Mohammed Faqih – Prophetic Chronicles #04
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The host of a prophetic episode discusses the story of the Prophet Selim, highlighting the importance of forgiveness and a promise of a reward. Two short stories are mentioned, one about a man who died and was rewarded, and one about a man who died and was not rewarded, but found to have been a victim of the speaker's actions. The speakers emphasize the need for forgiveness and fear of the person.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam.
Welcome to our to another
episode of
prophetic Chronicles, basically where we share stories. The prophesised Sallam told his companions about someone
from the past.
And these are not metaphors. They're not parables. They're actually actual stories that happened to real people, real stories that happened to real people. And tonight
due to the fact that I'm struggling, we're actually I actually chose two short stories. You know, many of us may be already familiar with them to short stories. These were actual stories, the prophesy Selim told the Sahaba
the first story
is reported to us on the authority of Apple, Mr. Ansari, who said
again, at what I meant by struggling I'm struggling with with breathing due to recent allergic reaction
that triggered my asthma so I almost read it, I'm sorry, report it or that? Other Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
who SIBO Roger amendment Cara Coppola film ujet love women and highly ill and no Kena radula you heard it on us? What caribou Sera?
Can out model really matter? Who are you to jail was Marisa, Allah azza wa jal, Fernando, I have to be there early coming home for TJ was one.
So when we started out, sorry, reports, this story that the Prophet SAW Selim told them and this is from, again, the hype, this is from the unknown, unseen things of the process, and them could have not just, you know, guessed on his own. So I said that Allah subhanaw taala revealed the stem, especially that this story is something that has to do not only with the past, so not only is it something that happened in the past, but it's actually also something that
that the process element is revealing or relating to the Sahaba, from what Allah has revealed to him with regards to the fate of the individual home the process that I mentioned this story after this person died,
right. So and that is information that no one can actually, you know, figure out on their own. Right. So not only is it a person that lived in the past, but it's also something that happened to him after he died. So the prophets of Allah anyway, Selim said that
in the past, in the past time, there was a man
that actually lived right, a man that died.
And after his death, he was held accountable, he was called to account by Allah subhanho wa taala.
Which again, shows that when people die, right, right after their death, there is a sap, there is a, there is some sort of,
you know, reckoning, they're going to be questioned, they're going to be held accountable. Right? This is not the ultimate day of judgment account. Right? Because some people might say, Well, we thought that that, you know, his app doesn't start until the Day of Judgment. Yeah, that's another one.
But immediately after the person dies, they're going to be questioned. Right?
So we know that when the person is buried, also that they're going to be questioned in the grave, and so on and so forth. So the prophesy SLM said that this man was called to account.
And it was found that he had no good deeds. The only good deed that he had done was the fact that he was
a very wealthy man
with many business dealings,
and he had a policy that he implemented.
He used to order
his workers who worked for him and collect debt on his behalf from people that owed him money.
He used to instruct them to only collect from those who were
who are capable of paying back if a person is not capable of paying back if the person does not have the financial
capacity to pay back. He used he instructed them the policy was that that individual is exempt from paying back so he will forgive the debt. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Right?
Allah subhana Hua Allah the Almighty said, with regards to the case of this individual,
we this is the royal we Allah subhanaw taala speaking, we are more entitled to do that than he is. In other words, Allah subhanaw taala is much more kind and generous and subhanaw taala He is merciful, and his full of grace of Hannah with ALLAH, so that this person who was very gracious, gracious to other you know, to fellow human beings, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah to Allah decided to reward him with the same. And Allah subhanaw taala showed him grace. And he was forgiven by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So this is the story of the of an actual man that actually lived. And he used to live by this rule in his life, Allah Subhana Allah blessed him with a lot of wealth, right?
But he was gracious enough, he was kind enough that if anyone owed him money, right, he would actually forgive them if they're not able to pay back. And he will move on. Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala forgave him. And this is an example of how someone actually can earn Allah subhanaw taala as
forgiveness and be quite, you know, qualified to receive grace from Allah subhanho wa Taala by virtue of their financial dealing of their honest or kind financial dealings. Right. So wealth is not is not necessarily something bad. Money is not evil in and of itself. Right? It all depends on
the way we manage it. And it depends on our attitude towards it. Right? Is it something that controls us is something that we pursue everything that we are attached to, and we pretty much serve? Or is it something that we actually, you know, earn, and manage? And spend, you know, wisely? And we're in control of it? It's not an you know, controlling us? Right? Do we break all ethical rules and virtues? For the sake of earning wealth, and accumulating wealth? or preserving wealth? Or do we maintain our virtues and our values? Right?
Again, so does it control us? Or do we control it? That's a question. And obviously this man, right, it didn't control him. Wealth, you know, was not something that that, you know, and again, this doesn't mean that a person shouldn't be shouldn't be careless, right?
Well, Allahu Allah, Allah. So this is this is a very short story that I wanted to share with you, I want to share with you another story, another short story also, that that is,
that has to do with what happened. So these are stories with happy ending, I mean, most of our stories have happy endings, right? But these are the type of stories that the promise or salad relate to us not only what happened, but actually the result of that in the hereafter. Pretty much, right? So the story continues, right? So the problem is,
you know, told the Sahaba about what this man used to do, what he did and how Allah subhanho wa Taala either rewarded him or what Allah subhanaw taala how this person was, was received after his death. So there is another story also that involves a man who also died. And the process, you know, told them about this man's transition to the hereafter.
As a matter of fact, the story begins with that.
So this the second story that the promises are mentioned, begins with the man's death
and or with what the man said to do to him after his death. So whether
or not the Allahu Anhu reports again all of these ahaadeeth are authentic, there's
a Khalifa reported he said I'm Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a call Cara you know me men cannot Kubla Khan. You see on one that we Amelie he
underlined la haga you will see over Nabi Amelie he keep that in mind.
you see you're gonna be Amelie, Yanni Leia wouldn't
be Emily. You see, you're gonna be Amanda here.
Fela Mahabharat Hua pally Le he either enemy to recording so not Han only
so much Rooney was Ronnie Annie.
So Moroni fill
in Allah in your Khedira Allah yella me I was really skin
miskeen any
other farmer Allahu Allah azza wa jal Bella Katroo Heho all Allahumma Hamelech Allah Allah Allah
Allah Rob DeMatha al 211 The half ethic
Hello Ilona?
How are they reported that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there was a man among those who came before you
who thought badly of his deeds?
He never he was. He was he was never like, too confident about his deeds. He didn't even think his deeds were good enough. Right.
So again, this is not a man that didn't do something. But this is someone who didn't think his deeds were good enough.
Or He thought of himself to be sinful.
So, he said to his family, before his death,
when I die, when I'm dead,
burn my body
and grind up my bones
then scattered me scattered basically my remains
in the sea.
For if Allah gets a hold of me, he will never forgive me.
So obviously, this is not something correct. Right? One should not do this, we should not have this kind of.
But Allah azza wa jal commanded the angels to seize his soul.
Then Allah subhanaw taala said to him,
What made you do what you did?
What do you think? I mean, what were you thinking? Why did you do what you did? He said, Oh, Lord, I only did it because I feared you.
Right, so fear overtook him
and just made him do something that
wasn't right. But it was out of fear, out of tremendous amount of fear that he had from Allah Subhana Allah.
So Allah subhanaw taala being the Forgiving,
Merciful Lord, He is Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet has said, Let me said that Allah forgave him.
Allah subhanho wa Taala forgave him because of the amount of fear that he had.
And this goes to show that Allah subhanho wa taala, Allah
subhanho wa Taala is forgiving, right sin does not does not harm Allah subhana wa Tada the Hadith Allah we were reminded on the day of Joomla, Allah subhanaw taala said in the tableau refer to Ronnie
that, you know, there is nothing that we can do that harms Allah subhanaw taala
right. So our sins, you know, yes, they offend Allah azza wa jal, but it doesn't, doesn't do so. So when Allah Subhana Allah to Allah punishes
the service is because they deserve it.
But here Allah azza wa jal by the virtue of the fear of this individual, right? Allah Subhana Allah Allah forgive, forgive what he did.
We ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive us. We ask Allah Subhana Allah
to grant us Toba repentance, and make us of those who turned back to him and repentance. May Allah subhanaw taala accept our repentance May Allah subhanaw taala forgive us our sins. Lama Phil and our ham half an hour half an hour one criminal to hinder well
yeah, medical facilities and an Akula well as a kidney phocoena Perfect I love Mr. Miyagi Nicoletti let Anna Baroque Nicola, you know your arm or ham neighborhood erotica, Elena what we like now until Raja ona was sitting well hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.