Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Reflect on the Quran #85 Surah Al Al Mulk P1
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The Quran provides a summary of the main themes of Islam, including the holy month and the use of the term "the organizations." The title provides a brief overview of the structure of the Quran, including its themes and references to various events. The Surah is a very important message for protecting from punishment, and the main themes of the Surah include his power, his omnipotence, and his creation. The title provides a brief overview of the structure of the Quran, including its themes and references to various events.
AI: Summary ©
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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we welcome you all back to the session
the Tafseer of the Quran that we've been fortunate to study
And as always, I'd like to remind myself
that everything we begin is by the prayers and 100 of Allah subhanaw
by praising and glorifying him as he deserves
and thanking him for the blessing of the Quran
thanking him for the great blessing and favor of sending
Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to us
and for making us in his ummah. And as believers.
If Allah subhanaw taala gave us nothing else in this life,
not a drop of water.
Nothing else this would be enough for us.
Except we don't realize this blessing of Islam of the Quran of
Rasulullah sallallahu sunnah.
So let me first remind myself and you once again, that the Quran is
a book of guidance.
As a last one, and Allah says for those who believe and who are
looking for guidance in their lives,
those who do not doubt about its authenticity about its origin,
about its preservation. That it is divinely inspired words of Allah
subhanaw taala himself protected by him guaranteed by Him.
Those who submit to the words of Allah subhanaw taala and take it's
halal as halal, and Haram as haram
those who want to receive from the Quran rather than those who want
to give to the Quran their own interpretations.
The Quran does not guide those who are looking to argue with the
Quran or those who are trying to find inconsistencies in the Quran.
Those who challenge the Quran either verbally or by their
actions, and those who try and re interpret the Quran according to
their own NuForce and their own our inner desires.
But those hamdulillah of us who approach the Quran, with the
attitude of humility of submission, will find guidance.
And as a result of that guidance, they will see transformation in
their lives. They will witness increased Barakat in their lives
and they will have certainty in the offer.
And they will find that
there are a flock of becoming better. The character is becoming
better. Their dealings with each other are becoming more fair and
just and their relationships becoming more beautiful and
So we pray to Allah subhanaw taala that he make us among those who
benefit from the Quran. Those who submit to
it, who act upon it, who reflect on it and who lead their lives
according to the Quran.
Like, the best example of the best of Allah's creation, so yeah
they're not Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa
sahbihi wa sallam who was as our mother Aisha Radi Allahu Allah
said Ghana Hulagu Quran,
the character of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam was the
Quran, he was the walking embodiment of the Quran. So if you
want to see a Quran in action, look at the life of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi salam look at his character.
And that's what we have to keep in mind. Don't just treat this as a
book that you read and you put away on a on a shelf or we put it
on a shelf, we don't even read it. We don't understand it. We've
learned everything else except the Quran.
And the Quran is meant to be practiced in our lives.
So we've been dealing with, as we said, The Macan portion of the
Scholars have divided the Quran into the Moroccan revelation in
the Medina and Revelation. So the first 12 to 13 years of what was
revealed to the prophets of Allah Aeneas under hostile situations in
Makkah, and that McCann Quran, has certain themes. And the scholars
have said that there are seven major themes in the Quran.
Number one, the most important that are afraid of Allah. So who
is Allah so Allah subhanaw taala introduces himself self, his robo
via his lordship over everything, his USMA SIFAT His names as
attributes of how he created and all of that, the second theme is
resolved, that he sent messengers and messages, the final one of
which is what we are studying the Quran, the ultimate completed
message and sent to us by Allah subhanaw taala through the
greatest of His creation, the best of his example. So you're gonna
Rasulullah sallallahu listen.
The third theme is that of the Archaea that there is life after
death, that there is a resurrection, that there is a doom
judgment. And there are two destinations at the end of it the
Jannah Paradise and the hellfire. So that's team number 3/4 is camp
rulings. Or last one tells us the code of ethics of morality of
right and wrong and all the legal rulings and most of the can be
revealed in the Medina and period.
Then the fifth thing is, Quran contains Bashara glad tidings,
promises of Allah subhanaw taala for those who are good, who obey
and it can contains involve environments, warnings, Wake Up
Calls for people who disobey threats that this will happen. So
Allah Swanton law gives us as we say, the carrot and the stick both
you take this or you take this whatever works for you.
And then the seventh theme is the causes the stories of previous
nations the previous NBR what happened with them. So those are
the main themes and in the makin Quran, the main themes have to are
dealing with the terrain of Allah subhanaw taala, the rissalah and
the Astra with some of the classes will MBM most of the the
cam are not in the makin Quran and in the Surah that we are going to
be studying Surah Al Malik, we will see top heat you will see
rissalah We will see after we will see Invar strong warnings and we
will have a little bit of Bashar and so keep that in mind.
So, the scholars tell us just by the theme of it that this is a
Merkin Surah but there is no definite date of when it was
revealed by most estimates. It's from the early to the mid makan
period. And as you know, it's the beginning of the 29th Joseph
Zipporah which is called just Tabarak.
So there are names of the Surah it is called Surah Al Mulk which is
also called Surah Tabarak Surah Tabarka Ledi.
It is also called Surah Al Manaea
Surah Al Manaea means the shield the protector because the Prophet
salallahu alayhi salam told us that this surah protects you from
the punishment of the grave
and it is also called a liar
When Gaea the Savior, because the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam
taught us which we are going to go over in a minute, that this surah
will intercede for the one who used to recite it regularly in
front of Allah subhanaw taala until he is forgiven or she is
So it will provide him Niger.
Now, let's just talk about the special status of the surah. The
blessings the for the aisle the importance of this surah the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam is reported to have said he said in
Surah 10 mineral Quran a fella tuna
Shafaq Rajan Hatha, woofer Allah who were here surah Taha can lead
the way are they?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said what means, indeed
there is a surah in the Quran of 30 is only 30 hours, which will
intercede for a man on the Day of Judgment with Allah subhanaw taala
till he is forgiven.
Just imagine that you will have an attorney in front of Allah
subhanaw taala his own words
if we take care of the sore
so don't take that lightly. And he said the system Oracle DB Adele
It is narrated by an abnormality called the hola Juan
that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam said In another Hadith that
there is a Surah of 30 verses in the Quran which will intercede for
its recital and plead for him till it causes him to enter Jannah
which is a different facet of the same thing.
And then, so using Java or the Alon narrated the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam himself would not sleep until he had
recited Alif Lam means Sajida and Surah Mulk every night.
So what does that teach us?
What should we do?
Not just is not sufficient to say that oh, these are so important.
That's one thing though, this is such a great surah. But I should
follow that sooner that I should read if I've memorized it doesn't
take very long otherwise, I should read it before I go to sleep make
that a part of my daily activity, my daily will.
Abdullayev nameless folder, the Allamani who said that whoever
recites this surah every night, Allah subhanaw taala will protect
him from the punishment of the grave. That's the next step after
death, before way before the Day of Judgment, the situation in the
grave. What is the situation in the grave the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam said, if you knew what I know of what happens in the
grave, you will stop burying your debt.
So that's real. And here, the surah that will protect you from
punishment of the grave. And he said at the time of Rasulullah
Salallahu Alaihe Salam we used to call it L Manaea. Means the one
that protects and whoever recites it every night has done very well.
And then finally, Rasulullah Salallahu Salam is reported to
have said that my heart desires that this surah should be in the
heart of every one of my
being in the heart means being attached to it, understanding it,
all of that and preferably memorizing it.
There is an incident that happened. That's narrated by Imam
Tirmidhi from Abdullah ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Anhu Miranda cousin of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam who said that once some of the
Sahaba were traveling on a journey, they pitched a tent and
they didn't know that there was a grave right there's so as in the
night they were pitching the tent.
They heard recitation of the Barak
Kurama something special. So when they came back, they went to
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. Salam, and recite told him that
this is what happened. And he's so low in SLM, said, the surah
protects against Allah's punishment and ensures
So big on this basis, there is hope that believers who believe in
the Surah really and read it regularly seeking the pleasure of
Allah subhanaw taala learning the lessons contained in it and acting
according to the rulings that are contained herein
It will intercede on their behalf in the hereafter in front of
So this is very, very important. These are the certain special for
Now, the main themes of the Surah, as we mentioned before of the
seven themes that hey, there's going to be mentioned, ALLAH is
talking about His kingdom, His dominion. Allah is talking about
His power, His omnipotence is absolute power and control of
everything. He talks about the perfection of His creation, his
robe Obeah. Number two, it's going to talk about life and death, that
the Allah they are the creation of Allah and he created it as a test,
a test for what to see who is making the right choices and doing
the best of deeds, and who is making the wrong choices in their
lives because Allah Subhana Allah has given us a life where we make
And so either we are in this group, right choices are the wrong
choices. Now it's interesting there is continuity in the Quran.
If we look at the Surah, just before this, which is Surah rain.
The last few aisles of Surah Hareem gives us an example of two
or four people who made choices, two who made the right choices,
and two who made the wrong choices. That's what the last
Surah ends with. And then the surah comes so that ends with
the story of two women who made the right choices in Murata her
own the wife of the crown. And Maria Maria has Salah
and Allah subhanaw taala praises them and talks about their status.
And then he talks about two women who made the wrong choices. In
Murata no irata root is the wives of new Allison and the wife of
Lutheranism, wives of two messengers of Allah to prophets.
And Allah Subhan Allah talks about.
So it is an individual decision choices that we make a last one
Tala says he has created life and death for test. The other theme
here is that of the Hereafter. And then Allah subhanaw taala wants us
to think and reflect. So there are signs of Allah subhanaw taala
within us what we experience and what we see around us, that Allah
subhanaw taala wants us to reflect, think and ponder about
and use our Oracle, Allah has given us intellect to think, to
reason. And then as we said before, there is a lot of warning
threats in the in this plan, because the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam in that early modern period was also sent to warn
people, when do you warn people when people are asleep when people
are comatose when people don't care about anything? And that's
what the time on JD I was. So right in the beginning, if you
remember one of the first tours we covered was Surah Al Madatha.
Yeah, a U haul would
under, stand up and Warren right from the beginning. warn people
wake them up. This is a wake up call for them.
Also an early Surah Shuara Allah Samantha does the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi salam were under a Shara tackle a Caribbean and
warn your family members who are close to you it was after that's
what this was revealed that the prophets of Allah Islam called all
of his family to the mountain and said, If I were to tell you that
there's an enemy behind this mountain, would you believe me?
They said yes. And then he said, Believe in Allah and this is
what's coming. There is Jana, then there's, you know, you called us
for this, they rejected. So that warning part, this is part of that
warning, this surah is also part of it. Then Allah subhanaw taala
talks about the state of the disbelievers what will happen in
six Iots. And there is only one I have to share for the believers in
this. The ratio is more about the warnings, rather than the Bashara.
And the surah ends with certain rhetorical questions that Allah
subhanaw taala commands the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam to
ask the people who are rejecting call the school call, and we'll
come to that. So now with this introduction, let us start with
the first five Iots of surah. Tabar.