Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect On The QurAn – Surah Al Kahaf – Ayah 47 To 51

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The speakers discuss the importance of meditation in Islam, emphasizing the need for preparation and not feeling overwhelmed by reality. They also mention upcoming "meditation" events and emphasize the significance of not blaming oneself for actions and not blaming others for mistakes. In a hypothetical scenario, Allah swats gives instructions to the people on the throne to do the right things, including false deeds created by the lack of knowledge and evidence. The false deeds include a woman named Iblis, a woman named Khanzab, and a woman named Kcenti.
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So as we said before, the dunya, the
zahir, the outside, is a zina, is a
decoration, not to be infatuated by that only.
And the batin, the inside, is for the
smart person, ibrah, it's a lesson to learn
things from.
Everything that happens in our lives, positive and
negative, should be taken as a lesson that
this is a message Allah has sent me,
to bring me closer to Him.
If it is positive, it is still not
to distract me from Him, to bring Him
And if it is something what I consider
negative, it is still so that Allah wants
me to turn to Him.
Now, so now Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
said this is all going to end.
What remains?
Immediately, next ayah, Allah, you know, switches to,
to the day of judgment.
And on that day, the day that we
will move the mountains, things that we consider
solid, things that we consider as immovable, the
strongest things on this earth, Allah says they
will be moved as if elsewhere like clouds,
either solid floating around, you know, like you,
you have in parades, or made into dust
and clouds and move, because both those descriptions
are in the Quran, some of the ayats
that we have read before.
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
and you will see the earth leveled and
No shades, no buildings, no structure completely leveled,
nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide, everything level.
And, and we will gather them all.
From Adam alayhis salaam till the last child,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, and we
will not leave behind one, every single one.
Now imagine that scene, no place to hide,
level ground, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
taking us to that day where the Baqirat
al-Salihat will count, immediately takes us to
that scene, that everything that you're seeing in
this dunya, that looks so impressive, whether it's
the Burj, whether it's this, whether it's that,
whether it was so and so was the
richest man yesterday, and today is the seventh
richest, all of that leveled, nothing left, flat
So this is a warning, in a way,
there should be a prefix, you know, in
other words, prefix for us, I should, I
shouldn't use the word that, there is an
implied prefix, beware of the day.
Although it starts with the day that means
beware, be careful of that day.
And Allah will not leave anything, all landmarks,
everything are gone, just imagine Mount Everest as
if it never existed, oceans didn't exist, everything
that's built structurally is gone, everything that we
fought over, that we struggled over, possessions, everything
is gone.
Now comes, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says
you are gathered, we will gather you without
leaving you, so what do you bring?
Now Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling
us what is, what we are going to
bring in the next ayah.
And you will be presented before your Lord
on that level, rows, that's where it comes,
in groups, you know, behind each messenger, no
messenger, types of people, you know, groups, grouped
according to your deeds, grouped according to who
you followed, so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
says, that we will bring
you forth just the way that we created
to you the first time.
And when we were created the first time,
what possessions did we have?
Naked, barefooted, uncircumcised, no entourage, no wealth,
You will come just like that.
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
that we would not make this day of
meeting, that we have not assigned this day
of meeting, you denied this day of, that
you will be gathered in front of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Zama means to, you know, think, it generally
means falsely, okay, but you falsely thought that
yeah nothing's going to happen, that this day
doesn't exist.
Remember that the other, the two people of
the garden, the one he says, I don't
really think that there is going to be
a day of judgment, but if there is,
then you know, I'm still going to get
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reminding us
that now anyone who comes to the day
of judgment with that feeling, that this wasn't
going to be, obviously is one who is
not prepared for that day.
So this is a warning for us that
this is a reality, even though as believers
we know that it will happen, at least
on our tongues, but is hopefully it's a
reality, because reality means that we prepare for
it, that we have something to show Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, because all of that
is going to come in the next few
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then says,
and this is very, very interesting and very,
it's not just interesting, it's sort of scary.
And the books will be laid open.
What books are these?
Everyone's records.
Some will be given their books in the
right hand, some will be given books on
the left hand, behind their backs, and then
Allah will lay them open.
And the mujrim, the criminal, the biggest criminal
is the disbeliever, the mushrik, but there can
be criminals who disobeyed Allah from this ummah
Means they will be terrified to look in
the book, to see what is in this.
All of us will have our books and
we will look in them and it will
be a terrifying scene because at that time
we will realize what we had sent forward,
which we had not done tawbah for, which
we had not erased.
And he will say, oh woe to me,
you know, I'm destroyed, woe to me.
What kind of book is this?
What is the surprise?
It has not left anything.
Allah starts with the smallest thing.
If the smallest thing is in there, everything
bigger than that is going to be in
One glance, one word, and then all everything
It doesn't say recorded.
Ahsa means recorded in detail.
What was the intention?
How it was carried out?
How it was planned?
What enjoyment came out of that?
And what were the consequences?
What it did?
Everything of each deed.
That's why it's going to be an amazing
That's why I said, what kind of book
is this?
Everything recorded in every detail.
Some of the details that we don't even
pay attention to will be there because the
angels do them.
And then some of our saintly scholars, one
of them said that this is the part
that I find the scariest in the whole
That puts more fear in me than any.
And these are the saintly scholars.
What is it?
And they will find in it, in facing
them, what they did.
Just imagine everything that I am ashamed of,
of having done.
It will be there.
And there for me, it's not being displayed
to others.
For me, what is my fear?
That Allah is in front of me and
He is aware of this.
So this is something to reflect on.
Allah says, He does not wrong, do dhulm
on anyone.
Allah is saying, don't blame me.
Don't say, what kind of book is this?
What you are seeing in the book is
what you did.
You were given a blank book.
This is your writing.
This is your life.
You wrote it.
You wrote your biography of deeds.
So don't blame anyone.
Allah does not do dhulm on anyone.
And Allah warned us of this over and
over again.
So this is the scene Allah is telling
us that you are seeing the zina of
this dunya.
But remember, this is the reality of the
This is what you're going to come to
me with.
So prepare for that day.
And then Allah swt changes the scene again.
Now we are talking here of the last
The dunya has come to an end and
the hisaab has started.
Now Allah swt suddenly takes us way back.
Next ayah, Allah swt says.
Allah swt takes us back to the creation
of Adam.
Because telling us that that's where you started.
And we warned you right at that time
about your enemy.
Which is your Iblis.
Allah swt says.
And remind them what?
That when we said to the angels.
To sajda.
Now just for our understanding.
For us, we do sajda of ta'abud,
of worship.
But this is sajda of tashreef, of honoring.
Allah did not ask the angels to worship
In the old days before our sharia, you
honored people by doing sajda.
That's why if you remember in one of
the stories of the Quran.
Who did sajda to who?
Yusuf's father and mother did sajda to him
and his brothers.
Okay, so that was not worshiping.
It was honoring.
So Allah swt ordered the angel.
He's taking us back to the creation of
our father Adam.
Beginning of creation.
He ordered do sajda of tashreef, of honoring.
And Allah swt says.
And immediately.
Fa is means something that happens immediately.
As opposed to thumma after a while.
The moment the command came, angels do immediately.
Except Iblis.
Because he was from the jinn.
He was not an angel.
And here's a very clear.
This is the clearest in the Quran.
Where it's clearly stated that he was from
the jinn.
So he had a choice.
As opposed to the angels who do not
have a choice.
And he said.
And he rebelled.
Fisk means to sort of break out of
the boundaries.
Like when the seed germinates.
It breaks and the thing sprouts out.
That's called the fisk.
So break out from the what the commands.
He rebelled from it.
Break through the norms.
The command of his lord.
Now Allah swt is saying.
This is what happened.
That was his arrogance.
That's not mentioned here.
But that was he had.
He was from a creation made from fire.
As opposed to the angels who are made
So he had a choice.
He was given a choice.
And he made the wrong choice.
He made the wrong analogical reasoning.
Allah's command was in front of him.
He tried to think.
You know.
He analyzed.
I'm from the fire.
He's from clay.
I am better than him.
Whereas this analogical reasoning does not stand.
When there is a clear command from Allah.
So Allah swt is saying.
He made the wrong decision.
And wrong choice.
And he is forever rejected.
Cursed forever.
Now Allah swt is saying.
Would you take him and his progeny.
As your patron protecting friends.
Other than me.
In other words.
Allah wants good for you.
He's giving you commandments.
Follow what Allah wants you to do.
Instead you follow what shaitan.
Where I told you from day one.
He is your enemy.
He is your avowed enemy.
He and Allah swt says.
And his progeny.
They have children.
Jinns have children.
And Iblis's children.
Have been assigned different jobs.
One is to cause marital discord.
One is to cause somebody to tempt them
to zina.
One to this.
One to distract them in salah.
There is.
They have been assigned.
They're specialists.
And sub-specialists.
You know.
Khanzab is the one who comes in salah.
The moment you start.
Your mind goes somewhere.
That's Khanzab.
That's his specialty to come.
There are jinns that are.
From the children of Iblis.
Who take people astray.
And make them forget.
So Allah swt is reminding us.
That he is your.
They are your enemies.
Why would you follow them?
When Allah your Rabb.
Your Rabb.
Who does your tarbiyah.
Who brings you through all stages.
Of your development.
And your growth.
And spiritual.
All that Allah has done your tarbiyah.
And you go to Iblis.
What a terrible.
Evil exchange.
You have Allah's guidance.
And you choose Iblis.
So Allah swt.
What a terrible deal you have made.
In the next ayah.
Allah swt says.
About these.
So Iblis's main job.
Is to take people from disobedience.
To the point of taking them.
To kufr and shirk.
Because that ends up.
In Jahannam permanently.
That's his job.
So he asks people.
One way or the other.
To start worshipping idols.
Or shirk of asbab.
And shirk of things.
And so Allah swt saying that.
Now look at these false deities.
That Iblis makes you worship.
That Allah says.
I did not make them witness the creation.
These things that you now worship.
Including Iblis.
He didn't worship.
The creation of the universe.
Now that's interesting.
Because today what does science say?
That the only thing that's verifiable.
And true is what is observable.
You know.
Your experiments should be able.
To show you this.
Everything is observable.
Allah swt counters that by saying.
We did not allow them.
I did not allow them.
To witness the creation.
Of the heavens and the earth.
So if you want that as an evidence.
That unless we witness it.
It doesn't exist.
You know it exists.
So this is an argument for.
That there is a necessary being.
As opposed to all the contingent beings.
Who depend on that.
That it didn't.
So science takes us back.
To the singularity.
As it says 13.7 billion years ago.
There was something very compact.
And tight singularity.
And then it exploded.
The big bang theory.
This is what science says.
Because using those you know.
The microwave radiations and all.
They've assessed that this happened.
But they can't go.
Where did that singularity come from?
Now the encyclopedia of the smithsonian.
Starts with that.
But the universe started.
13.7 billion years ago.
From nothing.
And then there was singularity.
From nothing.
So they're so close to that.
How did it get created?
That there was a necessary being.
Who created.
Because it doesn't happen.
So now they talk about.
Well there was singularity.
And there were quantum fluctuations.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saying.
You did not witness this.
I did not have anybody to witness this.
This is how it started.
So the only way you will know about
it is.
By hearing about it.
Which is what I am telling you.
Which I have told in previous divine revelations.
And finally in the Quran.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saying.
And they did not witness their own creation.
The jinn did not witness their own creation.
I did not witness my own creation.
You did not witness your own creation.
But we know what happens from the knowledge
that Allah has given us.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saying.
And therefore since these are all my creations.
Why would I take them as my partners?
And as my helpers?
It makes no sense.
Those who lead people astray.
Why would I take them as my helpers?
Does it make any logical sense?
And the answer is.
No, it does not.