Mohammad Elshinawy – Why We Pray 1
![Mohammad Elshinawy](
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The importance of Islam is discussed, including the use of the head of the body and the importance of staying committed to Islam. The success of Islam can lead to success in various fields, including finding a way to pray and finding a way to keep things going. The importance of finding a way to pray and not rushing to the agenda is emphasized, as it can lead to success in various fields. The use of "naughts and empty spaces" as a way to avoid becoming too busy and distracted is also discussed, along with the historical use of "has been praying for" in relation to the spiritual world and the importance of words in shaping behavior and emotions.
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Mohamed Hassan center on Jami
medical helpful for being on a shadow and Mohammad Rasool Allah Allah growth Mohamed Salah al Amin,
Nasser, Chiquita Allahu taala, who that would have been committed to Allah Allah He was telling them, we should have no more than a third to her. Akula coolamon Colavita Tamala Kula karate female. We begin in the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful the restore of mercy. All Praise and glory belongs to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Indeed Allah azza wa jal is deserving of the best of thanks and the most beautiful of praises. And we testify that no one is worthy of worship of Allah alone with our partners and that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was served with as messenger when we sent as a mercy to the world. And we justified the truce, the words the words of ALLAH, the great
Glorious Quran, in the midst of guidance, is the sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is example.
And the most dangerous of matters, the newly added medicine to this religion for everything is perfectly complete way of life is a leading straight away from the straight path that only leads to the fire.
We want to begin sha Allah azza wa jal, the Saturday evenings that we meet in sha Allah once a month, at least, with a discussion on revisiting our salah, revisiting our prayer, and some of the secrets behind the prayer, some of the meanings of the prayer and the importance of the prayer, some of the virtues of the prayer.
And the reason is, because sometimes even those that make salah
they miss out on most of what is meant by that Salah you know, whenever a person is asked, or he asks himself, you know, when did I become religious? Right? He usually marks it by the time you started praying, and it's correct. That's the mark. You know, when he started praying, that's the first step. Absolutely. But then sometimes as if, like, Okay, I started praying, and then after a while, I moved on to more advanced things in Islam, right, bigger and better things. And the prayer start to take a little bit of a backseat and automatic in his life, he still pray. But the prayer wasn't as enjoyable as the first was, it wasn't as important as it first was. And this, this is an
issue. And this happens a lot. This is one of the big tricks of shaitan you know, sometimes a person becomes Muslim because he finds the Quran so amazing, such a miracle. And then 10 years after he's Muslim, if you ask him what some miraculous about the Quran, it just takes a minute to find that answer somewhere in the, you know, in the back of his memory. You know, a person could sometimes become a student of knowledge and it becomes pretty, you know, decent at some of the advanced sciences. And then if you ask him a simple question, like What's the proof that Muhammad SAW Selim was a prophet? He just it takes a minute together himself and it's a simple question, right? But he
moved on to bigger things in his eyes, that's on the academic level. But also on the spiritual level at times a person does work some Dawa and
but at the spiritual level, same thing, a person could be doing big things in Islam, masha Allah and you know, he's doing more than just the salah. But then how is your saliva? How is your sauna now and reality the Salah is not as it should be, it's not as timely or as focused or something like this. And you know, I personally have seen the only person and sometimes we ourselves don't have to go see people ourselves are victims of this shape and places trick on us that you're involved in this very big battle activity, and you're calling others to Islam and the likes. And then liquidy minute I'm rushing my salah because of a lecture that I have to give or I'm you know, it takes the
backseat as if it's something secondary and it should never be that it should never be secondary. How in the world can you take part in dialogue? Right? Can you save others from drowning if you forgot how to swim? Right? Salah How can you connect people to Allah when you yourself have become disconnected? Because that's what Salah is, Salah comes from Lord Slater. And so that means connection.
It can connection can only be made so long as a person remembers who he is, is a needy, dependent, poor, ignorant slave. And he needs to connect with Allah subhanho wa Taala who has no needs, who is the powerful who is the wise. Once a person understands that relationship and that connection is good. Otherwise, the fuse doesn't fit right the switch doesn't enter right. That's what Salah is. It's the connection between a line and sleeves. It has a very
issue personal status
in the life of the Muslim and that's why of all the things to be legislated in Islam all the rules of Islam. This is the one that Allah Subhana Allah Allah commanded the prophets also limit personally directly without sending Giblin Allah He Celemony with a message, right Allah azza wa jal commanded Hamas also limits Salah in an mineralogy in the night journey when He ascended through the heavens, because this is a very personal thing.
So we want to inshallah rehearse, every time we meet a few of the meanings of Salah and the worth of Salah so we can size it up correctly.
The very first that we need to know and establish even if we know it is that Salah number one is the most important act within Islam. The most important act of Islam is what? The shahada that's the enter Islam and shadow Allah, Allah, Allah or shadow.
That's how you enter Islam. by denouncing every false god and accepting Allah is the One True God worthy of worship.
That is what he becomes and you enter the family of Islam and the Muslims become your brothers. Right after that. The most important thing is surah Allah azza wa jal, it says, For interval of almost solid where there was a character for FY 18 When they repent if they repent me from their ship from their disbelief, that's entering Islam and then established the salah, and pay this again then and only then are they your true brothers in their religion. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a heated normal Korean Muslim Islam was built upon five you know the Hadith five pillars of Islam. Number one testimony that none is worthy of worship with Allah and I'm the
Messenger of Allah number two to establish the salah and date is fasting Ramadan * to the house, the Holy House
and also in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said rather than the agenda to Yemen, Hasan Bukhari Musa narrated by Nagas are the Allahu Imams who don't live in the gutter could do more on our own.
You're gonna approach the people of the People of the Book, one of the factions are the People of the Book. So when you do that, let the first thing you call them to be repaired that Allah the worship of Allah, and they agreed to those terms. For either one out of Allah once they know Allah, once they singled him out to enter Islam.
And Allah for Allah I apologize and homestyle lighting for the only one leader then immediately before anything, you inform them that Allah has instructed them with five prayers, and then I can do it's the most important thing
and the key to everything else. That's why it's very amazing that they love on the Khalifa Musa as you can imagine. He sends a message to his governors.
What does he tell his governors? It tells them why Ireland and the Hydra or Murad Ali Khamenei, the salah know that the most important of all your affairs to me and salah. That's how you build this data. The most important thing is solid, firm and heavy law half of a heavy Latina because whoever safeguards the salah has safeguard the rest of his religion. Woman bla Yeah, I hurt for worldly mercy. We're healthier, and whoever is careless with it is going to be even more careless with everything else. While the health of Islam minimum Sarika salah, he will say, and there's no shear left in Islam for a person that has left the solid.
And this makes sense because can you imagine someone that safeguards their sauna, meaning they pray on time, in the masjid with focus all of that, and then he's gonna break his fast intentionally at a time in Ramadan? No way. You can't? Well, you can imagine the opposite. Right? There are tons of people that number one comes like are you just good enough? As long as my stuff I can, you know, break my fast in Ramadan. So he'll fast in Ramadan, get it over with but still he's careless with his salah. Why? Because salah is different. So let's about a month, Salah is not every day, but it's not every day, it's five times every single day, right? So when a person is already habituated, it
becomes regular in his life, that he has to respond to the call of Allah over and over and over everything else is simple, right? That's why it's the most important thing in Islam. He said the most important thing in my eyes of all of you is Salah, whoever takes care and take care of everything else
will ever scale it'll be even more careless with everything else. And that brings us to our second point
that Salah number one was the most important thing within Islam.
Number two is that it helps you with the rest of your Islam. Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran was staring you know, the summary was salah, and seek strength in patience and in prayer. But Allah Azza the scholar said he didn't say this as seek strength for what? Seek help and aid for what because it applies to everything. Seek strength for whatever you need.
strength will seek help in whatever you need through patience and prayer.
And the most important thing you need is you're really just committed with Allah subhanho wa Taala as the Prophet also leaves it alone most lately, Dini Olivia who are estimated, oh Allah rectify for me, my religion, my religiosity with the strength of my religion, which is the stronghold of my affairs, that's what's gonna determine whether I want to be successful or failure in this world the next it's everything, everything revolves around that.
So your needs you seek strength and patience and for the most important of your needs Islam
and the Prophet SAW said and said it's clearly when he said all right, so I'm really slammed the head of the matter is Islam surrendering to Allah wa our Moodle Salah and our mood, it's column you know, I'm always I'm always a little poorly put in the middle of a tenant to keep the tent up. So in that tent on that pole falls, the tents folds right? Likewise Salah is like that. It holds up your deen for you and holds up your Islam for you when that falls your Islam falls
so Salah to Islam is like the head to the body you got off the Head the body can survive you know you can lose a hand and keep going right when you can't lose your head and keep it moving. Doesn't work. Salah is like that. Once you have it helps you with the rest of your deed and he's also clear in the height of NSCs Sol Sol Allah Allah He also loved the first thing a person gets asked her on the Day of Judgment is a solid
solar house if that goes well the rest of his deeds go well and if that goes bad the rest of his deeds go back.
Of course he didn't say leave it but let's hear if that's not here. So why are you saying it's gonna help me here when the hereafter is just the the results of the exam?
Meaning it's one of the ways to know how you do good and the rest of your deeds is how you can do good and Salah it's an automatic trigger. This leads to that in this dunya and then you see the results of that in the FL
you see it the Living Color the FL
and that's why when the answer above what the Lavon himself he wouldn't be selling his government spray missile from the love of Thailand. He said I answered the phone I'm going to Qatar but Allah Allah who said yes, he was laid out because I want to publish the update or the Allah Han or the incident where he died. I want to update how who knows the youth? Tell him anyone know how to do that?
And the prayer buildin How did he die? That's when he died. But how did he die?
He was that I will let you see when he received from Allah with he deserves
the fight or worship or the Persian men who claim to be a Muslim entered the ranks in prayer and Pamela used to make a DUA
and you say oh Allah at the end of his life, my bones have grown weak
and my responsibilities are too much he feared you know shortchanging the rights of Allah and he was the Khalifa
and I wish to die Shaheed in the city of your prophets of Allah Mata Heusen and no one who understood how this could be because the battle would happen outside of Medina is not gonna happen in city of the Prophet. It's gonna happen outside
with Allah Subhana Allah Allah made that a reality for him.
And he was stabbed he was gutted like this
when he was there in the first rock solid which he came from behind the dark you can imagine this aren't there isn't too many lights and Fitch inside of the so habits and maybe a few lenders that are there and
he put the knife the poison dagger in the stomach of Rama and he pulled
until they grabbed him and they later killed. I want him to Fatah when he was unconscious. Of course I can go through the whole story now. Mr. Macron has the answer and I said key for Hello how's he doing? Carlo Camerota as you see
that doesn't look good.
So he said to the prey the try to wake him up and said he's not waking up all I could do for Salah for intercom Len Tong clue to presume to be che in every level Minnesota is you want to wake him up tell him it's prayer time because you're not going to be able to wake him up with anything that scares him more than that a reminder of the prayer. So they kept saying a Salah of Salah here I mean it's prayer time it's very time I'm gonna need
some top jumped and he said let us go then Allah have coffee in Islam even sadaqa Salah there is no right in Islam for someone who leaves the slide. And he got up and he began to break while his injury was gushing with blood or the Allahu Taala How could you miss salah?
Because sometimes you don't say I make salah. Yeah, but just like fish No, no, not even. These are the pillars of Islam guys, this is not something that
advance this week we keep saying this is of the pillars of Islam. Being a Muslim means minimum five prayers a day.
Missing fetch is a catastrophe. It is an absolute catastrophe. You know, speaking of the Sahaba
and certainly Malik lovely Allah to Allah animals in the Muslim army that conquered fish, or fish that was one of the greatest Persian cities and strongholds.
And the Muslims laid siege to Shasta for a year and a half.
That is a very long time for an army to hold a city, you know, because you know, you're sitting there and there's no food coming and you don't get deliveries and you're running out of resources and you got men, right. It
was painstaking for those and very taxing on the Muslims. Until Allah subhanho wa taala.
Permitted that finally the Muslims enter the city and the battle actually take place and the walls begin to fall. Right before Vegeta time
the battle got the hottest, and there was 30,000 Muslims there fighting against 150,000 Persians.
And they're the ones behind the walls with the protector and the Muslims outside. So when they saw an opening, it was now or never. And so they entered and it was an unreal bet. One of the most epic battles in the history of Islam.
And Allah Subhana Allah Allah permitted, that the Muslims entered and they come Krishna, a few minutes after sunrise and of course in the heat of the battle of being outnumbered five to one and more soldiers and it's not being your land and all of this there's no way they're just going to leave a sword on top of their head and say Allah couldn't pray just it's impossible. What are you going to do suicide to pray
for the prayed fetch to that day
after sunrise for the people think it's okay to pray today and when we wake up or if they ever I am whenever we're about to go to work, we just you know prefetching keeping moving.
The same way Allah Allah Allah does not accept the prayer before it's time, isn't it thereafter it's time at the time ends for fetch at sunrise. So the entered after sunrise and the Muslims
were granted this great Victoria gesture.
And Sydney Malika Lavon whenever you will hear someone speaking about this great victory of history will break down crying.
And you'll say what's so good about your stuff? That's a daily mystery.
What Will Schuester benefit me when I missed it? Ah.
What do I say to Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells me that you can't read this is they left my bread and how good is excused? He has an excellent excuse are they allowed time? How poor is our excuse? He says I would not exchange this whole world all of it not just he would say I would not exchange this whole world and everything in it in exchange for the future that day if I can get it back
this is everything right? So we said it aids you in the rest of your deal. There is no right in Islam no share of Islam with someone leaves Salah he's gonna miss everything else.
Number three is that salah
is the twin of every act of worship. This is part of number two ways to single it out that Allah calls our attention to this in the Quran that you find Salah paired with all the other acts of worship as if tests tell us that once this worship is here salah the rest will be there you see for example Salah paired up with what someone solid comes alone right a people solid establish the solid other times you find solid coming with patience
starting with somebody was solid seek aid in patients and pray right at times he finds the gap paired with solid over at times people said I will add to soccer and tidy for solid paid with jihad. Right Kara was to do a final Hydra and make recordings to Judah for Salah and do good so that you will be successful Ajay do fillet Harper jihad, right? So Salah is always paired with the other acts of worship. And it's mentioned that the leads are too long the evidence is mentioned them now. But it's mentioned the beginning and the end of certain acts of worship. Like if you go to the moon, you'll see that ALLAH SubhanA Francis PADEP let me know in the believer is successful, and let the
known feast Salah to him harsh to those that are focused in their prayer, then there's a whole long list of qualities that believers have. And then the end again by saying well Lavina you have your own, and those that are protective of their prayers. So all these good qualities, they're sandwiched between the prayers as if you have the prayers, you have everything else automatic and the same thing exists. And so the language as well It begins with the prayer that a whole list of good deeds and ends with the prayer as well.
This repetition is not without our wisdom and to think why is it mentioned twice? Right? Where is it mentioned?
It is mentioned with every good deed use with the solid comes every other good deeds that's number three Salah is between of every act of worship. Number four is that salah is the mother of all worships you know the mother is where we come from, right? That's the the root and we are the branches, right? Salah contains all the different flavors of worship they get combined in this Allah
Allah subhana wa Dallas's will only learn on 18 and stands for Allah in full devotion. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the facility that Chabaud upgrades and mercadien Muslim Indian solid is a busyness, you know the business busyness means means Salah contains that which keeps you totally busy.
What does that mean? Let me explain further.
Salah is not like fasting, because when you're fasting, you're just doing one thing and that staying away from food drink and you know intimacy. That's just one thing you're doing what you're allowed to talk when you're fasting, right? It's like talk you're allowed to sleep when you're fasting is allowed to buy and sell and you're fasting is
person making he while he's making Hajj he's still allowed to eat while he's making Hajj, right the rock, he's still able to talk while he's being hydrated rock solid is not like Salah wants every ounce of you. That's what I mean by the mother of all worships. It wants.
It wants your body doing certain motions and your heart and your tongue is weak and your eyes are looking and your hands are somewhere and your feet you have to be standing. It is it combines it all together. It's a busyness meaning you're supposed to be completely preoccupied with your Salah. That Hadith by the way is of the proofs.
That for example, there are many things outside that you should not like for example, a person that drinks or eats in the middle of solid that invalidates a solid summer's over. You know why? Because the heaters in the facility now Shula the salah is a busyness. So the meaning if you are not busy in your Salah, if you're distracted that invalidates your solar, the scholar see how many movements in solid will invalidate the solid sum or MSA to some element see more some elements.
They give numbers. But the point is what the elements say what all these numbers represent that if a person does them it is as if they're not in Salah it's too much. This guy's not praying. That's when it all comes back to that hadith. You understand. I remember one time I entered the masjid. And I saw a guy. He woke up to the software. He said Allah hook. Right. And he's fixing his watches cuff stillness, Bell. Paul, his hands never reached his chest until he made the call. He's just busy with other things. Right? Allah knows best about the validity of this prayer. They said, they said, how can you tell if this is too many movements and invalidates the prayer they said if you look at him,
he doesn't appear to be in solid. And it's solid. That's how you can tell. Right? Well, based on what this is the point in the facility that shoeless was supposed to preoccupy you. It wants your heart and your soul and your mind and your limbs all of it. Your entire essence is for the slaughter.
You know the there's a beautiful hadith
of reality setup.
The Prophet SAW Selim said that Allah Allah revealed to him
to gather
and he gathered them in a place and they filled the rafters. Imagine that he had them in a stadium, okay? And they filled the place it was overflowing, he had to get every last one of them. And he told them, Allah commanded me with five things.
And armella Hoonah to practice them myself, while I'm Morocco, Montana to be in and to command you to do these five things. One of them he said,
and he commanded me to tell you to make Salah and one of us in Salah he should not turn right or left for in Namaha Ansible which has the ability for you saw that he may Allah may Allah because Allah turns his face to the face of his sleeve while he's praying. So long as he does not turn left and right.
See, all of you needs to be in the sauna. Right? And the only message if ALLAH turns away from you when you turn your face and Salah so whatever personal turns his heart in Salah right you have to get past this we have to fight it, because the hardest more important than the fiefs face on this day.
And also our eyes our promise all silent, commanded us not to move our eyes towards the heavens and he threatened those that do that, that a person even his eyes have to be there in the place of sujood. In the replay him he says, The Best of Acts is to recite Quran and to make Vic and to praise Allah. This is the best of acts in our religion.
Each and every one of them is a great act.
So one Salah included all of them together in the same place right beforehand and stand it became better than any other act done by itself. And this would make salah the greatest of act because it's the mother of all worships that the root and the combination of them all together. So that was number what 400
is like
let's do one more job as I did with posts.
Number five is that Salah was the farewell advice of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as he was dying
as anyone ever thought about the loads on it, he said Can I ask you can I mean the visa love it he was a lemma our salah, our salah, it up Allah a female medical email the very last words of the Prophet sallallahu Allah you'll send them word of Salah Solomon you remember the prayer remember the prayer fear Allah with regards to what your right hands possess meaning those in your control those under your authority
and listen demanded for the loved one he said Can I ask you cannot effortlessly if you're somebody that is Allah Allah Allah he will seldom will you literally will be heavy Cerner out of sight out of sight out of itself alive. You ever get to a medical, the very last will and testament the dying, entrusted is will sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, as his tongue was getting choked up with it, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam was a solar a solar fear Allah with regards to water, right? Hence business.
There's quite a few things to be said about this idea.
Of course,
this was his last word to the people. And that's why NS called it f and we'll see you the last thing he entrusted the interesting to the people. His last words were what?
What are his last words? His last words? So Allah Allah who said?
Well, rafiqul Allah, Oh, Allah, the highest company? Yes. So his last words to us was keep your connection with Allah. And his last words totally. Before his head fell Salah holidays. And as he says, You will say Oh, Allah, the highest company connect me with you. Oh, Allah, the highest company. So I actually learned that I used to make the offer and that he would feel better. And you'll see I mean, this is the sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he would say,
the better of us. And Allah rather rather means no, no, not this. I want the highest company, I should he said that. I live to Allah Who live.
I knew that he was not going to pick us. Meaning that he was given the choice at that moment. So Allah Allah, he was in them. And he told them before that no prophet dies at that Allah gives him the choice. Die now or late right, right now or remain. This is only for the prophets. The angel of death does not take permission from anyone, but the profits out of respect and honor for them. She said, he said, No, I don't want this. I want the highest company. So I realized he was not going to choose us. She says and he kept saying that well refused to know the highest company. She says until his hands fell Salama Holly hills.
So this is the first thing about the Hadith. This was his last words to his own. But his last word, so ALLAH SubhanA, Allah, Allah will regarding that very same subject, that he wished to be with Allah and connected with Allah the same way he lived. And that's the second point about the Hadith. That a person if you want to know the most important thing in their life, go listen to them as they're dying.
Anyone could put on a show for as long as they want. But if you want the summary of somebody's life, right before they die, the most important thing to them in truth will come out at that moment.
You want to know why Mohamed Salah Salem was the greatest human being ever, it's because of his connection with Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And we'll go through this in sha Allah and the later weeks if Allah permits, with this, the second thing we take from the Hadith. The third thing is the brilliance of those words. You know, he's not just telling you about salah and just telling you about you know, those whom you possess, your employees are those under your authority, he actually summarized for us Islam in those two sentences, because of solid, a solid or solid, that's the rights of Allah.
And fear Allah with regard to those under your authority, meaning the rights of the creation. And that's basically already in safeguard the rights of Allah and safeguard the rights of the creation. Right. So look at the brilliance of His word sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the last thing I want to say about this hadith, before I close the challah, is that these are the dying words the dying request of your Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, trust me just hold on to this and be careful with that.
You know, even the most delinquent person that
biggest sin, the biggest criminal out there,
the one that he loves, He upholds his dying wish, first and say, Listen, I'm, I'm, I'm a thug, and I'm a murderer. And I'm a thief. And I'm all that. But this, this was a dying wish of my dad. So I got to do it. Right, my dad that says, Do this, and that was his dying wish, I don't care what the cost is, I'm going to do it.
So the believer, when he remembers it, this is the dying wish of your Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to never forget this. And to give the greatest importance to this, this should be of the clearest indicators, this surah is something we don't play with, nor allow Shaitan to steal from us our share of the Salah. Those are the five virtues that I wish to mentioned today. And believe it or not, nothing happens, right. And this is actually what I'm relaying to you now is a summary of a series that he gave called a solid to demand the why we pray. And I just, as I tell everybody, I fell in love with the series that I said, I have to, you know, relate to the to the
English audience. And he mentioned over 30 of the virtues of solder, before he goes on to the dangers of leaving solder. And then advices about solder, what we saw were done with five out of 34 of the virtues, at least of chapter one shell, which is So may Allah didn't make it a benefit that enabled us to rekindle our relationship with Asana, and enable us also have the benefits of this series before I close,
and in a minute is our ability to explain to others and encourage others solid, right? You're not just gonna sit there and say, Come on, man Come on, just makes a lot of other ones we don't know how to let this also be a means to help you on how to encourage and how to explain and how to do Tao and how to bring people to the masjid and how to make sure that
there's a big difference. Big difference in your data, and in your effect on your children and the effects on your communities. Between someone sitting there and just telling talk, right? Just like human talk and stories and you know, wise words and all that stuff. And between you saying if and a hadith and I added a hadith why? Because this is the words of the Lord of the worlds of Hannah without his wife is revelation. And Allah created those hearts so it fits perfectly with the hearts. You're never going to be able to put together an argument that's going to affect the hearts better than the argument and the words of the One who created those hearts. And that's what Allah subhanaw
taala said cool enamel zero Camila, he tells him Mohammed, I'm just warning you with Revelation I'm telling you this is Allah speaking. Right? So of the benefits of this and charlas for us to rekindle our relationship with the Salah, and to for us to be equipped with the tools and the you know the weapons the child to battle the Shavon off of our brothers and sisters in Islam and to be able to win their hearts swords standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala consistently federate, Eurasia in the masjid as much as possible with sure every single time in sha Allah are climbing the ladder in that direction even Are there any questions?
Any questions? Last call? This is any questions
is like a lovely particle of information there
is going to be a solid amount of Vina Muhammad Ali Ali or savage Marine 100