Mohammed Mana – Breeze of Mercy July 12, 2017

Mohammed Mana
AI: Summary ©
The importance of being aware of the Prophet sallua culture and avoiding negative language and nickc respectful names is emphasized. The importance of being careful with references to people, especially mental health, and finding a good name for one's character to avoid wasting time and effort. The importance of praying for health and strength, being aware of one's abilities and character traits, and avoiding extreme conditions such as seizures and epilepsy. The segment also touches on the importance of avoiding extreme conditions and finding a way to alleviate problems.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa salatu wa salam O Allah member, a Salam attendee let me know Allah Allah He was lucky to be here Jemaine long limbed Ma and feronia one Furby marry Lim Tana was the dinner in

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a llama in Naruto became in illumi lay in fact, woman called me lakeisha.

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We begin by thanking and praising Allah subhanho wa Tada.

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And we asked him to shower Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his beloved messenger with Peace and mercy and salutations, and his family and his companions and all those who follow his sadhana, his tradition, until the end of time. We ask a lot of teachers that which benefits us and to allow us to benefit from that which he has taught us. We ask Allah to increase us in beneficial knowledge. We ask Allah to protect us from information which does not benefit, which does not bring us closer to him.

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Welcome back, everyone. I'm Gabriella. After a short break of the month of Ramadan, may Allah accept from all of you. And hopefully all of you had an enjoyable indeed, with your family or with your friends.

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May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to witness many more animal buns to come. May Allah give us the strength to improve each year.

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And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be of those who witness Laila to cuddle

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this past month and in the along the lines to come. I mean,

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before we had stopped or paused the week before Ramadan, we had concluded a section Actually,

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we had concluded a section, which was the second

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section of the book. And

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in that last class, we had kind of taken a quick overview of the chapters that we are going through, we had gone over the first section, which was the importance

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of being acquainted with the dealings of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, and why they are important. And then we had gone over the section of

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those that are close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we began with his family. We talked about his children, we talked about his grandchildren, we talked about his extended relatives.

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We then talked about the

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dealings of the prophets of Allah hydrocele them with his close companions.

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We talked about how he dealt with his neighbors with his guests, how he dealt with people that invited him as a guest, etc.

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So that was all the the Chapter The second section, which was, the prophet SAW Selim, his dealings with those around him and close to him on a regular basis. And today, actually, we're going to start the third section, which is the dealings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with specific categories in the society or in the community,

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groups of people that have a specific characteristic or, or something special about them that that stands out.

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So we're going to start with the first one

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with the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam his dealings

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with people who had special needs,

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whether that be due to what is commonly referred to as disabilities. And on that note, actually,

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in Arabic, they say that we had,

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which means those that have certain unique needs. And in English, we say people that have disabilities or special needs.

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And the first thing that needs to be mentioned, is to be careful about our choice of words, when speaking to or about, or in the presence of such individuals from our community.

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So for example, I'll give you an example. There are some words that are that were commonly used in the past, they're still kind of used till today, and they're considered insensitive, or people that are in fact having these special needs or these disabilities they find they may find them offensive or they may hurt their feelings. So for example, it's

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It's not customary, it's no longer socially acceptable to use the word handicap, for example, that has a negative connotation now.

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Or to say, for example, that

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somebody is,

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you know, a word that is often used when referring to people that have certain mental health

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issues is that they are *, for example, this is a very, is a word that has a very negative connotation. And it used to be used a lot in the past.

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But actually, for the better, we we kind of stopped using that word.

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And so we should be sensitive because the Prophet sallallahu said, I mean, this is something we actually did speak about before, is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was very careful with his choice of words. And he used to always be cautious, not to hurt anyone's feelings. And he would speak to people differently based on their circumstances, so that they would feel comfortable, he had a way of making people feel comfortable, when they were in his presence, or they hustled out to a setup. So part of that is, and this is a general category.

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So we're gonna we were just talking about this before salon right now, briefly with one of the brothers is a general category of addressing people the prophet SAW, Selim commanded us to address people we have been SMS in a him that call people by the most beloved names to them,

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what what they choose?

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So so a lot of times, we may, you know, give a person a certain nickname, you know, I may be friends with Ali, so I give him a nickname. But you know what, maybe he doesn't like it. He doesn't like that nickname. So then it might hurt his feelings. Or it may be he doesn't mind if I use that nickname when we are, you know, in the privacy of our home or with our close friends or family. But then I come in front of the masjid or I come in front of the a large audience and I refer to him by that nickname, that might be something that he doesn't like, for example, I'm just making them. So we have been Esma. A lay him refer to people by the most beloved names to them.

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And actually, it's very common for people to have multiple names. So people would have their given name, they would have, for example, a nickname based on a description sometimes that they had, or they would have the name of Father of,

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you know, dot, dot, dot would be one of their children or mother of, and then the name of one of their children, for example.

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So people have different names, or they have their family name, where they have a middle name, etc. Some people may adopt a new name, they may choose that. So they don't want to be referred to by their old name. I had this experience myself. Many years ago, there was a brother. And I didn't, I didn't pay attention, I used to refer to him by a previous name that he had, and he had chosen for himself a new name. And so one time I referred to him in a gathering by his, you know, old name, and he got very offended. And this hurt his feelings. And then for a long time, he didn't want to talk to me. I didn't even know the reason then later on. He said, Hey, you know, that thing that really

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bothered me? I didn't know I'm sorry. You know, and then you got to be careful to always refer to people by what is pleasing to them. So that's, I take that as a general principle. So then that applies here as well. I mean, if there's a certain description if a person has some kind of disability, or some kind of special need, you know, and they don't want to be referred to in a particular way, we should stay away from that. Stay away from anything that hurts people's feelings. That's a general rule. I know it sounds very common sense.

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Sounds very simple. But somehow you find that although it is so simple and straightforward, a lot of times we forget these things. And people may not always tell you outright, that hey, this is something that offended me. Actually, more often than not, they will stay quiet. They won't comment, but that might affect how they perceive you. That might affect you know them coming to the masjid, for example. So let us always be sensitive and careful when referring to people, whether it's by their name, or by their condition, or description, or whatever, let it be something that they approve of and that they choose and that is beloved to them. That's the Sunnah of the Prophet, so I

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sent him The only time the only time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would take the liberty to assign a new name to someone is if their current name

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carried within it a meaning that was offensive to a lot. That's the only time so for example, there was a name integer here, people used to have it. In the pre Islamic era people used to have a name for example.

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Duchamp's the slave of the sun, for example. That's not an appropriate name. That's offensive to a lot because we are, we should be Abdullah, Abdullah man, we should be servants of Allah or of any of the names of Allah. So this was a, this is an example of a time when the prophets I send them took that initiative. And he said, you know, no, have this name. Another time was with the naming of a child before they were actually named. So I'd even thought about all the Allahu Allah and who a cousin of the prophet SAW Selim and the son in law,

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the husband felt the mother, daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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when he was about to have a son, he wanted to name him help.

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You wanted to name him help,

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which means, you know, war battle. And, you know, it was a common name at that time, it was a common name is that the the the Arabs at that time they consider this something praiseworthy something means a sign of strength. And this will be, you know, strength and chivalry and courage, whatnot, etc. But the prophet SAW sent him said, No, don't give him this. name him a lesson.

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You know, and then I'd even Have you thought about a second son. He also wanted to give him, you know, a tough name, like Bob said, No, name him. And he was saying, you know, and Hassan Hussein, they both come from the root word of something that is good, something that is pure, that is beautiful.

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So here, the props I sent him took the liberty to suggest a better name an alternative. And that is one of the rights of parents over children is that they choose for them a name that has a good meaning.

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Sorry, what did I said the opposite rights of the children over the parents help Allah, Allah, while he have the rights of the child is that the parent chooses for this child that good name, because they're not going to choose a name for themselves at that time, they don't have that ability, which one of you chose your name when you were born? None of us. It was something assigned to us.

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And that's actually if we can take a tangent. So Pamela, just earlier today, I got a message

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around, I didn't mean to bring this up. Just earlier this afternoon, somebody sent a message. They said, Oh, somebody had a child. And they want to give them a particular name. You know, without mentioning what the name is, they wanted to give them a particular name. And I had never heard of this name before. They said, What is this name mean? I said, Man, beats me. I don't know what it means. And so, you know, we were on a group and some people started looking it up until they came up with the definition of of what this word means. And I had never learned this word. I don't know it's an Arabic word. I never heard it before.

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So what I want to point out here is a lot of times, and this is a trend is parents will like to think of the most exotic name, the most unique name for their child. And that's not from the son of the Prophet. So I said, No.

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If it has a good meaning for me, how am I okay, fine.

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But it shouldn't be sought after just because it's exotic, or just because it's unique. Or sometimes a person, you know, to a couple will be squabbling wife wants to name her son, Yusuf husband says, No, no, there's too many use of surround, okay, what you need, they have a monopoly on the name, inshallah, there's a million more, what's the problem? You know, there's nothing wrong with that. So, it's fine to to, to, you know, be a little bit creative and search for a name that has a good meaning. But we shouldn't search for something that is exotic or strange, because there might be other meanings that we're not aware of, you know, or there might be a certain spelling that could

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resemble another name and other language we don't know about ends up being something not good. So it's better to stick with something that is, that is has a good meaning and is and is easy, you know, is simple, and not to get too exotic. That's not the son of the Prophet lesson. And the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim is to choose a name that has a good meaning. And the out of they have a proverb.

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Perhaps there is a saying in other cultures and languages as well, they say kulula, who minnis mahina asleep. They say that everybody takes a share of their name,

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meaning of the meaning of their name.

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And this is not a rule. This is not a rule across the board. But it's it's a trend that sometimes you see. So for example, for example, you'll see someone that is named derma, for example, and their parents named them Mr. You know, after Mr. Rob, you know, be you know, to continue the legacy of that companion. And Omar was known for strength of character, and strength of personality or model is not someone that you mess with, you know, he was a he was a strong willed person, his strong personality. And so you find this person also has such a personality as well.

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They have some elements of that of those character traits as well. Well, no, I'm not every time sometimes you can find their own. It's very soft and soft, soft spoken and gentle. It's possible. But, you know, we have some examples of that shala but, uh, sometimes it happens sometimes you notice that a person has some traits from the name of the person they're named after. So as, as parents, and as future parents and as grandparents and whatnot, try to seek those honorable personalities that you would like your child to embody their, their traits and their character traits. What Allahu Adam anyways, all of that was a long tangent, to say that we're talking about

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the prophets, I send them dealing with people that have certain disabilities or certain special needs. So be sensitive, and be careful how we speak about that in their, in their presence. You know, I was listening to a podcast recently, and they were interviewing a Muslim brother who was blind. And, and, and they were using the word sight. Even though there's someone there are people that cannot see but they use the word sight, you know, to have a positive connotation. And someone on one of the interviewers kept on using the word handicapped, and he kept on stopping him and he said, Hey, stop using that word. We don't use that word anymore. That's not nice. So it's good to

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stay aware and and to

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address people by what is comfortable to them. Leave for kind of sort of longer, it was me, to whom Allah sabeti or you be sure to whom bilgin

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First of all, first of all,

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let us keep in mind that all of the different faculties and blessings that we have are indeed gifts and blessings from Allah subhanaw taala Niermann that we will be asked about, Allah says in the Quran were introduced to law he later saw her in inside Allah for lumen gaffar. Allah says in Surah Ibrahim, verse number 34, that if you were to attempt to count the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala, you would not be able to enumerate them.

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And Allah says insan, the human being one of the negative characteristics that is common amongst human beings, that a lot of firms here that we should be careful about is that the incident is Elune, meaning they do a lot of wrongdoing. gefallen kuffaar means they are

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insistent upon being ungrateful. Go for in Arabic, literally, one of the meanings of go for other than disbelief. One of the meanings in Arabic is one of the meanings in the Koran is lack of gratitude, for kafala to be an Roman law.

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So one of the meanings is lack of gratitude. So a lot of firms that, hey, a lot of human beings are wrongdoing, and they're not grateful. So this means we have to be careful if we find ourselves having that kind of knee jerk reaction being wrong wrongdoing, whether to ourselves or others or being ungrateful. That's something we got to press on the brakes about, Hey, remember near matola, the blessings of Allah are so vast, we should be grateful.

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And unfortunately, unfortunately, you know, there is a saying also an Arabic Lady for near Mata lemon, if that person only recognizes a blessing when they lose it.

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And that's really sad. And we don't want to be amongst those people. A lot of times people will not recognize that they had a certain blessing until they lose it.

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And then when it goes away, they say, oh, Subhana Allah. You know, I remember one of our teachers, he had a knee injury.

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He had an accident, his knee was injured. So for several months, he was praying on a chair. And Subhanallah you know, I never heard anyone say this, and I started thinking about it. He said, I could not believe how much I missed the feeling of making some

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kind of law, you know, something that you wouldn't really think about, it's like, oh, no big deal. Oh, you're hurt. Okay, piano chair? No problem. I know you can bring a chair. That's fine. Well, we're talking about the experience, that the sweetness of it, you know, something we may take for granted. You know, those of us that are able to pray standing up and we're making sujood fine. You know, we don't have any back injuries. hamdulillah May Allah grant you all health and strength. But to hear that it was shocking. It's something so small, there was a brother in Medina. He was I forget the name of the condition. Is it is it quadriplegic, when there's anyways there was a

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condition where there's a paralysis of much of the body. So he cannot move his his arms or his limbs. They asked him you know,

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you know, what is something that you really miss? He said, I missed the feeling of flipping the page of almost half with my fingers. I want to read Quran and I want to touch it with my hand and flip the page. You know, something so small, so small like you and I who don't have that condition. We do

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Think of something like that. I mean, I know I wouldn't, I would never think of something like that, what's the big deal, but when this person loses that tiny near me, then they feel that they feel the pinch. So Allah gives us this kind of reminder ahead of time that hey, don't be amongst those that are lumen caffeic, that our wrongdoing and ungrateful.

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Also, another important disclaimer in the beginning is never to belittle people in our community or in society or those around us, that may have certain disabilities, a lot of times they are looked at as being less, or as being you know, Oh, it's so it's so sad or so tragic, or you're unable, you know, and that's very, that's not productive at all, and oftentimes will lie. So panela oftentimes, you find people that have a certain disability, they excel in other areas far more than those of us that don't have that disability.

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Well, look, it's amazing.

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I had several classmates that were vision impaired, that our vision impaired, they could not read. And their memorization of iron was impeccable,

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impeccable, their reading their citation, they had we had a teacher in in the in the college, he was teaching Arabic grammar, from a book called shock, ignore appeal, shall have no appeal is an explanation of elfia tiberiu Malik, it's a 1000 plus line poem in Arabic grammar, is one of the hardest poems to memorize. It's, so it's very difficult. In in grammar, it's all rules of grammar, and ancient Arabic poetry. And it's not it doesn't flow at all. Well, some people will tell you it flows. But for most of us, it didn't flow. It was hard. It's hard to read, much less to memorize. We had a teacher who was vision impaired. And he taught us that one semester. And not only did he

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memorize the poem, but he memorized the explanation shall have not been, which is a three volume book, cover to cover. He'd be sitting there in the class, and he's reading the book, and we're following along.

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And a student would be reading he would say, oh, Mohammed, okay, you read for us the next chapter, and the student is reading, and he makes a mistake while looking and the teacher corrects him. He says, Go back, you said that word wrong. That was supposed to be a title, you put a cursor there.

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So we should never think that someone who has such a disability is lesser or they have less ability, so apparently, Allah, and Allah will take some things that he will give other things. The law

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to Allah belongs, what he takes into law belongs what he, what he gives. So it's very common, actually. And I remember sitting with a professor of special education, a beautiful man that I learned so much from

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Ibrahim, it was his name, who said he was a professor, a PhD in special education. And so he said, you know, it's very tragic that we look at people that have certain learning disabilities, like for example, they may have some degree of autism, for example, or other types of learning disabilities, there's a wide spectrum of different learning disabilities. And we see that they are, you know, less advantaged, you know, he said, Listen, I want you to think of it like this.

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said, Imagine you're in a room, and there are so many light bulbs. Imagine if we turn on all the lights in this room, the chandelier, all the lights. Okay, imagine we turn on all the light bulbs said okay, is the room lit? Is there a lot of light in the room? What do you guys think? Yes, there the room will be lit. Okay, if we leave all the lights on, and we unscrew that one bulb right there, just that one? Will the room become dark?

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Will the room become dark? No, the room will not become dark. He said that's how it is somebody with these learning disabilities whatnot. They we have our brain is like millions of light bulbs, millions of light, they're still discovering parts of the brain. There is a one particular bulb with this individual, that bulb is not on. But you know what, there is that bulb over there for you and I, it's just as it is, but for that person, it's much brighter.

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One bulb for them is might be off, but another bulb is much brighter. So they may have a certain aspect, you know, a certain ability that is missing, but they have others that are sharper, and stronger. So this is you know, again from the blessings of Allah subhana wa tada

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for Kennesaw law Harrison, I'm your host, Allison, will you be sure to 1 billion

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The first thing is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to encourage them

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to have patience and he would give them glad tidings good news of Jenna. Because of the disability that they are enduring. So and nsmt Malik and only Allahu anhu semir to nebia Allah Harada he'll send me a pool in a la call Egypt LA to OBD B Habiba T for Saba, I will to whom in whom and Jenna

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is the Hadith in Bukhari

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and a symptomatic narrates he says, I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that a law said, Allah said if I have tested my servant with his two loved ones with the two things that he loves

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what are they?

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The two eyes for sober but he remained patient. I woke to who min Houma Elgin, Allah said I will compensate him for those two with Jenna

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will compensate him with those two for gender the compensation will be gender be Habiba T, a, Na, meaning that the two eyes and the reason why the prophet SAW Selim in this hadith used oh he says Allah used heavy but a loved ones is because of the different organs and the different faculties

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The eyes are something that are, are loved and cared for and protected and very easily noticeable when there's anything wrong with them.

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For sabara so he's patient in another narration. In another UI, which is recorded in the book of Timmy the in the scholar said that it is so here it is authentic. In another narration, man, happy to be here for sobre la de La Romana huzzah. Ben Danelle, Jenna, in another narration, which is the same meaning but it's emphasized so much more. Allah says that whoever I have taken from him is two loved ones, meaning the two eyes, and he is patient that's up and he

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counts and expects the reward from Allah. For this.

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Allah says, I will not be satisfied to give him any reward for that except agenda.

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Meaning the reward cannot be anything less than agenda cannot be anything less than gender. And

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what's meant here by slub, by have patience, is that a person

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a person has the intention, that you know what I will seek reward for my loss with Allah subhanaw taala. They will not have negative statements or behaviors or ill feelings towards Allah for their loss, but rather they will exercise contentment, they will exercise contentment, because contentment is hard. You have to you have to work on it, you have to push to get it there. It doesn't just fall on you from the sky. You have to put in effort. So they exercise it Good luck, contentment, pleasure with what Allah has decided. So then they expect reward from Allah, Allah Subhana, Allah will reward them the opposite of patience. The opposite of patience, is that if a person questions, Allah, why

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is this happening to me? Why did Allah do this to me? How could this happen to me? I don't deserve this. What did I do to deserve this? This is such a terrible thing. How could everybody has it and I, we hear these statements a lot, right? Something happens to someone they make these kinds of statements. And that's not acceptable. That's not, that's not solid, that's not patience.

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Also, a very important note here is that

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the scholars say, AB de la la, Abdu, who feed dounia, lace, I mean, Sahaja he, LA.

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That the fact that Allah has tested the servant with some difficulty in this dunya is not is not a sign or a proof or a meaning that Allah is displeased with this person.

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So we cannot rush to that judgment. And a person should not rush to that judgment. If a person falls ill for example, is it Oh Allah is not happy with me Allah is punishing me. No, no, we should never say that. We should have personal one. Billa have a good opinion of Allah. rather say allowance to elevate my rink through this allowance to purify me with this struggle with this difficulty?

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Allah is the one who knows what is it what is a punishment and what is not. It's not for us to

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it's not for us to make that assumption. But we should assume that Allah subhanaw taala

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As he affirmed of himself in the Quran, it was the article he is so merciful.

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When jabeen Evening Abdullah

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immunopathol comments on this hadith one of the scholars he comments on this Heidi thi says that Heidi third jetten fi unoh sobre el Bella. So Abu al Jenna.

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He says this hadith is a proof that if a person is tested with a with a difficulty in life, and they endure and they remain patient, that their reward will be Jenna, meaning the scholar of Novato, haimo law. What he wants to alert our attention to is that this reward here is not only for having loss of vision, even though in the Hadith.

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Allah here says that if I take the eyes the vision, but he says it's not only for vision, there could be other difficulties that that a lot tests a person with if they are patient, their reward will be genda. Their reward will be agenda.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:20

Well, Angelina Abdullah Al de la hora, and upon Allah Sorolla he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yeah, what do I look at? Yo melty Amati Sheena Europa Hello Bella if awaba lo Anadolu. Home qanat

00:31:21 --> 00:31:23

dunya bill Macario

00:31:31 --> 00:31:36

This is a narration in Epitome the and the scholar said it is sound it just has an job it narrates

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said on the Day of Judgment.

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The people that have an affair meaning they have their health or their well being intact

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when they see the tremendous reward, that people who had been up people that had some kind of difficulty have, they will wish that they had that as well.

00:32:07 --> 00:32:09

Now this requires a little bit of explanation.

00:32:11 --> 00:32:18

The LMS said it is not appropriate in dunya for anyone to ask upon themselves a difficulty.

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It's not appropriate to ask, you know of a lot or to wish or to desire that some difficulty or some calamity or some test befalls them. It's not appropriate. Rather, the prophecy said I'm taught us cellular efia. And we covered this before the prophecies have always taught us ask Allah for efia ask Allah for wellbeing, for health, for strength for goodness. Never ask a lot for an illness or a calamity.

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Don't ask Allah for death.

00:32:57 --> 00:33:37

These are not good things to wish or to desire. The prophets I send them said, you know make dua to Allah that Allah grant me life as long as life is good for me and take my life when it is it's best for me to do so when it's best for for me that you take my life. Or for example, either Allah defeats in a 10 feet omen for building a lake la Loma TuneIn or life you have decreed a fitna a great trial upon the people that allow us to be returned back to you not being afflicted by this trial. But it's not appropriate for a person to make a door and say, Oh Allah, take my life or like I want to die or these kinds of things. Or if a person sees someone that has some kind of

00:33:38 --> 00:34:11

difficulty, that they wish to have it upon themselves, that's not appropriate. That's not appropriate. And so let not anyone confuse this hadith to refer to that. His idea is just to put it into perspective, to show you how much reward those that do have some difficulty will be given so much so that the ones who had health, they will look at them and say, Oh, we wish we were like them. So we would have had all of this reward. That does not mean that we in this dunya should ask for that. Is that clear? Okay, just wanted to make sure that that is clear.

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But this shows you the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that Allah never takes something except that He replaces it except that he compensates it with something for greater. Like, what kind of something longer it was lm yet the root level. So the first thing the prophet SAW, Selim used to encourage them to help Sabo to have patience, and you would give them glad tidings of gender. So if we know anyone, if one of your friends or your family members or someone close to you,

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some calamity or some difficulty befalls them, they have some kind of a loss, or some kind of disability or something in their health. We should follow some of the policies and and be close with them. Encourage them to have patience, you know, and the way you encourage someone to have patience is you remind them of these rules.

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Words, remind them of their award of gender. Remind them of the great rewards that Allah has prepared, so long as they remain patient. That's called you know, giving positive reinforcement that's what the prophet sallallahu Sallam used to do.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:26

Well, can I add the ruler home and he used to make for them? Let's look at this head Ethan now he totally alone Miranda and the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam can either attack Maria one Oh, OTB on

00:35:28 --> 00:35:38

as he bill bass, or, as he will bass openness ish fee will enter Shafi la Shiva Illa, Shiva, oak, Shiva and La Johan de Rosa apama.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:46

This is a hadith narrated in Bukhari and Muslim so it is authentic of the highest level and it's agreed upon.

00:35:53 --> 00:36:31

All right, he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if he would go to visit an ill person, or if an ill person was brought to him, he used to say, he used to make dua to Allah. And this is a drive that we should memorize. This is a drive that we should memorize. Because visiting someone who is ill is Sunnah of the Prophet. So I said, there's a lot of reward, there's a lot of agility, in that. This might be a Sunnah that is not practiced as much nowadays. But it should be something that we revive, if you know someone is ill, or someone is in the hospital, even if they're not lost, but even if they're at home, and you are able to go and visit them. And the visit should

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be very short.

00:36:34 --> 00:36:45

I know this, this is we're gonna take a quick tangent, the idea of visiting the sick person, but this is important. Number one, it's a great sadhana to visit those that are ill number two, you go to them.

00:36:49 --> 00:36:56

And the visit should be short some of them they said that the visit should to the to the immediate to the ill person is like the

00:36:58 --> 00:37:00

jelsa between the two Hospice of Juma

00:37:01 --> 00:37:02

how short is that?

00:37:03 --> 00:37:14

Very short, just like a minute or less than that. Now, that's an example it could be a bit longer, it's okay, if it's, you know, 510 15 minutes, whatever is appropriate. But the idea is it should be short.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:22

meaning you're not supposed to be going there to burden them, you're going there to cheer them up to make dua for them,

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to check up on them, to keep them company, to make them feel that they are remembered, they're not forgotten, they're cared about to take something they may need, they may not be able to take care of some of their needs. You go and take something whether it's food or any other need that they have, and you go about on your way. And it is more preferred to have multiple short visits than one long visit.

00:37:47 --> 00:38:09

Meaning somebody may say, Oh, you know, I don't have time. Let me go and sit with them for two, three hours. And then call us and you know, there'll be no no, go for five minutes, but go in the morning in the evening is better than to go for an hour, or go for five minutes a day. So hello, there was a brother in Medina. He had a very strange illness. So panela Rahim Allah He passed away and we buried him in rough here.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:40

He had a very strange illness. The doctors did not know what what was the only the closest thing they speculated said this might be some form of cancer, Allahu Allah. Very strange. Anyways, they told him, you know, you've got to go to another country to go see some doctors of some specialists. He didn't want to leave Medina. He said, I'm not leaving with you. I'm here to stay. So he didn't leave. One of our teachers used to go to his house. And I saw this with my own eyes. He was elderly men, and he worked and he used to teach, and he had a family and he had 13 grandkids.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:48

He would go to him every single night, seven nights a week. Every single night, he would go to him, what would he do?

00:38:49 --> 00:38:58

He would go put some food on the stove. Clean up the house, get him his medicine and get some olive oil and massage his feet.

00:39:00 --> 00:39:17

Do some roti or read some Quran over him. Maybe have some jokes, something like this. And then he would go and then come back the next night do the same thing. The brother lived alone. He didn't have any family living with him. I saw him I saw him doing this with my own eyes. It was amazing. Every night he would do this. Yeah.

00:39:20 --> 00:39:29

So visiting the sick his big, big agenda with Allah subhanaw taala. And the visit should be short. Sometimes we go to visit a sick person. They end up feeding us.

00:39:30 --> 00:40:00

They end up cooking food or they end up ordering food, how their lamb belly This is not appropriate. I went one time with one of my teachers to go visit a sick person. He had surgery and he came back home after the surgery. And we went and his wife made tea just because we came to the house she made tea. She would not drink from the tea. And he told me don't drink it. We're not here for this. This tea is for them. We're supposed to be bringing them. We're here to visit them make sure and then we're gonna go he said I'm not drinking it and he didn't let me drink this

00:40:00 --> 00:40:28

I mean, it's not i'm not saying is how long we're saying. It's not appropriate. It's not from the adept. You're not there to be hosted, you're there to relieve them not to add more work. The same goes with it as that. And we've mentioned this before, offering condolences when someone loses a family member, a loved one was there and the things that we do nowadays, we end up burdening the family more than bringing them comfort. And they end up spending money and making food ends up walima ends up like a wedding.

00:40:29 --> 00:40:52

And that's not appropriate at all that's not the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim. And that's why we're not practicing these soon as as much anymore because we've made them difficult. If you make something difficult, who's gonna want to do that? Oh, it's gonna be a big, big muscle, a lot of work. But when we follow the son of the son of the Pops, I send him is easy. You just do it. You move on until everybody's happy.

00:40:53 --> 00:41:03

So the prophet SAW Selim, when he would see a sick person who would make this dry, he would say, he would ask a lot of he will pass our law, get rid of this.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:08

Get rid of this, this pain or this difficulty, best

00:41:09 --> 00:41:47

openness, and he will pass on openness. Oh Lord of all people. Ish fever. anta Shafi cure this person, and you are the one who cures last shifa Elashi phatak. There is no cure, other than your cure. You are the one who decides who gets ill and you are the one who decides who will be cured. As Ibrahim said, insalata sure Allah, well, he'll do for who Ah, Finn, when I become ill, Allah is the one that cures me. The doctor doesn't cure me. The medicine doesn't cure me. The surgery doesn't cure me. All of those are means they're little,

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little things that we can do. But the cure comes from Allah how many people take medicine and they are not cured? How many people go to the doctor and the doctor can't figure out what's wrong with them. How many people go to the doctor and they're actually miss diagnosed. I can think of three people that I personally know off the top of my head right now. If I think maybe I'll remember more that went to the doctor and the diet doctor Miss diagnose them. Well, lucky. I know someone The doctor told them they have cancer. And they were about to start chemotherapy and then they came back. It was a mistake. Mistake. And it's a big deal.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:28

It happened. So it's happened to someone. Yeah.

00:42:32 --> 00:42:32

Allahu Akbar.

00:42:36 --> 00:42:42

Allahu medica hamdullah Shaka allama alarm abetik fumaric May Allah bless you and grant you a long life of obedience.

00:42:44 --> 00:43:12

Mashallah, so this happens it happens. So the cure is not from what the people do the cure is from Allah subhanaw taala ish fee will enter chef You are the cure la Shiva Illa Shiva okay. There can be no cure except your cure. Shiva. Unless you hide yourself karma Allah we are asking you for a cure. That is not followed up by any other illness. Yeah, I needed a cure cure. And Allah subhanaw taala is God, Allah colletion. if Allah wills he can do that. If Allah wills he can do that.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:17

By far either half of and half of

00:43:19 --> 00:43:22

whom who is when they say it however they're talking about

00:43:23 --> 00:43:38

the scholar but he comments on this, he says, but the stache kind of Dr. Maria de bishi, fatty Mirfield model demon kafala. To do with a web camera to lafalot II a Hades to be Dalek, even harder presents a little,

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a little puzzle for you here. He says. You know, some people are confused about this. They say Why are you making draft for cure from the illness? When we have so many other IDs that affirm that the illness is a means of purifying from sins and gaining reward.

00:44:03 --> 00:44:11

So if the illness is something that is giving you a gentle reward, and it's purifying you of of sins, then why would you want it to go away?

00:44:12 --> 00:44:13

What's the answer?

00:44:15 --> 00:44:29

Very good. Mashallah. kilakila. That's a very good answer, Mashallah. If we had some gifts, he would get a gift. The first thing he says he says, Elijah, the answer is a woman, a Dora Bader making Dora is an act of worship.

00:44:30 --> 00:44:59

So doing that, in and of itself is an act of worship and he says, whenever you see a fella by will kafala the ANA Houma. Yes, Leilani be a well he modeled in Wabi Sabi de la, he says, and there is no contradiction between the two, between having an illness that earns reward and purifies from sin and to making your ad for a cure and the illness to be removed. Why? Because he said, that reward and that cure period

00:45:00 --> 00:45:15

From since it happens right at the beginning of the illness, as soon as the person has the illness, there you go. They are getting that reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And having patience is also a means of having reward.

00:45:17 --> 00:46:00

What daddy Bina has nothing and the one making there is between one of two good situations. You know they say win win situation. It's a win win situation imagine imagine you have Sora whom episode Matsuda Who? Oh, you're a world and who bgl Bina for in order for you bottling? Well could learn when Fabiola heeta Allah He said the one making is in a win win situation either they get what they're making their ad for, which is positive hamdulillah you're asking for something good. Or Allah subhana wa tada will respond to the door by giving you something else that's good, or by alleviating something else that could be harmful. So it's a win win situation. It's a win win

00:46:00 --> 00:46:09

situation. That's why the prophet SAW Selim said, I genuinely am really amazing is the affair of the believer who could hide his affairs are always good.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:17

Are you an

00:46:19 --> 00:46:21

ambassador to Lahore and Houma

00:46:22 --> 00:46:23

attend Minelli, Jenna

00:46:25 --> 00:46:30

called to Bella Casa Javi hilma to itt nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Africa like any

00:46:31 --> 00:46:50

way you need an Kashi who federal law Holly for current abuse solar system and she's about to kill Jenna. We're at the outer LA and new alpha key for corporate US Bureau. So mokara India tekashi federal law de la casa de la this Harris is marinated in Bukhari and Muslim

00:46:53 --> 00:47:08

who is from the Tabby rain. And he was one of the students of our best. Even our best is one of the components. He said that even I busted my bass one day he told me, he said I thought, would you like me to point out someone to you from the people of Jenna.

00:47:10 --> 00:47:14

So he said, Well, he said please, of course. So even I best pointed to a woman.

00:47:16 --> 00:47:57

He said, you see that woman over there? He said yes. He said this woman, she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And she said to the Prophet, so I said lamb, O Messenger of Allah. In the Ocelot, meaning she has, you know, she has a condition lo lm exactly what it is. Some people have have mentioned different things. Some people have said seizures, some people have said epilepsy, different things. The point is, she has a condition where she sometimes loses consciousness or loses bodily control. So she will, she may fall over or she may collapse. And it happens suddenly, from time to time. And sometimes when that happens, her clothes may be raised up

00:47:57 --> 00:48:01

so some of her body might become exposed.

00:48:02 --> 00:48:13

So she came to the office I said, she said this is my condition. So she said please make draft for me. Please make draft for me. Meaning the what's implied is make a draft for me to

00:48:15 --> 00:48:20

be alleviated of this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told her if you wish,

00:48:21 --> 00:48:25

if you wish, you can be patient you can endure.

00:48:26 --> 00:48:28

You know this condition?

00:48:29 --> 00:48:32

Well, I kill Jenna. And I guarantee for you Jenna.

00:48:34 --> 00:48:38

And if you wish, I will make dua to Allah to cure you.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:56

Or it can make dua to Allah to cure you. Now, if he makes the Allah to Allah to cure her, she might still be she can still be from the people of Jenna, right? But it's not the same as having a guarantee from Allah. So life is Allah.

00:48:57 --> 00:49:17

And it's not the same as having an explicit guarantee. And Allah in the Quran gave a general guarantee that the believers they will have gender and the prophecy so let me give a guarantee that believers they will have gender. But there are certain individuals the prophet SAW Selim guaranteed for them specifically by name, Hey, you, you are going to have gender.

00:49:19 --> 00:49:24

That's meaning they're not going to have any punishment before then, or anything like that.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:29

They will not have any, you know, they won't have to

00:49:30 --> 00:49:33

go through a reckoning process where they may have to,

00:49:34 --> 00:49:40

you know, pay for some mistakes or some sins before they have no, you are guaranteed gender.

00:49:41 --> 00:49:46

So she responded. And she said, Oh, no, I'll be patient. guarantee Jenna.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:49

I will be patient with it.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:59

But then she still had that concern of being exposed. And he she was a woman who had you know, she carried herself with dignity and with modesty and what

00:50:00 --> 00:50:06

really troubled her about this was that she may be unconscious and she may be exposed. She doesn't want to be exposed.

00:50:08 --> 00:50:34

So that So then she came back and she said in the article chef, she said I get exposed I get uncovered part of my body gets uncovered, says just make a draft for this federal law Holly and Latika chef make dua to Allah that you know when I have these episodes or these seizures or whatnot or unconsciousness or whatever happens, that I don't become uncovered for data. So the problem was, I said, I made this for her.

00:50:41 --> 00:50:47

Roger Roger comments on this Hadeeth he says, Phil had easy for Lulu men.

00:50:49 --> 00:51:01

sobre la la bella dounia, urethral, Jenna, one and a half minute after the bell rasa lemon lmm NFC abarca. What am your birth and elitism? It should

00:51:02 --> 00:51:29

have been 100 comments on this. He says here we have from this hadith that that the prophet SAW, Allah mentioned something praiseworthy about this person who has this condition. So if you see someone that also has this medical condition or this disability, then remember this woman from the people of gender. And remember that this person has a high status that they do because of this, they could have gender because of this, then Abraham your comments and he says, Look,

00:51:30 --> 00:51:34

if you have this difficulty that you're enduring,

00:51:35 --> 00:52:03

and you patiently persevere through it, that's better for you in terms of reward, it's better for you than if you were to have an easy situation if you were to have an easy smooth ride, it's better for you. But he put a condition this is very important to put a condition he said Lehman Allium, I mean, Neff CV, a parka, he says, but the condition is for that person to be fully confident that they will be able to endure

00:52:05 --> 00:52:07

that they will be able to endure

00:52:08 --> 00:52:17

while m your growth and elitism should die, and he will not, you know become weak, you know, in,

00:52:19 --> 00:53:02

in enduring this difficulty and may give up or may lead to having some kind of lack of gratitude towards Allah subhanaw taala. If that's something that could happen to a person, no, then it's better for them not to have that difficulty. You know, this is of course, in the case of a person that has options, but for many people, they don't have the option because this woman she had the option that doesn't give her the two options. So she chose to continue having this difficulty because she had the confidence that possible, I will have several I will patiently endure and my endurance is not something that's going to wear out or you know, it will have an adverse effect may

00:53:02 --> 00:53:34

have an adverse effect that's not something she was confident that that's not something that's gonna happen to her. So it hedger says that choosing the the the difficulty is better Lehman alabamian fc a parka for the person that is confident that they have the ability, so we shouldn't ask for ourselves to have more difficulty you know, and the son of the prophet SAW Selim is if he had the option between two affairs he would choose the one that was simpler that was easier unless you know full well that this is something you can handle

00:53:35 --> 00:53:39

something you can handle you know, some Hello, we're coming up on hedge

00:53:40 --> 00:53:43

are coming up on hedge time. And you know, how easy is hedge now?

00:53:45 --> 00:53:51

Easy, huh? It still has its difficulties. It still has its challenges, but some handle Ah,

00:53:52 --> 00:54:14

hello, let me I feel that it's getting easier every year and and there are different ways that people are striving to facilitate this anybody which is a good thing to facilitate it for more people. It's a good thing. But something that I hear very common every year with people in our group is they will say there's always that one person or a few people that will say

00:54:15 --> 00:54:16

this was too easy.

00:54:18 --> 00:54:20

There was no difficulty. I didn't feel it.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:40

I didn't feel like I did hedge You know, this is too easy. Where's all the difficulty? Every time you hear about how did you hear it? difficulty challenge patience. It was too easy. It's a walk in the park. I didn't feel it. I don't feel like I did anything. I don't feel like you know, as my hugs not accepted. You know, they'll start saying these things. I say Hold on, hold them. Say Hold on.

00:54:41 --> 00:54:52

Don't ask for things to be made difficult for you because you don't know. Had it been difficult. Maybe you will be of the plethora of judge that are complaining.

00:54:53 --> 00:54:55

And my have we seen them complain

00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

about the tiniest things. So panela

00:55:00 --> 00:55:03

Last year there was a man, like, what should I say?

00:55:05 --> 00:55:16

We don't mention you guys didn't know who it is. Last year, there was someone I witnessed this in our hotel, he complained that the fish was too dry

00:55:21 --> 00:55:32

till the middle accept your headset walked away. This one's too I can't handle that I don't have an answer for that one. If it don't eat the fish is 500 other things for you to eat.

00:55:34 --> 00:55:45

You know, hamdulillah so we shouldn't ask for things to be difficult because we don't know if it is difficult will we endure or maybe will be of those that say, Oh, you know,

00:55:46 --> 00:56:31

start complaining and then to lose the reward of that hedge. We don't want to be of those people. We want to be of those people. So, something to be to be careful of. The idea is to be grateful of Allah subhana wa tada and to be patient and will conclude you know, the the scholars they used to always say that the believer should be teeter tottering between two stations, you know, a teeter totter like a seesaw back and forth between two situations. Either. You recognize the blessing of Allah upon you. So you are grateful, or you recognize that you are being tested. So you are patient, and part of patience is gratitude. A person who is not grateful will not be able to be patient. And

00:56:31 --> 00:57:11

a person who doesn't exercise patience, will not be able to be grateful they go hand in hand. So May Allah Subhana Allah make us of those, who when they are blessed, they are grateful. And when they are tested, they are patient may Allah Subhana Allah grant us the luck, the manners and the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this hadith we're not done with it, there is still one other important issue to discuss. So we will carry on with this hadith next week in sha Allah, and we'll continue talking about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam dealing with people that had certain disabilities or special conditions. May Allah Subhana Allah bless us and inspire us to

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follow the Sunnah of our beloved messenger it has a lot to setup. May Allah subhanaw taala unite us with our messenger in the highest levels of gender. May Allah bless us to drink from his hand a drink after which we will not know thirst or there was a law who was in mo about a cat in a Vienna Mohammed. Whether it he also had to sell them Allahu Allah.

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