Mohammad Elshinawy – [Ep. 09] Mind Your Head & Strategize – Managing Our Disagreements

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the four buckets of differences and disagreements that occur in the world, including biases, rules, and actions. The speakers discuss how to deal with these situations, including limiting emotions and denying them, and how to handle them in a rational way. They also mention the importance of human engagement and giving feedback for advice.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sell on a calm Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While he was like vegetarian Welcome back to managing our disagreements, this is going to be part two of Mind your head, we want to be consistent. We want to be methodical, we don't want to just give into emotion or biases or double standards on how to react to these four buckets of differences or disagreements or disunity proposals. And so in the previous episode, we spoke about how to deal with differences of variety except them all. They're all traceable to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And then, disagreements clashing views two or more, that are all excusable, how to deal with them, the layman

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will, you know, accept the view because he has to have the scholar that knowledge has reached him, but he has no right to promote it. The independent researcher will take the position that his investigation delivers him to, and he will not impose it denounce or condemn those that have alternative conclusions within the excusable pool of opinions. Now, let's move on to inexcusable positions, things we know for certain are wrong. How do we deal with that once again, full stop this person that is doing wrong, this group that is doing wrong? What is the ideal way? Well, what is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam is way in dealing with it. You see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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salam dealt very differently, with inexcusable practices based on who was performing them. So for instance, a person that did not know he would simply educate them and not hold it against them when they had no way of knowing so people from out of town desert dwellers, one would come in and urinate in the masjid, another would come in and speak during the prayer, not knowing these things were prohibited or had recently been prohibited. And so he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stop people from wanting to chastise them. And he simply informed them that this prayer, this place of worship, this is inappropriate behavior. This is inappropriate behavior in this context. And people their

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reactions are really beautiful. If you go back to that hadith, they say we've never saw a teacher like him. So he would teach on a Salatu was Salam. A second group of people knew what they were being held back by a weakness in their resolve or determination, some laziness of sorts. And so he would motivate, incentivize and encourage them on a Salatu was Salam.

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And then a third group of people that knew what was right, but disagreed with it. And that excessiveness He condemned that, you know, stepping stone to extremism, he shut down on a his salatu salam with assertiveness. And there is a very famous Hadith that everyone should know when the men came and asked about, you know, the private worship or the private affairs of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam It was as if they underestimated them. And so one of them said, No, I'm not going to marry women at all. I'm going to devote myself devote myself to worship. Another one said, I will not break my fast any day, I'll fast every day, unlike the Prophet SAW Salem. And a third one came

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and said, I will never sleep at night I will pray every single night from its beginning to its end. And so they were undermining the prophetic ideal while knowing what the prophetic ideal was. And they had a rationalization they thought was right, they said the Messenger of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam is the prophet of God, the best of us. He's guaranteed forgiveness we're not so we need to do more. That sort of giving precedent to this novel view or this rationalization. When the truth was clear. This was seen as a form of rebelliousness that he shut down on a Salatu was Salam, but wisely so he did not condemn them by name. He stood on the pulpit because other people men could fall into

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this. And he said, What is the matter with people that they have no interest or they disparage my sunnah the prophetic example of prophetic ideal, whomever has no interest in my sunnah funny. 70 is not of Me very strong language, very different language from the other two categories, the uninformed or the unmotivated. The person who is being rebellious requires that tough love that is part of the prophetic example. But at times also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he would see evil, what he would do was he would busy people with good because sometimes building what's absent, filling the void with good is far more important and far more effective than being

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reactionary to evil, right. Demolishing the evil and other evil could take its place is very different from filling the void with good so that nothing can fill its place and oust it. So that's the inexcusable how to deal with it still requires a stop and you need some intellectual human

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ADC may be I have not assessed the situation at hand and the ideal response to it. And the same could be said, by the way for the final category. When its pros and cons, they have inexcusable positions, do I collaborate with them or not cooperate with them or not? The leadership has to make a judgment call. And the leadership needs to be respected. They should give room for people to give feedback for people to advise people to ask, Why did you do this. But at the end of the day, we also need to say maybe we don't have enough of a vantage point we don't have enough proximity nearness to the situation at hand, to say for sure that there aren't greater gains here, or this isn't actually

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the lesser of two evils. And so when it's variety, when it's excusable, they have a certain approach we discussed in the previous episode, when it's inexcusable responding to that or reacting to that or offsetting that has a certain protocol. And likewise, when it is judgment calls based on pros and cons, you want to advice with you know, making sure the intellectual humility is there that maybe there are dimensions behind beyond me at the moment and Allah Zilla Jen knows best

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