Mohammad Elshinawy – The Crosshairs
![Mohammad Elshinawy](
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The speakers discuss the importance of revisiting the Quran and clearing distractions from events. They stress the use of Majeed as a fruit in the Bible and the significance of pastime and confrontational behavior. The culture is seen as shaping behavior and the speaker provides examples of how pastime and confrontational behavior can be turned into meaningful things like pride and arrogance. They also give tips on what to look for when reading the Quran and remind viewers to practice these tips in their daily lives.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Now 100% Asana Jamila shadow Allah you know her in Allah has medical Hacohen Medina shadow and Mohammad Rasool Allah Ruth Rahmatullah al Amin. We begin the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the grantor of Mercy All Praise and Glory be to Allah Lord of the worlds and these finest peace and blessings be upon the one who will be sent as a mercy as the world's. We testify that none is worthy of our worship and our devotion with Allah and Allah alone or any partners the true supreme king of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was his prophet and a servant that His Messenger
welcome everybody back to our nightly reminders we have been discussing how to revisit to reconnect with the Quran
and reflect on it deeply as it was revealed for it was revealed for that deep to double. And we said the first step is to cleanse the receptacle, what we receive this Quran with which is our heart so that we can be deserving of the guidance that exists in that book. And the second thing we said is to clear the distractions you have to sit with the Quran, don't give it the leftovers of your time, give it your undivided attention for the time that you have dedicated to Quran.
The third, which is tonight's Inshallah, discussion very quickly, is about not limiting the Quran.
The Quran did come addressing certain things but was intended to be extrapolated from to be reflected on to
benefit so many other scenarios. And so
I gave this reminder the title of the crosshairs and you'll understand why hopefully in a minute Inshallah, but consider that Allah azza wa jal said at the end of social bridge,
in the who, la Quran Majeed Philo himself this is a vast Quran, a Quran that is Majeed, Philo him muscles in a garden Preserved Tablet, meaning it's inscribed up there in the heavens, in a local muffles. But this Quran was described as Majeed of the meanings of Majeed is that it is vast, you can visit the same idea over and over again and get different benefits from it, different lessons from it, and the scholars can write, you know, 1000 lessons, it's an endless ocean and then you'll come and read it and Perhaps Allah will permit for you
what he didn't permit for them, not contradicting the primary meanings, but at the same time, something extra relevant for you.
And I want to tell you that I've been playing around the whole law, he actually points out the fact that one of the greatest blindfolds have shaytaan that he fastens on people's heads that prevents them from benefiting from the Quran, he says is for Shaitan to deceive them into assuming that the Quran is addressing a people other than himself and addressing an error or time other than his time.
And this is profound. So I'll give you an example just from Soto BlueJ. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the believers who were persecuted for their belief for their Iman and burned alive for that. He says subhanho wa Taala in the Latina faith and remote meaning Minato Melania Tubu for the home. Addabbo, Johanna Mola, Hamada Bukhari, those who persecuted the believing men and women by way of burning
and then don't repent for them is the torment of the hellfire and for them is the torment of eternal burning. But did you catch that? And Hassan Rahim Allah He read this is this is speaking about the the persecutors
but he benefited from it in a very different way. Meaning you don't have to limit this idea to the persecutor. It doesn't just apply to persecutors. Allah said, these persecutors if they don't pretend. So it hasn't said, How generous is Allah how forbearing is Allah? He interjected. If they don't repent, to tell us that even someone as monstrous as that, if they repent, I'll still forgive them. You know, reminds you of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he said Allah laughs from the condition of two people. just remarkable. He says one that kills the other and they both wind up in Jannah. So one kills the other and he dies Shahid and that person the killer
was a was a disbeliever at the time, and then Allah opens the doors for him and he becomes a believer and dies. So he winds up in Jannah as well look at the kingdom of Allah azza wa jal, so don't limit your understanding to this only applying to the persecutors you know another example is Malik el Medina, Owner of the Day of Judgment, you can read that
in a state of like fear and feeling like subjugated by your boss or subjugated by some enemy, and you say you know what, Allah owns the greatest day so for sure he owns every other day and it empowers you. Right? Gives you the courage you need to face adversity. In another instance in your life when you're feeling
and haughty or arrogant you read Maliki Oh Medina and it humbles you. It breaks us I don't even own this little day. How can
I dare show arrogance when Allah azza wa jal will smite to the arrogance on the day of judgment
and turn them into the size of Ents to be stepped on by the people, depending on what you come to the Quran with, it can give you so much. And so that's the idea of the crosshairs in every area is a lesson for you. This Quran is Majeed. It is vast. So you look into the idea and you know how, in video games or in movies and they show you a sniper is something that's looking for his target from a distance? And then he looks No, that's not it. That's not then he locks in on it. lock in on the meaning in each area for you. I'll give you one example extra I just heard or read Jeff Allen Fifi, who always has amazing reflections in Arabic. He's one of my favorite contemporary authors. He wrote
yesterday because people are supposed to be reflecting on certain KEF on Fridays are expected to.
He said don't think the story of the boys in the cave is just some boys in a cave, nothing to do with us. He said Did you notice how Allah azza wa jal said that they resigned or they fled to the cave, a cold, dark tight cave, and it was the place where Allah azza wa jal had awaiting them.
Mercy so like when your house gets tight or your chest gets tight, these tight moments, these tight spaces could be the spaces that have the greatest potential for Allah to open up doors for you. subhanho wa Taala if he can bring it to the boys in the cave, this tight, cold stony cave, he can certainly bring it into your tight chest he can certainly bring it into our tight homes we're in we're in this Corona lockdown or otherwise. So extract from the meanings that use the crosshairs on every single area. Lock in the meaning that is awaiting you there in sha Allah to Allah with the law tomorrow, we'll have some final quickfire tips if you will. I don't know why I'm using all of these
words, crosshair and quickfire. But just a quick checklist of tips on what to look for when you're reading through even the translations of the Quran. And then Monday night in sha Allah we begin on the illegal rulings the outcome related to fasting in Ramadan zakat locally and everybody. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.