Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Tafsir Surah Luqman , P1, Ayaat 111
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The transcript describes the history and characteristics of the Bible, including its origin and meaning, character, and its use in Islam. The title of the Bible is used to describe the spiritual teachings of Islam, and the holy month-IA is highlighted as a source of joy. The transcript also discusses the use of words and phrases in media, including negative language expression and false accusations, struggles with Islam, and the importance of guidance from Allah Subhanaw taala. The segment also touches on the history of Islam, including the use of "one point" to create something, and the importance of "one point" in relation to "by the way it is" in relation to "by the way it is" in relation to "by the way it is" in relation to "by the way it is" in relation to "by the way it is" in relation to "by the way it is" in relation to "by the way it is" in relation to "by the way
AI: Summary ©
Mark Matala here baraka to
the swindler when hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Manuela
Aloma xinerama What else to say about the data? no habla anomala
don't come in. I can tell you
how much, Masami alumina Lizzie Couric
Hello Maria and unhealth Capcom what's in it? For RnL bow to law
Bob Dylan was finished at NAB
Welcome back after a hiatus of almost six weeks,
that people have been traveling, and I hope you had wonderful
travels to wherever you went. And we thank Allah subhanaw taala for
your safe return.
And we welcome our judge, brothers and sisters who Allah subhanaw
taala blessed with an invitation in completion of their Hajj. May
Allah subhanaw taala accept your Hajj
and accept it as a hedge mob rule done with the right intention with
full observance of all the the rules and regulations of hedge
and with
Allah's acceptance, a hajima Brewer has no other reward except
So among us, we have at least one of our brothers who went and the
others who cannot be here there is there are some others online.
So we thank Allah subhanaw taala for giving
us the opportunity of being with you. And it was pointed out to me
the Mateen family that when they which went for Hajj. The first
halacha after the return was also an rather Mogens house, so I guess
he's always been
in the forefront of hospitality. And Allah, Allah bless him, and
our sister who was not here today, and it's family, with the hair of
this dunya and Yahara and all of those who are here and all of
those who could not be
and we also welcome
our dear mother, the mother of system laka, who is here today
with us for the first time and it is a privilege to be in her
company. We always enjoy the company of our elders, because
Allah looks at them with Rama.
And sometimes Allah has Rama
descends on our elders, especially and being in the company. We
benefit from it.
We praise Allah subhanaw taala for his infinite grace, bounty, and
the favors that he has bestowed on us
the greatest of which is the hidayah the guidance that he has
guided us to Islam and made us Muslims, and not just Muslims,
Muslims from the ummah of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the
best of all among the best of all nations
and for blessing us with his Kitab Al Quran
to take as our companions as something that we embrace that we
learn from that we live by, that we succeed with a fine fella
success in the dunya and Afra. And on the Day of Judgment
this Quran has been called the Kitab al Hakim
the Wise
Book that is wise and we are going to talk about wisdom today.
Because the surah we are covering today is surah number 31. Look
And Lachman is known as Lokmanya al Hakim, the wise.
So this surah is not very long. It's essentially four pages 34 I
arts and again, it's a maken Surah which was revealed before the
migration of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to Medina and as we
have mentioned before the makan Quran has to do more with Imani
yet more with the heat of Allah subhanaw taala with the Afra the
previous human and building Eman
and most of the camp have come in the medina
Allah smart Allah has starts the surah by calling it
mentioning the name of glaucoma analysen. The Surah itself is
named after Lokmanya listener, and you will hear the word wisdom in
the Surah over and over derivatives of the word wisdom or
heck, Mauer Hakim, over and over in this surah.
A few words of introduction about who was Laquan. La Silla
is generally agreed upon by our Alma that of Monterey salaam was
not a messenger or a Navy. He was not a prophet or a messenger.
He was a very special man, obviously, a Willie of Allah among
his earlier who Allah subhanaw taala had blessed with special
In Allah smart Allah mentioned that.
Now historically, there are some
accounts that we have
about who he was in when he was and there are some disputes about
it. Obviously, he was there before us, all of us.
There are some narrations that take him back to the time of the
Buddha lesson, potentially Manolis salaam that he came to was the
among the bunnies, right. And some narration said that he used to
give fatawa fatwa
verdicts to the Bani Israel before Tao de la salaam, was given the
Naboo. And when thou della Salam was given that then he stopped
giving those photog what he was known for his wisdom.
So there is some narrations that support that there are other
narrations that said that he came after resign SLM, so we don't know
that for sure.
Now, it's agreed upon that he was of African descent,
because there are descriptions of him as being dark with African
features. And he came, he is known to be Nubian, in the area of New
BIA is the southern part of Egypt, when what today's Sudan area is,
which is right next to Ethiopia, so in that part of northeastern
Africa, so whether it was southern Egypt, whether it is today's
Sudan, whether it was a European because some have described him as
an Abyssinian, some have said there is Nubian, but general areas
there. And as features are described in a hadith
It is also said that he was a slave
of one master.
Not the one master, we are all slaves of but a worldly master.
There are some narrations that he was a carpenter from. So we don't
know that.
But we know that he is known for his wisdom he was a wise sage or
wise wali are close to Allah subhanaw taala. Because Allah
subhanaw taala has mentioned him that Allah smart Allah gave him
wisdom. Now how significant is this man who is of African
descent, and Africans different even at that time? They were
Okay, and if he was actually a slave of African descent, Yet
Allah subhanaw taala honors him
by making his words his HECM his words of wisdom as
a permanent record in the Quran.
Look at the honor and Allah Swan Tala names one of the the, the
surah of the Quran, Lachman.
And that's something very, very special to have a whole
Surah named after you.
And you weren't even a prophet or a messenger. So this is something
very, very special. So there was something very special about this
man that we will come to.
Allah subhanaw taala tells us that he restored on Lachman wisdom
hikma and we will talk about that. What, what hokhmah is, and where
did the heckler of of
Lookman Allah Salam come from? Obviously it came from the Divine
scripture that was available to him. And what Allah smart Allah
inspired in him, and we'll talk about how we define hikma once we
come to that
There are a lot of stories about him.
And a lot of heckum, the almost 10,000 of his heckum his words of
wisdom that have been recorded.
there is a book which has taken 500 of those gems and has put them
in a book. I'll give you the references to those that book for
anybody who's interested in brief words of attributes of mannerism
that anybody is interested in, and it's available even in PDF, so you
can access it. Just to give you an idea that there is one narration
that one day his master said to him, go and sacrifice an animal,
sheep or whatever it was, and bring me the two best parts of it.
So he went and he sacrificed the animal. And he brought him the
heart and the tongue.
So that was what he considered the best. Some time went by, and then
his master said to him,
Go sacrifice an animal and bring me the two worst parts. So he went
and he sacrificed an animal's. And he brought two parts what were
the heart and
so his master said, as anybody would, when I asked you for the
two best parts, you brought me the heart and the tongue and when I
asked you for the two worst parts, you brought me the heart and the
tongue. So he said something to the effect, that if the heart and
the tongue are on the right path and the uncorrupted there is
nothing better than they are the best. But if they are corrupted,
there is nothing worse than the heart and the tongue.
Thank you reflect just on this. There is a depth of meaning to
this. And we know that that is the truth.
So this is just to give you
an idea of of
Lachman Alyssa Rahman, while mentioned a few of his other HECM.
So Allah subhanaw taala has immortalized his advice to his son
as part of the Eternally
the name of Lokmanya FileZilla is written on local macros and his
advice is written recorded on lapel microphones.
And this is not something that we can our minds cannot encompass the
significance of something like this. So with that introduction,
let us start this surah
so the first part of this surah we are going to cover is 129
which talks about the revelation of the Quran which is frequently
as we know that the Macan Quran talks about Revelation And the
response of people to the revelation when this divine
message has been conveyed to them, how do they respond? And in the
marking period, as you know, the majority response was to reject
and ridicule the message. And this surah like many others that we
talked last time starts with those disconnected letters, which we
call rueful. micarta at the disconnected letters on the biller
him in a che upon shaytani R rajim. Bismillah you're right man
you're rocking LF
me to the guy yeah to keytab in hacking who don't watch Martin
linen watch any Alladhina up Munna Salah try to netzach cat
whom you can
Allah who doesn't know rugby him with
me move on. So these first five Hyatts initially,
last one Tala starts with Alif Lam me and as we summarize before, we
take a look Lam Meem as divine words whose meaning is known only
to Allah subhanaw taala and they are a part of the miracle of the
Quran, Allah subhanaw taala has put these are alphabets from which
all of the Quran is derived.
And Allah subhanaw taala has also put them there as a challenge that
here is the same alphabets create one IR one surah of the Quran for
the light bearer. And then
the second part of this miracle is that we recite the Quran with
these words with these
Alif Lam Meem we know no meaning we could start with Dil kya to
Nikita because these are well there is no meaning to this but
this is part of the preservation of the Quran, that even though no
meaning is known
recite them because we know these are the words that came from a
and frequently these peripheral Moqtada followed by something to
do with the revelation about the Quran. So wherever they come, and
if lamb in the Likkle Kitab
if lambing Allah Allah Allah, Allahu Allah yo calm then ends
So everywhere where these alphabets come off while
So they are frequently followed by the Quran, mention of the Quran.
So here last one Allah says delicate tool kita bill again,
these are the eyes that I add translated as vs. Miracles
of what Al Kitab al Hakim. So here Allah Subhana Allah has described
his book Al Kitab is used for the Quran, Hakim as the wise. So this
is the first mention of wisdom here.
So, we will come to what that means. Then Allah subhanaw taala
hoedown Rama tell Lily Mycenaean. It is a Hudak Well, that means
The Wise Book that guides were Rama it is a mercy. Little
moistening for the doers of good for the mercy. Now what is a
Matson? Morrison is the one a person of son and son has been
defined in many different ways. We take the sun from the hadith of
Gibreel Allah salaam where the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was
asked about a son and he said is to worship Allah, like you see
him. And since you don't see him to worship Allah as if he sees
In other words, worship in a way that is the best you can because
Allah is in front of you, Allah is Seeing. So excellence is what
excellence is. And now that exon extends into everything else, not
just the actual ibadah. But how we deal with each other with the flow
of oil, how we treat each other, how we perform any tasks that we
are supposed to do. So excellence doing everything to the best
possible capacity is at some, okay, mostly known the people who
consistently do that and everything across the board, not
just once that today I did my salah beautifully, that's not a
son, my son is who always does the salah. Today, I worked very well
for my boss who does that all the time.
Today, I treated the beggar in a very generous and good way who
does that all the time. Today I control my anger, I do that all
the time. So mixing is a title given to one who consistently acts
with the Iceman across the board.
So Allah subhanaw taala here is telling us that a person who acts
with a son who is the moisten this book Kitab al Hakim will give him
Hekima and Rama merciful and as a result of that, he himself will
become wise.
He Himself will become merciful in his dealings, and he himself will
promote axon with people. So it's a closed loop that if you have
those characteristics, the Quran will increase you in all of those
and therefore you keep going in circles becoming better and
better. The more Watson you become, the more hidayah the Quran
will open for you, the better you will become in more merciful to
people in your dealings and so on so forth.
Then Allah subhanaw taala gives us some qualities of who these masina
Alladhina up Munna Salah first condition is they established up
Munna salah they don't just do salah, but they establish. So what
tama to Salah means, obviously that you pray five times a day,
that you pray on time that you preferably pray, as soon as the
time comes in, that you preferably pray in GMR that you pray with
focus and concentration without being distracted. You do that
constantly and this is how your whole life is that it your life
circulates around your Salah that is done and that Salah represents
your worship of Allah subhanaw taala and therefore it translates
into other rites of Allah also. But also to understand your pre
Munna, Salah is not just
I pray, but making sure that my life revolves around salah. Not
that Salah is fixed into my life when it is convenient for him.
It takes priority it has been established. Now the word also
comes from the word karma karma means to stand
and inshallah we stand, right we do such land Rocco, but we stand,
you know when the Imam starts is he said we say what karma is
Salah, you know, standing and what do we do when we stand in Salah
we recite what
Kitab al Hakim, we recite the Quran. So that standing is an
essential part because that's where we recite the Quran. We
don't recite the Quran and Rocco and sujood
or in the shortcode that the relation between Salah and Quran
is while we are standing. So that is an interesting derivative of
the word that the relationship between the Quran and the standing
in Salah.
Second characteristic we will pay Manasa Why were you tunas, Zakat,
and who give zakat. And we all know Zakat is what Allah has made
fun on people of nisab who have savings for more than one calendar
year of the Islamic calendar
of more than what's considered nisab which is a certain weight of
gold and silver, which approximately comes to about
$1,200 a saving of that, then two and a half percent of that is due
to eight categories of people, the poor, the traveler, the miskeen,
the needy, and so forth, and so on so forth, and fees amela.
So they give this accounts.
So, just remember in the Quran, almost always when Salah is
mentioned, Allah has paired it with Zack. So there are three
kinds of pairs that Allah has paired in the Quran, and they are
all mentioned here.
One pair is now you know, Salah and Zika and how significant is
this pair?
That after so you're gonna Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam passed away. And so you're gonna work on the Quran, the Allah
took over the Khilafah some of the new Muslim tribes said, We will
pray but we will not give zakat
because there were new Muslims they didn't want to. And what did
say in that critical time when there was chaos everywhere. Rasool
Allah salAllahu Salam had just passed away. The most tragic event
ever in this in this mindless dunya.
Abu Bakr Siddiq said, I will declare war against these tribes
declaration of war and his advisor Omar was a Alison Yeah, mirror
moment, you will fight against the Muslims. He said yes.
He said there are so many others to fight against because all the
false prophets and all the other tribes that now he's gone we are
God. You said yes. If they separate
Salah from zakat, I will fight against them as long as they
withhold even one rope of the camel and zakaat if they don't
give it I will fight against. This is how we understood this pairing
that Allah has put of Salah and Zika. So he Allah subhanaw taala
talks about that. And reminder for us is that we should be always
careful in our calculating our circuit and at least being
cautious of giving more than what we think it is. Don't try and
shortchange it is for us Allah doesn't need the money. But for
us, because Allah Swanton has given severe warnings for those
who widowers a cut such as that we will brand them with their wealth
which will be converted into gold and silver heated and we will
brand them Allah Subhana Allah says on the forehead and on their
sides and on their backs and the significance of this, this and
this was also mentioned by some of the Halima you know why Allah
mentioned with branding on the forehead.
Because when the poor people would ask these people who are
withholding give me something that
responses frown.
Allah said you frowned. Brandon. Next responses, don't away from
them brand on the side. Then give them your back means you walk away
from the one who's asking
who need the brand on the back. So there is a tactic to this.
So may Allah subhanaw taala makers, people of Salah and have
Zakah Well, whom will offer to whom you can own and these are
people who have yet been in the akhira
after Amin
As we all know we are going to die, that there is a life after
what is that life there is a life of the grave the life of Bursa,
then there is a resurrection that's all part of the ACARA that
there is blowing of the trumpet where we will all be raised from
wherever we are, and there is a day of judgment that is that we
will be hex standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala individually,
and we will be questioned about things which is also going to come
in Look man, unless salams advice to his son, and that there is a
paradise and there is now and there is a fire that we will see
that we will have to cross over a bridge this is a locker, that
Allah will descend on his audition, we will be judged that
there are scales is no locker and there is eternal life of John, who
have you you can own who have attained certainty means that they
keep it and they have no doubt about it. And it's the opinion is
not by tongue, penis by action. So somebody says
I have your opinion aka and they are openly committing a major sin.
lying, cheating murder, Zina withholdings aka rejecting Salah
there is no your pain because these are things where Allah
subhanaw taala says I will put you in Janome for if somebody had your
pain, they would never dare to do something like that. So our life
reflects whether we truly have your pain your pain is not a claim
by the word. So Allah subhanaw taala says
that these are people who have your clean.
And this is all part of that hikma.
Part of that hikma wisdom is to have your clean and Afra and to
act according to that. Okay?
Hula Iike Allah who don't Mira Bane. These are the people who are
Allah Buddha, on guidance from them.
We like a humble muffler. And these are the people who are more
flatiron means who have succeeded succeeded in dunya succeeded in
the FLR succeeded in the Day of Judgment, for law.
That these are people whose characteristics are mentioned, who
take the Quran as the guide who live their lives, according to the
Quran. Part of that is the hikma of how to act that because we will
talk about that when those pirates come, who whose life reflect the
Salah and Zakat and everything else that goes with it and who act
in every way that there is an alcohol definitely if you know
there is an alpha you would never wrong anybody you would never you
serve the rights of anybody because you know you are
accountable, even the smallest dollar the smallest atom of grain
will be accounted for on that.
So these are the ones who are Allah Who that they are on the
path of guidance and what is the path of guidance that is the
And we start the Quran by asking Allah subhanaw taala at least 17
times a day, he didn't struggle to guide us to the right path, what
is the right path that leads to your pleasure.
And in response to that Allah gives the rest of the Quran after
surah Fatah you want guidance, right but he has the right path.
And Allah means it's not just being shown the right path, but
Allah gives Tawfik that you stay on the right path, because you can
walk on a path from here you're going to Springfield you're going
right then you take sort of a detour and you go somewhere else.
So person can be on the right path Serato mistook me for a period of
time then go off and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam actually
showed by drawing him with a stick he drew a line and then he showed
sort of lines going across that sometime a person is walking on
this and he sees the path and he goes a strip goes a strip. So
allow them Mirabel means by the Grace of Allah because of what
they have been doing what they have understood how they have
applied the product last one that keeps them on that path till they
reach their destination. And that is the key because you can lose
your path even towards the end.
We see that because our life is a marathon it's not 100 yard sprint
okay 100 meter sprint.
You can people can lead in the marathon for the first 25 miles
and in the last mile, they lose it
they fall they get exhausted the crown and other people. So we have
to cross that line and that line is only crossed when the angel of
death has extracted the soil completely and then if we are
still on the right path, we have succeeded move flaperon
Now the interesting thing about as we talked about that the muffler
horn fella also has the root in Falah and you know what a Ferla
He's a former
Farmer, what does the farmer do?
He takes the ground, he works hard, under heat, thirsty, hungry,
digs the ground, prepares the ground removes the stone, all of
that, and he puts in seeds. And then he takes care of it by
watering it and taking care of the birds and the insects and all of
that, waiting for his harvest, that when my harvest will come,
which comes after a year, or six months, or whatever, then you
gathers his harvest.
And if the harvest is good, he's successful. So this also tells us
that our entire life is that of a farmer, we are sowing seeds,
except our harvest is going to be on the Day of Judgment. What you
saw here, you will see the results of it on the delta.
Now last one filmmakers among them have known on the Day of Judgment
that we have only sowed goodness on this in this dunya so that
Allah will reward us. And among what we saw as goodness is the
children will leave behind unless mantra talks about your spouse has
been hurtful. This is your your tillage, put your seeds and leave
good plants, which is your children, so that you keep
benefiting from anything good that you do. The misogyny that you
build the institute's that you build the knowledge you leave
behind, everything that you do good, the seeds you put here, you
will get you may get for the disbelievers the reward is given
here. But for the believer, the rewards are waiting.
So we must remember that Allah Subhana Allah mentioned this
specifically, that those who saw here will gain their harvest.
So here, Allah subhanaw taala
has mentioned those in these first five aisles and just to summarize
it, that these are the reveal verses of the All Wise Book,
guidance and mercy for those who excel in goodness. The ones who
establish Salah
give Zakah and have absolute certainty within themselves of the
Hereafter it is these who are on the right guidance from the rub.
And it is these who are truly successful.
Now, since we talked about
Kitab and Hakeem, let's talk about the word hekman. Because the word
hekman is used in Urdu language for wisdom. So hekman is roots
hacking, are mentioned in the Quran about 20 different times
with different meanings. It's used for wisdom. Heckman is also used
for knowledge. Heckman is also used for prophethood. Hackman is
also used for the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu hikmah is
used for reasoning and logic hokhmah is used for forbearance
and suburb
patients Heckman is used as for giving a correct opinion. So all
of this is encompassed in and Heckman. So, to give one word
translation of Hekla is very, very difficult. So I gathered what all
of our scholars have said and tried to put it together in one.
So I will try and read it also so that I cover all of it. So hokhmah
starts with knowledge that
to know and to have the intellectual ability to understand
that knowledge number two, and to be able to apply it correctly.
It's Allah subhanaw taala mentions that you know that Allah Subhana
Allah sent and Nabil
Minoo I had yet to Allah MIT where you exactly him where you are Lai
Mohammed Al Kitab while hikma and that hikma is how to apply the
Quran and live by it and therefore we call it the Sunnah, because
that's what the Prophet SAW. So that hikma is the correct
application of the knowledge. So somebody says, Salah, I'm going to
select my own way that's not Heckman, okay? That's the opposite
of Heckman. So how to apply it the correct application
for the greatest benefit and this now you can take in other things
like we asked people of hikma for advice, and they have the ability
to look at all angles of of something, what is the benefit?
What's the harm, what is greater? What is the best way of doing
something to bring the maximum benefit to people, everyone
concerned so that is all part of hokhmah to act upon and practice
on the knowledge to maximize the goodness in every situation for
all concern while acting within the commands of Allah. It's not
outside the commands of Allah
for not taking into consideration the all possible consequences. And
frequently from these hiccups, we learn lessons that affect our
arts, words of wisdom.
And part of that hikma is to know our Creator, and to know the
creation, and to give each one, their rights, the rights of Allah,
fulfilled, as shown to us by say, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi.
Salam, the rights of the people, as he taught us, some Allah, Allah
Salam, and to put everything in its right place. That's part of
the wisdom.
everything in its proper place. And it is said that the peak of
Hekima is helpful. The fear of somebody who has true Hikmah
would have fear of Allah, that's part of it.
So here
I'll just mention
a couple of sayings of Lachman and Hakeem that are from this 500 book
or 500 gems per share for use of Gaffar Muhammad.
As we said, he used to give verdicts to the Bani Israel. So
one day he was standing in a big large gathering and giving them
advice. And then one person from this crowd afterwards came up to
him and say, Aren't you the one who was with me? And then we used
to be shepherds together, shepherding, you know, herding
sheep, you said, Yes. said how did you gain this status, you become
an icon of society, everybody comes to you again, what gave you
this wisdom? So in one narration, he said,
I speak only truth. And if it doesn't concern me, I don't speak.
This was his wisdom.
In another narration, he said, this is from the Grace of Allah
subhanaw taala. And therefore, I do not I only speak truth I do not
speak anything other than truth I return the trust of people. And I
abstain from deeds and speech that do not concerned few times. So He
only spoke when it needed to be neutral and this is in accordance
with what was what Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam teaches he says if
you speak speak only that which is good and beneficial, only you're
smart or be quiet don't say anything.
Now, Allah subhanaw taala in the next few Iots starting with our
number six try number nine, Allah subhanaw taala mentions the
opposite the contrast of that first group the people who are on
a diet
Allah subhanaw taala Sal
Wamena in semi yesterday in well, Hadith Lee or
Sabine in
Takeda, who will occur Lahoma other boom moving while either to
La he
was stuck with a lamb yes na. n Fe who donee he worked for for Bashir
who be a Durban any.
Allah subhanaw taala presents the opposite picture of the people who
were on guidance who take the words of the Quran as the path to
Allah and get wisdom Allah smart Allah says we're minute nursing
and among people mine yesterday law Well, Hadith there are people
who purchase law Well, Hadith
words other than those of wisdom.
This includes according to the scholars,
music, the lyrics of music, which promote promiscuity, disobedience
of Allah, Samantha, glorify things that Allah has condemned. And we
have that in our hip hop and all the music that we have, right?
curse words, bad words, promoting drugs, promoting alcohol promoting
illegal sexual act, all of that is in the lyrics of songs.
And among this also comes futile talk backbiting caring tales, Oh,
do you know about this? Do you know all of that and this is not
just when you say well, this is what you speak. Now we have other
means, what you text
what you post all of those in all your social media. This is Allah
subhanaw taala saying
Um, among mankind of some who purchased who take those instead
of the Quran, lay of the land civilian life to, to go astray
from the path
to become Bollin. from Sevilla, we were asking for Serato Mr. Kane
now we are going astray through these, these anything that takes a
person away from the path of Allah is Laravel Hadith.
Even if it's a beautiful song, if that beat of the song of the music
brings out a new and animal instinct which promotes something
that is a disobedience for Allah, that is covered in design.
Therefore when people say that music or certain types of music is
haram in Islam, they will quote this.
B lady, without having the true L.
The letter L is opposite to ACHEMA. Because hekman is based on
true LM from Allah subhanaw taala. So they don't understand what is
the end that they don't understand what is the consequences of this
that they are going to suffer
in the dunya what it will lead to and what it leads to in the
So what we see in media what we see on any channels what we see in
the movies, what we see in we hear in songs, all of that anything
that distracts us from our path from the aguda of Allah subhanaw
taala from Serato stuffing
is this
then Allah subhanaw taala describes this
well yet Takeda who's who? And they take the Ayat of Allah
subhanaw taala.
As jokes, they ridicule the IRS. Oh,
you know, and they used to do by saying he's a Shire is a poet is
invented he is this and all of that, that shaitan has taught him
these Iots and today, there are different ways of ridiculing the
IRS. Most Muslims, inshallah will never ridicule the ayat of the
Quran saying, you know, what kind of a joke is this? But there are
some who say, you know, it doesn't make sense. That's ridiculing the
ayah. Those who are you doesn't make sense to you. You need to
have your head examined. Okay, it's your ignorance. Or they say,
well, this doesn't apply. Where are you?
Those who say well, I will understand it whichever way I
want, not how Allah rasool and the Sahaba understood it is the same
Or you act according opposite of what Quran says. That's also
that's the worst that's ridiculing the Quran.
Willa Erica la whom other boom movies these are the one la whom
certainly with certainty Lamb of dark Eid, for him for them are
that the punishment of Allah, morphine that will humiliate them,
why the humiliation because they're acting arrogantly against
the word of Allah. They're saying, Oh, this, they're making jokes.
They're rejecting it. And that rejection comes primarily because
of Kibber of arrogance. The Pradesh were arrogant about it
today when people don't act according to the Quran just
because of the arrogance. You know, you know, I'm a PhD. It
doesn't make sense to me. PhD and watch
in physics.
Right? So,
Allah subhanaw taala then describes them further by saying,
We're either to La La tuna, when Our Verses are recited to them.
Now that is a privilege for someone to have the words recited
now imagine someone who the words of ALLAH being recited to buy, say
your dinner, rasool Allah sallallahu alayhi salam, he is
coming to you and reciting the words.
The words of Allah conveyed by Gibreel and Islam by the best of
Allah's creation, you are a privileged person that you are
hearing him from rasool Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam, we don't
have that privilege. So when that is done, what do they while lamb
was stuck barren? They turn away, moussaka. They run out of kibble.
What have arrogance. What is this? What is this?
Yes Now ha.
Mustang Monica alum yes Ma, as if they do not hear it.
Enough he will donate he baccarat as if in the years there is a
deafness means the words of the Quran are being recited. At that
time to the operation. They acted the ginger in fact, some of them
said to you know when it was having an influence on some people
they were accepting Islam, when new people used to come
them and into Makkah the kuffar used to tell them what don't
listen to one man because he will do magic on you. And if you do
happen to be there,
plug your years
can know who's gonna hear what camera as if they are deaf
and one of the sahabi came in he went there and then he said, You
know, I'm an intelligent man
I should be able to figure it out so to guard the plugs and when you
heard the words
Allah decided about a solar masala they said let me accept Islam
hola swans, Allah says about such people for Bashir who the other
the word Bashara generally is used for good news glad tidings. Allah
subhanaw taala saying to these people were Bashir who be adab in
a name a very painful punishment, give them the glad tidings, the
good news. Now, you can take it in two ways. How is this a good news?
One is that there is an element of sarcasm. But there is another
thing because this is being given
to people who are still alive.
So if they are given the news that there is a painful punishment,
they can change their lives, then that message has become a Bashara
for them a good news because it saves them from hellfire and Jana.
Is that clear?
But it can also be the understanding of that Allah
subhanaw taala is using the element of sarcasm instead of
saying, give them the bad news of a painful punishment.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says in the next aisle, again, going back
to the opposite of these people in the leadin Avenue, I'm in La sala
Pantalone Jana to name call it the Nafi word de la hukawng. Well,
Aziz al Hakim, again, the word Al Hakim Allah's name comes in here.
Opposite to these people who take the Quran as as for ridicule and
so on so forth. Allah Subhana Allah says, Indeed those who have
the NEMA is not a claim.
Whenever Iman comes Allah subhanaw taala has also paired it with
something what is he prepared it in the Quran? Well,
I'm also Allah, that is not just a claim, it has to show by good
deeds righteous actions. So that's another pair in the Quran. Okay,
we talked about the first one which was salons AKA, Eman Amala,
solid Iman has to be manifested by the mind isn't the heart nobody
knows you claim whatever but it has to be manifested by actions.
And the last sila hat. So one who has emerged in their hearts and
shows it by acting according to the commandments of Allah Swan
Palace, abstaining from the prohibitions of Allah doing things
as Rasulullah sallallahu is with the NIA of pleasing Allah subhanaw
taala all of that is what qualifies it as among salah. If
the NEA is not correct, it's not a Masonic, if it's not a command of
Allah, it's not you know, almost solid, if it's not beloved to
Allah, so it's not a Masonic if it's not done according to the
Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu it's not a Masonic so for them
Allah Samantha says lo whom again, indeed definitely for them, Jenna
to name gardens, not one gardens of eternal delight name.
So that one goes either been alim, a painful punishment. Jana 10.
Nine, the opposite.
And what does it en Allah subhanaw taala says no holiday in a fee,
they will live in there forever. Hold is eternity, there is no end
because even in dunya, you can have moments of great ecstasy and
pleasure and this has come to an end.
There there is no end. Then Allah subhanaw taala confirms it again
by saying what Adam Allah, you could have finished. This is the
Promise of Allah and Allah never breaks His promise. But he doesn't
stop this. So what are the law? Ha ha it is true indeed. Allah
doesn't have to say just true, because just the fact saying why
the law is this The Promise of Allah has to be true. He says,
What are the lie UPCA is stressing it that this is definitely going
to happen.
And who is saying this? Well who are and he is, as is the mighty
with all the power to do whatever he wants. And Al Hakim The
It is Allah's wisdom that we are here on the side, which is Allah's
wisdom that there is a gift
judgment that it's Allah's wisdom that there is a Jana and Anna.
There is Allah's wisdom that tests will come to us to prove our Eman
or disprove Our
Allah will challenge us that this is a place where you will be
tested. This is the place where you've been given the choice to
sow seeds, and it says wisdom that he has withheld the harvest for
you over there, the real harvest. So Allah subhanaw taala contrasts
us the wisdom of following the Scripture, the right path, the
good deeds to Allah's pleasure, following in the footsteps of
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and the opposite of that. Lead your
lives, enjoy the songs, enjoy the music, enjoy whatever you want
your loved ones, and the theories that go along with it. Every day
there's a new theory about how to derive maximum pleasure how to be
maximally happy in this life.
Happy Hour, that's happiness. Money is happiness,
and so on so forth. Allah smart Allah has told us what true
happiness is.
So as a translation yet among mankind of those who purchase
traffic and idle talk, music dance, without revealed knowledge
in order to lead people astray from the Path of Allah, and they
make fun and mockery of his verses. For these, there is a
disgracing punishment. When our verses of the Quran recited to
such a person, he turns away arrogantly as if he did not hear
them, as if his ears are afflicted with deafness. So give him the
tidings of a painful punishment. Indeed, those who believe and do
righteous deeds for them are Gardens of delight, wherein they
will dwell forever. The Promise of Allah is indeed true and He alone
is the overpowering the all wise.
Now Allah swamp Allah in the next two iets specifies this over what
is the power of Allah he just gives to example.
By His creation, Allah subhanaw taala says halacha sama YTB lady
Amma didn't Corona or Alka fill out the raja sia and Amida Bertha
fee humming Cooley the one minute sama Imam
but Nafi meaning equaliser watching curry had Hong Kong law
for a Rooney mama the Halacha Allah the naming Dooney
ballyvolane Moon haffi Bala Mubi
Allah subhanaw taala says in these verses
halacha sama wa t be ready Amma didn't Tirana, he created the
heavens, summer water the heavens everything that you see above you
be ready imagine without any pillars of support around that you
can see
literally means it created without any pillars that you can see. We
can have two meanings. One, there are no pillars, therefore you
don't see him. Or there are pillars that are invisible. You
can see
something Allah subhanaw taala says they are being held up like
this. So obviously there are certain forces there is powers
energies that keep things from collapsing. So I was reflecting
about it. And I thought what could we sort of equate this to?
So just think of it you have a big balloon.
And you're a great inside that balloon and you blow the balloon
This way and you are granting it. You look around everywhere you
look, there is a sky, the inner wall of the balloon? What is
holding it up?
Do you see any pillars holding up these things? No. What is holding
it up is the laws that Allah has created that that pressure of the
air inside the balloon keeps it like this.
In the moment something wrong happens that collapses.
And one day the heavens are going to collapse. So there are forces
whether it's from here, whether they're gravitational forces,
whether their energies from the black holes or whatever it is,
holds things up. There are no pillars you can see something
Allah subhanaw taala tells us
so Allah subhanaw taala is taking our attention above us look
When you look at that, just imagine the power of the One who
Aziz, then Allah subhanaw taala says look at the Earth you know
you're familiar with the earth
well, I'll call Phil or the and he Allah has embedded his set in this
earth. Ross, you
mountains, we look at the mountains, we are in awe of the
mountains, no matter where you go, as we were traveling, we went
through the workshop and went to the Adirondacks this last weekend.
And these are not the world's greatest mountains, but look at
the massive sizes.
Look at the Himalayas, look at the Alps, so good. And wherever you
go, you see mountains embedded, and look at how massive and strong
they are.
And Allah says, Put them there.
And then he tells us, unto me the bacon, so that you don't shake
and, and tremble with this. And that also is similar to Allah has
put this counterweights because there is water on this earth and
anything that has water in that moves, what does it do?
It creates forces of jiggle. And Allah has countered those weights
by putting mountains so that the Earth doesn't jiggle as it goes
around. Just like we put lead weights on our
wheels, wheel balancing so that it doesn't vibrate.
So those pieces of lead at what Allah has put his mountains,
because the Earth is spinning much faster than what I will say.
Then it's got water on two thirds of its surface.
Allah's reminding us of this
we're both Sufi have been coolly behind here has spread on this
earth, every kind of creature
that we know that we don't.
I can guarantee you there are creatures in this room that you're
not seeing right now. If you want to see them, you wouldn't know
what they are, what their names or what their species is what the
genus is. And that multiplied that million fold and then you go
underwater under the sea, many more every kind of creation, Allah
subhanaw taala has spread under the title of one word, life.
That's what they look for on Mars and Moon is their life.
And Allah has given them varieties of life and life we have to and in
that life
is US
and US is not a unit
13 or 14 trillion cells, each one has life that make compose me and
you right, how many millions of of rods and cones in your retina
millions that compose life.
How many red cells are destroyed every day living become dead and
so on. So
so Allah subhanaw taala is telling us think of all of this, to
recognize Allah z is the power of the Almighty.
Now, all of this Allah subhanaw taala mentions in his singular
form Holika he created. Now that changes what Anzahl now, and we
know that singular becomes we know sometimes people get confused. The
Quran Allah subhanaw taala says we is Allah as we thought Allah is
one How is he using the plural? Well, this is a plural as we know
of majesty, of greatness of Allah. Sometimes when Allah subhanaw
taala employs his forces, his angels and other things.
He says, uses the word of plural plural of majesty, one Zelina like
Al Kitab, We have sent down on you the book,
who's this way it is Allah,
plural of majesty, but in that process, we Jabril brought it
down, and so on. So
similarly, what ends and now minutes Sama, And We send down
from the heavens, math, water, we send it down because there's an
angel coming down with each, which each grade each drop, where it is
to learn how much it is rain is not it, how much rain has to come,
what the size of each group has to be, where it isn't meant to land,
whether it's going to produce benefit or harm,
whether it's going to cause flooding, whether it's going to
cause the crops to grow, whether it's going to wash out the seeds,
whether it's going to be withheld, so that the land dries and dies,
all of that is Allah subhanho Anza. Now Mina sama Eman for em.
But now we haven't called the zoning Kareem and with that, we
bring out the Nebat the vegetation from this earth in pairs xiao
qian, curry
beauty everything Allah created in pairs.
Everything is created plants are in pairs animal everything is in
Hello is the only one
unpaired by himself
after telling us this about his power, he says, had a follow up
call law. This is the creation of Allah. And he hasn't mentioned
everything. Just given a few words. This is a very brief look
in the heavens. Look on the earth look within yourself look at the
creatures look at the water coming down just a few phenomenon had
that this is the creation of Allah
for a Rooney Mara the Halacha Lemina so show me what other than
Him have created for a Rooney mother Holika Latina men Dooney
what have others created HELOC. The word HELOC means to create
from nothing. Not that you take a piece of wood and you cut it and
make it into a table or a furniture that's not Hello. That's
taking what is already there. Hello Can is to create out of
Only Allah NASA is the holodeck creator. So we should be careful
when we use the word creation that he created
a new device No, he didn't create a new device. He invented a new
device. Be careful of the word creation. Okay?
Because only Allah is Aloha Allah.
Allah subhanaw taala is asking show me what they have created
other than Allah.
The answer to that is what are you going to show? There's nothing to
show therefore then Allah someone will say Bala volley Munna fie de
la LEM will be Allah moon, those who do and the ultimate goal
injustice is to disbelieve in our last one we assigned partners to
think that others have powers when Dooney other than Him.
So anyone who thinks that is a volume,
and the word Dahlem, injustice, injustice is to, you know, the
greatest injustice is that Allah is the Creator he created, you
give you everything and you deny that is the ultimate of, of
injustice of volume.
The word will also come from darkness. So when you don't have
the truth, you have and truth guidance is frequently in the
Quran compared to what?
No light, because guidance gives you something you can see hid I
know, all of that is called. And opposite of that is called vole
Villamar darkness, that a person is in darkness, he can't see his
way around. Okay, figuratively speaking, if you turn all the
lights off, somebody will tripped, somebody will fall somebody will
harm themselves. But when you have light, the light of guidance, you
can navigate through life in the proper way.
So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that so some of the scholars
have when the word
singular is used, but Allah is one that talks about himself by his
about his Sephardi talks, usually in the singular.
And when he talks about actions that he has done,
which involve angels, and all is frequently in plural, and also of
majesty. So we shouldn't get confused about that. Now comes the
ayat. 12 to 19 of
Lokmanya. Listen, I thought I was going to finish the 19. But it's
an hour and three minutes already. So we are going to have to put
that off, which is good that will start fresh with the advice of
Luke Mannella Salaam. And what's also good is now gives you three
weeks to study the nine Iots of Lokmanya lay salaam, what the
advice is, and reflect on it and write.
Type a few pages each one because this is an advice of the Father to
the Son. And most of us have our parents here.
Why is this so important that Allah has immortalized it in the
Quran? And what is the importance of the advice of the father of the
parents to the child? Because that is what you're going to leave
behind your legacy is your child. And the advice is priceless.
And unfortunately, when many of us were growing up, and we were ready
to have children, nobody taught us this.
We did not know the advice.
So those who are there now who still have children, we have
children that we can still teach this is just priceless advice.
How priceless that Allah is digging the words of an African
slave who was not a messenger and made it part of his book.
For us that's helped priceless cities.
And how are you going to show a lot and show me as your teacher or
companion, that you value this by studying it yourselves and writing
about it reflecting on each one of that, and then that will be part
of our next class and we will go over this is 12 to 19 of Surah
And then we will inshallah take lessons from that, and there is
books written over it, so, it's homework for all of you. So, may
Allah subhanaw taala
accept this session from us and make it a means of,
of deliverance from his displeasure into his pleasure, a
means of making us among the muffler on the successful not the
Don loon who go astray. People have Heckman, not the people of,
of Goldman of darkness people of nor the people who Allah is
pleased with and not those who are deserving of his punishment. We
ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us understand these words, to
embrace these words, to understand these words to give us hikma to
act on them in the proper way. And may Allah subhanaw taala give us
life to meet again in a few weeks to continue to study his words and
the advice the priceless advice of local analysts Allah Subhana Allah
from dekhna shadow Allah you