Mirza Yawar Baig – The real sacrifice

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The importance of submitting to Allah for a sacrifice is discussed, along with the need for praying and not giving up on one's obligations. The history of the Sahaba's decision to allow troops to return to their former colony was consulted, causing confusion and some brothers Prays in the land of "time Qureida causing confusion. The importance of praying for unity and making a statement about being a brother and sisters is emphasized, along with the need for a sacrifice and spare time for praying for the brothers to pray. The speaker offers to spare time for the brothers to pray and asks for help in supporting Muslims and bringing others to them.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear brothers and sisters, elders,

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all of you. May Allah

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make this Eid

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full of fire and barakah for all of

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us here and for all the Muslims all

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over the world.

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I remind myself and you that today,

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the best that

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can possibly be done is the

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the sacrifice.

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As we know from the Hadith of and

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and, Ibn Majah.

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said, the son of Adam

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does not do any action on the day

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of sacrifice,

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which is more pleasing

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to Allah

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than the sacrifice of animals.

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And in another hadith in Musaat Ahmad and

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Ibn Majah,

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Abu Huraira

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reported that Rasulullah

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said, whoever can afford to offer a sacrifice

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but does not do so, let him not

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approach our place of prayer, which is the.

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So sacrifice is very important, and it therefore

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must be done. Anyone who is eligible to

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pay Zakat is eligible

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for the sacrifice or liable for the sacrifice.

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And therefore, you should do that including even

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if you became eligible today, you must, inshallah,

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try your best

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to do a sacrifice

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My brothers and sisters, I remind myself and

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you that the meaning of being Muslim is

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to submit to Allah

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without question,

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without reservation,

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without argument, and without hesitation.

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To submit joyfully and eagerly,

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That is the symbol of our trust in

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And that trust is is what earns his

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and his help.

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And that is why the iconic symbol of

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Islam is the sajdah.

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It's complete and total submission and helplessness

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before Allah

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a symbol of total unhesitating

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a symbol of total trust and faith in

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The reward of that is tawakkur.

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It's a condition of the heart of reliance,

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condition of the heart which is free from

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all stress and all fear.

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And the and the reward of that is

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the nusrah, is the help of Allah

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which is not subject to any of his

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I remind myself and you that is

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for taqwa, for obedience.

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We cannot live a life of disobedience

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and expect

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our hearts

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to be filled with the and of

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said which means it is neither

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which reaches

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him. The purpose of

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is to inculcate

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the spirit of submission, of sacrificing

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our desires, of sacrificing what we want

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to win the pleasure of Allah

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and become among those who Allah

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called al Masinoon.

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I want to give you 2 examples

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of the issue of Taqwa and what the

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meaning of sacrificing

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our desires is.

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One is

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where the Sahaba

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had set out

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with the Hakobah Rasool to

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make umrah.

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It was not desire as in wanting to

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do something

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to disobey Allah, to make Umrah the best

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of ibadah, inshaAllah.

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But Allah

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had some other plan and therefore

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ordered them to return

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without doing umrah

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and to sacrifice their animals, which they had

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brought and to shave their heads.

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Please understand that that decision of Rasool

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in Hudaybiyah

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was not taken with consultation.

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He did not make

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with anybody.

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He did not even ask

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who he normally used to ask.

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It was a unilateral decision by the Rasool

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alayhis salaam.

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The Sabbath obeyed.

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They did not like it. They wept,

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but they obeyed.

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And that's why I call

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the final test

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that Allah

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has set for the Sahaba,

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a test of obedience.

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It was obviously never

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the intention of Allah

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that they should do Umrah, so why send

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them there?

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That was the test.

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The second test,

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and I'm saying this for a reason,

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was after the.

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sent the army again to deal with

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the treachery of the one of and

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he gave them his

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an instruction. He gave them

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and he said, pray

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the lands of.

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When they left,

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as they were going,

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sun was going down.

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Some of them said,

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we are going to miss

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So let us stop here and pray because

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what is the for

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at its time. So it is sun is

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going down. We should pray. Others said, it

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is the order of the Hakam of the

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Rasul alayhi salaam that we should not pray

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unless we get to that place. We should

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pray in that place.

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So there was a difference of opinion on

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the matter of Ibadah for Ibadah

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between the Sahara.

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These were people who were getting instructions directly

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from the Rasul alaihi

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But there was a different opinion.

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What did they do? They acted on the

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different opinion. Those who felt that they should

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pray right there, they stopped and they prayed.

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Those who felt they should continue, they continued.

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And they prayed in

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the land of Baru Qoreida. The sun did

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not stop for them. Salah became a Chaddah.

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So they prayed Chaddah in the land of

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Baru Qureza.

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When they came back to Rasulullah

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they reported. They said, Rasool Allah, this was

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the issue. We had a different opinion. He

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said, what did you do? He said, some

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of us did this. Some of us did

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that. He said,

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He said, no problem.

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The point I want to make to you

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is that,

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for differences of opinion, some of our brothers

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Eid yesterday

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in Masjid An Nur, Alhamdulillah.

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They came and asked me. I said, Alhamdulillah.

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They said, what is your position? I said,

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I will be fasting

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fasting on that day, but if somebody invites

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me for iftar in Masjid Al Noh, I

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will go.

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That is my position.

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And others like you, we are praying here

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People are coming to me and saying, the

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Ummah will be divided. The Ummah was not

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divided when the Sabbath had a different opinion

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about salah. Why will we be why will

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we be divided now?

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There is flexibility in our deal. If somebody

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is following some daleel, alhamdulillah.

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We have a different daleel, alhamdulillah.

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There is no division in the upper. Please

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understand. We are 1 people, Insha'Allah.

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All of us are brothers and sisters to

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one another.

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There's no division. No need to worry about

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division. There's no division. There will never be

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any division. There will be division if we

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fall into this trap. We are not in

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this trap.

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Just because somebody prays, eat on one day

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or somebody fast on one day, it does

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not break our bow our bow tree and

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our our bond as brothers and sisters. What

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kind of bond is that? You pray you

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fast on today and I fast tomorrow and

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we are no longer brothers?

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What kind of craziness is this?

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So we are all brothers and sisters, and

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we will remain brothers and sisters.

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Please understand, today is the day of sacrifice.

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Like our Amir, doctor Balwa said, it has

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to be a sacrifice not only of the

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sacrifice of our desires. We need a sacrifice

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like the sacrifice of What

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was the sacrifice?

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When removed him from the commander commanding of

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the army. He was the commander commander in

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chief of the army

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appointed by Rasulullah,

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understand this.

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He gave him the title, say, fullah.

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He appointed him.

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Abu Bakr

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and he was the khalifa, said, the Omar

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said to him,

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people are following Khalib and so on and

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so forth. Whatever reason he had, he said

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remove Khalib from said,

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I will not remove the one who Allah

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subhanahu wa ta who the Nabi of Allah

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has appointed.

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When Sayidina Umar became

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Khalifa after 2 years, he's almost his first

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action was he sent a letter saying Khalib

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bin Walid is no longer the commander in

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chief of the army.

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And the command of the army was given

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What did Khalil say?

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said, I do not fight for the sake

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of Umar. He said, I fight for the

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sake of Allah. And I will fight for

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the sake of Allah even if I'm the

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only one fighting.

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Did he did he tell the army, now

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now follow me. Okay,

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Let's go. Now we march on Madinah. Let

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us let us take over. Let let I

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will be the Khalifa here. No. No.

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That. Because this was the of Rasulullah salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. Because we have a difference

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of opinion, it does not break the Ummah.

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Please understand this. If anyone tells you that,

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just bring them to me.

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We are 1 and we will remain 1.

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I can't hear you.

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My brothers and sisters,

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he is

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your, manifest and clear and open enemy.

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My brothers and sisters,

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I would like to wish all of you

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request you in the middle of your enjoyment

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and eating of good food and meeting relatives

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and so on,

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let us

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spare a little time

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to remember and remind each other

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that we are sitting here in peace and

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celebrating this Eid,

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and we are making a when we are

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praying and so on and so forth. But

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there are brothers and sisters of ours.

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Let us spare some thought and time for

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them. And let us make dua that Allah

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who should help them in ways that they

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cannot imagine. We ask

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Allah to enable us to make the Hajjut

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on ourselves

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with the intention of asking Allah

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to help the Muslims wherever they are. We

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ask Allah

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to help us to stand up and give

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us the courage to stand up against the

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whoever they may be, understanding that sometimes those

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are ourselves.

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We ask Allah

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to help us to stand against the oppressors

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and to support the people who are being

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oppressed no matter where they are and who

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they are.

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