Mohammed Hijab – The Controversial Muslim vs Atheist Debate That Triggered the New Atheists

Mohammed Hijab
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The speakers discuss the importance of finding truth tables to prove the existence of impossible events and finding a way to prove the existence of the universe. They stress the need for proofing the existence of the universe and finding a way to confirm one's values. They also discuss the history of the European political system and its influence on counter opinion, as well as the importance of morality and finding the right point of view. They stress the need for finding the right evidence to prove the point and finding the right point of view.

AI: Summary ©

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			So basically, I think maybe my colleague is used to debating perhaps some certain Christians and
what have you. I like to think that perhaps we're a slightly different breed in terms of our
approach with logical approach. I don't think he dressed actually what I said. And I think straw
man, my argument, for example, I'll give you example. So I never said, everything that begins to
exist has a cause I never use that. Because you can always say, Well, how do you know everything
does begin to exist? And that would require empirical verification, which is why I never that's why
I never said it in the first place. I mean, he posited that ultimately, and I don't know where the
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			where this ultimately is, I just said, ultimately, there will be a cause I don't know how old the
universe is, may be, we've been through a couple of, you know, six or seven big bangs and big
crunches until getting to this point, of course, universe is everything that exists. I merely said
that at some point, it has to start somewhere because an infinite regress would mean there would be
no change, no creation, nothing. And the same for things like what matters composed of I never made
an assumption that it is quantum vacuum energy or Superstrings, which a lot a lot of scientists now
doubt the idea superstring theory bit fantastical, but but I just posit those those two, like say
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			whatever you want, the question will can always be asked, what are they made out of? What are they
made out of? If they attributes? Or come from what's something that they're made out of? For
example, then what can you What can they made out of until you get to the point where there must be
something that's fundamental, a fundamental substratum that supports all realities existence, that
and if it's fundamental, and it's necessary, then it wouldn't be limited, and it would be self
sufficient because it wouldn't require anything prior to it or underneath it or further, more
fundamental than itself. So this is the kind of the arguments I made. But I guess, just to kind of
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			reframe this discussion in terms of what I mean by atheism, and why I mentioned the term atheism.
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			You're right, atheism isn't a belief. But I posited that it carries a necessary corollary, something
attached to it, which is if you don't believe in God's existence, not that you may be just, it's
just your default. No, if you don't believe in God's existence, that means that your worldview does
not require you to posit God to explain things. And I'm really positive that reality imposes certain
problems, if you want to keep going out that discussion, because ultimately, you can't explain cause
matter specificity, limited finite things. And my explanation isn't one where I've noticed I know
stuff, because I've observed it is that God is the only explanation to avoid self contradictions.
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			And that's pretty much it like, like I'm saying, if we take two, when we add two, I know that this
will equal four, because taking the premises, the conclusion must follow. So likewise, I know that
the premises are the existence of finite things. That's the premises. So I know that eventually, at
some point, it must follow that there must be a beginning point, a creating point, a start point,
and a fundamental substratum net supporting all things, even though I don't know where that is,
where the boundary of that is. That's my argument, you could you put that into deductive form into
deductive form. So two plus two equals four is a deductive form. It's a premise and a conclusion.
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			It's not productive form to say there is matter and matter must have a beginning. what's the what's
the deductive argument that? Well, for example? Well, it's the avoidance of contradiction, because,
explain so if I was to say two plus two equals six, right, I'm six, meaning what we what we
conventionally understand six to be, we'd know that was wrong, because of contradiction. So my point
was that if you were to say, Well, before us, before this point in time, there was an infinite
number of movements or movements, I would say, we would never reach this point in time, because it
would be a contradiction. It's one of the longest questions have been asked the
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			I think, you know what I'm saying, you're trying to say you want us to say everything that begins to
exist as a cool, no, that's not necessarily the column. That's not what I'm going. What I'm saying
is that if you the reason why you can say that two plus two equals six is false is because you're
right, at least with logical contradiction. The reason for that is because it's essentially
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			a logically valid argument with premises and conclusions. And you can identify exactly how it
contradicts you can put it into a truth table and show that.
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			Yes, it's
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			what precisely is a tautology? And you and you can prove that deductively. But there's no. Can you
highlight precisely what the premises are? And the conclusions are of your argument here?
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			Because it does, if you're going to say that it leads to contradictions, if you don't agree with it?
Well, it does, because an infinite regress, is basically saying that there was no beginning and yet
we're explaining or there was no cause and we're explaining the cause of things or explaining the
beginning of things or explaining movements. So there was no first movement, but there is movement.
So it can it creates a contradiction in terms because in essence, we rely on a pre existing
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			State or pre existing conditions of movement? And yet ultimately there is no there isn't, you're
saying there is no beginning to this pre existing thing. There's just eternal, an eternal chain that
there is no stop. It's the same as saying nothing. Actually, I'm trying to prove that we regret. So
I've got one statement that can kind of summarize it for you. Anything susceptible to additional
subtraction cannot be infinite.
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			Okay. Okay. So that's, it doesn't need to be a reductive three stage deduction that that makes it
right. So I'm just giving one statement. He, what he's saying is that if you have an infinite thing,
and you add to it, then there's the absurdity of adding to an infinite physical, quantitative thing.
So you'd have to disprove that statement. Now we've made the statement, anything susceptible to
addition or subtraction cannot be right, cannot be infinite. So in order for you to, to prove your
infinite regress, if you wanted to prove it, you have to prove or you have to show how it's
demonstrably possible for something to have infinity as as equality, as well as addition and
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			subtraction. There is no idea. So then you can't really make anything I don't know. But I'm not
making a claim. That's the thing. So then why why we're having this discussion, because opposing
your claim, well, you can't oppose your claim, is it your claim is that it requires it and I'm just
asking you why that's I'm saying anything that is logical form, the the the idea that it is
logically necessary to have causation or that there
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			can't be an infinite regress? No, I'm just saying what I've said this, we just have a final
statement from you. Yeah.
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			The same alignment, anything susceptible to addition or subtraction cannot be quantified
quantitatively infinite? Yes, you have to you if you're rejecting that, you have to disprove that
how is it physically, mathematically or otherwise? How is it possible to have a quantifiable
infinite, which is susceptible to additional subtract? That's all you have to do? It's another issue
of burden proof. It's not on me to prove that I've just made the claim is true. And you fail to do
so. If you allow me to answer the question that the answer is leave it after this one. Yeah. Yeah.
The, the answer is
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			that you're right. Like these things are required. Okay. According to the laws of logic and physics
that are predicated on the existence of the universe, and we're talking about the universe. Why is
it predicated on the existence of universe? Because Can you prove it? Well, no. Okay. So are you
trying to claim it's a possibility, right, nothing is an active claim, which and it's not possible,
it's possibly
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			if it's possibly true, no, it's not possible. True? Was it not possible, because if the universe is
a possible existence, then it cannot explain the existence of other possible existences if if there
is a necessary
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			journalisten that yes, I'm asking because you were saying, if there was nothing you can do just that
first, if this was if there was a necessary being or occurrence, and and that entails and just what
you admit, and that and, and that entails yet another occurrence? No, it doesn't entail and if it
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			I think the confusion is, firstly, I don't think all things require putting into a logical
syllogisms. Yes, it's necessary. I'm saying that I'm saying no, no, it does. When you're making
contrary propositions you don't it doesn't a sentence could say that this sentence is false. It
creates a contradiction within the sentence without it being a logical syllogism.
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			Merely, I'm merely pointing out that there are ultimately only two possibilities to to basically
anything that you might observe, which is finite limited, or what have you, which is either it was
it was the result of something more fundamental than it or something that that is prior to it.
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			And if you ask well, what was prior to any anything, what is more fundamental to anything, either
it's something that's like itself as in like, finite, limited as well, or something, not the case,
not finite and not limited. So I'm saying if we go down the pathway of just constantly insisting on
there's a continuous chain prior to this existence of finite limited things, nothing would exist,
because that would cause an infinite regress fallacy, and thereby, the contradiction is manifest, as
opposed to ultimately at some point saying, Well, actually, you know what, at some point, I don't
know where, but at some point, there was a beginning of there was something that was not finite,
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			whereby it doesn't have limitations. And just to kind of justify to you, the limitations requires
explanation. Something doesn't have limitations, doesn't require explanation, but there's no limits
for it to be there's nothing to create its limits for it to be explained by something else as
explanation. Let's
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			jump in Yeah, I want to make a very simple observation, that if you say God created all the next
obvious question, of course, is who created God?
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			And he has given a very satisfactory, please let me finish. Let me finish.
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			And the second one is, as I say, You are talking the language of certainty. What we have learned in
the course of my lifetime, is that the origins of the universe have been pushed further and further
back in time. It's a fascinating study. I don't pretend to understand
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			More than the average man was read about it. But to say that we clearly understand the nature of
creation seems to me extremely arrogant. And to pretend that you can speak with certainty about
something like that, I think is put it mildly not justified? Well, I think it's a little arrogant to
actually dismiss what we actually said, because we never actually claimed that we know every tiny
particle in this universe or how big it is or where it began, we never actually said that. So he
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			I just say that you're just saying that shows that you weren't listening to what we were saying. And
some people might say that's arrogant to what I'm saying is very simply this creation or causation
or whatever you want to call it, is to limit something to defies limitation that when you draw a
circle, you're drawing a limitation. So limitations require explanation, but if something has no
limitation, then there's nothing that requires it to be determined cuz it has no, there's no,
there's no boundaries that exist, it is it is fundamentally unlimited.
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			Necessary being and say it doesn't require any. I didn't say necessary, I said, but that's the
opposite of limited. No, because limitations require explanation, right? Not not lack thereof, and
limitation, as opposed to what was the whole issue not not being limited? And what is what is
something that's not limited? Well, it's necessary, because if it's not necessary, then it's
limited. What's your definition of necessary because you keep using it incorrectly? What was your
understanding? When I say resistance? Well, you're talking about contingent things. It's the it's
the opposite of that something can you give us something that cannot happen differently? They cannot
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			work outside of itself? Well, I suppose. Okay, so can you can you can you tell us how there can be a
world with no necessary existence? Well, who says Well, he said, We're living in a world of possible
or you said that we have to claim that we're living in a world of possibilities and do you agree
that there could be an explain that Do you accept that there is an unnecessary existence?
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			I would say that
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			yes. Then that's God that doesn't have to
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			do that does not have to be God.
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			Understanding of God It does not have to be there for us unnecessary existence is something which is
this is the perfect couldn't be any other way explains everything else. That's our definition of
explains everything else because without because necessarily couldn't be any other way. All
contingent in any other way.
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			Alex, all contingent things depend upon it. Yes. Give me an example contingent thing. And if this
cup, how is it contingent because it could have otherwise not been in existence, you know, speaking
to a determinist fun. Do you notice? Yeah. Okay. So what is determinism? So if if you said your your
thing? Sorry? The terminal? Yeah. Yes. Let me ask you a question later, but it will make sense. If P
entails Q is necessary, yes, is necessary. No, it's not no.
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			No, no, it's not. It doesn't have to be if necessary. Let me explain why. What we're doing here is
we've said that these dependent contingent things as you're defining them, Do you accept that this
cup could have otherwise not been in existence? No. So okay, this determinism, to believe in
determinism? Yes. And you said in your you said in your speech in your thing, a universe from
nothing, you said that determinism comes from the necessary existence?
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			Yes, 14 minutes in, you said that one necessarily leads from the other. In other words, determinism
leads from necessary existence, yes or no?
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			You said, you said determinism leads from necessary existence. Okay. I think we were talking about a
different thing. Well, no, no, no, you said this, and I can show 48 minutes. And I said, that
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			So you know, you said the university
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			was going exercise. It's not anything different by no problem. But you said this, you said and you
said, you said determinism comes from the necessary existence. What did I mean by that? I mean, I
had to
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			listen to this two days ago, the guy asked you is the universe would you agree with Bertrand
Russell, that the universe just is Yeah. And you replied and said yeah, the fact that universe
necessary existence? The I would agree with that in the first instance. And then he said, how would
that tie in with determinism? You then said, determinism follows from is that which follows
determinism follows from the necessary existence? Right, which I remember I was taught, so I was I
was the person I was debating with a guy called Cameron Bertuzzi. Yeah, making the case he was
making the case with the contingency argument, saying that there are contingent things in the
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			universe, and therefore he was using that to reason that there's a God and I said that if that were
the case, yes, that necessary existence to continue. Yes, determinism would follow from that I was
making my case. Okay. So I did agree that it does exist. And Alex, I didn't say that. We agree with
you on that point. So this is the thing you agree with us on more points than you think you agree
with us on? You believe in unnecessary existence, which explains everything else. Necessary
existence. Be Be careful, as you said and necessary existence. Are you retracting it? I said that
the you're structuring the universe, that there's not one unified
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			Sorry. You said the universe wasn't necessary.
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			The universe follows a necessary causal chain. Okay, so they said, Is there no, you said, Hold on,
you said the universe isn't necessary existence. And then you said determinism follows from that.
Now I'm saying that if I said that, and I meant what you think I meant by saying, Yes, I retract it,
but but I don't think that's what
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			you were very good at making arguments against things I used to believe in. Oh,
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			because Okay, now is perfect.
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			It's important, guys, because if you feel changing, you're
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			the only reason why you've changed your argument. After that I was wanted, so they created God.
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			Yeah, well, we have to actually ask the question, why does anything need creation in the first
place? Right, it's a more fundamental question. Yeah. So I mean, I could take this club, but I
usually sometimes I just take a stone or something. And I say, How do you know that this actually
thing was created or require it to be required creation. So if this thing was, let's say, eternal,
or let's say uncreated, then why is it in this particular shape, form, and so on and so forth, that
it didn't choose? if something was uncreated, and nothing determined its limitations, then it
wouldn't have limitations, which is my point. So therefore, it's kind of ridiculous to argue that
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			God requires creation when he has no limits that require defined by anything to be defined by or
determined by something else. And that's why we know that anything is created, it's only because it
has limitations. How long do you think God's been around for? eternity? Well, okay, what I'll say is
that, that God is outside of time. So there's no, there's no pre existent time before him. Right.
He's the beginning. But But I know what you want to kind of just,
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			you mentioned, you mentioned in your presentation, I just want to just briefly touch on it before we
touch anything else, which is, you said that Islam is terrified of, of a people professing atheism?
Right. Again, I think that's I don't know what experience you've had maybe with from reading
European history books. But I suppose you should read books from about Mesopotamia and civilization
experience the Prophet Muhammad.
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			If I may just finish I'll let you respond. So the Prophet Mohammed had a famous debate with a
Bedouin atheist, right. There was no intolerance there. But but but he when he became Muslim, but
there was no intolerance just because the guy initially profess to be atheist, Abu hanifa, famous
classical scholar. In medieval Iraq, Baghdad actually had public open air debates with atheists.
Presumably, there's atheists were living in Baghdad all the time to actually invite open air
debates, and no one killed them or was intolerant to them at all whatsoever.
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			And when you say, oh, Islam is terrified of atheists, I just want to say something. You're not
special. We encounter polytheists, we encounter Christian to trinitarians. We encounter Zoroastrians
for our history. And from our perspective, you're all doing exactly the same thing, which is somehow
the the finite thing is also infinite, eternal. And we don't really, we don't really see you as
different actually, you're just just another.
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			Yeah, just not a flavor of ice cream that we are basically encountering. So I don't don't make
yourself out to be more special than you are, from our perspective. And as for the issue of
tolerance of atheist, I think you should question your founders of the very ideology which pervades
the western liberalism, john Locke, in his letter on toleration, argue that you should tolerate
different Christian sects, Protestants that necessarily, but not atheists, because you can't trust
what they say they don't they don't believe in any higher moral value other than merely what is
expedient, Rousseau made also the same argument. And some people say that under the current you
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			could say, atheistic idea, as opposed to the natural rights arguments of john Locke, but depends on
my arguments of utilitarianism. Really, morality is only based on expediency. And then people's
rights are based on whether it's expedient to the state to even tolerate your rights so that it's
not related to the bait itself, but the guy brought it up, and it's really disingenuous to bring up
in that kind of debate. Yeah, yeah.
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			Yeah, I mean, are you suggesting that someone like Socrates was deeply immoral man?
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			No, I'm not saying it. I'm saying you seem to be implying No, no, john Locke said that you that you
can't cross a theist
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			by default the difference is that the things the things which are worldview are based upon which are
the philosophies of these men, we can say that those areas of their philosophies were wrong. JOHN
Locke said some pretty egregious things. How can you say anything the difference is we'll get to
that the difference is
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			I actually
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			don't believe the difference is the difference is that you can't do the same thing. When there is
something immoral even when there is something immoral in the basis it when there is something
immoral, that comes from somebody who founded the worldview that we believe in and something else
unrelated, Lee that he said that no longer applies was wrong. Can you prove it and we can say
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			That we disagree with you. On your world we have to we can say that we disagree. What do you have to
say? So can you repeat the same thing you're making? immoralities in the Quran, you can't make the
same look, we have just allowed you to speak and there were many times I could have interjected and
ask you similar questions and you're making it to quote way fallacy and is smart enough to know it.
You can't just turn around as a question for being a moral nihilist. Especially since I'm not one
anymore. Oh, you've changed your mind as much as well. What what statement, the ones that you said
you're a moral nihilist. What do you think moral subjectivism meant to me and means to me? What do
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			you think?
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			You're saying you can't say this? Because you're a moral subjectivist? In a moral Yeah, you're
making a moral claim?
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			What is mortal subject? Yeah. So you don't have objective morality? It's not it's not fixed. It's
not true or false, despite human thoughts or convictions that morality is is true. So it's only
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			a single answer to that. Yeah. My question is that I asked one question, then you can answer. My
question is he's made it very clear on his public profile that this man is does not believe in
objective morality. Why and how can you say this in one breath, and then starting passing moral
judgments which are based on liberalism? Can you explain how atheism accounts for that? Or how it
does? As I say, that's a palace? It's not a super precise It is, it is it is to you as well. It's
simply saying, well, you do this too. So who you to speak that's not doing it? We are working on it
your worldview. Your worldview claims that morality is objective, and your worldview has objective
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			moral statements, like the ones I've highlighted, it's your job to prove that those can be coherent
with objective morality. God is all knowing God. So that's why we believe anything. God says, Oh,
no, God says more. Yes. Okay. Repeat that, please. I don't need to
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			do it. That's why I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm trying to talk to the audience. And if the
moral precepts within Islam that they disagree with, they have to disagree with if you haven't, you
have said said, If God says something is moral than it is morals, that's what I say. Yeah. And so if
the people here this evening, disagree with the moral precepts,
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			as well. So let's talk about that. Let's see.
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			If I heard you correctly, anything that God says more? Absolutely. How do you know what God said?
Well, okay, go back to our argument. I said, that we said that, we have revelations of full time the
final revelation is the Quran as a falsifiability test. I gave you four things preservation in
imitability contradictions, and also taught you about predictions of the Quran and Sunnah. Now, in
order for you to say that the Quran is false, you have to falsify it, like a scientist would have to
falsify a theory for in order for them to say that that is wrong. Now, if you can't produce any
evidence for that, then really you can remain agnostic on the show. How do you? How do you know that
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			the words contained in the Quran? were the words that we're actually supposed to have been spoken to
the hammered by the angel Gabriel, supposing that in the modern world, believe it? Yes. Okay. So,
first and foremost, with regards to morality, it's actually completely irrelevant in this debate
concerning when we're discussing the explanation of reality. If you don't believe in objective
morality, then there's nothing to compare the morality of Islam with right to say that discordant
with it. Yes. Right. So I think it's a massive red herring. And I think I think that friend of yours
will talk about a few fallacies concerning bringing up in the first place, you have to first present
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			to us objective, where is the majority and then compare it to Islamic morality? And there's they
don't they don't fit. You can't. And that's my point. And also the fact that you say, Well, if we
don't like some morality in the back in the past, or some basis of or justify it in the past, we can
change it. But that's what's scary, because in modern Was it 21st century Europe and on 20th century
Europe Need I say more? People thought that morality of people's protections of rights and things
were no longer convenient for the nation that the nation's security and then they prejudicially
persecute certain minorities, because it was no longer beneficial from their estimation, and there's
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			no objective basis to argue against, then you say, Well, I personally don't make or find it.
distasteful. He did. So that that is actually scary that you don't have objective morality, because
there's no actual promise of, of rights that you can actually underwrite. As for the Well, no. Well,
yes, that I mean, they're all asking a question or you just
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			the subjectivity of morality doesn't lie at the level of the act itself. It lies at the level of the
motivations. I can say to somebody like we I am a psychological headedness in the same way that mill
was. I can say it is I know what people's motivations are, ultimately speaking and I and there are
objective facts to be known about how to achieve a goal. So it's not a case most objective is Mills
Mills assume all objectivism is more moral. I said, I'm a psychological utilitarian. Rotarian like
john Stuart Mill, not just a utilitarian Okay, well, I hope the audience can notice the difference
in the level of interjection here. Like I'm trying to really listen to what you have to say, but
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			you've got to let me respond. Okay, good.
00:24:50 --> 00:24:59
			Psychological utilitarianism means that we can know what people's motivations are, and I think we
can there are objective things to be known about how to achieve those goals. If somebody thinks that
something's right
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			I think it's wrong. It's not a case of Throw your hands up in the air and say it's everybody's
opinion that's not what moral subjectivism is. That's confusing moral subjectivism with moral
relativism. That's not what we're doing. No, no, hold on. Those are not the same can respond.
Alright, so a mill in chapter four of his book on utilitarianism, he actually gave us an exact way
of identifying what he called the principle of utility. Yes. And through that he talks about
desirability and how when you see that something is desirable for someone, then that is that is an
evidence that it's something which ought to be done. Okay.
00:25:30 --> 00:25:32
			But hold on, you can check. I've just given you a reference,
00:25:33 --> 00:25:41
			rejecting the level of introduction, the title, the title, I didn't say the audience connection, I'm
not interjecting I said, notice the disparity in
00:25:43 --> 00:25:44
			the introduction here is that the title
00:25:46 --> 00:26:24
			the title of that chapter, there was a, there was a reason why the title of that chapter is not the
truth of utilitarianism. It is located it is not. It's like the title of his book. The title of that
chapter is the kinds of proofs to which utilitarianism is susceptible to hold on the title of the
chapter is proof of utilitarian it's not, you can check it now. It is the types of proof that
utilitarianism susceptible to john Stuart Mill wrote the book himself, you can get a copy from
Waterstones Now, everyone in the audience can google it? Yes. It's actually the title is proof of
utility. That's what people call it. That's not what mill wrote. No, who calls it the title mill
00:26:24 --> 00:26:30
			mill. The mill. mill doesn't call it the proof of utilitarian that's what its title, he avoids it,
he does.
00:26:31 --> 00:26:35
			Not the name of the chapter. Get up if you'd like to. Okay. So
00:26:42 --> 00:26:46
			it's important, why it's important. The reason, by the way,
00:26:48 --> 00:26:51
			sort of descending into chaos. We want to get out.
00:26:52 --> 00:26:54
			Okay, so just to continue, I said,
00:26:56 --> 00:27:10
			zero is not. Okay. I'll concede that point. If he's right, I can see. I don't care if you're right
or wrong about that is the thing that matters is the point that he was making. The point that he was
making is that you can't prove utilitarianism, because he's a moral nihilist in that sense, but he
said that there were certain proofs to which
00:27:11 --> 00:27:15
			you can sue because you can't prove the point the middle subject
00:27:17 --> 00:27:24
			is the visible thing, which you brought up is that the only evidence we have that something is
visible, is that it can be seen. That's what he said, Now we can't prove
00:27:26 --> 00:27:26
00:27:27 --> 00:27:28
00:27:30 --> 00:27:33
			to understand more, okay, it's not one thing, it's an in depth
00:27:34 --> 00:28:01
			thing for someone who said that there are many things that you know, you don't know in the universe
and things that you can't presume Yes, for you to claim that you now know people's motivations with
the same kind of certainty enough to make it to derive some objective moral system? Yes, it's
somewhat of a contradiction there. Because everyone's motivations might be unique or different, yes.
unknowable to you anyway, certainly, we never understand the viewpoint of a psychopath who has the
inability to empathize.
00:28:03 --> 00:28:25
			Yeah, but the study, of course, but to make a claim that's basically that you can understand
everyone's motivations, or they have some kind of unique template of motivations that all human
beings subscribed to, or can fit into, is really convicting what you said earlier, one thing that
you don't actually know, you don't make claims to know things which you don't directly Oh, I make I
make. I also didn't say
00:28:27 --> 00:28:30
			the last question I open up to audience I do I do make things.
00:28:31 --> 00:28:35
			I never said that. I didn't I also didn't say that I didn't make where do you see morality? Is it?
00:28:37 --> 00:28:45
			I also didn't say that you have to see things to be able to prove them. Oh, okay. So I think
illusionary for you. I I would agree with that statement.
00:28:47 --> 00:28:47
			agreement. Brilliant.
00:28:49 --> 00:29:06
			I'm still waiting for an answer to my question of how you can possibly be sure that what are
supposed to be the word spoken by God, or rather by the angel Gabriel pointed out to Mohammed are
actually the words spoken if indeed, they were spoken at all.
00:29:08 --> 00:29:46
			Okay, so a couple days ago, I presented a lecture on how do you know Islam is true, when there's so
many different, let's say, conflict, conflicting, or competing belief systems, in essence, from
every aspect from the Islamic concept of God being a main issue, which is what my presentation was
trying to focus on. The summit concept of God is almost completely unique to Islam with the possible
perceptions of variations of Judaism and philosophers who've, you know, reflected upon the
possibilities of what could exist and what create all existence, and they've all come to the same
conclusion, just like good old Greek, Xenophon is that there must be an ultimate creator is
00:29:46 --> 00:29:59
			infinite. And he's unlike creative things. There's nothing there's a famous Greek philosopher who
believed that if he rejected polytheism, and rejected idols that look like human beings saying if a
cow had a god, it would make the the gods to look like cows.
00:30:00 --> 00:30:20
			So he didn't he wasn't atheist. He just rejected polytheism. And so we would basically, kind of side
with that view. But it's not a very specific question. Yeah. About Yes. What what the angel Gabriel
is supposed to have said to Mohammed, how can you possibly know how can anybody possibly know, that
was actually what happened? How.
00:30:21 --> 00:31:02
			And let me just finish my point, which is, Islam is basically if you I, when I encountered it, I
encountered it. And I took it as a hypothesis for how to explain reality, as one possible
hypothesis. After looking at different belief systems, including, or like, they're often let's say,
atheistic positions in belief system, naturalism or materialism, communism and such. And such, I
basically, you know, found contradictions and things that didn't make sense. And he kind of almost
had a process of elimination that Islam was the only one left that actually didn't suffer any tonal
conditions, both compared to the observable reality as well as within itself. And that's very tough
00:31:02 --> 00:31:37
			thing to, it's a very tall order to actually achieve if you're not explaining everything, quite
literally everything. So caveat, not the particularities of things like, you know, quarks and bosons
in case you actually say, Oh, I don't you're claiming to explain everything? No. But what I'm what I
noticed is that Islam was the only one left and then after further investigation, after I thought
maybe it could have been a different way, maybe if one particular some induction deduction exists,
or it was a different way. And I realized that that produces contradictions. So the point that I
came to the conclusion that Islam was the only possible explanation to explain reality, which is why
00:31:37 --> 00:31:40
			I was very thrilled to do this debate in the first place. But
00:31:42 --> 00:32:27
			without without going to things like you know, held existence and all this other stuff. The main key
selling points used to say of Islam have a hypothesis of Islam, excuse me, it was his concept of
God, which is almost virtually unique to itself. And it's just rationally consistent and coherent. I
didn't ask you about Islam, his concept of God, I asked you very specifically about how you can
possibly know that the concept of God whatever it is, that emerges from the Quran, can have been
dictated to hammered by the angel Gabriel, I take it therefore that you cannot answer that question.
Well, it's kind of like the equivalent kind of challenge that you're sending out, we can discuss how
00:32:27 --> 00:33:04
			do we know the message, the messenger that related the message is how do we know from from analysis
of data, it's accurate, but I want to just to kind of that's what I'd like to know. I know. I know.
And I want to do a kind of a different angle to answer that question, which is, what got me into
Islam in the first place was different that let me finish the what got me into Islam in the first
place, wasn't me, looking at the claims or trying to go back in a time machine to find out if the
problem existed, or the angel Gabriel came to him. I looked at the message itself. And the
consistency of the message itself, with the universe I came gave me led me to a conclusion that they
00:33:04 --> 00:33:10
			both come from the same author, and that's why I became Muslim. In other words, you can't possibly
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			we'll leave it to the audience.
00:33:13 --> 00:33:16
			audience questions happen to gentleman in the middle