Mohammad Elshinawy – Manners Of The Salaf #09 When The Scholar Slips

Mohammad Elshinawy
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The conversation is difficult to follow and difficult to follow, including references to Islam, religion, and the military. The speakers discuss the importance of protecting intellectual bubble and criticizing the media, as well as protecting one's instruments and intentions. They touch on the importance of protecting intellectual bubble and criticizing the media, as well as protecting one's instruments and intentions. The conversation includes references to Islam, religion, and the military, as well as the importance of protecting intellectual bubble and criticizing the media. The speakers discuss the importance of protecting intellectual bubble and criticizing the media, as well as protecting one's instruments and intentions. They also talk about protecting one's instruments and intentions, as well as protecting one's instruments and intentions. The conversation includes references to Islam, religion, and the military, as well as references to Islam, Islam of Santa Barbara County of Vienna, Muhammad Ali, and Muhammad Ali. The conversation includes references to Islam, Islam of Santa Barbara County of Vienna, Muhammad Ali, and Muhammad Ali.

AI: Summary ©

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			Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain we begin the
name of Allah All Praise and Glory be to Allah and means find his peace and blessings be upon His
messenger Muhammad and his family and his companions and all those who adhere to his guidance. We
ask Allah azza wa jal to grant us and you a life upon upon his guidance, and a death while closely
adhering to his guidance and a reunion around him. And they drink from his blessed hand sal Allahu
Allahu alayhi wa sallam on the Day of Judgment, the day of thirst Allahumma Amin, may Allah
illuminate our minds and purify our hearts and better our character, and strengthen our fraternity,
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			our brotherhood and sisterhood, Allahumma Amin.
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			So we welcome everyone back to our running series. Regarding edible self, the manners of the self,
the manners of the early Muslims fit the I'm on my nurse in particular with regards to their
interpersonal relations with regards to their dealings with one another. And in our last session
session, we spoke about how the self had such high esteem for the scholars.
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			How the self had very high regard for the bearers of sacred knowledge, how they would celebrate the
scholars, as they should.
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			So in sha Allah, this session will be somewhat complementary to that, it will be the other side of
that coin, which is how they dealt with those on route to scholarship. The students of the sacred
sciences, but mostly on how they dealt with the scholars, it with regards to their humaneness, their
imperfection, their mistakes there, even at times,
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			conflict with one another, a little bit of that in sha Allah azza wa jal as well.
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			So first and foremost, the author says, you could be Moon at a level where it's a laptop, phone, or
home or food gonna be him, that they honor the students of the sacred sciences.
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			And they are very gentle and kind and hospitable to them.
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			And this was the instructions of our noble Prophet Sall Allahu Allahu Allah wa salam. You know, I
was reading cadre, you know, the Allahu Anhu begins with this narration. It's authentic narration
we're in Ambleside. Audrey, a young, studious Companion of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam later
on in his life when he met the students. And he became the teacher and he met the students that
would come from every corner of the world to collect what he committed to memory of the prophetic
tradition, the prophets traditions, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, whenever he would see these
students answer, he would say Mar haben be we'll see it Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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			cannot Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you will seen become, you would say welcome. Oh,
interest meant Oh you who we've been entrusted about by the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa
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			He told us that people when they come to you, so that you may relate to them what I left with you
honor them greatly.
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			You know how last week or the week before we spoke about the scholars being our lifeline back to the
Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Now it is the reverse. Now these students also deserve a degree of
honoring because they are our potential line of extending the prophetic legacy to those after us.
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			And it was well known that Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah would give extended time
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			with his students and honor them in a very special way and even spend on them from his own finances.
And when someone tells you
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			that I will honey for him, oh, Allah would spend a lot of time with his students. There's a there's
a subtlety here that I will honey for Rahim Allah, Allah was known to be stingy with his time,
protective, very keen on every moment of his time, he valued time in a remarkable way to the point
that some people miss would misunderstand. Or maybe they wanted to misunderstand. There's this kind
and that kind of people always and they would accuse him of being arrogant and prideful because he
wouldn't socialize much with people. He wouldn't sit with people that much. Why? Perhaps if he did
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			wouldn't have become a boy Hanifa Rahim a whole lot, right? I got into my study time, and I have my
sort of my devotional prayers and private time. But when it came to his students, they were the
exception. This was not in the way this was part of paving the way for the future of sacred
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			And before him even Abdullah having Miss Rudra the hola Juan and you know, the Hanafi madhhab is
founded el Kufa and so much of its its colors were determined its identity was shaped around the
Sahaba of Kufa. Right? Particularly I leave Nebuta liberal the Allahu Anh and Abdullah hidden Mr.
odorata Allah Hassan and anybody
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			who are the scholars will call for
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			from the saliva or the Alana
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			Madani, right. That's your homework for next week. But those two are fine, because we were about to
read for Abdullah hiddenness early, even in the legal opinions of the Hanafi madhhab you will often
find them traced back to one of those two Sahaba right, those are the primary two why because they
had settled in alcova and the Hanafi madhhab was founded in the NL Gouveia.
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			And so even he wrote himself for the Allahu Han.
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			He used to he one time he walked out on his
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			colleagues, students really while they were studying, rehearsing, reviewing with each other. Among
them was Alabama and then Sy and Mizzou and others great ALMA to be of the tambourine of the
generation after the sahaba. And so he stood over them in admiration so pleased with how hard they
were working. And he said be EBI Well, Mila, will Emma, may my mother and my father be ransom for
the Scholars, this is an expression in the Arabic language that means you hear it a lot, even the
Prophet SAW Selim said it about certain people, it means Oh, I wish I could, you know, show you how
much you mean to me. i If I had to trade off my parents for you, I would.
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			It is not meant literally but it is an expression of endearment. So he would say, Be Me will meet
with me my mother and father be ransom for the scholars bureau. He left his telephone. It was in and
around the Spirit of God, right? The spirit of Allah that you got together, what Kitab Allah He Tylo
tomb and the book of God you recited? Well Masjid Allah, He I'm not a tomb and the house of God you
populate it.
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			You got together for God reciting the book of God, spending your hours long hours in the house of
God Warahmatullah Hinta vibratome and the mercy of God you awaited Phil mahabir qumola. Well, I had
them and I have back home. And so after that, I must say May God Himself love you.
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			And may those then may he love those who love you.
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			Very beautiful dua he made for them. And Muhammad Muhammad narrates from Allah Azza Radiohead
Nabokov fear said that aroma of not disease the famous Calif and Sultan of the early Muslims would
write to his governors and edgerouter Allah Tala Bettina at risk, warfare room lit polyp, make sure
those who are preoccupied with the sacred sciences get an automatic sponsorship from the state. So
they may be dedicated entirely to this pursuit, no distractions clear their way.
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			And it was said that I believe him Nevada hammer Allah and other great Hanafi scholar
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			he used to make on average, he was a great trader as well. He was a great entrepreneur, businessman.
He used to make about 50,000 Every year, and they say he never paid Zika in his life.
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			Never pay charity in his life. Someone might jump to conclusions say stuff that Allah like it's
horrible why he's never been sick. It's because he would never hoard the money or sort of keep it he
would always spend it in the path of Allah for the sake of for charitable causes. And in particular,
he would love and understand the value of sponsoring scholars. So there was six scholars, in
particular, very famous names that many of you know
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			have met IGNOU selama and her madness aid, and Sophie nfld and Sophia in arena.
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			And smile, ignore aleja and unfollow luminary out six names, you hear them and hold them all the
time. We're always citing them for their great wisdom and the likes. He says we're it not for these
six. I would never have done business meaning my intention
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			When I go into business is to keep making money to keep sponsoring these great scholars to free them
up to serve this OMA
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			and that will follow Hollywood mostly Rahim Allah he says that my father reported to me that when he
first went to Mosul, most of the famous city of scholarship in Iraq, Mosul in English
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			in the year 459, he arrived at he finally reached the gatherings. That was half the Shirazi that was
happened Shirazi was in his age culture called Islam. He was called the number one shift, scholar,
elder of all of Islam. He says, the father of I will follow, says, and then when I got there, he
welcomed me very warmly. And he said to me, mean Aina and where are you from? He's inquiring making
me feel at home showing his interest than me said, Where are you from? So I said me. I'm from
muslin. I'm from Iraq.
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			So he said to me more heaven and tabula dia, welcome. We're from the same place.
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			So I said, Yes. Aiden, I like respected teacher. And I'm in photos of Ed, you're from photos of Ed,
you're not from Iraq, complete different part of the world.
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			And so he said back to me, Emma, Gemma Archana Safina to know, where are we together in the ark of
Noah? We came from the same place. Our ancestors are on the ark of Noah, the Ark of Noah, Allah He
said, he said, So I realized that this was a man of exemplary of luck. This man had a great cloud.
He was looking for any way to make me feel at home as I here I am a stranger in a strange land. He
said on top of his zoo had his great disinterest and austere lifestyle.
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			And that's why I stayed by his side and did not leave his gatherings until he died. I couldn't
separate from a man like this
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			an episode of metal or rock Rahim Allah says, I once got together with the students of Hadith the
students of the prophetic tradition
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			in the presence of waqia lucky I'm gonna Jarrah was a great Hadith scholar at the Mount Bukhari and
others took from and he was most famously known as the one of the leading teachers and influences
for Imam Shafi. The great Imam Shafi Rahim Allah so lucky Adam Jarrah, we came to him I will offend
a lot of stuff, and others are saying, and he was wearing a very clean, crisp, white thobe white
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			And so the ink pot that we're using, they're writing not him, keep that in mind. It's their ink, but
the ink pot spills on his white robe.
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			And so he fell silent for a minute and then he said, masks and a salad filled by out, Black looks
really nice on white. Today, this kind of looks good.
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			To try to make them feel better. They're of course, like, so embarrassed that you know, we crossed
the earth to get to this man and we get to sit in front of him. We still we spill our ink up on his
clothes, white clothes of all clothes, right.
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			And no Philip even forgot even a Muslim.
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			He had a gathering in the masjid of Halab the masjid of Aleppo in Syria.
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			And all of the
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			students of the Islamic sciences would sit there
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			and among those that used to come at times that sit in his gathering was a local
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			seller from the market outside the Masjid. So there was a guy he's on the he's on the cuff. You
know, am I gonna sort of become you know, like a scholar or I'm just gonna do it. My parents did
right continue to sell in this little canteen or shop outside the masjid. And so whenever
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			he would
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			come to the gathering, this great scholar and Alfred and forgot. He would say to the students,
senior students, veteran students out to a hug, come have little minute imaginisce Make room for
this man.
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			You see what he's doing right? He's telling him you can also be a torchbearer of this religion.
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			He's honoring him and saying make room for your brother. And then once that he would come close, he
would sit him down, he would ask him, How are the prices today? You know, how's the merchandise has
it arrived from out of town and just basically make small talk with him.
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			And then he would go back to teaching his classes. That was just a little bit of how they would
honor their students.
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			now let me speak about the issue of how to deal with the mistakes of the scholars, this lips of the
scholars, because at the end of the day, we are talking about scholars being an extension, in a
sense of Prophethood we've said that over and over again, and one of them Ambia. The hadith says the
scholars are the heirs of the prophets.
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			But in a certain sense also they are not. Now it's time to speak about that other side, that we have
to differentiate between ourselves and the scholars. Because they are our conduit, our channel to
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the proper understanding of Allah's book. But on the
other hand, we have to now differentiate not between us and the scholar, but between all of us and
the scholars in between the Prophet himself salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So some people, they
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			are too idealistic. And so as a result of that, they dismiss the scholar and sort of disqualify
their rank, because they commit the mistake and they are too critical of the scholars.
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			And so, if not a saccade is great historian. He has a it is actually a very well known, it should be
more well known, but a very well known, cautioning he gives regarding this pattern of being too
critical of the scholars.
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			Because just as one form of excess is to assume them infallible and they never make mistakes. The
other form is to define them by their mistakes and demonize them because of their mistakes. So he's
speaking about this other access here. And he says, No, my brother, no meaning have knowledge be
certain. No my brother, that Anello whom Allah Allah ma e Rahmatullah here la him, Miss MUMA. Were
either to Allah He heads kiss, that he wouldn't have to see him. Maluma is very poetic. He says know
that the flesh of the scholars is poisonous. What does he mean?
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			Yeah, you know, backbiting is
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			referred to as eating someone's flesh, right? In our texts. And so, especially the flesh of the
scholar, don't you dare. He's saying no, that the flesh of the scholars is poisonous. Why the Tula
he had ski a steady Moon tough to see him Aluma and the pattern of Allah what Allah always does,
regarding the exposing of those who,
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			when they see Him, those who disparage them, those who disrespect them is well known meaning it's
very well known historically, what Allah always does, he always has pattern, unchanging pattern of
God to expose and humiliate those who disrespect them. And then it's a longer passage about half a
page, but he says at the very end of it, we're called lumen outlaw Kali Sana who fill it all up fell
be Bella hula who was our JELA kablam LT he be multifocal. And whomever unleashes their tongue
against the scholars negatively, Allah the mighty and majestic afflicts them before their own death
with the death of their hearts, which is worse, right? Because if a person dies, they may go to
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			Paradise they may go to the fire. May Allah grant us the first and protect us from the second. But
if your heart dies,
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			what do you meet Allah azza wa jal with
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			and then he narrated from Claude McCullough, mill Hussain, who said that some of our
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			fellow early scholars used to say that they mentioned
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			in the presence of Al Hasan music when a man in a bad lights
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			he mentioned some other scholar and sort of just like,
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			made a derisive disrespectful comments about them. And so it has set me back when heard them saying
this and he said men, stop right there. Don't do that. Let that Guru Lama be che in for you, me to
Allah Who called back. This is dangerous territory selling him. Don't make such mention of a
scholar, lest Allah
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			dead in your heart you need to Allah who call back.
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			And then he continued to say and know that it is feared those who enjoy backbiting the scholars are
those most likely
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			to find themselves facing Sewell hajima so we'll call him Amin.
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			is having a a bad end to your life and in your life in a way that would put you in very perilous
standing with Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah protect I'll send you and He gives one example. He
says there is the very famous called Li and 50 and jurists great, grand famous judge and jurist,
from the Shafi madhhab, whose name was Mohammed even Abdullah Zubeidi.
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			He was born in the year 710 After hijra, so about 700 years ago. He said he wrote a commentary on
the book at Tenby this scholarly work he wrote a commentary on it that spanned 24 volumes just to
give you a feel of the caliber of this man. And he taught everywhere he educated so many people what
after and he was well known for his fatwah prowess to give you know, customized religious edicts
Fidella fatwah and his students became so plenty in the lands of Yemen
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			and his popularity circled the globe.
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			And then as Jamal Murray says, I saw him as he was dying, his tongue was hanging outside of his
mouth, blackened and swollen, his tongue was black and then swollen, hanging outside of his mouth.
And people used to say that this the reason for this was because of how much he used to condemn
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			a chef more he didn't know him and know him a whole lot. So perhaps they were both sort of tier one
chef a scholars and some sort of envy got between them at least one sided envy and so he used to
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			wrong mmm and no we constantly speak bad about him constantly tried to trivialize him in people's
eyes. And so perhaps this was the reason
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			why he was afflicted in this way at his death and Allah azza wa jal of course knows best.
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			And Imam tagit Dena subkey Rahim Allah he says,
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			a person must remain keenly committed to adapt to proper etiquette and know their place. When it
comes to the previous Imams, the previous leading scholars of this deen
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			and to not pay any attention, he says, not pay any attention to their criticisms of each other.
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			Why not? Could be valid criticism, right?
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			So why not pay attention to it?
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			Because you have no way of confirming this is valid criticism.
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			It's so you know, like imagine, you know, two
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			world class boxers sort of going off at each other and you're trying to break it up, you're trying
to get in the middle.
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			You have no place in that drink? Yes. You don't even understand what's happening. So don't put
yourself under the impression that you understand. And then you go and take sides and then they are
both forgiven by Allah azza wa jal for being sincere in their disagreement or whatever else. And
you're the one who is the only loser in the equation.
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			This is one of the major reasons why you should never do that
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			is that if you do happen to discover it, you come across it, like you're not looking for it, but
then it just forces itself your way, if you are able to just interpret it in a in a positive light
in a charitable way hosting of and then do that. Otherwise, say there's probably an explanation I
don't know about, just ignore it and keep it moving.
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			Because you are not created to be the judge between scholars. So busy yourself with what benefits
you and mind your own business, essentially, is what he's saying. I'm translating it in a 2024
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			And then he says, and don't you dare sit there and try to appraise what happened between Abu Hanifa
and Sofia nfld. There was a little bit of something there, right, he says or between Malik and if
maybe there was some harsh words there. Right? He says or between solid and a necessity or between
ama didn't humble erythemal Huseby and so on and so forth until this very day of age about this day
and age of ours.
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			because if you allow yourself into that space, you will be the most likely to be destroyed of all of
these names. You're going to be the one who is the casualty here.
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			He said in many times
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			these were due to justify disagreements and sincere conclusions that they found themselves making
intellectual, honest, objective conclusions, that if they're right, they get to rewards for right
and if they're only still getting reward for trying, he says
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			and the statements of the scholars will fit him Mohammedan robe Emma Lemieux femme Babu, half, Alisa
Lana in that sort of the unknown, what they're saying and the language the technical language are
using, much of it is not to be understood, right? It is understood by specialists and specialists
that understand the language of that particular generation, because the language itself evolves and
so on and so forth. So he's tried to give you many, many, many reasons to get off your high horse
and just duck. Don't get involved in this. He said so just your job is just to pray for them and
pray that Allah be pleased with all of them was so cool to unmagic Robina home and to keep silent
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			regarding whatever may have occurred between them in moments of anger and moments of
misunderstanding and moments even of envy.
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			The same way we are commanded to keep silent regarding the dispute that took place between the
Sahaba or the Allahu Anhu may Allah be pleased with them.
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			And remember that have you heard him a whole lot? When he was you know that he is like a historic
biographer. He has his his work called CR alum and rubella the CR the biographies of alum and
rubella, the most noble alum really Merola alum Allah the Most Noble scholars. So this is something
like 38 volumes or 24 volumes I forget
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			obviously I haven't read it
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			and he says in his biography that he makes of Amma didn't Abdullah Hatfield, who's gonna email us
for handy and other great chronicler historian he says he's the he's the author of behind he's the
author of Teddy has been
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			very well known reference in Islamic history. He says so do going
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			to Cooley Murphy he built a Hoja Well, I can have here Oh, cool. Batoon Mina, Allah He Qlm he fib
Namenda be hella. He says a Lhasa honey. He's an honest man, he's a reliable narrator when things
come through him, they are
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			to be trusted. Even if some people criticized him without any evidence. The people that criticize
him didn't provide any evidence. And this is he means probably a punishment from Allah because he
wants he used to speak about Namenda and other great scholars and Amanda based on his bias, there
was a bias a little bit of a prejudice between him and Amanda and and as Rouhani.
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			And you know, the scholars of Hadith, they often used to say Qlm will akrani you to our Yoruba, that
the statements of peers, when there's two people on the same level in the same era, it is your tour,
it's to be folded away, while your watch should not be circulated. Because, you know, they say
there's a conflict of interest. And even a scholar at times may feel a little weak to this conflict
of interest. You're not from my sort of mishap, you're not from my failure in my ideology, right.
And so, you know, when you like someone,
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			it is naturally you could be the smartest person on earth, the greatest scholar on earth, when you
like someone, you just you have this leaning to defend them even when the evidence against them is
strong. Right?
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			And when you don't like someone,
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			you want to find something against them. And so you drop your filter, right, you kind of accept
because you're quick to accept here, something that isn't even well established. That's what they
say when you hate someone, a rumor about them is certainty. And when you love someone, a rumor about
certainty about them is just the rumor. Right? So even the scholars at times momentarily could have
been susceptible to this could have been susceptible to this
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			and of course they never the early Muslims, the righteous predecessors, were not in the business of
looking for the mistakes of their scholars or holding these mistakes against them.
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			Remember, they're heavy again. He says
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			in his biography of Muhammad Nasir Moto Z Rahim Allah very early scholar. He says well en Colima
AKBA Imam when he had the fear Haddad Messiah in Hapa and Mughal food on level two now are they here
But Donna who had Jharna lemma selima Anna lab no naserian walabot Abu Manda, while a man who worked
for him in Houma, if every time a scholar is going to make a mistake, we're going to hold it against
them, we're going to define them by their mistake, especially when this is a mistake based on HD
head scholarly discretion.
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			Then we will not have even the likes of Ignace and Moto Z, even the likes of Namenda and even
scholars bigger than them.
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			And you know, the recent
00:30:52 --> 00:30:55
			scholar, Soroti scholar,
00:30:57 --> 00:31:31
			ship, Buckler was a rocky mountain low to Allah. He has a book about the sanctity of the people of
knowledge. And he says there that if you come across some oversight for a scholar, ask yourself, are
you happy about that? Like, did it make you happy that you got something? Right? He's saying and if
you're happy, then are you happy? Because you found some way to distinguish yourself above this
giant? Or are you happy genuinely just to correct for the world something
00:31:33 --> 00:31:54
			and out of love for that scholar because you know, when you when you step away, objectively, right?
Honestly, if you're qualified and you sort of correct something, you are actually serving the legacy
of the scholar himself. He was in pursuit of truth. And so it's out of your love for him that you
may sort of identify an oversight in his work, if we're actually able to do that
00:32:04 --> 00:32:10
			and they defend the scholars when others are criticizing them. There's a few beautiful citations
here very wonderful.
00:32:13 --> 00:32:30
			So he begins with the Hadith not even about a scholar, there's a hadith about who they via, you
know, when the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam marched with the Sahaba to Mecca, and the Meccans
came out and they said, You're not coming in for Amara. What's happened between that summary of,
00:32:32 --> 00:32:59
			of a timeline is that outside of Mecca, the camel of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Al casa,
the name of this particular camels en casa. It stopped and it refused to move forward. And so the
Sahaba started sort of like chastising this El casa, and saying so stubborn, so nasty, you know,
this is the messenger of Allah on you what's wrong with you? Right? They're just like,
00:33:00 --> 00:33:13
			and so the Prophet alayhi salatu salam defended fossa, and he said Mahala at La Casa CASA is not
being stubborn when avec La Habra hollow and this is not one of the character traits of a casa
00:33:14 --> 00:33:39
			or in NEMA habits or habits would feel rather would happen is that the one that held back the
elephant has held her back who is the one that held back the elephant? Allah when the Abraha came
with the army of elephants decades prior to destroy the cat but Allah did not allow the elephants to
continue marching forward. So right now Allah for some reason we're about to find out is the one
that is
00:33:41 --> 00:33:42
			holding back this animal
00:33:44 --> 00:33:44
			and so
00:33:48 --> 00:33:55
			how do we look? If we are the types of people that allow ourselves to
00:33:57 --> 00:34:01
			brother can you turn off your phone to distracting whoever's phone that is
00:34:05 --> 00:34:07
			oh maybe it's in the back. My apologies Forgive me
00:34:12 --> 00:34:18
			whoever's device that is please help them turn it off. It is like a little I'm sure it's distracting
others way more than it's distracting me.
00:34:21 --> 00:34:59
			So if this is the if this is the sort of the defense of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam of a
camel because this is the track record of the camel. So what do we say now about a scholar whose
track record is serving the OMA right traveling the world spending time away from family, you know,
getting, you know, misunderstood left and right. Spending out of his own pocket. losing sleep over
it. You know, like people even think traveling nowadays is like traveling a long time ago traveling
and one time it was a completely different monster, right? Like, you know, I remember the Politburo
hemella We got on a golden platter. We have to remember to call it to be like, and I'm gonna call it
00:34:59 --> 00:35:00
			Toby has this one.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:02
			On line where he says, you know, one time
00:35:03 --> 00:35:10
			I was sort of on a trip and I woke up and I found a scorpion sort of plunging its venom into me.
00:35:11 --> 00:35:47
			And then I was like, How could this happen? And I remembered that I went to sleep that night. I
guess he was really tired or something and he didn't get to say he's off guard. He didn't say
Bismillah the lay of the room as he you know in the name of allah does it doesn't allow any harm to
touch something alongside his name or any harm to take place alongside his name. This is like you
know, the travel of the past. Mohammed bin Hasina che Benny Rahim Allah Allah He, the great student
of Abu Hanifa one of his two greatest students there was a musical called the and it was Mohammed
them hasn't a che Benny Rahim Allah, Allah May Allah bestow mercy on them. It's he used to, like
00:35:47 --> 00:36:17
			stay up long nights till he couldn't keep his eyes up and used to keep a bucket next to him every
time he'd fall asleep, he'd grab the bucket or like throw water on his face. He's continuing to work
through his his research on you know, what if this issue happens hypotheticals and the ruling would
be that what if this happens? The ruling would be that okay, this hadith, but like what about that
narrative there but so and so said about him different than what he said. He's working through
right, the research, and he keeps throwing freezing water on his face and people are telling him
you're crazy. Like, what are you doing? Like get some rest? You're killing yourself. He says how can
00:36:17 --> 00:36:27
			i The Muslims say that if if sort of we get stuck on an issue, Mohammed bin Hassan is going to help
us they're depending on me. So how can I let them down? Right?
00:36:28 --> 00:36:40
			Or remember know that I him Oh Allah when he says, you know, when I first finally got my big break,
he left Noah and he was relocated to the the stronghold of the scholars Damascus of Syria. He said I
spent two years
00:36:42 --> 00:36:51
			not laying my side on the ground every time. So sleep would overtake him. He leaned over on a pile
of books, then he would come to again, right.
00:36:53 --> 00:36:59
			And they'll bedrijven Joomla himself is the one that testifies to that he entered his room. His
court there's any found him this way.
00:37:01 --> 00:37:39
			You don't remember chef Rahimullah they say about him. It'll be less Quick example I give the Imam
Shafi Rahim Allah Allah, they said that he would sit after fetch and teach all of his classes. And
he was like a polymath. He was a man that was a master of like every science that was pursued by the
scholars. And so like the Hadith scholars would come and he would sort of teach them what he had for
the day, then they would leave and the grammarians would come and teach them the Arabic grammar as
it was before sort of the cross contamination that happens between societies. And then they would
leave. And then the people have also, like legal theory would come and he would teach them, the
00:37:39 --> 00:37:55
			narration says, Until the sun is high in the sky. So imagine, like fidget, he's going to 10:11am He
said, and then he would get on his writing animal to get to wherever he needs to be. And by that
time, his shoe had filled like a cup with blood.
00:37:57 --> 00:38:14
			Like he wasn't just sitting on a couch or sort of No, he actually had a hemorrhoidal condition.
Right? And so he was bleeding out as he was teaching. And there's similar stories about Imam Malik
Rahim Allah or Bihari Muhammad and hats off to the sort of the scribe
00:38:15 --> 00:38:41
			who unknown because he would dictate to he has an honorable body every time he would think of
something like a lightbulb moment he would wake up you know not wake up and like turn on your phone
no put it in your notes. No, no, you have to sort of go make sparks and turn on your lantern. He
would wake up turn on his lantern write that down so he doesn't forget it go make we'll do it again
and go back to sleep so you sleep performing will do because that's the Sunnah Mohamed enhancement
water our officers the Imam Al Bukhari used to do that like 20 times a night.
00:38:43 --> 00:38:52
			I gotta, I gotta capture this I got to capture that. And so if this is their, their norm, right,
this is their hook. This is
00:38:53 --> 00:38:54
			how they operate.
00:38:57 --> 00:39:13
			Imagine someone find something to detract from them, and then they use it the Prophet alayhi salatu
salam would not let them do that with the camel. I'll Casa de casa is usually not stubborn, I will
not let you call her stubborn. How about the gray or the amount of our Dean
00:39:16 --> 00:39:18
			whose mistakes are whose oversights
00:39:20 --> 00:39:24
			drown in the ocean of the knowledge they taught the world and in their ocean of virtue.
00:39:27 --> 00:39:37
			And then also in the sight of Allah who now you become the reason for the world being discouraged or
doubtful about taking from this great scholar
00:39:44 --> 00:39:56
			and one of the ancient words of wisdom they include here is that they say well a tener Doctrina bah
bah Celebi him Hakuna me men you mess you may use Oh How about at home?
00:39:58 --> 00:39:59
			If only we could
00:40:00 --> 00:40:43
			It have been of those that were as right as they were. If only we could be right as many times as
they were right. That's one either than two, if only we were able to actually discern when they were
wrong. Like, you'll never be right as much as them. And the times you say they're wrong, you
actually don't say that. Because you know it. You say that because you think it. And you know, when
you say this, because you think you're assuming that means even if you're correct, in identifying a
scholars mistake, you're still incorrect, because you don't have proof and reason enough to know
you're right. Does that make sense? And so now let's pick think of the big picture. This scholar
00:40:44 --> 00:40:50
			says something wrong, okay. He already got the reward for trying his best.
00:40:52 --> 00:40:56
			And we got the sin for
00:40:57 --> 00:41:04
			detracting from the scholars dignity, by highlighting this mistake of theirs, right. And for
00:41:06 --> 00:41:27
			something Allah will reward them for right and for keeping people away from them, right. And then
this scholar may show up on the Day of Judgment, not just with the reward of trying his best but the
reward of all of this that you've done against him. And then later on, the scholar may have
corrected himself, which means he'll get that reward as well. And you'll get none of it.
00:41:33 --> 00:41:54
			And I read to you prior the statement of Abdullah who Mubarak Rahim Allah to Allah Who said Minister
Huffer Bill odema either habit fear or two who are minister have forbid Omar O'Meara II they have a
dunya who are minister have firmly planted the habits Moodle, ATO, whomever belittles the scholars
jeopardizes their hereafter. And whomever
00:41:55 --> 00:42:03
			belittles the rulers jeopardizes their worldly life, meaning they'll execute you and whomever
00:42:05 --> 00:42:12
			underestimates, looks down upon their brothers. They do away with their own self respect or their
00:42:16 --> 00:42:20
			And Jeff, Herman's today man Rahim Allah used to say we're closing out here in sha Allah here.
00:42:22 --> 00:42:40
			Jaffa masala man Rahim Allah Allah said I heard Maddie given the dinar Rahim Allah Allah may Allah
have mercy on him see Kapha Bill Maher Isha run ally Hakuna salejaw wa Hua Carl for Salah hain.
Enough evil that has gathered within a person that they are not righteous and they attack those who
are righteous
00:42:49 --> 00:42:51
			and then finally he says this
00:42:52 --> 00:43:08
			this is at like a half page here just to finish our discussion on on scholarship altogether. He says
Lai Agera Hoon Allah Allah Amma Iliotibial help where if I saw here, and if they were going to
correct them, they make their intentions clear to the people as to why they're doing that. So people
don't misunderstand.
00:43:09 --> 00:43:28
			They don't think this is a personal attack. Yeah, have necessarily said it was said to your
happiness or aid. Are you not afraid that these people whom you said are not worthy of accepting
there are Hadith worthy as transmitters of Hadith narrators in the chain will dispute with you in
front of Allah.
00:43:30 --> 00:43:55
			And so he said that is more beloved to me than the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
being my opponent and saying Nima had deaf Danny Hadith Antara Anna who Kevin? Why are you narrating
about me something that you believe to be incorrect? Meaning the only reason I would put myself on
opposite sides disagree with the scholar is that I don't want to be in disagreement with who with
the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
00:43:58 --> 00:44:05
			and some of the Sufi scholars said to evenin Mobarak after he had criticized the Milani Hillel
00:44:06 --> 00:44:10
			they said to him Dr. Bob Are you backbiting this you know our share
00:44:11 --> 00:44:28
			and he said Be silent either lamb to be in kg finale full haka mineral belt and if you don't clarify
things for people, how will they ever know what's correct and what's incorrect? And a chef every
evening Baraka saying that a chef very used to say this is not good backbiting
00:44:29 --> 00:44:31
			you know it is reported that they are here
00:44:35 --> 00:44:36
			I'm drawing a blank
00:44:38 --> 00:44:48
			not to him say that have been yeah him domain. That lifelong friend Hadith scholar Muhammad Rahim
Allah. He used to say there is nothing more difficult on me.
00:44:50 --> 00:44:51
			Then criticizing people
00:44:52 --> 00:44:59
			mean he means as narrator's like qualified, not qualified. It's not a personal attack. He's saying
there's nothing I hate more than having to criticize
00:45:00 --> 00:45:23
			someone that could have already taken his seat in Jannah. Like it's first of all, we already be in
Ghana. And I'm down here saying, don't take from him. Like nothing are harder on me. He's saying but
this is an Amana. This is not about righteous or not righteous. This is about how accurate you know
how strong the memory how precise that sort of thing when it comes to the Hadith of the Prophet
Alayhi Salatu was Salam.
00:45:30 --> 00:45:35
			Oh, yes, I promise you this is the last one last thought. Al Hassan Ali
00:45:36 --> 00:45:42
			said from Abu salah, hello Hara that I mentioned to Yusuf Ignace belt
00:45:44 --> 00:45:51
			from waqia Something about the Hadith regarding the end times and emanate fitten Africanism.
00:45:53 --> 00:45:54
			And so he said to me,
00:45:56 --> 00:45:57
			use of nice Bell said to me,
00:45:58 --> 00:46:05
			that you should be who says who L has an even high. He says these narrations don't add up.
00:46:06 --> 00:46:12
			These resemble the narrations of this other guy and has set up a high meaning throw them out.
00:46:13 --> 00:46:50
			And so they said to us as well. You said I suppose very close to Kenneth led by him a whole lot just
to give you a feel. They said to us eveness about amateur half once I couldn't had the Aviva like
just throw it all out like dismiss the guy altogether. You're not afraid this is backbiting the
scholars? So he said to me Lima Yama, you fool Why would you think that why would you say something
like this? Anna Hi, Ron. This is a wonderful and a higher only her hola Eman Abba Hema on my head to
him. I'm doing a greater service to these people than their own mothers and fathers.
00:46:51 --> 00:46:53
			Remember, we said moms and dads take care of you in this world.
00:46:54 --> 00:47:26
			I'm protecting you as my knee is I'm protecting him from being a transmitter of something not to be
attributed to the Prophet SAW Salem. He's saying I am better for thee for them than their mothers
and fathers I'm doing a better service for them and their moms and dads, what Anna and why and he
NASA and the blue beam to further to better who knows our room I am preventing the people from
acting upon these things that have no basis in their religion that would cause these people to carry
those sins. I'm doing him a favor.
00:47:28 --> 00:47:30
			Oh man, ultra home Canada rally him.
00:47:31 --> 00:48:09
			And the people that told them to casually transmit these things are the ones that hurt them, not me.
I'm helping them not hurting them. So these were their intentions. And it's one thing to claim it
was another thing to actually do it correctly and sincerely. So when we speak of our scholars, we
speak with reverence we speak with love. It will be critical if we're qualified to criticize, but it
will never be without love lovingly and critically, for those that are equipped with the instruments
to engage in this intellectual discourse objectively and sincerely. Well, lo Tada Allah, Allah of
Santa Barbara County of Vienna, Muhammad Ali, he also he was like a little later.