Mohammad Elshinawy – Tasbeeh & Psychological Distancing #Corona – 03.21.2020
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The importance of glorifying Allah and setting back behind the Cabela is discussed, as well as the need to be mindful of what is glorified. The segment also touches on the negative impact of social distancing and the importance of being around people performing well. The video also includes a brief advertisement for a nighttime meal.
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Salam Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. I pray everybody's well.
And I ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to write for us and you, the best of this world and the best of the next and to protect us from the torment that the fire laws diligent to make our day better than yesterday, and what is remaining of our life better than one has passed and the ultimate best day of our life as we meet him and love him, I mean.
So the reminder this evening, is about the importance of test be
glorifying Allah, and test B being the greatest
ammunition we have as human beings,
towards having psychological fortitude, spiritual fortitude,
which is what the core of the human being pivots around whether humans realize that or not. So Allah azza wa jal says to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wala Cadena Alamo and know who you are Lea Posada roca de Maya po don't we certainly know that your chest is tightened right like your E you get saddened and you get feel a bit suffocated. We know that your chest tightens from what they are saying about to O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam we know your chest tie ins from what they're saying. They're saying you're a breaker of homes. They're saying you're a liar. You're they're saying this that in the third, we know your chest tightens from this. And then the next
verse speaks about the prescription to remedy the tightening of one's chest to give you psychological and spiritual resolve and resilience. And it's basically saying a little bit of an intro to it. Just ignore them. You're thinking too much about them. Allah asila Jen said for Sam, the Hamdi Rob Baker, we're co Masergy Dean or CO Minister Jadine glorify the your Lord by praising him focus on Allah. glorify the Praises of your Lord make to speak of Allah and be among those let your description one of the interpretations is let the description of you be the description of those who prostrate to be among those that are defined as such as Pross traitors, but the first
prescription was to be to glorify Allah, what does it mean this be to Say Subhan Allah Subhana Allah he'll be Hyundai Subhanallah Halim Subhanak, roughly translated as glorified you are Oh ALLAH are Glorified is Allah Subhana Allah, but what is glorified mean? It means he is glorified, meaning exonerated cleared, of any imperfection, glorified? Is Allah above imperfections transcendent? Is Allah above any blemish any flaw imaginable?
And we don't do it too much of this. We don't do enough of this. I want to say to me, myself, and you right now, the same way Allah said to His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we know it hurts you what they say, I know it hurts you. Every message with a news update you get on WhatsApp, I know you are bothered and your anxiety continues to augment with the more and more news you read about what they're saying. It's going to be like, you're going to die. You're going to get sick, you're going to go broke.
I know this tightens your chest. So recall the prescription said bear, glorify Your Lord. There is nothing like this we and we don't do enough of it. You do know how much we're supposed to do.
To prove that we don't do enough of it. Allah azza wa jal says in another verse was set back behind the Arabica Cabela to lower a sham CEO of Kabbalah who behalf
celebrate the praises of your Lord glorify your Lord before the sunrises and before the sunsets
and before the sunsets but then the verse continues to say even more, it says, And when Lana Elaine Lamine Anna Elaine and parts of the night for said they glorify Him then as well while trough and Mahara the endpoints of the day glorify Him as well. Then he says, what law I look at her boss so that you may be pleased. That is the remedy. You want to be pleased, pleased in this world, please, in the next pleased, irrespective of your circumstances, that doesn't mean good news isn't going to feel good and bad news isn't going to hurt, but it will never puncture that sanctuary inside of you that collectiveness that calmness, you will become unbreakable in that regard. It will hurt only on
the surface and it will please you only on the surface because your pleasure and your pain circle around you're standing with Allah circle around his promises circle around your confidence in him subhanho wa Taala and that cannot be breached if you have it. You know, in fact, speaking about what many of us perceive as the plague and corona a moment chef and Rahim Allah He used to say mount on a to che N
and foul Lua even at the speed. I have never seen anything more beneficial against
plague, then test be then saying Subhan Allah who will be handed which means Glorified is Allah and with his praise Subhana Allah Allah Allium Glorified is Allah the Most Great, saying the speaker has the most beneficial thing from a calamity like the plague? And there is proof in the Quran for something like this. Didn't Allah azza wa jal say that he removed the calamity from unis. Alayhis Salam Jonah when he was swallowed by the whale didn't Allah azza wa jal unsafe and older and now who can I mean and Musa behave a little bit lovey dovey botany Naomi you buy food, were it not for the fact that he was of those that was constantly making the spear glorifying us, he would have remained
in the belly of the whale
until the day that
all human beings are resurrected meaning until the day of judgment. So what did you understand his Salam say? Allah told us exactly the type of the spear he made and you should always be saying this. La ilaha illa Anta Subhanak in equal to Muna volley mean Allah said he called out to the darkness from the belly of the whale beneath the ocean, or in the depths of the ocean, La ilaha illa and none is worthy of worship but you Subhanak glorified you are in the Quran to Mina Mina volley mean, I was the wrong door I messed up. I was among the wrong doors. The very next verse, Allah says fernet Jaina who Mina Lavon and so we rescued him as a result of that test we we rescued him from that
thumb from that distress worker there Lee congealing meaning and in this same fashion, we rescue all of the believers. So may Allah azza wa jal help us keep our tongue moist throughout the hours by night and by day, before sunrise and before sunset, I had a portion of the night to have that dedicated for this beer. At the end points of the day do that as well. The Quran left nothing out as avenues for the spear. So put yourself in that incubator day in and day out and don't let anything infiltrate your psychological resilience, your spiritual resilience,
perform some spiritual distancing, some psychological distancing, through what through focusing on the transcendent and the glorification of Allah. That just be May Allah azza wa jal make that a reality for us make it our sanctuary and carry us safely to him.
On it, Allah who I mean exactly and everyone have a great night or something Allahu Allah, Allah Allah kind of VNM $100 earner he was like the edge money