Mohammad Ali Hazratji – Companions of the prophet, SAW. Musab bin Umayr.
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The segment discusses the importance of using time wisely and learning the language of the Prophet sunals to purify the hearts of people. It also touches on the history of Islam, including the transmission of Islam through language and the importance of acceptance of Islam in one's culture. The segment ends with a recap of the importance of learning the language of the Prophet and the importance of history in shaping one's life and future.
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Sit down on a kumara Weber account to
miss Miller. One hamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah
Wanda Allahi wa Sahbihi woman wala
llama namaste my Samia. alumina Liddy Creek, Aloha, my renal haka
are in a battle about in order to punish the neighbor.
We praise and we glorify Allah subhanaw taala as he deserves, and
we sent, we send the choicest and the best of blessings on our
leader, our noble Beloved messengers, Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and his family and his companions, his us hub.
And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to open our hearts to his
remembrance, and to allow us to use these valuable moments of
Ramadan between us and Maghreb,
in his remembrance and remembrance of His Messenger SallAllahu
and to make it heavy on the scales, and to show us truth as
truth and falsehood as falsehood. Show us truth so that we may
follow it and show us falsehood so we can stay away from it.
Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah to all of our young brothers and
sisters joining from UMass and from any other of the Five
Ramadan Mubarak to all of you and I hope you're all enjoying the
special blessings of this month, where the gifts of Allah subhanaw
taala are innumerable
where his blessings for small actions are multiplied many, many
This is a season of harvest where we need to take in as much as we
can, of blessings of Allah subhanaw taala. And to use our
times in in the best way that we can, because no one knows if we
are going to have another opportunity next year, so many of
my friends and relatives just in the last week, have passed away.
One of our doctor friends from this area, passed away from COVID,
the husband of my cousin passed away from
from another illness, one of our young
chaplains at Princeton Imam Suhaib that some of you may know, passed
away. This past week. Wonderful, young man, wonderful family, his
daughter, so beautiful, so nice. He was I think, in his late 30s, I
had the opportunity to meet him
here in Connecticut about, you know, 510 years ago, wonderful
young man, so we don't know. So the bottom line is we have to
use our time wisely.
And the wise use of time is to use it in the way where it will have
the maximum mileage for us, where
we do actions which will come in weighing the heaviest on the scale
on the Day of Judgment, actions that are pleasing to Allah
subhanaw taala.
What are those actions? If you put it in one words, it's Islam.
What is Islam and word in one word, absolute, loving, willing
surrender to Allah?
How do we surrender to Him? How rasool Allah salAllahu Salam
showed us
if we remember when our father Ibrahim Ali Salam,
and his son is not a lowly Salam.
May Allah be pleased with both of them and elevated Rajat and the
author and to the highest levels of paradise, our fathers, when
they erected the Kaaba for the worship of Allah subhanaw taala.
After that, they made a DUA.
What was that da? They said Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allah
subhanaw taala has recorded this for us in the Quran. He said
Rob Burnett Webb fee him or sulam min whom year two I lay him a year
ticker where you are lame Mohammed Al Kitab ah, well Hekmatyar. We
use a key him in Nikola Tesla Azizullah hacking. He said, Our
Lord, or this is Abraham
Melissa lamb Helene Allah saying our Lord rays from among them from
the people who will live who will live around this house of yours.
There was no one there are Sula Messenger from among them who will
recite Your Ayat to them and He will teach them the book. You are
Allah, Mohammed Kitab he will teach them the Book and the Hikmah
the wisdom, the Sunnah, the details
of the Fuhrer
from the principles of the Quran, why you Zacky Him and He will
purify them, purify them so that they are eligible to stand in
front of Allah subhanaw taala and they're eligible to enter Jannah
in a candle Aziz will hacking. You are indeed the Mighty, the most
powerful and wise.
In response to this, Allah subhanaw taala sent the messenger
Muhammad ibn Abdullah Samba Allahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. Few
1000 years later, this bow was answered just remember that, that
sometimes Allah subhanaw taala answers, not immediately but when
the time is right, and his wisdom is the best of wisdom.
Allah subhanaw taala in response to this then explains to us he
said laka mon Allahu Allah min in
is Basa fee him rasool Allah min unfussy him, yet to do a lay him
yet he will use a key him where you are lemma whom will Kitab when
Hekmatyar were in can oming calm Lula field Allah Lim Mubin and
indeed, it is a great favor that Allah has bestowed on the
believers when he raised from among them, or soon, when I'm
forcing him from among them, yet to do I lay him a yachtie who will
recite to them the Ayat of Allah, where you Zack key Him, He will
purify them while you're at a level who will kita and will teach
them the Book and the Hikmah the wisdom will encounter when coupled
with Luffy dalim will be back because before this, they were
astray. So Allah subhanaw taala repeats this and you repeat this
again in Surah Surah. Juma and the beginning of that the same, the
only difference between the DA is Ibrahim alayhi salam in his wisdom
and his thing, he asked Allah subhanaw taala, to send the
messenger from to the people to recite the ayat to teach them the
book, teach them the Hikmah and therefore purify them, Allah
subhanaw taala changed that order. And he said that he would first
purify them, and then teach them the Book and the Heckman
because the book of Allah, the ayat
are too valuable to be put
in a heart that's not been purified. Just like if you take
the example that you have the most valuable seeds of a tree that's
going to bear the most delicious of fruit. You don't just throw it
on any rocky soil, you prepare the ground, you dig out the stone, you
remove the weeds, you you loosen the soil, then carefully you put
the valuable seeds and then you water it and then you see that
plant grow healthy.
So the the words of Allah subhanaw taala are not cheap that they can
be thrown at anybody. The ground has to be prepared Allah subhanaw
taala talks about that the prophets of Allah listen prepared
that ground what is that ground the hearts of people. If you know
in the Macan Quran, the first 12 years there were no commandments.
There were no rules and regulations of do this don't do
that. There was no Halal no haram other than forbidding shake and
calling to lead. There was no Surah till the 12th year about a
year and a half before the Hijra. There was no order of cm there was
no order of the cat. They came in Medina there was no for forbidden
to eat this and drink this and Riba and salt none of those were
there because the hearts have to be prepared, and the preparation
was to remove all the vestiges of shirk. Remove all the fields that
existed, purify the hearts, then Allah subhanaw taala would reveal
His commandments and those hearts would be ready to receive them.
So we have to read
Number one, Allah subhanaw taala sends a messenger, he sends with
the messenger, his revelation. And that message has to be clearly
and to help him in his in his.
In his messenger ship Allah subhanaw taala, sends or chooses,
instead of saying send, he chooses, his helpers, his
companions, Allah subhanaw taala chose the Companions, the US hub
of Rasulullah sallallahu, this, these are not just some random
Allah subhanaw taala chose who was going to be the companions of
Rasulullah sallallahu this, there were many people who were
wealthier, who was smarter, who were
very intelligent, yet that did not accept Islam because Allah did not
choose them to be companions of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.
It's important to remember that, that the companions are chosen by
Allah, just like he talks about the Onsala of, of the Howery Yun
of Isa Ali Salam, the disciples, the helpers, the Companions, the
ASABE of these artists and Allah subhanaw taala chose them for him.
So this is his sunnah. So we are today we are going to be talking
about the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam remember
number one that they are chosen by Allah number two, remember what
the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said about them. He said the best
of generation the Harold Carmen the best generation of people are
Majan is my generation my companions and then the next after
them are the tabular in who come next and then the next level below
that is the Tabatha ain who come after them and so on and so forth.
Okay. So this is one just telling you who we are going to be talking
about today.
So the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam is also reported to have
said that My Companions are like guiding stars, okay. They're like
stars, who will? In other words, if you follow them, and who are we
following? We are following ones who do the etbr who follow
Rasulullah sallallahu lista. Now, they are not independent. The
close companions of the Prophet sallallahu Salman, among the
companions, there are about 120,000 But there is there is
there is a level there is a hierarchy. We have companions,
like Abu Bakr Siddiq, or the Allah one like Amara Abner photogra, the
Alon, like
Uthman been a fan or the other like, Lyra the Allah one. And we
have the ashram of Bashara. So we have gradations. And then there
are others. And the definition of a companion is a person who lived
at the time and so Rasulullah sallallahu, ala Silla, metod
became a Sahabi a special status, but among them, there were other
there were some who had higher status than anyone else. So now,
let's talk about this is the background of where we are.
Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi salam is there he's got a
handful of companions with him in Mecca. And the Quran is
descending, is being revealed, starting in the month of Ramadan,
this blessed month and the Quran, if you remember is being revealed
to people who are experts in the language of Arabic.
So, one would say, why do they need a teacher?
The verses let the verses just be recited to them, they will they
will figure it out. They will understand it, they will apply it
they will know the meaning.
Right? If anybody could understand directly,
who would be most challengeable the corporation Maccha because
that was their forte, the language of Arabic.
Yet Allah subhanaw taala did not structure it like that. The
prophets Allah Allah, Allah Salam explained to them, taught them
and interpreted it for them. He was the teacher.
Look at today.
Even forget about people like me, even the Arabs have no clue of the
Arabic language. They speak in slang.
You know, Armenia,
you read few verses of the eye of the Quran, they have no idea what
it means.
Now, you take that
For people like me who've never learned Arabic and you give them
the Quran, say, Here you go, this should be enough to guide you
through life, read it, interpret it, if you don't understand it,
read a few translations, and then apply it to your life.
Would somebody let you into a nuclear lab with the manual and
say, Here you go do what you want, or into a virology lab. In China,
he has a years of manual on virus studies, go and do whatever you
That's a recipe for disaster.
What could that person do? He could blow up the world or you
could let loose more viruses that are worse than the COVID.
What's the worst that will come out of it? People will die.
If you give the Quran to people who are not trained, who don't
understand who have not, do not have a teacher
and say go and do whatever you want. This is a recipe for
disaster in the dunya and in the article.
So be careful when you interpret the Quran. You need a teacher, you
need the scholars.
Okay. I wanted to clarify this point before because my brother
last week, my dear brother Imams web web talk to you and I know
what he meant. And perhaps it didn't come across to you,
clearly. So I wanted to make this point because I heard it there was
room for misinterpretation. And he's a beloved brother. I was with
him in Egypt for a while. He showed me all the places in Egypt,
and he took me to his favorite Malaysian restaurant. And he used
to call me chacha, which means uncle.
And I know what he wanted to say is that, yes, we need to embrace
the Quran rather than keep it as something that is unrelated to us.
But we do need someone to help us interpret it a teacher, he has had
13 years of teachers, right. And he said there are four types of
ayat of the Quran, who said that Imam Fakhruddin Arrazi, so he is
quoting teachers. So what he's trying to tell you is you need
qualified teachers who will help you interpret it, don't just go on
your own, and make a free interpretation, free form,
whatever I want, this is what's happening in my life, this is the
IRA, this is what it means. Please do not do that. And I know that
Imams who have did not mean that, okay, so let that be clear.
So now, once we have clarified that, let's start with one of the
companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And I have chosen a young companion, because he was your
And what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell you his story, and
many of you probably know his story.
And after the story, I'm going to question each one of you to give
me one thing that you learn from his story. And one thing
that applies to you today.
Okay, so it's going to get a little interactive. So listen to
the story.
The name of this companion is Musab bin Humaid are the Allah who
won most up being a mayor.
What is his background he is from among the Quraysh of Makkah,
from a noble tribe,
and he was born in a privileged class.
He was born in a family that was extremely wealthy.
Now add on top of that, that he was extremely handsome.
He was a very beautiful
young man
who was a teenager, late teenager at that time, who had been brought
up in the lap of luxury. There was nothing that he didn't have. He
wore the best of clothes. He had the best of rides. His shoes were
made used to be made in Yemen and brought for him that's where they
had the best handicraft of leather. So his shoes used to come
from Yemen.
And it is said if he passed through a street afterwards where
people can this would say Oh, Musab has passed through the
street because they could tell from the wonderful perfumes that
he used to have
So this is a person who is like the elite, wealthy, good looking,
he had it all.
And he was respected among the Quraysh because he was highly
intelligent. So even as a teenager, when the courageous
leaders who were mostly much older used to get together, they would
allow him to sit in their company.
This is his background.
in one of those meetings, there was a lot of excitement, the
excitement was that there is a man who we know Mohamed El Amin,
salallahu, Alaihe, salam, the truthful, who has declared that
there is only one God.
And he is saying that all of our gods are, you know, false. And
there is some people who are listening to him. So this became
big news. So when Musab
or the Alon heard this, he absorbed it, and he made his
His decision was let me go and listen to this man.
So he searched around, and he found that rasool Allah sallallahu
alayhi salam was secretly meeting because there was opposition to
this message in the house of a man by the name of Arkham YBNL Arkham.
And that is, was the house was called Dar Al Arkham. It was very
close to the mount suffer those who have been to Makkah Safa and
Marwa, the two places where we, we go for say the houses was right
behind the mount of suffer. And they used to meet at night when
people had gone to bed secretly. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
salam could teach some of these early converts, Islam, the Iots
that were being revealed, and they used to pray together. So one day,
Musa Radi Allahu decided that he was going to attend that meeting.
So he went there, and he asked permission to come in. And he was
And he sat and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam recited
the Quran and when you heard the words of Allah subhanaw taala, his
heart started to just tremble and shake.
And he became very excited. Then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
salaam put his noble hand his right hand on the heart of masa.
And it comes down.
Then he prayed with them.
And on that first meeting, he accepted Islam.
This is how pure his heart was, how intelligent he was. He heard
the message. He said, This is the truth.
he didn't care about anybody else, but he loved dearly. His mother
whose name was honus, Vint Malik, who being a very wealthy woman was
also very powerful and known for her
extreme anger and forcefulness.
So he didn't want to get involved with confrontation with his
mother. So he decided that I'm going to keep my Islam a secret.
I'm not going to tell him. He didn't care about anybody else. It
was just his mother.
So he would come during the night attend the sessions, and he was
practicing is Islam secretly from his mother. But because of what
was going on, in the atmosphere in Makkah, there were spies all over
looking at one of those spies by the name of Uthman Ibn it'll have
would track him see where this young man is going at night and
tracked him to daughter Arkham. And he knew that Rasulullah
Salallahu Salam used to be there at night. So he tracked him there.
And then another day, he peeked into the house, and he saw him
praying with them.
So what did he do? He came to his mother and said, Your son has
accepted the message of Mohamed Salah virus.
So Musa bin Ahmed comes home, like normally and his mother is
standing there and she has gathered all of these leaders of a
tribe in the house. And she asked him, tell me what's going on. Have
you accepted the message of Mohamed Salah launched?
So he said yes.
And he gave reasons and you quoted the Quran that he had learned. And
he said, This is the truth and he invited them to accept and his
mother flew into a rage and she swung at him but there was so much
more on his face from this that she actually missed his face and
didn't go on beating him. But instead she she asked him to
revert back to the religion of polytheism. And when he refused,
he said I will never do that. She had the people catch him
put chains on his feet and tie him to a corner of the house. And he
was kept there as a prisoner, he could no longer go.
And he was kept there for a long period of time.
There used to be guards on him
when the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam heard that his companions
were going through all of these hardships, he gave them permission
to migrate to Abyssinia, Ethiopia, because he said there is no Joshi
adjust Christian king. So when Musa heard of this in his
imprisonment in his house, he thought of how he could get away
with him. So he somehow with the guise of changing and bathing and
this and that, he
tricked his captors, the guards, and he escaped, and he joined the
people, he migrated to every senior.
Then, after a few years, they heard the news that now there was
truce, and they could come back. And they came back to Makkah. And
they found when they came back, that that was not true. They went
back to every senior second huger, and he went back. Then after a
while, he came back to Mecca. And again, his mother confronted him,
she said, I'm going to imprison you again. You said if you want to
send people, I will fight them and I will kill them all, or I will
get killed. And she knew he was
determined. So she backed off, then she used a second strategy.
She said, I will deprive you of all of your wealth.
I will take everything away from you, because this is what they
knew, as you know, power moves. Now imagine a 90 and 2025 year old
man who had grown up with all of this,
used to this luxury.
He says no, Matt, you can take anything but he asked her. I want
you to take Shahada. She said by the stars, I will never accept
this religion.
So he left and she said you can go you are no longer my son, and you
have no share in my inheritance.
And then as he left his uncle, his maternal uncle came and said that
even the clothes you are wearing belong to your mother.
So he returned the clothes just with the under garment of the
lower covering his aura, he left,
left all the luxuries of the world for the truth for Allah and His
And he came back to Roswell muscle virus.
In the several years that passed, and sometimes the companions were
sitting one day, and Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was sitting with
them, and most of binominal passed, wearing very rough
clothes, which had patches on them. And some of the companions
who saw Him, the Lord their head, and they started to weep, because
they knew what he used to be like and his state now, and Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam smiled and said,
I know what he had, that Allah had brought him up in this great lap
of luxury, but he sacrificed it all for Allah and His messenger.
a couple, two, three years before the Hegira, the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam met a few people who had come from Medina, and he gave
them down. And they accepted Islam, about 12 or 13 of them. And
there was some women in there. And they said, we will go back to
Medina, but send us a teacher. Now, Islam was going nowhere in
Makkah, because there was so much opposition to it, they wouldn't
they were being tortured, they're being killed. It was not
So now was a golden opportunity that Islam could spread somewhere
else, there was a chance in Yatra because there were this 12 or 13
converts who are going back but they didn't know much of Islam. So
the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam had to choose one man who would
change the history of the world. One man, who is he going to choose
to send with them as his teachers. He had great companions. He had
companions who are related to him, who were his best friend. Among
them was Abu Bakr Siddiq. And, and, and, and Ahmed Abdul Hatha
banali you know, the Allah, Allah, Allah and so on. They were great
companions of the Romani have now been Helen Zubair, the Alon,
who did he choose older than him? Perhaps wiser than him perhaps
with more non he chose Musa
have been a male
who was a young man in his 20s
Because he saw in him something special. his intelligence, his
dedication, his sacrifice. You said most of the armor will go
with you to Medina to teach US law.
So he came and he was hosted. There were two tribes as you know,
our son has Raj and he was hosted by sad. His name is sad, Ibanez
Aurora, and some narrations, it said assertiveness, Aurora, he was
from the hazard she became his host. So he lived with him. And he
started giving Dawa teaching Islam reciting the Quran that he had
learned from Rasulullah sallallahu. Listen, whatever had
been revealed to that to that point, the Macan Quran, and he had
a beautiful recitation and beautiful explanation, and used to
invite people and people started accepting Islam. So when this
happened again, there was turmoil a little bit. He was sitting with
a group of companions
in Medina, and he was teaching them Islam.
So one of the leaders of a of a clan called call Abdul ash ash
hull, his name is Jose they've known for their who was known for
his his might and His anger and sternness he came, and he brought
his spear. And he dug it into the ground. And he said, What are you
doing here? Because he was sitting there teaching.
You know, you are taking people away from their fate, the fate of
their forefathers. And he was very angry and people got very nervous
because they thought he was going to kill most of the normal was up
in Amara, the Alon kept sitting calmly. He said to him,
why don't you sit down. And that's one way to bring anger down, as
you know, sit down. Listen to what I have to say. If you like what I
say, you can accept it. If you don't like what I say, then we
will live.
So said ignore her there was men of
reputation justice, he said, This is a very reasonable thing, okay.
I'm willing to listen to you. When you sat down.
And most of the normal or the Alon recited, there is no greater power
than the words of Allah.
As he recited the Quran, the face of who said Ben who there changed.
Then he gave him Tao off the heat of Allah subhanaw taala, the
Archon of Eman you know, the author or the accountability, the
gender, the noun or the messenger ship of restaurant. So, by the
time he finished listening to him, the one word come to drive him out
to perhaps kill him.
He said to him, I have one question.
More sub said, What is the question you said? How does one
enter this religion?
So most have been Omar said,
you go you take a hostile purify yourself, your body, your clothes,
and then you say, the Shahada. And we'll say it then they're left.
And after an hour or two after a period he came back beds with new
clothes and he sat down with him said I want to take the shot. When
he took the shahada being a leader there was a big uproar again, and
he said, Now I want you to take take you to sad did Nimrod who was
another leader and sad didn't know about that the all the leaders of
Medina and Musa bin Ahmed gave them Dawa, and they all accepted
Islam. SAD and MAD Roddy along, went to his entire tribe. He said,
I have accepted Islam.
I have nothing to do with any of you unless all of you accept Islam
and the entire tribe accepted Islam.
And Sardegna mod is the one or the Allah Han about whom Rasul Allah
salAllahu Alaihe Salam said he only was Muslim for six years and
then he died. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam said that
the the Arusha for Allah subhanaw taala trembled in a way on the
death of Musa OFSAA did Nimrod. So these are all people in the
account of Musa they know mayor because they accepted Islam
at his hands. So the next year again, on the occasion of hedge,
Musa been American back to Makkah to end Metro Sula, salatu salam at
the second pledge of Aqaba. And he brought about 70 to 75 people
where they accepted Islam. And this opened the path for
the migration to Medina. Because the following year, the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam started sending people most of went and
people with him others
And after that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam saw the
establishment of, of Islam and the converts and to make the
environment hospitable for Islam and for Rasulullah Salallahu salam
to migrate, the credit of that is on the shoulders of
Musa Binyomin.
A year later, the McCanns came
and fought in the Battle of burger most of the normal
or the Allah Han fought in that battle. And in that battle, they
were about 70 prisoners of the Quraysh who were taken in among
them was his brother, Abu Aziz, Ignacio Mayer
and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam assigned
each prisoner to one of the unsolved Medina take them home,
feed them what you eat, teach them so on so on, so forth. So he was
this brother of Musa Abu Aziz was assigned to one of the insidey
brothers, and he used to be with him, and he used to eat what he
ate and so on so forth, treated well. Good treatment of prisoners
of war. So one day Musa bin Omar was going by and he saw this and
he goes, he does not address his brother. He goes to him to the
Ansari brother, he says,
tie this man tightly keep a close eye on him because his mother is a
wealthy woman. She will ransom him or make him escapes or tie him
tightly and keep him like that. So Abu Aziz said,
Am I not your brother? You're saying this about me? He said, No,
you are not my brother. He is my brother. Because he is a Muslim,
and you are a Catholic.
He disowned his blood brother. For the brotherhood of Islam, no
The following year was the Battle of ushered
in the Battle of
the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, you know, the most symbolic
thing in the battles of those days today you don't know when you you
fought battles face to face when you were on foot when you were on
camera when you were on horses. You had your flag, the standard
bearer, who carried your flag, the flag of Rasulullah sallallahu ala
Selim, the flag of Islam who was going to carry it. That was a
great honor. That honor was given to Musa been a male of the Allah
rasool Allah SallAllahu sallam said Musab is going to carry this.
So he had the stand the banners of Islam. In his one hand, the
sorting is other. And as you know, early on in the Battle of the
Muslims were winning, and the Quraysh, the kuffaar had been
routed, and they were running away, till some of the people
disobeyed an order of Rasulullah sallallahu, salallahu Alaihe
Salam, and abandoned the strategic position on a hill,
the archers, and as a result of which, from the Quraysh, their
leader, at one of the leaders of one of the wings, Khalid bin
Walid, who was not a Muslim at that time, made a flank move and
came and attacked from behind and there was chaos. And the Muslims
was surrounded, and it resulted in a lot of bloodshed and loss of
lives. In that moment, their goal was to kill Rasulullah sallallahu.
So that was it must have been Omar, or the unknown, saw what
they were planning to do. So he raised the banner elsewhere, and
he said Allahu Akbar, and he started fighting like very, very
vigorously to take the focus away from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
so he could be protected by some of the companions because he was
in a very difficult situation. And what's happened, Omar fought and
fought and fought, till he ran into one of the great warriors by
the name of Ibni Kumar, who came on horseback and he struck he had
his, his banner in his hand, he was fighting with the other, you
struck the arm and the banner of Islam fell. And Musa bin Omar
grabbed it with his other hand, the sword hand, and he raised it
again, just because the falling of the flag means you've lost the
battle. And then he struck his other hand, both hands are cut
off. Then he embraced it with the stumps of his hands holding it up.
And all the while he's saying, Allahu Akbar and you saying, Hamid
is butcher messenger messengers have gone before him and he kept
saying this to draw attention to him.
Till this
evening, a coma, took a spear and put it through him, and he was
after the bad
To have offered in which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam
himself had been martyred. He sent people to look and find out where
is most of the normal. And they found him in this condition with
his face down.
A spear through his body, his arms cut off.
And all of the martyrs 70 of them were gathered there in a hug.
And then Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam came, and he stood
above them. And he stood in front of
the body of Musa ibn on there
and there were tears overflowing from his eyes.
And he said,
mineral meaning region Sadako ma Had Allah Allah He, for minimum
mon cada
Nakba, who were men who my young Tadeu were met, but they do have a
among the believers are men who have proven true to what they
pledged to Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge with
their lives, and others are waiting their turn. And they have
never changed in their commitment in the least.
With all of these shahada, including the one he loved the
most his uncle Hamza lying there, he stood in front of Musa bin
Ahmed, and all of the Shahada. And he said, The 70, who had been
He said, The Prophet of all messenger of Allah bears witness
that you are the shahada to Allah. And I will bear this witness on
the day of TM.
And then after that, he asked them to be buried.
So they were buried in what they were wearing. And they came to
Rasulullah Salallahu Salam, they said, Yeah, rasool Allah, for Musa
Ben Omar because he's a tall man, the garment that he has the only
garment that he has, if we raise it to cover his head, his feet are
bare. If you pull it down to cover his feet, his head is bare. What
should we do?
This is the position at death of a man whose clothes used to be known
in Makkah, whose perfumes used to perfume the
streets whose shoes used to come from Yemen.
At the moment of his death, when he laid it all out for Allah
subhanaw taala there wasn't enough fabric to cover his body.
Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam teared up, he said, cover it his
head and take the grass, the grass that used to grow to cover his
This is how the beloved of Makkah, the elite young man of Mecca, was
laid to rest
when those of you who have gone or
those of us who have had the blessings of going to and we see
that enclosure, that enclosed for the 70 shahada, that's where
Sayidina Hamza is, that's where Sayidina Musa have been Omar is
and the other Shahada.
The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam did the salata janazah and buried
them in that grave?
And then he gathered his companions and he said, oh,
visit them,
come to them, and send salaam upon them. By the one in whose hands is
my soul, any by Allah, any Muslim who send Salam on them, till the
Day of Judgment, they will return their Salam because Allah subhanaw
taala says, Don't call those who have been killed in the path of
Allah martyred as dead because they are indeed alive and the risk
is with them they are with Allah. So rasool Allah Subhana Allah
salaams is honoring the shahada among them most have been on there
since alarms on them, wherever you are.
A Salam Wallach yatta yatta now, most of us salam alayka Yeah,
Marshall Shuhada. A Salam alaykum. Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Peace
be upon you, or our leader, most Peace be upon you, or leader
Hamza, or Peace be upon you, all of you, who died for the service
of this theme, so that we could be Muslims today. All of those of you
who died protecting our beloved Rasulillah
sallallahu alayhi salam on that day, May the peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him. This is the story of Musa Amaya.
Look at his beginning, look at where he came from. Look at his
worldly position. Look at his end, you decide
what is his rank.
That's his story. Now.
You, each one of you can tell me one lesson you've learned from
because these are not stories. These are for us role models.
These are the ones who set the standard. They're not only carried
the standard of Islam, the banner of Islam, but they set the gold
standards against which we will be measured.
The crowd will come the best of generation.
They've set the bar up here. So what have you learned from the
story of Muslims in America? Now let's open this up.
Who wants to go first?
Hi, Bob don't want
to lie. But
I think what I learned is that not to prioritize worldly things,
because he gave up his wealth and his family for the sake of Islam.
And I think right now we live in a world that is full of temptations,
different things can go against that, then, and we have to
learn from Musa and try to prioritize Dean over those worldly
That's the whole foreign system. Nusrah. You're absolutely right.
This is a fundamental story of someone who had it all what we are
running after of this dunya he already had it.
You know, someone who doesn't have it. It's not difficult to give up.
He had it it is so much harder to give up what you already have. He
gave it up for what he understood was a higher goal. What is better,
because this is all going to be left behind. This is what we will
be asked about.
And he made all of those sacrifices. He gave up capitalism.
He gave up elitism. He gave up his one family for Allah and His
messenger. That's a true ager to Allah and His messenger. And we'll
talk more next who wants to go.
People can unmute. But if no one could, if no one would think I
went that
they should stick to our beliefs until the end.
it is so on spine huggy. When he chose to be the ambassador, he
stick to being an ambassador until the last breath.
Absolutely. That is commitment that is about steadfastness once
you believe if you believe that's true belief that you give up
everything. As we said before, he gave up the wealth. He gave up his
family. Ultimately, what he gave up his life for Allah and His
You can't give anything more. Right? Because he believed. And
when he was given an assignment as the first envoy, the first
ambassador of Rasulullah, salallahu Alaihe, salam, what did
he do? He took that job seriously. And you worked day and night and
look at the fruit
that he
produced. Some of those became great Muslims and leaders of their
own and all of their account. All of their deeds are in his account.
And he understood that that's intelligence. Intelligence is not
how I can make more money, how I can do this and I intelligence is
how I can do what will give me the greatest returns. So there was no
more intelligent person than him.
He knew what needed to be gotten rid off so that for the ultimate
that sacrifice that's commitment. And today we lack that because do
you think he didn't have temptations? He was the club going
young man who had everything.
He had everything the temptations are always present. If we think we
have, they had more alcohol than we have, they had more other
things. All the temptations were there human beings have the same
things, yet how to overcome them for the greater goal. That's the
And that commitment once you accept, that's the truth of, of,
of fate as Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam quoted in this iron. And by
the way, I forgot to tell you that as he was being, you know,
injured, he kept saying,
Muhammad is but a messenger messengers like him have gone
Afterwards, Allah subhanaw taala revealed the IR which
had this in it when Allah subhanaw taala says, my mum Hamedan Ihlara
Sulan padpilot Min cobbly Hiruzen as a matter of pertinent to Aqaba
come my mind young colleague, Allah UPPAbaby for nine year
daughter, Allah Harsha was a he was a Yahtzee love who Shaq in
this I have the Quran. Part of it is the exact quote of what he was
saying Allah subhanaw taala honored even his words by making
it a part of the Quran. Because the scholars tells us tell us that
this these verses were revealed after that.
That's the commitment
laying down the lives the true believers as Rasulullah sallallahu
sallam said will mean meaning among the believers or region, the
word ritual used to mean men, not like today's men, men Sadako who
were truthful in their command, you know, this is the the Happy
Cow of Eman truthful in their commitment ma do what they have,
what they have pledged to Allah when they said it's a pleasure
when we say Asha to Allah, Allah, Allah Allah. They have pledged to
Allah subhanaw taala. And what do they do? They don't step back,
they lay down the lives.
This is
of statement. This is proof of concept. This is proof of
having taken the shower. Go ahead.
Anyone else?
So Michael did
that. Great. Thanks. today. I'll tell you, I'll say two quick
things. That I think amongst the great things that were taken away,
firstly, when you mentioned in the beginning the idea of Ischia and
how we'll probably put him when he asked that we're teaching the book
first and then the scale and then how Allah subhanaw taala, almost
in a form of teaching us that notice care comes first, which is
refinement, cleansing, purification, I think, I know
beautiful because you think about it.
She thought and Satan was amongst them, the many who had great
knowledge of, of Allah and work and so forth. But he didn't have
to skate and therefore that's what happened to him. And then
most hubs relationship program with his mother house, even though
his mother did not want him to continue believing, you know,
London's messenger, so
we didn't hear about Atmos hub. Electric treated his mother how he
physically did something to her how he ignored her. No, he still
had a relationship with her, but within the confinement of that I
will still believe in. So that's kind of a beautiful point. Again,
Surah Lookman, Allah subhanaw taala tells us about being
treating our parents, even Allah subhanaw taala says, if they try
and take you away from Allah subhanaw taala de, you don't
accept that, but you treat them with kindness. And that's what
what is the best thing he could have given? This woman, Islam. So
on his last moment in the last encountered, he said, My beloved
Mother, accept Islam. And she didn't. And then his wife, you
don't. That's the end of our relationship. That's it. But she
did not disrespect her. And he probably made the offer afterwards
that maybe she would accept Islam. And that's what we should do. If
we have if we come from families where we have parents or relatives
who are not Muslim, we treat them in the best way we show
practically the best of Islam by our actions, and we make lots of
dua for them. And we keep inviting them that's all we don't, you
act in ugly ways to them. Okay.
Does that go look for that?
Anyone else
so we have some precious time of about eight or nine minutes before
Iftar. And this is the special time for acceptance of dA. So, we
are going to ask you all to just once you get off here to spend
some quality time in the art because as you know the art is who
will Reba that it is d bad or moldable that this is the ultimate
Eva to end specially the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam tells us
in Ramadan and the time of Iftar the fasting person is never
rejected. Let us make that make make sense alarms on all the
companions and on the sell off that have gone and for each other
here and for our scholars to be rightly guided and for us to be
rightly guided and to help us achieve the goal of Ramadan, which
is taqwa and the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala. And may
Allah subhanaw taala give us deliverance from the Hellfire to
us and our loved ones and this entire ummah. And may Allah
subhanaw taala make this Ramadan a means of blessing for all those
who have goodness to come to the truth. And may Allah smart Allah
guide our leaders and our shoe to that which he loves to guide this
ummah back to him to take us back to the standards that were set by
the Sahaba Radi Allahu Anhu marbre Subhanak a llama with the hemlock,
masha Allah Allah Helena stuff Luca one or two boudic Assalamu
alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh