Morad Awad – Our Father Adam AS Children’s Story Time
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The conversation discusses the creation of Adam Alayholder and the use of his name as a blissful creator. It also touches on the use of words like "bringing on" to describe the creation of Adam Alayholder and the importance of learning the prophets and sharing pictures of them on social media. The segment also touches on Jesus's death at Jana's death and Adam Alay's choice to go back to his original home.
AI: Summary ©
Salam alaykum. Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Smilla rahmanir rahim.
We start with the name of Allah. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala
to teach us and to give us knowledge, because knowledge is
the greatest thing. Allah subhanho wa Taala can give someone. And
we're going to find out why today in sha Allah with the first story
of the series, the story of our father, Adam alayhis. Salam, our
father, yes, you have a father, and I have a father, but the
father of all people in the world is one person, the great, great,
great, great, great grandfather of everyone is who Adam Alayhis
Salam, and the mother of everyone is Hawa she's the great, great,
great, great, great, great grandmother of everyone on Earth.
Everyone. Yeah, your teacher, your friends, everyone. We all came
from Adam Alayhis Salam. But before we talk about Adam Alayhis
Salam, we want to talk about Allah subhanho wa taala, the creator
before there was anything before this whole world, before the skies
before the stars before the universe.
Only Allah subhanho wa Taala was there. And Allah subhanho wa Taala
told the pen to write, to write everything that is going to happen
from then until the day of judgment. And it wrote everything
by the will of Allah subhana wa Tada.
And then Allah subhanho wa Taala
we see created jana na, Allah subhanaw taala created
mankind and before us angels
and before us even gin, the gin Yeah, can we see June? No. But
there are other beings that Allah subhanho wa Taala created.
And the jinn, some of them were good and some of them were bad.
So when Allah Subhana Allah, Allah created Adam Alayhis Salam, He
created him from what?
I can't hear you because you're inside the screen. But you should
have said
dirt or mud. Allah subhanho wa Taala created all of us from this
from mud because we all come from Adam, and he was created from mud.
That doesn't mean we're all dirty. That's not That's not right. But
we were all created from this mud. And then when Allah subhanho wa
Taala made Adam and shaped Adam and gave him every body part. Then
Allah subhanho wa Taala
blew the soul in Adam Alayhis Salam.
And when Allah subhanho wa Taala blew the soul into Edom, he told
all of the angels and amongst the angels, there was only one gin,
his name was a bliss.
didn't like Adam.
He saw him as someone that was less than him. And he didn't want
to prostrate to Adam. So when Allah told everyone to prostrate
to Adam, they all did because they were obedient. Of course can the
angels not listen to Allah? No Nyah, Soon Allah Omraam angels do
everything Allah asked them and inshallah we do too because we're
Muslim in and we want to be like the angels in submission and in
obedience to Allah, right?
So they all prostrated to Adam, except for a bliss.
A bliss was not the nicest guy he had something in his heart towards
Adam. He said,
God, I don't want to prostrate to Adam.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala told him why aren't you prostrating
when I when I ordered you to?
He said, I'm better than him. I'm created from fire and that's what
jinn are made from by the way, and he's created from dirt, so I'm
better than him.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala told him, You must leave Jana and I
will kick you out of My mercy because of your arrogance,
arrogance. That is the worst thing someone can have. Yup. Arrogance.
You know what arrogance is. Arrogance is when someone thinks
they're better than someone else for nothing for no reason. Oh, I'm
better than you. I'm smarter than you. Oh, I want something and I
don't want my brother to have it or my sister to have it. Oh, I
don't care about them. Don't be like this because it bliss was
like this. And because of this, he was kicked out of paradise. Jana,
and was our father Adam and Jana? Yes, he was in Jannah. And Allah
subhanaw taala told him, you can eat from all of Jana. Jana was so
beautiful. It had so many fruits, and so many rivers and lakes, and
you can drink from any of them. Subhanallah Adam was allowed to
drink from any of these lakes and eat from any of the trees, except
for one tree. Just one.
And guess which one Adam Ali's one to eat from?
See bliss was still there. And he was able to whisper to Adam.
So once IBLEES was kicked out,
he was on his way out. And he told Adam Hey, Adam,
should I
teach you have a tree or guide you or show you a tree? That if you
eat from it, you will be in Jannah? Forever? Adam Harrison.
Yeah. You have a vast kingdom bigger than anything you've ever
seen. He said, Okay, show me. And Adam Alayhis Salam forgot that
Allah subhanaw taala told him that he can't eat from that tree. So he
went, and he saw this tree. And he grabbed the fruit and he ate it.
And then he remembered, oh, I forgot. This is the one my Lord
told me not to eat from.
And then he started grabbing the leaves of the tree and covering
himself. And so did our mother Hawa, who was created. She was
Adam Alayhis Salam, his wife and she's our mother. She was with
Adam and they both ate from the street. And Subhan Allah. What a
sad time it was. That's when Adam Eileen Salam, our great great,
great grandfather first disobeyed Allah. But he forgot.
So then he said, Oh my Lord, forgive me. I forgot. And Allah
subhanaw taala forgave him. He taught him words Make that
in sha Allah. We're going to learn later on in the stories.
Allah subhanaw taala taught him this diet, and he made it and
Allah forgave him. But then he was sent to this dunya what is the
dunya to me is this earth that we live on? Is Big Earth that we live
on, but it's nothing compared to Janna, our original home and where
we come from is Jana. That's where we're coming. That's where we come
from. And that's where we all want to go back to. We all want to go
back to Jana. But we can only do that. If we show Allah subhanaw
taala that we are obedient and we do listen to him. We listen to our
parents, we pray when we have to pray. We give sadaqa we give
charity, we we do good deeds, we help others out. We're not mean to
our siblings to our friends, we're not greedy. That's what we have to
do in this dunya so that when we die, Allah subhanaw taala will let
us go back to our original home Jana, we ask Allah subhanaw taala
for all of us to go to join me.
So after Adam ally Sam came to this dunya obviously this earth
was pretty tough. wasn't an easy place to live in. You know why?
Because it's not as beautiful as Jana. After seeing Jana. Every
everything just seemed less because Jen has the most beautiful
thing your eyes can imagine. Or your mind can
Imagine your eyes, never seen anything like it, and we'll never
see anything like it. It's Jana. And the only way to go back is to
be a good Muslim. And that's what we have to try to be in the slope.
So Adam Alayhis Salam was sent to this dunya. But guess who else is
It believes
a bliss is not a good person. A bliss just wants Adam to go to
hellfire. He doesn't want Adam to go to Jana. And he's very
spiteful. says, I'm going to hellfire because I disobeyed
Allah. So I want them to go to hellfire with me in I'm going to
take him and all of his kids and his great kid great grandkids and
his great great grandkids all the way until the day of judgment. And
I'm going to try my best to make them go to the hellfire. And the
way to do that, and this is his strategy to make us all disobey
Allah. So what do we have to do? To stay away from Bliss?
What we have to do is we have to be righteous, we have to learn the
Quran, we have to make dua, or protect us from a bliss and his
plots. Every time we get angry, a belief starts telling us bad
things to do. Every time we're playing a bliss tries to tell us,
hey, don't share your toys. Don't do this. Be Greedy. Hit your
brother, hit your sister, be mean to your friend, disrespect your
teacher, that's all a bliss. That's what a Police wants us to
do. But so we can go to Jana, we have to be good. We have to prove
to Allah that we deserve to go back to Jana. And that's our home.
So we have to be righteous, we have to be kind, we have to be
good to our brothers and sisters, and to our parents. And guess
where Jana is closest to Jana is closest to your mother. If you're
nice to your mother, that is the fastest way to go to Jana. Because
your mother and father, when they're happy with you than Allah
is happy with you. And if Allah is happy with you, he's going to make
your whole life good. And he's going to make you happy. Trust me
on that. This is the short story of Adam Alayhis Salam, of course,
there's a lot more things to say about add them on a system. But
what I want you to do is, I'm going to leave you with some
homework. Next time, we're going to have this class, I want you to
tune in, we're here for five days a week, we're telling you stories
about the prophets today is Edomite. A setup. So as homework,
and this is what I want you to do at home, I want you to draw a
picture of a nice tree. And you can be very creative. Draw a
picture of a big tree with someone under this tree. Okay, and you can
get leaves from your backyard, you can design it, you can color it.
And what I want you to do with it, is take a picture of it, and have
your parents posted on Facebook on the epic page and share it with me
so I can see it. And next time in sha Allah, what I want to do is I
want to show all of you the best, most creative picture that was
sent in Sharla. So that's your homework. So you can go ahead
right now, and start drawing this picture and coloring it and know
that a lot of kids are going to be drunk pictures. So make sure that
yours is the nicest, and make sure that you post it and share it with
the epic Facebook page and Shala because I'm going to be looking at
it. I'm going to be looking for the nicest picture. So that's your
homework, and every session is going to have homework. So prepare
yourself and lift your sleeves up because it's going to be a fun
ride with the Stories of the Prophets in sha Allah to Allah
does that Kamala hair and Santa Monica Warahmatullah wabarakatuh
make sure you say I consider