Mohammed Hijab – One Of The Most Beautiful Countries in the WORLD

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The speaker describes a beautiful scenery that looks like a movie about a garden and a shrub liquor. They also mention a sunny day and a beautifully stylized mountain in France.
AI: Transcript ©
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You want lunch? You want lunch?

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But what do you think of this view?

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It's really gorgeous. It's unbelievable, isn't it? Reminds

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me of visiting. Yeah. It's I know. No.

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Uh-huh. Let me tell you something. Yeah. I

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was just we were just saying that this

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doesn't this change your mood? Now, this is

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a stunning and gorgeous

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Really beautiful.

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What's good is that

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it synthesizes between the greenery and the shrubbery

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on the one hand, and the mountainous.

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This is central Geneva.

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This is like the square where

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everything is.

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You can see it's quite a sunny day

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Blanc Mountains in France.

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You know, France and Switzerland are very close.

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So this is the Mont Blanc mountain.

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Yeah. Which is the highest mountain

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in Western Europe and the 2nd highest mountain

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in Europe after the Caucasus Mountains.

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