people. That's a sadhaka for you to yourself.
So that you're getting reward, you're not harming people. You think it's past
As of right, but you're getting reward.
You're getting rewarded when you hold back your harm from people. You're getting reward. You can say something nasty says to someone, you can talk back, right? You can, you can insult someone.
But if you hold it back, you're getting reward.
If you don't harm people, you're getting some imagine. It's a passive, such a passive thing. I'm not doing anything. But I'm holding back my hand. I'm not saying anything bad. I'm not causing any physical harm to people. Allah is giving you reward for that. And that's why the Prophet Solomon says, and we often forget this hadith, although I think this is what, maybe as a child, this is probably one of the first Hadith that ever taught us. A Muslim man said him and Muslim Munna mainly Sunni. Were they? The Muslim was the Muslim, the Muslim is the one who are the Muslims are safe,
of his harm or harm, either verbal harm or physical harm. That's who the Muslim is. That's what the Muslim is.
Yet, as I said, it's a it's a problem. It's a problem in our communities, and our society, Muslim societies as well, that we don't like to see it that way. We don't like to see it that way.
So the prophets of salaam says you hold back your harm from people, you don't cause any harmful people such an such a passive, seemingly passive act is actually a sadaqa. For you, you will be getting reward for it. Do you know why it's a powerful reward. Because it's not easy. It's not easy to navigate through life without harming others.
It's very difficult, takes patience. It takes patience.
Imagine you can live your life without harming anyone. See how difficult it is like walking on a rope.
It's very difficult. And you know what, where the reward comes when, like a great source of reward here comes from
is that this kind of passive act is not recognized by others. Because it doesn't make any noise. It's passive. And that's what Allah loves the most. That's what Allah loves the most. So imagine if you actively or proactively hold back your harm from others.
Imagine how much reward you're getting. You're getting so much reward from Allah subhanaw taala. And the harm doesn't have to be direct, by the way, they have to be face to face. Backbiting is a form of harm. The person is not there. You talking bad about them? Even if it's true, you're backbiting them, you hold that back, you don't talk about them. You don't talk about them.
Someone has a misunderstanding. You have a misunderstanding with someone, okay? And you get angry.
You hold back, you don't talk back. They say something, something that upsets you. You know, you don't harm them. Why for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala you get so much reward from Allah subhanaw taala it's so simple. So how can we leave Islam you can leave Islam in the in the street, you can leave Islam, at home, with your wife, with your kids, with your neighbors,
with someone who says something bad to you on the street. When you go do shopping, and you have some times you come across really I mean,
people who don't show much respect, people who talk in a disrespectful kind of fashion, right? You hold back home, you don't have to, you know, speak harshly to them. You don't have to put them down. Someone, someone cuts you up as you're driving. You don't have to say something bad about them. Let them go for the sake of Allah. You're getting reward for that. The problem is that we don't think we're getting anything we think we're losing. We think we lose when we forgive people. When we let people go, when we do not respond in kind. We think we let people get away with what they've done. No, you're getting reward from Allah subhanaw taala so this is such a passive seemingly passive act
but it's very powerful with Allah subhanaw taala by the way, this explains what Hadith from the Prophet SAW Salem
is read from the Prophet Allah I'm going to read the meaning I can't remember exactly this manner here is the meaning is
a may have been a bad in Allah Coloma, whom will be home, I'll call
NaVi Finlayson. Among the people that Allah loves the most another Hadith there's there's a number of a hadith by the way, who about the people that Allah loves the most among the people that Allah loves the most is a person in whose heart there is no aspiration for any recognition. These people want to be hidden. They don't want anyone to recognize their goodness. They don't want any kind of status. They don't want any kind of position, any kind of reputation or popularity, anything. They don't want anything. They will just want to be alone. They want to be they want to be left alone. They don't have any aspirations about this life. They're not even ambitious people couldn't know
Muhammad kalbi. Nobody Finlayson,
The tongue is so clean. They only say good things. They only say good things. So usually things that are hidden. They actually Allah rewards the most for these things. And by the way,
I think it was the moment that I'll be talking about Imam Malik. And he said,
What's the book of Imam Malik of Hadith that he wrote? What is it called? Al Moorpark? What does it mean?
That's the term for them of their time. It was a popular term and what but there were many books called them Akbar by the way, and what that means Made Easy, Made Easy, more time, in what way? Okay, things made easy for people. So it's similar to identical to what we call today, you know, the series of books for Dummies, right. Accounting for Dummies, it for dummies and so on and so forth. It's also similar kind of fashion was at the time to write a book, Make Hadith accessible to people call it al Mapa Imam Malik wasn't the only one there were so many books called moussaka. Yet we know none of them. But Imam Malik's so if I'm not mistaken was Imam at the hubby who talks about Imam
Malik and he says the reason the book of Imam Malik gained so much acceptance of recognition and Allah caused it to be a source of goodness and guidance for people. He says
love would and who cannot live without Allah He said he or this person. Imam Malik must have had some things that he's done for the sake of Allah that no one else knows about. Secret acts of worship that this person has done only and only Allah knows about them. Not secret that they are new. No, they are like acts of worship from the Sunnah of the Prophet Salim but no one knows about them.
Only Allah only Allah knows about these things. So in his pride in his privacy, he did things for the sake of Allah without anyone knowing about about them. And he says this must be the secret for his success for his success.
So we'll move on to the next Hadith, a 30 and the Allahu Anhu a Yvonne and Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called us to be who Allah Salam. ala kulli, Sula, mean, Hadith sadaqa Lucas be hatin, Sadako, Bakula, me that in sadhaka will read it in sadaqa or Cullotta Kabira in sadaqa, Amman, Bielema Alfia sadaqa when are you an animal carry? Sadaqa? Will does it mean that he cannot attorney Yokohama Yokohama Minato ha ha Muslim a Salam Ibadan, messenger Muhammad, Allah will fit him and missile I will have to say
the prophets of salaam again from Abu Dhabi Allahu Anhu. This is collected by Lima Muslim. He says every morning upon each joint in your body as a human being how many joints there are so many joints in your body, upon each one of them. There is a sadaqa you have to pay off. Because Allah gave you a healthy joint healthy body. For each joint you have to make an act of charity in the sense, any kind of good that you do for the sake of Allah Spanta. So the Prophet Salam is going to offer different acts of worship that you can do that will pay off in a oh that will actually pay for you know, these these gifts a healthy body from Allah subhanaw taala so he says, You say subhanallah that's a sadaqa
that you have paid for one of these
joints. What can you tell me a little circle hamdulillah one time it's a sadhaka Calusa Lila La Ilaha illa Allah sadaqa Cullotta Kabira Allahu Akbar sadaqa Omraam Bilbao of South Africa.
He given advice, a good advice South Africa,
the human animal called sadaqa you see someone doing something bad, something evil, you give them advice sadaqa, you get sadaqa. So all of these, some of them are things you do as because some of them are things you help others with is basically giving guidance.
When you zoom in Danika, rock attorney, Oklahoma and what covers all of these things. This is what covers all of these things is what a very simple thing
is you pray to rocker over
to rock over after sunrise about 1520 minutes after sunrise to about the time just before you pray during this time to raka of Sunova Torah. It pays off for all of your joints, all of you healthy, it pays for all of your healthy joints. That's it. But the point here in this hadith is that there are so many things that you can do and you can be getting reward from Allah subhanaw taala Say Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, it doesn't cost you anything. It doesn't cost any money, right? It's so simple. It's so easy just to say it and this is why one of the companions came to the Prophet Solomon he says in the shower Iran islamicate Kathrada la Fulani Allah Amarin atomistic over
here gemera says all Messenger of Allah, there's so many things in Islam to do and I can't keep up with them.
I can't keep up with
So give me something that I do one thing that I do hold on to. And it like it gives me so many like good deeds the prophets of salaam says Lazaro Lisanna Karatu Benjamin decorilla. Keep your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah Subhanallah stuff at ALMA. It doesn't take so much effort. It's not like jogging, right? It's not You're not working out, it's your tongue moving. And actually, our tongue is moving most of the day right, saying good things and sometimes saying most, unfortunately, saying bad things. So why did she just engage it? And it's not only the tongue, the tongue is connected to the heart. Tongue is connected to the heart again move on to the third Hadith. A third
is unknown. Paul Colin Nabil Salah Salam orbits la MaryLu Mattea Hassan wa was a you have to mean my hands in the air Amalia and other Yamato annupuri Was it to me masa, Maddy ha ha to the corner will Masjid law to defend our Muslim
youth again from a Buddha
that the Prophet of Islam says all the deeds of my ummah, the ummah of the prophets of Allah Salaam. That means every Muslim from the time of the Prophet SAW Salem till the Day of Judgment. So the Prophet Salam was offered to look at their deeds, what kind of deeds the OMA does.
So he looks at the deeds, the good of them and the bad of them, he says are found among the best deeds of my ummah, is removing some from something harmful from people's way.
Anything that's harmful, you remove it from people's way.
Like a sidewalk sometimes there's a branch sticking out right? Breaking or moving.
You find something
what the banana skin, typical example right, remove it, remove it, we find something on the way on the hallways, you come in, in the masjid, sometimes you find something that you other people could just step on and slip, right, remove it,
remove it throws on saying this is amongst the best deeds of my ummah, among the best deeds. And for us, it's insignificant, right? We don't even think about it. We don't give it any importance. But these small things build up and they could enter someone into paradise. Among the worst deeds he says. And this has to do with the nature of the masjid of the Prophet Salam at the time.
What was the message it made of in terms of the flooring? What was it
wasn't sand? No.
What was what was the flooring?
Small so like gravel, something like gravel, small stones of crushed stone. Okay. That's what it was. That's what it was. That's what they prayed on. So the prophesy says among the worst of the deeds of my own mother, I found is that sometimes people spit, right. So the Prophet says you find saliva in the masjid and it doesn't get covered, nor removes it.
So if we were to apply it in our massage today, it's kaput, you'll find something some some litter in the masjid, removing
the Prophet leaving it the problem says I found this among the worst of the deeds of by OMA
showing you the relevance, relevance between Islam and our daily life come to the masjid see something dirty here remove it, something that needs cleaning and I'll call her Sam.
May Allah reward herself May Allah reward Hassan to say I mean because he removes a lot of debt from domestic
law he does Okay. May Allah give him my wife
Robert next Hadith this highly distracted by Muslim fourth Hadith Allah the annual again from Abuja and the National Kalu Yara Sula, Allah the habit theory will draw your Soluna commando solidly were so Munna command assume Wait, so the owner before I'm worried him call our laser Kajal Kujala Komatsu gonna be in the colitis be hatin sadaqa Colita Kabira in South Africa Colita me that in South Africa. We're called literally letting sadaqa sadaqa when a human animal carry sadaqa we booked a hottie come sadaqa call ya rasool Allah. A Yeti had ownership water who were cooler who fee a German
caller our ATM la haffi haram akan Allah He was Psychedelica either seal halali Canada who a German our homeless at the Thor be thermophila Mwah ha
okay, this hadith
I'm going to translate it regardless the younger guys today they understand they they teach them that in school so they know it.
As some people came to the Prophet Solomon they said O Messenger of Allah rich people among us are getting all the rewards. Rich people are getting all the rewards
They pray as we pray. They fast as we fast, but they have much more money to give sadaqa right they have a lot of money, they give Saudi a couple you don't have this. They have a lot of surplus money, they can give sadaqa. So we we can't catch up with them. That's the point. You see what they were concerned about. We can't catch up with them. So they want something special from the Prophet salam to help them do something similar or get similar rewards. The Prophet SAW sent him says,
hasn't Allah giving you abundance in abundance, what you can actually pay from and give sadaqa from so they were puzzled like, so the problems Selim says, Could looters be each Subhanallah you say is sadaqa is like you're giving for the sake of Allah.
To Kabir Allahu Akbar sadaqa as if you're paying and give him giving out money for the sake of Allah hamdulillah ilaha illallah in joining the good in advising someone with good or stopping them from doing something bad is also sadaqa is a sadaqa.
And then the process is just to show the relevance that everything in life has to do with Islam. The problem is what you find among Muslims today, you do something you say something they say, Oh, this is not from Islam. This is this is science. It's not from Islam.
You know, this is the trap of secularism, Muslims have swallowed.
There's nothing in this life that is not relevant to Islam. Nothing. Nothing. You can't say this is a matter of no religion. This is a matter of religion.
You can't say this. Can you see history has nothing to do with Islam.
That's the that's the problem. You we have taken it out in the Middle Ages, when Europe had issues with Christianity. They made that separation. They made that separation.
Right. And the problem is that these days Muslims have swallowed this. You talk about something they say Oh, this is not from Islam, this just talk Quran and Sunnah. As if Subhan Allah the Quran and Sunnah. Don't talk about these. That's the problem. That's a wrong understanding of the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that's a wrong understanding. But people sometimes have a comfort zone. If you go out of it, then they're uncomfortable. And they think their personal judgment is enough evidence. But that's not.
So just to show you the relevance. The person said, subhanAllah Sada, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Akbar, sadaqa, then the person takes it a step further to show them even in your daily life, your daily things that you do the simple things that you do. You don't even think about them as an act of worship, but they actually you they have just like you're giving charity, they're just like you're doing something great. You're getting reward from Allah Subhana. Allah, the Prophet of Islam says, one of you approaches the wife intimately.
It's an act of sadaqa
you get reward for it.
You get reward for for it. So the comparison one of us fulfills that desire. We fulfilling our desire we can reward for it. The prophecy says, What if he fulfilled that desire in a haram way?
Would he be getting a sin? They said yes. He says similarly, when he does it the right way he gets reward.
Again, even what's between husband and wife,
you get reward. You get reward.
That's good news for some people.
Next Hadith Alchemist, again from Abu Dhabi,
of the Allahu Anhu called kala Li and the use of Allahu alayhi wa sallam let their own Amina roofie and wallow and teleca can be what genitally Muslim conducted by Muslim, the prophets of salaam told him to a Buddha. He said Don't ever be little, don't ever undermine the value, or the impact of any Marouf anything that is good. Anything that is good, and an act of goodness that's even if it means you meet your brother with a smiley face
with a smiley face. So what the Prophet SAW Salem is saying Don't Don't ever be literal don't ever undermine. Don't ever undermine anything. A simple thing could get you so much reward from Allah subhanaw taala. So don't undermine something just because you think it's not great. It's not important. It's not an issue. These simple things, as I said, could get you into paradise. Ignoring them could mean that you arrive on the Day of Judgment with not enough good deeds to make it to paradise. So don't build little small things. Don't believe some small things And subhanAllah this kind of issue is frowned upon. Is not the prophets of Salaam is described most of the time that he
had a smiley face. It's
might he meet people in that kind of fashion? That's he wouldn't, how he would meet people. And he will treat them well. But you'll find sometimes some people claim to be to be practicing. The sooner you're these people, you'll only see a frown on their face.
They only see a frown on their face. Where does this come from?
Where does this come from?
And even sometimes these people when you meet them, you feel compelled to explain yourself in their presence. You feel uncomfortable, like they give you the impression that you have to explain yourself somehow.
That's what is this? What is this?
The province of Salem was known to have this kind of bulk. His face was smiling most of the time. What does this come from? The province of Salaam, his sunnah is and his is spoken sunnah here as well is do not undermine do not belittle the value of any kind of, and there's a way the word here is used my roof, my roof as in goodness, what's my roof? What is the literal translation of model of those who know Arabic?
What's model of
Known? Something known? Maroof is not a mobile mouse right? In joining we say the good we don't so we don't say translate it in joining what's known right?
What does that mean? What is the word comes from?
Because what is good is known to every human being. Things that are common sense that humans agree upon are good.
These are automatically part of Islam.
Automatically part of Islam.
Like holding the door for the person next to you. Is that part of Islam? Absolutely part of Islam. Why? Because maruf is it known common sense is a good thing. It's a good thing, it becomes part and parcel of Islam automatically. in different places, you're gonna find some other things as well. And this part of how Islam accommodates local culture, the local culture,
Islam accommodates to this and this is one of the principles in ossola. And the whole structure of Islamic semi jurisprudence, which is called a lot of I will add, there's a great principle it's done that's called an Adam or haccombe. The the,
what is known and respected and accepted among
among the society. If it's ethically correct, then it's actually stem takes it into account straightaway becomes part of Islam straightaway becomes part of Islam.
And this is why this is why the Scholars, you will find something at one time It's haram than it at another time becomes Helen.
In one country, It's haram, another country it's halal. You say how come what's Halal is hollows Haram is haram. Yes, there are things that are haram wherever you go. There are things that are halal wherever you go. But there are things that pertain or that are contingent on the norms of the people. The norms of the people, for example,
here in the West among Muslims,
if you give a woman a Maha, when a man marries a woman, if you give her Mahalo $1,000 It's relatively good one or $2,000 it makes sense. It makes sense.
You go to another country, and you say, that's what we pay. I'm gonna pay this. I'm gonna pay this. Okay, so you got another country, but the average man out there is worth $20,000.
Can you say, Oh, you estimate what at the time of the Prophet Solomon the Mahal was someone works it out. They say this was gold, this value, and let's say it's worth $3,000 That's the matter. So he, so I'm gonna give this because that was at the time of the prophets Allah was in
that was at the time of the prophets of Salaam. But you go to a society where the average Muhammad is 20,000. We say no, you give what people give in that society. But the Prophet SAW Selim, it has nothing to do with that. This is what we call it off, is what we call a lot of, I'll give you something a clear example, wearing pants suits.
At some stage, no Muslim was wearing pants. These more than pants that we have, at some stage, maybe 200 years ago. No Muslim was wearing pants. Muslims were wearing their traditional clothes in their countries in the Arab world specific way in some Indian continent specific way in African countries specific way
In the far east pacific way, okay.
But wearing pants and shirts on suits, this was European traders. This is your European dress code. Right? At the beginning wearing that kind of suit was the ship buckle kuffaar if a Muslim was wearing a suit, it was resembling the non Muslims. Why? Because that's how the Muslims and non Muslims dress up. That's the dress code. It's not Muslims. So it was haram. And it was haram and the scholars said it was haram. Why? Because no Muslims dresses up like this. But later on, when it swept the Muslim countries now everywhere, wherever you go, you're gonna find the majority of the people 90% of the Muslims in their countries, they wear pants and shirts, right?
Is it still to Shabbat? Is it resembling the non Muslims? Is it no longer
it's no longer touchable
So 200 years ago was haram.
It was haram. Now is it haram
if it's not so tight and transparent, it's not haha. So the regular pants people wear that are relatively loose or okay.
So see something that was haram at some time.
It became halal, why because it became the majority now it's no longer to Shabbat. So we have to keep these things in mind. Again, the right issues, let's say in Arab countries,
well, unfortunately now this is changing unfortunately, if you were a necklace, as a man, this is for women right? And not only Muslim in Arabic and most Muslim countries, you wear a necklace is what
resembling women for men. A man cannot wear that right?
You go to a country where men and women wear necklace. Can you consider wearing a necklace for a man resembling woman?
It's not resembling women. It's not reasonably woman. It's not now don't ask me is halal or haram. I'm not talking about this, but I'm just talking about resemblance. So what I'm saying these things are important to pay attention to anyway, all of this was digression. Let's go back.
So the Prophet SAW Selim is saying in everything, there is a sadaqa there's a charity. There's a reward even approaching one's wife intimately. There is an act of charity and you're getting reward for it. Or sorry, the Hadith of the Hadith which is meeting your brother with a smile. Don't undermine the value of a good deed. Next Hadith, a satis and Ebihara Allah the Allahu Anhu called cada Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Kulu Sula, Amina Nasir Ali has sadaqa Kulu Yeoman typographie shims, that I did Albania Lithuania sadaqa were to Reno Raju la vida Betty Veta Amelia who la Alltel for Allah who la Matera who sadaqa while killing me to play Eva to sadaqa will be
calling me hot what's in them she in LA salatu sadaqa will meet on other and Teresa de como DEF CON LA.
This is similar to Hadith. But there is some addition here. The Prophet SAW Selim says every day you have sadaqa on each joint in your in your body. So the Prophet SAW Selim says you bring justice between two people or you bring agreement and settlements between two people have a dispute. That's an act of sadaqa.
So there's rewarding it, you will help someone trying to get on trying to ride their their animal, or you're trying to get on top of it, but they're unable. So you give them a hand you push them give them push, you get them there. That's sadaqa are they trying to load something in their car, let's say and they find it difficult. You give them a hand. That's a sadaqa.
And the good word is a sadaqa. You see someone you say whatever you say good morning.
Say Salaam Alaikum. Hello, are you today? You look great today. It's an act of sadaqa. You can agree with as simple as that. As simple as saying to someone. Oh, what a beautiful day. Nice to meet you. Nice to see you. That's reward. It doesn't even occur to us. This is an act of charity. That this is actually you're getting reward for each word you say that? You say you see someone oh what a nice haircut.
Or what a nice shirt.
It's as simple as that. As simple as that someone did some good job. It's Oh what a good job. That's beautiful. Or you've done that beautifully.
This is an act of charity actually you're getting reward from from from Allah subhanaw taala for that. The problem is we don't want to we don't want to invest in this. We don't want to invest in this. But this is an open field. Don't forget the name of this chapter is what the abundance of the ways to goodness someone says I can only get reward from salah I can only get reward from fasting I can only get reward from restarting Quran. I can only get reward when I give Dawa. no no this is what
Wherever you go, any place you're in, whoever you're dealing with, there is opportunities for you to do a lot of good and get a lot of reward without expending so much effort. So straight, it's the good, you know, opportunities to get reward are at your doorstep, all you have to do is just have a sense of mission that my life is all about. Getting reward and getting closer to Allah, doing things for Allah, you know, those like video games, when you play, you have some things that you pick up along the way. Okay, you have some spare lives on so on and so forth and credits. You just all you have to go just walk through them, right? And you get them automatically collect them. That's
Imagine yourself in life going through this life. Whatever opportunity you see, there is just as an opportunity to reward you see some people there, say, I'm going to say Salaam Alaikum. Oh, good, good morning. And there's a few credits that I'm just walking through on collecting along my way. See that way. And with the game, you have a score, right? You have to look at that. But at the end of the day, say how much credit how I got today from simple things. How many smiles have I given how many nice words I've said to people, how many people that I've given the hand, very simple thing, how many people they're trying to get in the, into the street onto the road from from a side road,
and they want to get into the main street, I allow them in reward, how much have I gotten all of these from all of these how much
it's a sense of mission, have I collected collected enough enough reward today or not?
It's as simple as that.
So the Prophet of Islam says, So you find someone trying to ride their riding animal, you give them a hand, or they're trying to load something on it, you help them. And the good word is sadaqa. And each step you take to the salah to the masjid is sadaqa each step you make each step you make, and you remove anything harmful from people's way is also an act of sadaqa.
So you know, what this hadith shows us
is that
Islam offers you an open opportunity in your daily life, everything, you could turn it into an act of worship almost everything, as I said, as as simple as your relationship with your wife, as simple as your relationship with your kids, you could use you could see your kids as a burden that you have to provide for, and you have to put up, you know, with all the noise and the trouble that they make, you could just look at it that way. And you're just getting by in life.
Okay, and you're struggling, you could see it this way, it's perspective. You might say I'm struggling, there's so many demands, my kids have so many demands, I have to buy them clothes, I have to buy them food, they eat a lot. And by the way, kids eat a lot. So you go get the groceries, two days later, the fridge is empty, you have to go again. Okay, you see this is a burden, I have to get more than putting in so much trouble under so much pressure, they make so much noise, I have to buy them clothes, they have to go to school, I have to go take them to this club, they have to get in this activity has driving this way and do this. Some of you see it as a burden. And wife is
telling, you know, give me this give me some milk me. It says too much, right? You could look at it this way. And you're just going through the motions and experiencing difficulty. But you can look at it from a completely different perspective. And you say Allah has brought these people into my life. So I can provide for them, I can get so much reward.
This child is dependent on me for the physical welfare and their emotional welfare.
They want milk, that's an opportunity, I go and buy something. And that's written for me. I'm going to find it on the Day of Judgment.
So you're going to see your kids as a blessing.
They're just an open way for you to simply get so much reward. So do it as an act of newness to Allah. So I'm taking care of this child. It's an investment with Allah subhanaw taala it's a trust Allah, Allah has given me I'm going to take good care of them for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala wife. You know what, sometimes women get emotional. Oftentimes they get emotional, right? Sometimes you have a misunderstanding, they see things differently. You might have no trouble figuring out what they mean what they want and so on and so forth. Having patience, sometimes wife could have a temper. Sometimes she could do things that upset their husband, right? You have patients with that
you say, you say to yourself, This is okay. This is an opportunity for me to be patient with this person for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala because this is what life is about. It's a test. I'm going to be paid and we're going to take good care of her.
I'm going to take good care of her for the sake of a
Last month, so you don't have to get out of your way and get so much reward. Wherever you go, you're gonna find it. Even as simple as holding back your harm.
You know, beloved, if you try to escape away from reward, try to go through one day without reward. By the way, this call, they call this reverse psychology. They say sometimes if you can't go to sleep, you know, the more you try to go to sleep,
the less likely you are actually to fall asleep. So they say, say to yourself, I actually don't want to sleep today, I want to stay up
and actually get out of bed and try to read something, try to do something, do some work, you find yourself sleepy.
And that's the time you go to sleep you actually fall asleep. So if you just say to yourself,
try to go through a day without getting one reward one single word.
Try to you can't.
You can't try to go through one day without getting reward at all. You'll be surprised that reward is chasing you from every angle is just changing perspective. Try to escape reward through one day so I'm not going to get any reward from Allah I don't want to get any reward from Allah today. I'm going to go through it this way. And try to go through the day I'm telling you, you're going to run away from so many things, you will run away from so many things because you will find this rewarding almost everything
again, so reward is is there I just remembered Hadith from the Prophet SAW Selim authentic hadith
that if a person runs away from their provision from the risk
is going to catch up with them even if they hide in the most difficult places.
Once written is written, but it's just this kind of reverse perspective helps you see how reward is abundant so if you try to go through a day without reward, you will be surprised that reward is is ambushing you is lying in wait for you everywhere and it's going to catch up on you. It's going to catch up on you.
Okay next Hadith
and hope from overall the
call and maybe some call Monica ill must be the overall ha de la hula hula Jannetty New Zealand Kula Mercado la Mota con la Li. Anytime you go to the masjid you come back Allah prepares for you a place and food engine. That means you're gonna get hit later on. When you go to Jana, you're gonna get it for each time you go to the masjid or come back.
Another Hadith following Hadith again, all of these are collected by Bukhari Muslim
ala Rasulillah Salam Yanni satin Muslim at that table now, I would like to turn Nigella to neutrality when I will fall son, well first inertia
the process of saying to women addressing women he says do not belittle the value of any good that you can do.
Do for your your neighbor,
your neighbor, even if it's lending her something as simple as a piece of metal,
a piece of metal you lend it to your neighbor because she needs it. Okay? Do not belittle the value of that reward from Allah subhanaw taala there is reward. So that shows you know your daily dealings are all opportunities to get reward. Simple as that. You put on your dress, your thumb, your shirts, your pants, you put them on.
You just said hamdulillah hamdulillah for this reward from the mosque.
And automatically by the way, just talking about the husband who provides for kids that for wife. The Prophet SAW Selim says he had to Lokomat Allah if he's identical, like can we have sadaqa even the food that you feed to your wife your kids you're getting rewarded automatically getting reward from Allah subhanaw taala
Okay, I want to get to this hadith before we move on
before we finish up Asher and what another sort of Lysol Salam Kobina module and EMC bid Are you finished the original approach awarded the bid one finance and a fee for sharing from mahalo Jaffa Elbonian has yet could have thought I'm in a rush for kind of module development. Look at Bella huddle. Caribou middle, mushy middle lady can afford the Bella Remini financial la familia who for whom and for mamsa who before he had locked the circle Kalba Sasha Corolla hula hoop, Alana who Pouya rasool Allah in Luna I feel behind me agilon For call us equally Kebede in a lot but in June whatever ordinary theory why to know Buhari for shackled Allahu Allahu Allah for Allah who for ad
holla halogen Wolfie rewired in the Houma Bay in California T foo be rocky yet in that cat they actually will attach a Rajkumari human DARIAH Bani Israel, Vanessa at more
Haha, stuck Oklahoma here for supper tufa goofy Rolla B he play.
This hadith is a man
he was thirsty. He was on a journey. He finds a well he goes into the well he drinks. He gets out of the well he sees a thirsty dog that's about to die of thirst.
So he says, you know, this dog is just as thirsty as I was. He goes back into the well. He takes off his leather shocks, he fills it up with water, he holds it in his teeth. He climbs back out of the well, and he offers the dog water,
the dog drinks. And the Prophet SAW Selim says
Allah was thankful to this man for giving providing water to the dog. Allah was thankful to this man so Allah forgave him. So the Companions heard the story. They said to the Prophet SAW Salem, we're gonna get a reward by you know, doing good to animals, like we thought doing good was only two people, right? We're gonna get rewarded by being good to animals. The Prophet SAW Selim says, in every living creature, there is reward, every living creature, every living creature, there is reward from Allah subhanaw taala. There is reward from Allah subhanho wa taala. This way, one day the Prophet SAW Selim saw a bird hovering around them above them
the processor and figured out because that's from his environment, he knows what that means. He says, When fajr I heard he be what are the he says, who took the little baby of this bird?
Who took it. One of the companions had taken
him and said it was me problems has given back to
give you back to the person who saw a camel and the camel came to the Prophet SAW Salem near the province of Salem, and was making some noise Salam recognized it was the noise of pain.
So he says, who's the owner of this camo.
Man says that was me. He says, The camel is telling me that you will make it thirsty, and you starve it. And you beat it and you overwork it. He says we are supposed to have mercy to these animals.
These are not fairy tales. This is not something that we read in a book, then go about in our daily life, doing business as usual. That's what Islam is. That's what Islam is.
You know, you know the ones. We get upset when people I'm going to stop here.
We get upset with people talking bad about Islam. We get upset about people distorting Islam. But we don't see how much we do it it is to distort Islam ourselves. We ourselves distort Islam, not in the way only in the way we speak or the way we teach Islam. But even the way we practice Islam, we don't see that these things are part and parcel of Islam. We don't see that these things even have a value. We don't see that these things have a value.
real serious. We don't take them seriously. We think these are just simple random things. They're not significant. These are the things that enter people into paradise. These are the things that enter people into paradise. This is how simple and straightforward Islam is this how human Islam is. This how easy it is to practice Islam, but we like to make it very technical. We like to make it very technical, and we'll make it hard for people.
The Prophet SAW Salem when he said act federal minute Hello nurse and Jana personal HELOC. The thing that makes the number one thing the number one factor that gets people into paradise is what good character good manners. Good manners, good speech, good treatment, justice, kindness, forgiveness, respect. That's what gets people into paradise. Number one, the President didn't say salah. He didn't say sleep. He didn't say anything else. He didn't talk about any acts of worship. But he said good character is the number one factor in getting people to paradise. Yet that's the the number one thing that we neglect and like to neglect. We like to make Islam very technical.
You know why? Because it's easy. It's easy to monopolize when we make it technical. It's easy to monopolize.
That's mine. I've learned you have not learned it's our group. It's not your group. It's our country. It's not your country. It's what we do, not what you guys do. That's the problem. So Allah Schiff has done a media. I remember reading in a couple of times he mentioned this he says how often you find among the common Fox among Muslims, people you don't see any sign of religiosity and then these people have more Iman in the heart than among the the people who seem to be very religious, and who are known to all people as religious and and
so we shouldn't forget that that's what Islam is. We shouldn't complicate it. We shouldn't make it make it hard. And I'm saying this I'm saying this and I'm bitterly I'm not I'm not happy about it, but I'm not saying I'm free from it. Most likely I'm guilty vegan because we are part of our environment. We swallow things and, and adopt them from environment even unconsciously. What I'm saying is that you find Muslims
even among Muslims aren't saying among even non Muslims but even among themselves, if our Muslims who try to they try hard to pray the five daily prayers and sometimes in the masjid, they try to dress up in a traditional way and they worry about small details right. But when it comes to their mannerism, you see the worst.
You see the worst.
You see the worst you find some Muslims. They like to see this haram that's the happy the happy just to find something and make it haram right. And they they reprimand people and tell them off. That's haram what you're wearing is haram without them even knowing if it's haram or not. Okay. They don't realize that they are committing one of the worst since you talk about Allah with that knowledge. You know, Imam Muhammad Imam Shafi something in their books. They don't usually say It's haram and halal and they asked about something you know what you're gonna find them say
about something they don't say It's haram they say a craft whoo hoo. I hate it. I dislike it.
They don't say even haram. So when they were Imam Muhammad was asked about this he says Who am I to say about something haram? Because I feared the verse where Allah says well letter only matters if one sinner to communicate the Bihar the halal waha the Haram only after while Allah and diverse Wallace manga says do not speak from yourself and say something this is halal. And this is haram speaking from yourselves you are lying against Allah.
So this person is telling people you know what you're wearing is haram. I mean, even if it's Haram is not going to be a bad thing. By the way, it's not really bad. It's going to be okay. A simple sin, but you have just committed a major sin. You've just committed a grave sin by saying about something you don't know you saying It's haram.
That's the problem.
And again, the scholars specifically shifted Islam talked about this and he said, he said
the Hareem will halali A should do in the law him into Halal haram. He says something Helen you make it haram that's worse with Allah than something haram you'll make it halal.
Something haram you say about it, it's halal, that it's bad. It's bad enough. But it's still it's less than coming to something halal. And you say about it. It's haram. We have an impression that the most religious among us is the one who gets the biggest number of things labeled haram.
If everything is how long for someone who is very religious, right? Who said that? And then even to me it says because with Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says you read Allah who become Olusola you read you become universal. And the last McCarthyism Khalifa codici Nara mateesah Because he says with Allah subhanaw taala you're gonna find Allah prefers ease over hardship. So even though someone is making haram, haram, making it halal, at least at least he's in line with this principle, but someone who's making something haram he's making it halal, he's going against this principle as well. So these are serious things that we have no understanding and our approach to Islam. So my
practical advice would be for myself and for you to myself and to us well, it's actually looking at every interaction in your life, every incident every encounter in your life as an opportunity to get reward from Allah subhanaw taala and try to go through one day in your life without getting a reward. I'm telling you, you will see how difficult it is and you will start to see how many opportunities to gain reward there are in our daily life.
So again, I might carry on next week with the same line of Hadith or I might go back to the lives of the righteous people of the early times so I haven't made a decision yet but inshallah we will get to know next week does not gonna lie on we only have time for the adult answer lunch Allah Subhanallah Kalam for him because you're gonna learn to break. Does that going to love it?