Mohammad Elshinawy – Adam – As Life & Death On Earth
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The importance of recognizing the mistake of Adam Alayhi and not overthinking mistakes is emphasized. The struggles of being in a situation where their partner is causing harm and causing their lives to "come to light." The importance of planting in acceptance and bringing things into the world is also emphasized. The Prophet's wife helping him through the night to find fruits and earn money is also emphasized. The Ka' madhuvah is also emphasized, with the Prophet same having built the Ka' mad at the Ka' mad, and the Prophet same at the Ka' mad.
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam said to us, كُلُّ بْنِ آدَمَ
خَطَّاءٌ وَخَيْرُ الْخَطَّاءِينَ الْتَوَّابُونَ That just like our
forefather Adam Alayhi Salaam, every one of the
offspring of Adam will make mistakes.
And the best of those who make mistakes
are those who repent after their mistakes.
Meaning the best of all of humanity are
What's your criteria?
Allah says those who make up for their
shortcomings by repenting for their sins.
And we have that in what we have
discussed in the story of Adam Alayhi Salaam
of what made him so great, is that
he did not for a moment justify, he
did not for a moment blame game, he
immediately sought forgiveness for his sin.
But also not without leaving for us that
treasure of an origin story that we will
all be prone to sin.
None of us will be flawless.
Not even our great forefather, the great father
of humanity Adam Alayhi Salaam.
That is part of our qadar as human
Part of the destiny we have to wrangle
In fact, you know the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam said, in an authentic hadith in Sahih
Al-Bukhari, that Allah had permitted, perhaps in
the realm of souls after they had died,
He had permitted Musa Alayhi Salaam to have
a conversation with his great great grandfather Adam
Alayhi Salaam.
Moses speaks to Adam and says to him,
Oh Adam, how could you do it?
How could you get us kicked out of
How could you make that mistake?
He said to him, as the hadith mentions,
Aren't you the one Allah created with his
own two hands?
Aren't you the one that Allah blew into
him from his soul?
Aren't you the one that Allah made the
angels prostrate to?
How could you do it?
And so Adam Alayhi Salaam responds to him
and says, Aren't you Musa Kaleemullah, the one
Allah spoke to directly?
Exceptional privilege.
Aren't you the one he wrote for the
alwah, the tablets containing the sacred commandments, with
his own hands?
How could you hold against me something Allah
had destined for me before he ever created
the universe?
The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, فَحَاجَ آدَمُ
مُوسَىٰ Three times.
It's not like, oh, they both have a
Adam had the greater point.
Keep in mind, Adam Alayhi Salaam, of course,
he is not blaming destiny, saying, I had
nothing to do with it.
He owned it.
We have in the Quran that he owned
He said, رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا أَنفُسَنَا Our Lord, we
wronged ourselves.
Forgive us.
He owned his share of the responsibility.
But at the same time, he is recognizing
as we should recognize that it's part of
not just the human condition, it is part
of the beauty, the wonder of the human
story, is that we need not make all
of the right turns in life to arrive
at the right location.
It's part of the greatness that Allah has
set up for us.
He has us on such a track that
even if we make wrong turns in life,
we can still arrive at Him safely.
We can still be with Him for eternity.
We can still be at the most perfect
location at the end of the voyage, at
the end of the trip, the journey of
We are destined to fall short at times.
Whether it is our circumstance or whether it
is even our moral weakness, like it's a
blameworthy thing, but regardless, regardless what it is,
every time we fall short, it's gonna come
at a cost, it will come at a
It's gonna pinch, it's gonna hurt, there's gonna
be nicks and cuts and bruises, sure, that'll
But this hurt, even the hurt, right?
Even the shortcoming, this should never be forgotten
about, never be overlooked.
This is an opportunity for you to come
closer to Allah than ever before.
If Adam ﷺ did not make the mistake,
brothers and sisters, if he did not commit
the sin, would he have gotten closer to
Allah by discovering yet a new name of
Allah, Al-Ghafoor, the forgiver of all of
the sins?
If he didn't need to be forgiven, he
would not have discovered this name, the grantor
of forgiveness, no matter how vast your sins.
And if he did not get sent down,
it hurts, getting put in this world, after
being in Jannah.
If he did not feel, get pressed by
the difficulties and hardships that come with being
in this world, is it a demotion?
It's definitely a demotion.
But it's an opportunity for a promotion at
the same time.
He would not have just as deeply felt
that Allah is the gift giver.
He's born in Jannah.
Not to say he took it totally for
granted, but still, it will be different the
second time he goes in.
Or to feel that Allah is Al-Jabbar,
He is the Almighty.
Only He can get me back in there.
I got that myself out.
That He is Al-Aziz, He is the
Almighty, He is the mender of all breaks.
I'm broken here, I'm broken hearted, I have
a broken circumstance in this world.
You know, even us, many a times we
have been and we should be speaking about
the double standards, the lies, the abuse of
power, the crimes of the Zionists.
The crimes of Israel.
We've been talking about that.
But we also have to be careful not
to over speak on this.
What do I mean?
At the end of the day, if we
think the whole problem is the Zionists, then
we're forgetting that this could have been removed
by Allah.
They are but middle men, as one brother
said, bringing to us a message from Allah.
Unless and until we focus on who sent
the message, who unleashed them against us, who
allowed them to torment us and bully us,
then we've missed a big part of the
whole point.
They don't have to be there.
Allah is the enabler, He is the grantor
of power.
He is sending us a message and we
have to get that message before the messenger
stops getting sent, stops getting unleashed.
He is removing through their torment of us,
their oppression of us, their bullying of us,
their massacring of us, He is removing from
within us our love for this world.
And we've all felt it in the past
year and a half.
He's pulling from us the glorification of a
plastic life, a plastic world, a short-lived
cheap world.
He is forcing us to recognize the glory
of Him in our life decisions.
And I hope that has also been improving
the last year and a half.
And so, before we move on in the
story of Adam a.s., let's just remember
Every obstacle, no matter how painful, no matter
how disappointing, it is an opportunity, rather a
golden opportunity.
You will never be withheld by Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala due to your circumstances.
No matter what your circumstances are, you have
to believe this.
You know why?
So that you stop feeling sorry for yourself.
So you stop feeling powerless as well.
You know, two weeks ago was the release
of our brother Raghid, Raghid al-Tatari.
For those who have not heard, he was
the pilot, the Syrian pilot the world is
talking about right now.
Raghid al-Tatari went to prison for 43
Because when the Assad regime in Syria was
bombing their own people in the city of
Hama, the massacre of Hama, he refused to
bomb the people of Hama.
He rejected the command of his superiors.
He lost his life, prestigious life as a
pilot in his society.
Lost his freedom.
Missed out on his children, his grandchildren, probably
the death of his parents.
Missed out on everything.
From one angle, it's a sob story.
It's so tragic, so unfortunate.
And we've been talking about this.
But it is also a story of glory.
Is it not?
Has this person missed out?
Perhaps on the day of judgment, when we
see the value of that decision he made,
say, he hasn't missed out on anything.
This guy did what we couldn't do.
This guy took a stand in ways and
at a cost that we couldn't.
Yes, his circumstances were momentarily tragic.
But that is what got him, insha'Allah
wa ta'ala.
This is the way the Muslim is to
think about the story of Adam ﷺ, every
time he comes across it.
And by the way, Adam ﷺ did this
as well.
He came to this world, and he did
not feel sorry for himself in a way
that you throw in the towel, you stop
He accepted.
And this was hard.
You were just in Jannah.
You have to imagine what it was like
to accept, to be humbled by the nature
of this world.
You know, some of the reports mentioned, they're
not a hadith, but they help us bring
this in.
This is real.
Imagine he gets there, and he gets to
this world, he wants to eat.
No, you have to plant something first.
Now you have to cover it in water,
now you have to wait.
Then it has to come out.
You can't eat it yet, you have to
grind it.
You have to create a fire, and there's
smoke involved.
You cook it.
And then you ingest it, and it feels
Like I was in Jannah, right?
It feels different.
And then of course what goes in, brothers
and sisters, had to come out.
That's why some of these reports say that
when he used the bathroom, for the first
time, he cried.
What's that smell?
Imagine how difficult this was for Adam Alayhis
But he still made the best out of
He kept working, regardless of his circumstance.
And he got closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala than ever.
So you know what?
No matter how long this takes, I'm going
to use the opportunity.
If it takes hundreds of years, I'm going
to accept to do that.
You know sometimes people complain and say, my
parents, they're making my life so difficult, and
they're never pleased.
Tell yourself, if I live for 200 years,
I'm going to make it worth my while
to put up with all these inconveniences.
I'll do it.
What's 200 years?
Adam Alayhis Salaam lived upwards of 900 years
in this world.
And he never stopped working hard.
And Allah elevated him to the station of
He became one of the great prophets of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, making use of
every opportunity.
And then he filled this world with righteous
And whoever knows, knows how hard it is,
how much work it takes to leave behind
children that are righteous.
The Prophet ﷺ mentioned to us that tawheed
remained on this earth for 10 generations.
You know the trickle effect and it's tapering
For 10 generations after Adam Alayhis Salaam, his
kids were still passing the baton of belief,
of faith, of monotheism, of righteousness.
He worked hard.
And he didn't just do that.
He traveled the world to build the houses
of Allah, the greatest houses of Allah.
And that's hard work.
You know according to the stronger opinions, he
built the Ka'bah.
When the ayah says Ibrahim Alayhis Salaam built
the Ka'bah, it says he erected the
It likely means he restored them because they
withered away, the Ka'bah.
But the Ka'bah is the house of
Allah, where the worship of Allah is.
And the humans have always been worshipping Allah.
And so the Ka'bah was needed from
day one.
And so it was the first house ever
built by Adam Alayhis Salaam or by the
angels or by both, but he built the
And not just this, the Prophet ﷺ said,
Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa was built 40 years
after the Ka'bah.
So then he traveled to Jerusalem and he
built Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa as well.
That's hard work.
And perhaps it's of the wisdom, brothers and
sisters, of why when the Prophet ﷺ, in
that miraculous night journey that is recorded in
the Qur'an, he was taken from Mecca
to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, then Allah took
him up through the heavens, the skies, the
first one he meets after Al-Aqsa, Al
-Ka'bah Al-Aqsa is who?
Is Adam Alayhis Salaam, in the first sky.
He was the first one of humanity to
build them for sure.
And then it was finally time to be
In the Hadith of Ubay Ibn Ka'b,
the authentic Hadith, the Prophet ﷺ said, When
the time of death came to Adam Alayhis
Salaam, he said to his children, Ya Baniya,
Ukhruju Fajnu Li Min Thimari Al-Jannah O
my sons, I'm craving the fruits of paradise.
Go find them for me.
And so they walk out.
And they walk out, and of course they
have no idea where they're gonna get them
But they walked out, probably talking to each
other like, what do we do exactly?
Where do we find this?
Where do we begin looking?
And they run into men that were the
angels of Allah in the form of men.
And they tell them, اين تريدون?
Where are you going?
They said, we're not exactly sure.
But our father told us to go get
him the fruits of Jannah.
So the angels say back to them, ارجعوا
فقد كفيتم Go back.
It's already taken care of.
The time of death for your father has
So they rush back and with them are
the angels.
And Adam Alayhis Salaam is laying there.
And his wife recognizes them.
These are angels.
So she runs and she grabs her husband.
Stay away from him.
And he turns to her and he says
to her, إليك عني فإنما أتيت من قبلك
Step away.
Step away.
Don't come between me بيني وبين ملائكة ربي
Between me and the angels of my Lord.
I was attacked through you.
He owned his responsibility.
Don't misunderstand.
But he is saying that you perhaps kept
forwarding your request.
You were supposed to stop me.
We're supposed to be a team.
Not again.
Step away.
Don't come between me and the angels of
my Lord.
And so then the angels come to him.
And they draw out his soul.
And they wash his body.
وحنطوه And they perfume him.
وكفنوه And they shroud him.
وصلوا عليه And they prayed over him.
وحفروا له And they dug for him.
And then they buried him in the grave.
Then they turned to his children and they
said, هذه سنتكم في موتاكم This is the
tradition that you will follow regarding all of
your deceased.
Allah has honored the human being by not
allowing his carcass to rot, if you will,
on top of the earth like an animal.
You will be tucked in that earth that
you came from.
Finally, brothers and sisters, as I close here,
what is the lesson?
When Allah SWT wishes Jannah for you, He
increases your craving for it.
And a lot of times, that is by
soiling, dampening your cravings for this world.
He causes blemishes in this world.
And you have to realize it.
He is not ever taking from you except
to give you.
He is never demoting you except to elevate
He is never putting you to death except
to give you a better life, inshaAllah.
Alhamdulillahi wahdahu salatu wa salamu ala man la
nabiya ba'da.
In final words, brothers and sisters, I wish
for all of you now as we walk
away from the khutbas discussing the life of
Adam AS, when life gets inconvenient, when you're
betrayed by your health, or you feel betrayed
by your children, or you lose some loved
ones, or you're watching the ummah suffering around
the world, Allah is dampening your desire for
this world.
So keep it damp, and stir and grow
your desire for the next world.
A home that better suits you when you
don't feel as at home here anymore.
That could be a great blessing.
And speaking of a home that better suits
you, the Prophet ﷺ, he said, مَن بَنَا
لِلَّهِ مَسْجِدًا وَلَوْ كَمِفْحَ صِقَتَاتٍ بَنَا اللَّهُ لَهُ
بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ Whomever builds a masjid for
Allah, even as small as a bird's nest,
that's not real, that's not literal, because you're
not allowed to build a masjid the size
of a bird's nest, because no one's gonna
be making salah inside, that would be a
What's meant is no matter how little you
contribute, don't miss out on the opportunity.
Whomever builds a masjid for Allah, meaning contributes
even, no matter how small, Allah will build
for him a home, a home in paradise.
Many of you have heard the announcements, we're
so blessed in a city of 300,000
people in Allentown to finally be able to
open a musalla.
Brothers from Masjid Tawheed of Greater Allentown have
opened a musalla, and it is upon us
to make sure the renovations and the first
year of rent are out of the way.
It will cost them about $40,000, we
will stand inshaAllah, and whether you're doing it
to get your taxes reduced by the end
of this year, or you're going to space
it out across the rest of next year,
we're going to stand and raise our hands
together inshaAllah high, and make sure this is
behind us, so that every letter of Quran,
and every drop of water in wudu, and
every prostration, and everything that is heard of