Mohammed Faqih – Jumuah Khutbah June 7, 2019

Mohammed Faqih
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AI: Summary ©

The Prophet sallal has been lost in the past, including major deaths and events like the Battle of Mecca. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making decisions based on one's own values and forgiveness, while also acknowledging the return of the Prophet sallal and return of the Prophet sallal. The current crisis has impacted people, particularly those with lost faith in Islam. forgiveness is key to everyone's presence in the moment.

AI: Summary ©

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			In Al Hamdulillah
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			Ahmed who
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			was sulfuryl who was study while the villa he died I mean surely fusina amin see at the marina Mayor
de la la Mola. Lil fella ha de la.
00:00:21 --> 00:00:50
			vie shadow Allah, Allah Allah Allah. Allah. Allah. Wa shadow Anna Mohammed Abdullah hora pseudo
wasafi human being healthy Johan de la bella reseller what an Amana one of salahaddin oma salaatu wa
salam O Allah. Yeah, you're living in la porta potti while at the moon to the moon. Yeah. Johan suta
Pura vida como la de Holla
00:00:53 --> 00:00:58
			Holla fabinho zoologia Baba bestimmen humara. Jalan Katia no one is
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			what? La la de Luna v one or ham in LA con la merkiva. Yeah, you're Latina, taco la, la la la.
00:01:12 --> 00:01:24
			La la, la. La welfare London overcome. Many of ala hora Sula, who was in Halima headed hoonah at the
Ambassador roseola a barrel Mustafa jetty
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			minahasa to hurt Allah to cut Fisher well. Me 30 hltv sallallahu alayhi wa sallam add Fiamma.
seperti a survey Misha
00:01:41 --> 00:01:42
			will have he Russia.
00:01:44 --> 00:01:54
			Jeff and Kalani Sheraton la How about all the data you have on my geography? Wolfie B Jyoti Javi
Sneha some
00:01:55 --> 00:02:00
			telenovelas woman that darussalam Avon Emily Muslim ASAP.
00:02:01 --> 00:02:15
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romanticize freedom in half cmrp Latina Latina Asian and
00:02:17 --> 00:02:18
			while while Eunice
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			and hecho de la he will soon letter Who? Pharaoh suta he was very him just
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			be an you'd never know Mara
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			Mara Mara mantequilla who who Mara intercooler who knows when takuna la him karate
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			will have them in our house I mean, mean della Linda, Linda masala hirak Abba sofiane and Holly
koresh and Adak mandovi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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			was the Allah who has gotten to know carlina colic a horrible way in a coma Bina and maybe some of
our seven heroes. Yes, Abu sufian heraclius Allah Sophia, Sophia Sufyan, Lamia, Islamabad,
00:03:22 --> 00:03:23
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			el amin, let me hear Allah devotee the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam per se Allahu hirak in
the major to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Raja who Futaba NaVi Salahuddin alayhi wa sallam
Islam. Raja Hara Hara
00:03:43 --> 00:03:50
			and in Abuja sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Salah. incana Adam incana Adam he told me he
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			was an akuna Abu sufian Ma Ma T min Quraysh
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			Mila Nina Khanna Salalah alayhi wa sallam in the Hara she held
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			for doodle
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			Illa for the album Hera sama Salah home with hot sauce Hello mama Sila kulu
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			McKenna in the hood, the Delica sada Vietnamese Rasul Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
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			Allah Allah hosoda Houma kanebo como todo la vida como en de la hammarby annouce Lima Salalah alayhi
wa sallam Mo Mo liminal se Leticia few Delhi can have already kind of been a Huracan Raveena Abby
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			and the who Salah who Hakata, tomo Elena allocation how bobina Kuma, vino
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			policy Jen
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			De La la la la la,
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00:05:08 --> 00:05:09
			la la, la, la
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			la la cosa
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			que la casa
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			de las panatela Tonioli soon in LA Fie, Fie MBA. cattolica Rasul Allah,
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			Allah Allah Allah.
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			Allah Allah.
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			Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.
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			Spano, Angela tema de Rossi wherever he can he howdy howdy, my dear brothers and sisters. Today
inshallah I just wanted to share some reflections with you, in the month of
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			the year, in the third year of the history of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. There was an
event that took place,
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			that we as a community can learn a lot of lessons from
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			the Prophet salaallah alayhi Salaam in the third year of the hatred of the prophets of Allah,
remember now a year before in the month of Ramadan, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his
companions, the Muslim community, one decisive, critical battle,
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			which was the battle better.
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			And in that battle, the Muslim, the Muslim community lost 14 of its bravest and finest men,
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			14 companions, that we should go learn about them, by the way, we know very little about these were
the first 14 people to sacrifice their lives in defense of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
And his message and in defense of, of the community, and in defense of their freedom to practice
Islam, and to live
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			as servants to none but Allah Subhana Allah,
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			But on the other side, the Mexicans who came
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			to where the Muslims were,
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			the Mexicans last 70 or more
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			of their top, including some of their top leadership
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			was was killed in that battle, some of their top so there wasn't almost there wasn't any household
in Mecca, except that suffered a loss of one or more individuals that are key individuals and in the
Mexican society.
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			Right, the ones that were spared are the ones that either surrendered, surrendered, surrendered, or
the ones that actually fled,
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			right. Or Abu Sufyan who made a maneuver and was able to evade being part of the battle. So every
single household in Mecca suffered, the Americans were furious,
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			full with
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			grief, anger and vengeance. And they vowed not to mourn their dead until they go and evaluate them.
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			And within a year, they were able to amass an army of 3000 soldiers three times the number of
soldiers that came
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			to to better
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			and when the Prophet salallahu I'd even send them a hurt. And I'm just going to go real quick
through the this is just highlights of the story. And within the highlights, you're going to catch
the lessons in Charlottetown. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam summon his companions, the
community. When the news came to me, the Mexicans have deployed or have marched towards Medina. And
the prophet SAW Selim had an opinion of letting them come to Medina, we know Medina very well let
them enter the city of Medina disperse separate in the streets of Medina, we can easily find them.
This is a massive army, by the standards of these of those days, and we will find them.
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			And this was the opinion of the elders in the society in the community. Right, including Abdullah,
who was the head of the community of community of hypocrites.
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			So, however, the younger, more
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			confrontational or more maybe zealous companions, and especially the ones that missed their chance
to be with a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Battle of better, they said, Allah,
Almighty, Allah and they were the majority. This is Dr. Solomon. Let's go out confront them outside
let's let let us let us not wait for them to enter Medina.
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			We're gonna go outside and stop them.
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			And they're in their tracks. Let them not think that we are
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			We're afraid of them, level no
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			what kind of woman are gonna be, they were the majority.
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			Right? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam accepted the, the choice of the majority.
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			Right? Setting a great lesson, Allah Subhana, Allah says, you know, we shall
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			consult them in the matter. This is something that affects them, impacts them directly. These are
their lives.
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			They're about to sacrifice, they have to be part of that decision making process. You can't just
tell them, oh, I made a decision. You know, I'm declaring war, you have to do whatever I tell you.
And if someone says, Listen, I have, you know, no interest in fighting this war. You know, what are
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			There are certain, so the process of engaging
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			so how we're gonna, we're not going to hesitate even if the officer should have told them let's
let's go, they would have just followed him.
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			Nonetheless, the process has ended engaged him in the decision process, right? There's there is a
war we're about to fight, how do we approach this, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
considered or he agreed with the with the majority, though his opinion was was different, some of it
was him. So he accepted the majority opinion. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went home,
to get ready. And he was the first one to get ready and put his gear. And then when he came out, by
the time he came out, they had already a discussion amongst themselves, they had a discussion that
we kind of maybe pressure the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, maybe the desire to do something else,
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			let's, let's so they change their minds. So they said, messenger of Allah, let's stay in Medina, as
you first suggested or desired. And he said, Now, we made a decision is it's done, because a lot so
just says, What shall we say either as mTOR fatawa lalala. Once you make your decision, proceed, and
put your trust in Allah subhanaw taala.
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			Don't hesitate.
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			Not all decisions are easy to be made.
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			Sometimes we have to, as a matter of fact, many times, you have to make very hard decisions, but you
make them for a reason. And the last hat Allah opens your hearts to them for a reason. And you have
to proceed. You can hesitate. You have to be decisive. You have to move on. Take your time, do your
due diligence. Take your time and decision making consult, make a Suharto, ask Allah Subhana Allah
but once you make you make your mind, once you make up your mind, and once you decide, you have to
proceed and put your trust in Allah habitat. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, may
have been a little amateur who had the lovina will be in the way. So once once prophet puts his gear
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			on, cannot take take it off until the loss of Hamlet Allah settles the matter for him or against
whatever, whatever Allah subhanaw taala chooses. So it's all in the hands of Allah. So the prophet
SAW Selim went up on the way to hurt Abdullah innovativeness, Allah said, he listened to these young
folks, immature guys, and he disobeyed me. And he didn't accept my opinion. You know, I'm not going
to be part of this, and he decided to withdraw. So he withdrew with one third of the army almost 300
men followed them a little more than 300, almost one third, one third of the army. And the prophets
I send them proceeded with about 700 men to go ahead. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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			when he did that is a good time than someone who's, you know, I mean, what what do you do to these
people go after them now have internal fighting, sometimes you have to pick up to pick your battles.
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			It's not time now to turn and try to subdue these people and try to you know, you cannot subdue
these people or try to
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			in a court martial them or try them or fight them or pressure them and teach them a lesson. Let them
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			Because you have a bigger
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			no need for this internal fight. Even if you don't disagree with some even if it's a major,
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			a major division like this, this is serious. This is serious betrayal.
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			This is this mutiny. This is this is basically serious rebellion. But the promises of them didn't
didn't bother, let them go peacefully, stay home, that's fine. They're not going to be part of this
great inshallah Tada, victory. And, and they're not going to have any share in this. And also our
rights have been filtered. Now. We no longer have people who are not interested or who are not
sincere, who are not part of us. We only want people who are sincere, who are dedicated, who want to
be part of this
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			are with us, no matter you know how hard the mission or the task might be.
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			So let them out. numbers don't matter. Just because you have few fewer rows, or half of the capacity
that you were looking for, okay? What matters is these people are dedicated and they're sincere and
we count on them and Allah Subhana Allah gives the victory to a little a smaller number right coming
at him Kali let him attend Kathy Orton begin Allah. And there is there is precedent to this, by the
way in the Quran, in the story of Saul and Goliath right later in his ranks had david david came out
of that small number of people that stayed with their their leader, right. But most of them failed
the test. When he gave him a test to show the woman who left Ballymena
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			for the merger was a Whoa, whoa, whoa, levina aminomethyl Corolla Takata neoma bazaruto generally
they said, Oh my god, We're outnumbered we're doing that the ones who have faith in Allah Subhana
Allah and the and the ones who have determination and have knowledge they said, Come if you
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			attend Kathie Lee law,
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			by the grace of Allah and by the power of a loss of habitat, a smaller number can out can defeat a
larger number. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam moved to a herd and the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, real quick the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, istation 50 people, and they
fought the battle station 50 people, you know, these were the archers, who were supposed to cover
the back of the Muslims. And you know that in the battle the Muslims won in the beginning. And then
the archer has left their their place. And then
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			things turned against the community, the Muslim community and the prophet SAW Selim was injured, you
know, he was hurt salatu salam, his uncle, his uncle was killed many of his companions, almost same
number as those who were killed from from the medicals the year before 70 companions were killed.
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			Right. And many of the archers that left their their their post survived, the ones that stayed the
few but the 12 that stayed were killed.
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			And there was a very serious loss.
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			And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the companions regrouped. And they they remember
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			you know, losing a battle is not going to do doesn't mean it's the end.
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			And they recovered. And they put their faith in their trust in Allah subhanaw taala. And they took
responsibility for their own actions, and the community moved on, and those who were the cause of
this world forgiven, right, because in no place, you would find that these archers who made this
hasty decision, right, and left their post, exposing the back of the Muslim army for gradually to
come around and attack from behind. They were not tried. They were not treated as outcasts. They
were welcomed back into the community and the Muslim community practice one of his greatest and most
beautiful qualities, forgiveness, forgiveness, and Allah Subhana Allah says in the Ludhiana tolomeo
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			Kumamoto, Japan in the missus, Allahumma shaytani Vivaldi Makka boo Wanaka de la know, Allah
subhanaw taala has forgiven them.
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			Right? When a loss of habitat issues of this forgiveness, the community forgave them. They did not
blame the year the reason why my uncle was killed, you're the reason why my husband was killed.
You're the reason why my kids are orphans. None of this house.
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			I asked Allah subhanaw taala to make you and I have those who stand their ground, those who are
steadfast, and when afflicted with any loss or calamity, they endure. And they put their faith in
Allah Subhana Allah and they recover. And may Allah subhanaw taala make you an eye of those who
listen and follow the best of where they listen to Apollo Heather cola
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			Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam Ana, imagine living in a world that
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			dear brothers and sisters, I urge you, you know, I know the month of Ramadan is over. But you know,
it now is a time for us to go back to look into the tradition and the seer of our Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and his steady and read write and also when we read the Quran, try to correlate it
to what we are reading from the legacy from the traditional from the life of the Prophet sallallahu
It was so we need to
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			To start doing reading, and I know that most of us prefer including myself, you know, we prefer
we're very visual, we prefer to see things and listen to things. But sometimes it's better for you
to read and reflect on your own. Right, and try to relate, whatever you read to your own reality,
and see what kind of lessons you're supposed to learn from them. Because there is a reason why these
events are documented. There is a reason why the Quran highlights these events in the life of the
Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. And their early Muslim community, there is a reason why the
prophet SAW Allah Himself addressed it and why our great scholars documented these things. There is
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			a reason why, you know, tons of books were written, right? analyzing and reflecting and pondering
upon these events, there is a reason these are everlasting lessons for us to learn. This is not the
first time where we're being defeated. This is not the first time we're being persecuted. This is
not the first time we're being targeted. This is not the first time we're facing
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			and aggression. This is not the first time and I'm afraid that it won't be the last time we will
continue to be targeted. Right? This, this is not supposed to shake anyone's faith, it's supposed to
strengthen your faith. Right? The fact that you're being targeted?
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			Why? Why are we being treated like this? Why are we being insulted, and, you know, shedding tears
and crying is not the solution.
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			We need to stand strong with our heads up high.
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			And our hearts filled with humility, and devotion and trust in Allah subhana wa Tada. And as
promised somewhere in Savannah with that, and in the promise of His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. That's how a believer stands
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			full of confidence, faith, and glory, dignity. And that's how we can get back the lost glory. Right.
And if we don't witness it ourselves or experience it in our own lives, at least we can pass that,
that that, that sentiment and that faith to the next generation.
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			Right, so that they can hold on to it. And I think one of the present
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			manifestations of this is what we see with our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted all
over the world, right? In China and in other places. But the most glorious of all examples is that
our brothers and sisters in Palestine, may Allah Subhana Allah strengthen them, and May Allah
subhanaw taala give them decisive victory robinair Tina Mila Nakamoto here in Arusha, Allah to the
Pura Vida vida de tener una Millennium kurama in the Canton who have a lot of marriage that Islam
and Muslim in agreement omitted Islam is a mirage de
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			Marcy Murphy even more often we don't have
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			Wi Fi at avoid Robin.
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			Robin Allah
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			kurama in the country will have a better light in the light and certainly when you take the barber
when hand Shea will mocha will belly to the corona cola Coca
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			Cola, the cola cola anemometer smell.
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			No, no
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			no shoes.