Mohammed Hijab – The Prophet ﷺ was Not like this!

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the development of theProphet sall campaigns to share Islam and educate others. They emphasize the importance of proactive donations to help develop leaders around the world to do the same, and encourage leaders to be a leader and donate now. The success of these campaigns is attributed to the actions of the campaigns and the development of leaders around the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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People move a lot, but they go nowhere. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the opposite. He was always moving forward, achieving the best results yet he did not achieve success on his own. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam developed this Sahaba to be able to share Islam with wisdom. In other words, with sapiens, yes, that's exactly what the word means. This process culminated in Islam rich intellectual and spiritual heritage. This is why we at Sapiens Institute are dedicated in following this prophetic method by not just providing free academic content, but by pro actively developing intellectual activists and academic leaders. Your donations will help develop leaders all

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around the world, create academic activists to intellectually share Islam and educate others to do the same. Remove doubts spread by false ideas for generations to come. In sha Allah, it's critical to continue this important work together. Be a leader, be the first to donate donate now.

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