Mirza Yawar Baig – Muhammad- An example for all people of all times
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AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the life and work of Muhammad sallali Alayhi wa sallam, a powerful Muslim who worked on the birth of Islam and the birth of Islam in the first century. The "monster" and "monster" moments in the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster" and "monster" moments of the "monster
AI: Summary ©
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim
now the who want to start you know what I still feel
one of you know we he won at our karate
one hour Although we live in jewelry and pushing our museum to Medina
and yeah the love of Allah medulla Who am I with a little further ahead yella
wanna show Allah Allah Allah Allah Wa la sharika when I shall be one hour hamburger are two who are also
also Allah will die love it happy Bashir on one of you
the iron in Allah either he was Roger muneera
farm about over Cara Tara yeah you are in Edina Amanita hola koutou katoa what? Tomato 911 two Muslim.
Pecan. Yeah, you hola Dina Amanita? Hola Hola. Hola, and salida usually Heather Coronavirus Kumala como ferula comm logo for my Uteri law also opened Furthermore, when I was in
McAllen arena Mohamed Salah Ali while he was I was selling them in as doklady sikita Allah Verheyden Have you had the Mohamed in some Allah Allah he will send them Verschuren Morimoto, to Abu llamada team visa coolabah in Walla Walla, Walla, tintina.
Yoruba Allah
who's a goon? One of see
the tabula haka Takoradi.
My dear brothers and sisters and elders
the topic of my hotbar today is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
The best example for all people of all times.
Allah subhanaw taala told us
luffa canovee Rasul Allah who's worked on Hassan Lehmann, Ghana, your doula while you're here I was I got all the hackathon.
Which means
a good example The best example for you is the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi. wasallam is the life of the Rasul of Allah.
For anyone who believes
and looks forward
to meet Allah and looks forward to the day of judgment. And who remembers Allah subhanho wa Jalla a great deal in his life.
They say that reading biographies is perhaps the best way to learn real life lessons. That is because a biography is the record of practice of what worked and what didn't work. The life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is perhaps one of the most well documented lives in human history.
Having said that, one may ask, why his life and all the detail are important at all.
I'm not speaking from the perspective of a Muslim for whom to study the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and to live his life, his own life in accordance with the life of Rasul Allah is seldom is a religious requirement.
I'm asking this from the perspective of a neutral reader,
Muslim or not, who is looking for biographies to read?
So why should they read the biography? The Sierra, another way, are the biography of resources.
The answer lies in the facts related to his life, which are public knowledge.
Here was someone who, in a period or 23 years, took his people from being the weakest, most despised and oppressed in their community, to being the leaders and role models in the same community.
And he did all of that, without lies, without cheating, without corruption, without violence, and without bloodshed.
My question is, would you like to know how to do it?
Would you like to know how to bring about not incremental change, but transformational change in society?
And if the answer is yes, and I hope it is,
then study the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
In the words of the great philosopher, Jai Krishna Murthy,
he said, It is no measure of health, it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
He said It is no measure of health, it is not a measure of health to be profoundly adjusted to a to be adjusted to a profoundly sick society. I don't think there is anyone today, including the 1%, who seem to have it all, will disagree that we, as a global society, are very sick.
Humanity is sick, the Earth is sick. We are all very, very sick.
And this is no longer an academic issue for people to write scholarly papers about. It is something that we, the people of the world need to address, recognizing it as the dire emergency it is.
And if you don't,
the clock is ticking backwards for us, and fast.
And the time is very close, when we would have made our own position as the inhabitants of this earth, not its owners like we like like we
seem to believe as inhabitants. The time is fast approaching when we will make our own position as inhabitants of this earth completely untenable.
We need action and we need it now.
Call it a strange coincidence, if you like but seventh century Mecca
was a microcosm of our global capitalist, pluralist, multicultural, multiracial society.
Let me describe the maca that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born into and grew up and lived in until the age of 50. That's a long time for someone to spend in one time.
But that is what Mohamed Salah Salem did.
NACA was a town with a single claim to fame and that was the Kaaba. The House of Allah, built by Ibrahim alayhi salam, as a brace of pilgrimage from time immemorial.
Access to the Kaaba was open to anyone who wanted to come.
The environment the surrounding of the Kaaba was declared a sanctuary where all killing and hunting and fighting were banned. And that was the main reason why Makkah developed as a town because it was safe haven for everyone from any of the many frequently warring tribes to come and to make pilgrimage.
Another similarity that seventh century Makkah had with our modern society is that it was a wonder business.
businessmen were its leaders, they didn't have a king they didn't our chief businessmen were the leaders.
And then the
acquisition of wealth was the primary concern.
Napkin society was materialistic based on a free market economy. Markets were not regulated by any central authority. Traders charge the best price that they could make the hoarder in times of scarcity and sold at great profit at other times, and they brought goods from as far afield as Yemen, and shot Syria and Yemen to sell in Makkah. Mecca being a sort of aggregator of people from all over Arabia was a great seller's market where high prices could be commanded, as goods sold in Makkah was simply not available in any other parts of Arabia. And that is how American traders became its nobility and became fabulously wealthy, wealthy, and they created a sort of oligarchy.
You can draw similarities with our capitalist society today and see how close fifth century or seventh century Arabia was to most of our 20th century or 21st century world. NACA was also a multicultural and pluralistic place, as all centers of trade tend to be. And that is because if you want to promote trade, you must make it easy and safe for people from multiple origins and belief systems and cultures to coexist peacefully. All that is good for business. And so it was in Makkah the log
Are people mostly worship idols, but Jews and Christians and majors all lived in Makkah, each practicing his or her own religion without any interference from anyone else, very much like what happens in most Western countries, including in this country. And for the same reason, it's good for business.
The reason I spent so much time on drawing a picture of napkin society of the seventh century, showing its similarities to our 21st century world, is because I want to hypothesize that because Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, despite being a person with almost no resources, support, or political power, could bring about a complete transformation of his society, then we have reason to hope that the methods he used can work today for us, as well.
To quote Alphonse de Lamartine, in his book, history of Turkey, he said,
and listen to his words, three things, if greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results.
If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results are the three criteria of human genius, who would dare compare any great man in history with Muhammad Sallallahu, he said.
This was written by a man who was a Christian, and who was a vocal critic of Islam and Muslims and the Ottoman Empire.
Mohamed Salah Salem did not focus on bringing about any materialistic changes in the lives of people. The changes he brought about were ideological, ethical, and moral. But they changed not only the lives of the people, but also changed the structure, the laws, the freedom and the behavior of Arab society. Mamasan brought about changes in the way people thought in their ideas and benchmarks, which led to a change in what they considered important, which in turn, led to a change in their behavior, which brought about a change in society. As they say, It all begins at the top here in the mind, once we change our attitude, behavior changes, which leads and in this case, it led to
perceptible results in that society and it will lead to perceptible results in our society and around us. All change must and can only begin internally within us with how we view the world, what we want from it, what we find satisfaction in and what we are prepared to do and not to do get that satisfaction and success. We need to divine the meaning of a good life, and to be clear about what investment we are prepared to make to get that good life.
I mentioned this year, because in our race today,
to garner and get all resources for ourselves without a thought about others. We have created a society that is crying out in pain and grief.
It is inconceivable to imagine that the resources of the world can possibly be concentrated in the hands of so few. But as they say, fact is stranger than fiction. I can imagine being laughed out of this place, if I or any other dare to suggest that eight people,
eight men, eight white men
would own
cumulatively more resources than 50% of the world's population. And today's count that is around 4,000,000,008 men on more than 8 billion other people.
If I told you that this is possible you will laugh me out of the place.
But guess what?
That is fact today.
Eight people can fit into a minivan
one minimum one Miss Van
of people
own more wealth
than 50% of the world's population
hola hola has stopped for a hurry welcome VeriSign elusive infrastructure in the world.
Al Hamdulillah I'm gonna go here and come on our show as well. I
want to shut up the word
Caracalla in the lava Mala Iike who use a Lunarlon every year are you headed in Amano circularly he will send him with a
llama ciliaris even our humble invite only Mohammed Kumar Baraka IMO Allah the volume and the conversion veggie the llama vertical
llama suggests either no hamburger while later I live Rahim Allah
Almighty Allah Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali Ibrahim.
So what was the change that Russell's gonna sell and brought about in society?
In my view, there are three major principles that he promoted. Number one,
accountability to Allah subhanaw taala. From Home, nothing is hidden.
Number two, truthfulness. And number three, spreading goodness all around that this was and is the essence of the religion that he brought, which is our religion, Islam. And that is why he said the best of you is the one who is the most beneficial to all people.
So let us look at these three principles very briefly.
First one, accountability to Allah subhanho data from whom nothing is hidden.
No one makes a mistake or crime.
A mistake becomes a crime when the same action is done, knowingly and deliberately.
Same thing,
action hasn't changed, but has become a crime. And crimes are punishable.
Right? Now law protect you. Many of you drive too fast. So don't, don't drive fast.
But if you're driving fast, and you knock somebody that's called a accident or a car
you're still culpable maybe you get fined and so on. We see where was that person? Was it their fault? not their fault? Were they across the on the on the on the zebra crossing, and so on and so on.
But supposing you're driving,
and you see your enemy, you see the guy who don't like who's crossing the road.
So what do you do? The floor the accelerator to nearly the
same action will not tell you not to pedestrian to kill the pedestrian, same action. Now if that is proof, and it is proof that you did that deliberately. Now what
is it? Is it is it an accident? No, it's murder is first degree murder. Your car was a to
some action that deliberately becomes a crime.
People don't commit sins and oppress others and commit violence are evil because they don't know the difference between right and wrong. They do them because they think they can get away with that. And also salam taught us that that is a fallacy. Because no matter what we think, no matter who finds out, no matter how we hide anything,
every single action of ours and every single speech of ours and every single thought of ours and every single intention of ours is known by Allah subhanaw taala general who, from whom nothing is hidden. And one day there is an accounting for that. We are living in a world today where there are a lot of people in high places who seem to be doing anything they want, spreading all kinds of misery and all kinds of suffering around them.
And they seem to be getting away with that. Many of you are sitting here in this Masjid in the United States, not because you decided to come here and apply for a visa but you had to come here because of what was happening in your country. And the people who did that
seem to be fine.
Nothing is happening to them. But believe me, wrestlers are in progress and we know and this is our religion. There's no escape. There is no escape. There is a day or accounting and whether you get caught in this worry, don't get caught it makes no difference.
Allah knows and Allah subhanaw taala will hold you and you accountable We ask Allah subhanaw taala to cover us with His mercy and forgiveness.
And to save us from ourselves
the one of the finest and and sort of greatest evidences of that if anyone needs evidence is what resources Selim said to his own favorite daughter, his daughter Fatima to Zaha the Alana is a toy yeah Fatima, do not think that you will be favored by Allah because you are the daughter of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.
He said you will stand before Allah on the basis of your own actions.
So, he said that we own daughter, what do you think is my position your position?
Accountability to Allah before whom and from whom nothing is hidden. Number two, truthfulness. Rasul Allah is a Salem was known among his people, even before his direct to the beginning, even before he started preaching Islam as what was the title? A sad Yeah, I mean, the truthful and the trustworthy.
And that is what he taught us to be truthful in every aspect of his life.
Somebody asked him, Is it possible that a Muslim, maybe a coward? He said yes.
Is there is it possible that a Muslim might come in and commit adultery? He said, Yes.
So they asked him, What is it that a Muslim cannot do?
cannot possibly do? He said a Muslim cannot tell a lie.
A Muslim cannot tell a lie.
I mentioned many times before, it was a time in South Africa in apartheid South Africa.
When the rule of the whites the Afrikaners
were in the courts.
You appear to be a witness. Everyone had to swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth with their hands on their own ebook. Usually it was the Bible, except Muslims.
They did not ask Muslims or did not compare Muslims to swear on the Quran.
I was in South Africa, one of the judges told me this. I said why? Why not? He said because they said Muslims don't lie.
So no need to speak no need to swear on anything. It's just beautiful.
My brothers sisters, as soon as I said and taught us that virtue and vice are absolute values that aren't you know, grades or virtue advice. They're not relative to your personal was or your religion or your race or anything else. Right and wrong, do not depend on who does them.
And that is why truthfulness is the basis of all goodness. He SallAllahu Sallam held himself to this value of truthfulness to certain extent that when he was migrating from Marina to Makkah, in the night, he still had valuables that his enemies had entrusted to him, and he gave them to his cousin, say, then I'd even a bit over the alarm to keep and hand over to their owners.
What can you say about the truthfulness of someone who's trusted by his own enemies?
Finally, third point,
the spreading of goodness, all around.
Muhammad SAW Selim said to his people, the best of you is the one who is best to his neighbor. He did not say Muslim neighbor, any neighbor, and we know that in hobo Coliban. In the rights of citizenship, there is no differentiation between Muslim and non Muslim justice to one justice to all.
They asked him who is the neighbor? And who am I responsible for? And this was a set of said 70 people on either side of your house.
Other times somebody asked him, How do I know if I'm a good man? He said, Ask a neighbor. If your neighbor says you're good, you're good. And then he said, Ask your wife. If your wife says you're good, you're good.
The issue of
rights of women. I won't list all the rights. We know them. The question to ask ourselves is do we do and
I keep on saying this all the time. The only thing which works is action, not knowing if you are starving with hunger. And you are a star Michelin chef.
And you know all the most beautiful recipes in the world.
But you are in a place where you're starving.
You think all the knowledge of cooking will help you. Do you think all those recipes are going to put food in your belly?
At that point in time somebody gets
is your one roti one piece of bread one sandwich that one sandwich is what more than all the knowledge you have because that will keep you alive that knowledge will not you will die starving as a Michelin chef. One numbers dead Michelin chef big did
the same thing applies I can be a habit of the Quran, I can be moved the other of this country or that country. If I'm not practicing my religion, this Quran and this knowledge will become a hedge I will become a proof and evidence against me We ask Allah to protect us from ourselves.
My brothers sisters reality today is
that despite the fact that our solar system gave women their rights in the seventh century, and as I said, I won't miss them, you know them.
And in the text of this lecture, I will list them.
To this day, those rights are denied to women in even in the so called advanced countries.
One of the simplest ones is parity in pay men and women getting the same pay for the same job even here it doesn't exist.
That justice.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate and emphasize that Muhammad was right and left for us all Muslims are not unlike a way of life, a code of conduct and behavior that is as applicable today as it was in his time. It is my contention, that if people followed his way, then we will be able to cure the sickness, of selfishness and cruelty and indifference that we are plagued with and create a society that is based on compassion, mutual responsibility, and accountability to Allah from whom nothing is hidden. Now how's that for a New World Order?
Ask us around intelligence to be pleased with you and never to be displeased proper Alpha filan has been our coffee on NASA yet in out of fundamental block open source and available on our hunger
data held on third Subhanak and economic has already been robbed before I'm on the favor heavy. I mean, you're behind me. Yeah, but Allah. Allah in the light Yeah. Son, but he went hand in fashion.
Yeah, Izuku formula comb the Quran. Allah has critico are the ways to develop an article via Allah Allah mama does No, Sir