Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Anbiya #01 – Introduction

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the benefits of the lives of the prophets of Allah Subhanaw taala, which is designed to teach the people to live in a society where everyone is happy and everyone can achieve their dreams. They also discuss the challenges of living life based on deeds and the importance of the deed in achieving one's dreams. The speakers emphasize the need for learning and reflective thinking in the context of Islam, and emphasize the importance of setting a standard for one's work deeds and creating positive models for one's life. They offer a live session to practice.
AI: Transcript ©
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Villa Romana Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah Shara filmbay vermouths Ali Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Steven Kaziranga zerafa mavado My brothers sisters, I'm starting a new series this week, every Wednesday, at the same time which is 7:30pm Eastern time.

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We will talk about the lives of the prophets of Allah Subhana Allah, the lives of the ambia alayhi wa sallam and the souls of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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The purpose of this is, of course, to remind ourselves of these great lives, as well as and even more importantly, to see how we can apply the lessons from the lives of the mBiA mussalam into our own life today.

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The purpose of the lives of Allah the purpose of the lives that taught us of the Emir of Salaam, is so that people take a lesson from those lives and apply those lessons in their own lives.

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The BLM Salam came as guides, they came to teach the world how to live.

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Allah subhanaw taala created this universe, in this university created this planet Earth, on this planet Earth, Allah subhanaw taala in due course, sent human beings

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and then Allah subhanaw taala didn't just send the human beings Allah subhanaw taala sent the human beings with guidance of how to conduct their affairs, of who to worship, who to obey, how to conduct their affairs between each other, between themselves, how they must conduct their affairs with Allah subhanho data, Allah does and guidance on every aspect of life.

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The purpose of the guidance is for the benefit of the human beings and whoever is on this planet Earth.

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Allah subhanaw taala himself

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was somewhat lovingly developed, mula Willem Nicola, who co founder had, he is completely self sufficient, he is not in need of anything, Allah subhanaw taala nobody can harm him, nobody can benefit him, nobody can give him nobody can take away from him. So Allah subhanaw taala. If we live our lives, in obedience to the laws of Allah subhanaw taala we do it for our own benefit, we don't benefit a lot. We are not doing a favor to Allah, we are not doing any sedonas mantella if we live our lives in the way that was taught, by the amount of salam, that this is good for us.

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As human beings, we can have a society in society, which is just which is compassionate.

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Where there is equitable distribution of wealth where everyone is happy people are employed people are

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people are living lives where they are satisfied with their lives. On the other hand, if you don't do that, then we harm ourselves, as we can see amply today, I mean, I don't think I need to

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elaborate on that there is enough misery and enough suffering, and enough injustice and cruelty and oppression in his world. For anyone to take a lesson from anyone who asked this question and say, why is why does all this happen? Many people ask this very erroneous question. And I don't know why. But Muslims tend to get very defensive about it. And they feel very shaky. When people say that if there is a God, why is there suffering? Right? If there is a God, why is he allowing suffering to happen?

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The short answer to that is that God gave you the ability and the guidance to remove the suffering.

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You don't do it, and then you blame God. Right? I mean, this is like, for example, if I tell you that if you are in my kitchen, for example, and I've got an electric hot plate, it is no flame and fire but it's electric hot bread. It's turned on so it's hot. So I say to you, watch out. Be careful. Don't put your hand on that thing because it's extremely hot. You will burn yourself. Now I've given you the guidance. Despite that, you go and you put your hand on the hot plate you get you lose some skin, you get burnt, you are in you are in terrible pain. And then you blame me and you say well, you are in the kitchen. How can I bowed my head? What am I gonna do? I was in the kitchen.

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Yes. I showed you and I told you that this thing is hot. And I told you what will happen to you

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If you touch it, despite all that, despite understanding what I told you, you go and touch it, and then you want to blame me.

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This is exactly the situation today, when people say,

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if there is a God, why is there suffering? If there is a God, why doesn't he do something? Well, he did already. He created you. He gave you resources. He gave you a mind. He gave you intelligence. He gave you guidance. He sent His MBR a mussalam. He sent you his profits to guide you. He sent his key tabs he sent his books to guide you.

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Now you ignore the MBR you refuse to listen to them. You refuse the guidance, you reject the books. You insist on living your life according to your own base

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only and only to satisfy your desire your knifes

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and obviously, there is a price to pay.

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We are free to choose.

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But no choice is free. every choice comes with a price tag.

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We are free to choose. But no choice is free. every choice comes with a price tag.

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And that's what we're paying. We're paying. We're paying the price of our choices.

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Allah subhanaw taala said Darren pasado Phil burry will buy Bhima Casa but at nasse lose it homebuyers, Allah, the Amira, la la mia Jo. In the room, Allah subhanaw taala said that the facade, the trials and tribulations and difficulties, and the calamities that we see on the sea and the land are a result of the deeds of human beings.

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They are the result of your ama the result of the deeds that come from your hands. And let's say that you are writing your own destiny, you are creating difficulties for yourself. And Allah is saying Allah allows it to happen, because the difficulty with it brings its pain. So Allah is saying that he allows it to happen so that you can get a taste of

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the the taste of the deed, the taste of the within God's reward of the deed, so that you turn towards Allah subhanho. Now, what does it mean it means that this deed, actually the recompense for it, the punishment for it is very severe, what you're getting in this world is only a taste of that, if you do not turn towards Allah subhanaw taala if you continue to live a life of disobedience, creating evil around you, then a dime will come and you will be called Allah Subhana Allah and then the punishment that you will receive will make this one look like a Sunday school picnic, it is something that is not imaginable by us. Because there the punishment is the punishment in the ACA is

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extremely, extremely severe. Now in order to save us from that punishment, in order that we learn the lessons that we need to learn in this dunya and live a beautiful life, Allah subhanaw taala sent is a beautiful setup.

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So this series of lectures that I'm starting now, has to do with that has to do with the issue of the stories of the available seller, and what we can learn from them and shall, at the end of each of these stories, or rather at the end of each lecture, the story might take more than one lecture, at the end of each lecture, we will have an action plan sheets, where I want you to listen to the story carefully and then in the action plan seat, I want you to write down what did you learn from the story as a result of which what is the action in your life that you are going to start doing? What is it that you don't that you do not do at this moment, but you were to start doing it? What is

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it that you do currently, which you realize from listening to the story of the Navy, that this thing which you are doing is wrong, so, you want to stop doing it? And then what is it that you are doing in your life which is good. So, you will consciously continue to do it. So, what will you start, what will you stop and what will you continue, this is what we will do at the end inshallah of each of these lectures. So, I will begin Shall I will start with a story of

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we will start with the introduction to this course, itself, where I need to explain to you certain terminology and all that

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very, very important that we start with Allah subhanaw taala

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there was Allah and there was nothing else.

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There was no creation, there was no Earth. There was no sun, there was no there was no universe.

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There was only Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah subhanaw taala was never born. Allah didn't come from anywhere. Allah always

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is always was and always will be, who will hire you? He is the one who is alive and he is the one who's established in a way that suits His Majesty and grace. There was Allah and there was nothing before him. Allah subhanaw taala said that his ashes on water

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when he important thing I want to say to you here is that our Akita as far as these things for example, the Uppsala, this is on water, Allah is on his ash, estaba Allah, and so on and so forth. the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala

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where is the kursi in relation to the ash? Is it on it? Is it in front of it is behind it on the side of it? All such questions of the vibe our Akita is that we believe what Allah subhanaw taala has told us in the Quran, without asking how, without asking why we like life. We don't ask why. We don't ask how

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we live without how we do not conjecture. We do not speculate. We do not philosophize. We do not say this means that that means this No, for example, Allah subhanaw taala said via the hillside, he said in his hand there is quite now we do not speculate to say, the hand of Allah subhanaw taala. What does it look like? Does it have fingers if it has fingers, How many fingers it doesn't have a thumb?

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and so on. And so no, Allah use the term hand with respect to himself. It is one of his attributes. We are the he'll hire in his hand there is what we believe we will if somebody says, does Allah have a hand we say yes. What does it look like? We don't know. If Allah wanted us to know he would have told us and we don't say that hand means this hand means that no hand means hand.

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What is the nature of that? We don't know. We don't ask, this is our aqidah as far as Allah subhanho wa Taala that is concerned, I want to make this very clear. So that we are

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we know we know this and we are clear about this. So Allah subhanaw taala created is Ash which is on water, he created the pen, the column and ordered it to write all that there was to be and it was all recorded in a local baffles in the book, which is the preserve tablet the preserve book. Now, this includes our risk, which was written long before creation came into being the term used is 50,000 years, we know that time as it exists in this world and this life has no meaning with regard to Allah subhanaw taala time is time whatever that means, meaning that this was done, it was written long before we were born.

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Now I want you to think about this and say, What is the action item out of this? Now to me the action item out of this is number one which is to clear and correct my Akita about Allah subhanho wa Taala

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I have explained to you the VEDA with regard to Allah. First and foremost that Allah only is worthy of worship is no one worthy of worship except Allah. There is no one who can benefit or harm except Allah. La Viva La la la la, La ilaha illa Allah, there is no one who fulfills any need except Allah subhanaw taala there is no one who has any strength and power and authority except Allah Subhana Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah.

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So all of these things, we need to reiterate and we need to correct in our lives and we need to ensure that we believe that our belief is correct, that the belief is not false, that the belief is correct. And then we must understand that Allah subhanaw taala is our risk Razak unless we are His creatures, we are His slaves. And Allah subhanaw taala gives us whatever we need in relation to his knowledge about us. Right. Now, on a side note, many times the word ABD Abdullah, the slave of Allah is wrongly translated, especially in the English Quran as servant of Allah. Right? This is wrong because we understand words have specific meanings. A servant is somebody who comes into your

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employment, voluntarily gets a salary, and can at any time the servant has the right to voluntarily leave your employment. And as a slave belongs to you.

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You own the slave. The slave cannot leave your employment because he's not your employee. He's your slave. Now we are the bad of Allah. Allah called us Abdullah. Allah subhanaw taala called rasulillah salam is

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The US be habla de. The Arabic word for servant is Hadith. Allah did not say Hajime Allah said Abdi, his slave, to be the slave of Allah is the greatest honor. Allah subhanaw taala gave this greatest of honors to Mohammed Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam by calling him his slave. The Sahaba asked him is honestly Allah How should we address you?

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We want to prostrate before you we want to make such that you says not such a bad habit says the

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sense of respect sudarsan prohibited even that, he said you simply address me as Rasulullah and Abdullah and Rasul Allah, right, so Abdo rasuluh,

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the, the AB the slave of Allah and His messenger. So let us understand this thing. This is a wrong translation when people just servant of Allah we are not servants of Allah, we are not the Hardiman of Allah, we are the ibid of Allah, and it's the greatest honor to be the abbot of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now, we are using this term nebby right when the word waves in the V ambia is the plural of NaVi.

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So who and what is an OB?

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And what is another word which we use is or so? So who is so

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the number of them and how many? Did Allah says Allah subhanaw taala.

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Sent Gambia and Russell to every community. Allah subhanho wa Taala sent ambia and resold to every part of the earth.

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I was referring to delanco Astro Saracen Salam about the number of ambia and the solar system said 120,000 out of which 315 word raso

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What is the difference? The nabee is a person who comes to guide to show the way

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Allah subhanaw taala sometimes sends one Nabhi to

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communities sometimes he says to sometimes he says three instead of the Eocene. Unless Mandela mentioned that he sent three ambia to a particular community.

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The raw soul on the other hand, is also an AVI but the raw soul comes with a book the recipient comes with a Sharia that also comes with a complete way of life. So every

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raw soul is an AVI but every Nabil is not. So so the NaVi is the basic within quotes if I can use the damn qualification, and the raw soul is the

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is the is the advanced of that, which is somebody who came also with a Sharia with a book, The

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the ambia who come after their soul are on the Sharia of the Russell who came before them so they

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they reinforce that Sharia Having said that, it is not necessary that every Russell has to come with a new Sharia, for example, easily Salam didn't come with a new Sharia he sorry ceram came on the same Sharia as musala salah and he brought the people or invited the people to come back and return to the Sharia of Musa alayhis salam so he didn't come with a new Sharia whereas as soon as a Salaam Mombasa Salam came with a new Sharia, after Musa salam, the Sharia the next Sharia which is the last and final of them, which is valid until the Day of Judgment is the Sharia of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said so this is the difference between the NaVi and the Rasul

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Allah sisters I remind you of myself Allah subhanaw taala said well Marsala Mira, solin illa de la de isn't it Nila, in Surah? Nisa, Allah subhanaw taala said we sent no messenger, but to be obeyed by the order of

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the Gambia came to be obeyed. They did not come to be disobeyed. They didn't come with the condition that obedience to them is voluntary. It is something which is left to our whims and fancies. It is discretionary. I feel like obeying I obey. I don't want to obey I don't obey no the unbeliever Salam came to be obeyed. If there was if a Navy has come to you, and you don't obey Him, then you have gone out of the fold of Islam. So every Navy

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Who came the people of the time? They were compelled to obey that Nabhi compelled by Allah subhanho wa Taala there's no force as in human compulsion, but Allah subhanaw taala said, I have sent in a V in order to be obeyed. So this is a compulsion from Allah subhanaw taala

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sola, sola Salam is the last of the Gambia and the last of the Rousseau. They totally simply say last year that is good enough because every every Rasool is an AVI. But in the case of rosov Allah subhanaw taala said both, Allah said Makana Mohammedan had the marriage Alico wala Kira sobre la he will heart Amanda v makanda, La Cucina Lima.

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Allah subhanaw taala said Mohamed Salah Salim is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Last the end, the seal has been a seal of the prophets, the end of the prophets, the last of the prophets, and Allah subhanaw taala is ever all aware of everything. It is part of our aqeedah that we believe that Elijah Salam is the

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NaVi of Allah, He is the Rasul of Allah and he is the last and final NaVi and final Rasul, after whom there is no NaVi and no Rasul. So anybody who declared

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Prophethood anybody who declared

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that he or she was a prophet, after Rasulullah sallallahu, we reject them, they are false. And we reject this false, whoever it might be. And as soon as LSM is the last of the prophets, after him, there is no profit. This is what the Quran is saying. This is what Nebuchadnezzar also said. But here, I'm just sticking with the Quran. This is what the Quran is saying, which means this is what Allah subhanaw taala saying, if somebody now comes after a solar Salah, as happened in the case of whatever qadiani or as happened in the case of Hussein Malka, or

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I saw the lancy and other people who claim to be prophets after a solar cell Salah we reject that, because their claim goes against the Koran. And if somebody claim goes against the Quran, then what what do we have to do that we have nothing to say we reject them, we we point them and their followers to the Quran, and we say here is this ayat of Surah thalassa. Please go read it for yourself. This is your Rob jela Geraldo telling you very clearly that Mohammed Salah Salam is the last and final of the prophets final of the final of the messengers final of the soul, and after him there is nobody else and if you believe somebody else is there, then you are saying that you know

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more than Allah about who is and who is a

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who is not a result, which makes absolutely no sense we don't argue with them. There's no need to argue the Quran is the final argument the Quran is the proof of the truth and of their faults. Now, why should we

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learn about the

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Ambien inshallah Allah, Allah Azza wa laqad bassiana ficou Matera, Solon and Buddha law have watched any Buddhahood for me No man had Allahu amin who man Hakata La la la la, for zero fill out the form zero k for Ghana, October, october two GB Allah subhanaw taala citizenship sort of the novel and Verily, We have sent among every oma every community, every nation, a messenger. And what did the messenger say, worship Allah alone, and keep away from the hood, which is all false deities do not, do not worship them. And then of them were some whom Allah subhanaw taala guided which means that the hearts were sincere and they wanted guidance, the god guidance, and there were others upon whom

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their strain was justified meaning that they rejected the message of the MBR therefore, they were left to their own devices. So travelled through the land and see what was the end of those who denied the truth. Now, the three or four very important things is that

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first thing is Allah subhanaw taala is saying that there is an Nabhi or a soul was sent to every nation. Now, sometimes we get asked this question, people say for example, in India, people say, what about Buddha? What about Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, he, he could have been an OB.

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Somebody says, What about Krishna? He could have been an OB What about Rama? He could have been an OB. Now, let's run through the here is saying very clearly two things number one

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He's saying that he sent on a v2, every oma out of these ambia Allah subhanaw taala named some of them.

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We know those names from what Rasulullah sallallahu told us and what those names have come in the corner. So we know the names from the Quran.

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But very importantly, Allah run into saying, We sent a messenger to every people. And what did the messenger say? He said, worship Allah, and do not worship false deities, whether these are idols, whether these are philosophical concepts, whether these are

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you know, different theologies? whether these are actual people, whoever, anyone other than Allah subhanaw taala do not worship La ilaha illAllah. So, if somebody says, What about so and so what about so and so people who have not been named to the Quran, but you say, Well, you know, this person came to this to this country,

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in the in the, in the past? And this person could have been an Abbe, what do you think? What do you think? Did that person preach La ilaha illa Allah, if that person preached La ilaha illa Allah did ENT specifically not one God is on Illallah Illa Allah is not saying La La La La La La Ilaha Illa Hawaii? No, you're not saying there's no one worthy of worship except one god no, missing. There's no one worthy of worship except Allah subhanaw taala so if the person who came preach this La ilaha illa Allah then it is possible that this person could have been in a be of Allah. If the person did not preach that if they preach something else, then there is no chance of that person having been an

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AVI of Allah because no Nabil came and preached anything other than La ilaha illa Allah. So that's a that's a very important thing to understand. Of course, there is no need to argue with anybody there is no need to speculate. That's not the purpose of the ambia who came, they didn't come for you, for you to argue about them. They came to teach us and what is the lesson that we need to learn? Illa Illa there is no one worthy of worship except Allah. So the lesson is that we worship Allah Subhana Allah, and we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone.

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Second, very important thing, this is a last word that is saying that despite the fact that the NaVi cave, some people were guided, and some people could not be guided, why were they not guided? Not because Allah didn't want to guide them. If this is another question, people say, you know what, if Allah wanted to guide me, he could have guided me if I am now misguided, then I can't be punished because it's not my fault. Well, if Allah wanted to misguide you, then Allah would not have sent the Gambia, the whole point of blaming Allah subhanho wa Taala, for your misguidance falls flat because the navvy came in order to be obeyed. As I mentioned to you from the earlier I then became in order

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to be obeyed Allah subhanaw taala send the MBR for guidance. If someone is not guided, despite the fact that the NaVi came, then the responsibility rests firmly on their own shoulders. Because if you wanted guidance, here was the guide. So you should have followed him, why didn't you follow him? If you didn't follow Him, then it means that you wrote your own destiny, and you wrote your own punishment. And then Allah subhanaw taala also told us unless it travels through the land and see what happened to those who disobeyed Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now those people who denied the truth, see what happened to them. My brothers sisters, we like we live in an age of tourism, believe we

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live in an age where travel has become very, very common. When I was growing up as a child, if someone was going was taking a flight to some other place, people would go to the airport, all very well dressed in suits and sherwanis and whatnot, they would take gallons, they would gallon this person, and they would send him off. It's not because they didn't think was going back. But this was it was such a unique thing. It was it was so you know, remarkable that people took time off to go to the airport to see off a person and they used to gallon them and all that.

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People in those days. They used to, you know, sort of like we like some people named Rob, they used to drop this in conversation, they would say, Well, you know, I flew here. I came here by flight today it doesn't nobody even talks about that. Because it's normal. I mean, how else do you go right? I mean, in some places, there are trades, but other than that, flight is how you go and there is no big deal of saying I came here by plane Who cares? Fly flying and travel has become so common knowledge workers say, don't just travel mindlessly. You know, like tourists and click lick lick photographs, reflect and think about that. When you go to the pyramids in Egypt. Think about the

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look at the picture.

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ordinance a Samana law. This is the room of a pharaoh of a king, that Rome is so huge and magnificent and so massive, what must the Palace of that King have been like? Because obviously it is a tomb. The palace is where the man lives. What must that have looked like? What kind of gold and silver and marble and along with what, what must his armies have looked like? What kind of authority did they did he have? What happened to all of that? How can one man Musa alayhis salam comes there, and he is able to take his people away, and all the power of round could not save him from the punishment which came and this is where we reflect and we ask ourselves this question.

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And the reason for reflection is not philosophy. The reason for reflection is to bring it around and say, that if this could happen to somebody was so much our wealth and so much of power and so much of authority and so much of strength and military and so on. What about me, if I am going to become rebellious, and if I want to stand up and and fight with the loss of a hotel, how far Am I going to get this is the the Purpose The purpose is to reflect and say that Alhamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala give us a man. So we have the we have we are grateful to Allah subhanaw taala for this email, now, now Allah subhanaw taala said about those who obey the unbeliever Salaam, who live a life where

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they are obedient to the MBR mo salam, Allah subhanaw taala said, Man, Amina Sally Han, means Zachary now into me known for unohana who had en de Botton Jana whom ajira, whom we asked any mark and we am alone

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for either kurata Cora FASTA is Billahi min ash shaytaan the regime in who lays Allah whose will dawn on Allah La Vina Amano, where Allah be him yet Allah cologne in Sultan who Allah Allah Deena de Vaca Luna who will Dino whom be mushy machinery coup, we'll get our loaner who Valentina humby, we should equal Allah subhanaw taala. In Sultan, Allah Allah said whoever does good deeds, whether male or female, while he or she is a true believer. So two conditions one we need to be true believers and two we need to do good deeds. And the Quran does not differentiate between men and war. both genders are equal in terms of duties and equal in terms of the reward that they get. Differential

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payment is only in

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some countries today, right? Women get less money than men. As far as Islam is concerned, they are both equal.

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So Allah says, Whoever works righteous deeds, whether male or female, while he or she is a true believer validly to them, we will give a good life in this world with respect contentment and lawful provision, and we shall pay them certainly reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do in the genuine emergency this mercy will not matter. If maybe I was doing so many good deeds, or one of them was really superior, Allah, Allah will reward me inshallah for all the good deeds in keeping with that one which was very superior. So Allah Allah, that's the reason why it's so important for us to try to excel right. not have this minimalist thinking of doing the minimum what we can do no,

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try to do more and more, because the best that you can do that will be the standard by which you will be paid for everything. So it is in our interest to ensure that at least one deed I do with complete and total sincerity only and only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala to a level of a sun, whether it is Salah, whether it is charity, whether it is Hajj, whether it is Amara whether it is fasting, whatever it is of service to our parents service to our to our families and so on so forth. At least one thing and make sure that the in your life there is one peak, there is one peak where you do the best absolute best and that inshallah will be the standard according to which you will be

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paid for everything else which you did in life which will not have that standards and so my one Salah is absolutely superior I'm going to repeat inshallah, by the reward of that one Salah for all the others all of our which will not have the same standard. So it is in our interest to try and do that

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thing. And then so when you want to recite the Quran, seek the refuge seek refuge with Allah subhanaw taala from shaytan the outcast.

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Before we read Quran, we must say Allah wilhemina shaytani r rajim. And then Allah says, very, don't fear the Shatta Wale

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He's your enemy fight him don't need to fear him. Unless he's very he has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in the rub. Right Allah subhanaw taala saying that he has no power in no laser Sultan, Allah La Vina mano, will Allah be him you otaku in Mr. Sultan who Allah Allah Lena yetta valona, who will be mushy Khun, Allah says his power is over those who obey and follow Him and who join partners with Allah.

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However, the sisters is beautiful idea that we need to think about and say

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that, what is it that I must do? We obey Allah subhanaw taala we try and excel in our good deeds, we remain people of faith. And then when we decide on and before we do anything, we seek the protection of Allah subhanaw taala I'll be laminations ontology. And then we

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understand that the shaitaan has no power over us that she cannot compel us cannot force us to disobey Allah subhanaw taala he cannot force us to commit sin. He only temps and he only whispers in our ear, he cannot force us to do anything. So if we do then we are following in his footsteps to not do that. And then Allah says he has no power over you as long as you have Eman And as long as you have Taqwa Allah. Allah subhanaw taala What must we do? See how do we let him initiate ontology but if you don't do that, if you have to follow the shatta if you if you believe him, if you obey Him and disobey Allah subhanaw taala then you are on then you are on your own because he then we'll

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have power over you. And he has power over those who joined partners with the loss of an OTA

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to come to the close of our

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session, or almost to the close. So why learn about the MBA? There are

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four major reasons why we need to learn about the MBA number one, as I mentioned before is to reflect reflect on their life reflect on their stories, and then reflect on our own lives. For example, if I'm

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if I'm if I if we learn about the life of Musa alayhis salaam, right. masala is around life is a classic example of how to stand up against authority. How to stand for the truth, how to stand for justice, how to stand for stand, stand up for people who are being oppressed against somebody who has superior authority power, who is cool who is who's very powerful, but not to fear that person and before that person with complete and total confidence in Allah subhanaw taala that is one of the main lessons Shall I will come to that but one of the major lessons from the life of masala Salah masala Sam was a was an activist Masada ceram

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was of what was it was a fighter. So we learn this beautiful lesson from the life of Musa Salah of how to stand up against injustice. So the reflection, so we think about this, and we say, we reflect and we say okay, this is the lesson I have learned from the life of musasa. Now, next part of that reflection, how do I apply it in my life? If I am reading about Musa Salam and I have learned the lesson of how Musa Salam stood up against injustice, and then I sit silently, while injustice is happening, I live before me, then I have not learned anything, then this lesson which I learned will become a proof against me, will become 100 against me on the day of judgment when I started before

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was 100. Because if I have learned something that this must show in my life, if it is not showing in my life, then what am I learning. So that is the reflection. Number two,

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we learn because Allah subhanaw taala ordered us to learn and he said follow them because they were rightly guided and this is the purpose of the invaluable Salah. They came to be obeyed, they came to be followed we follow the last and final of them, the Amir of them, the Imam of them, Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we believe in all of them, we believe that all of them are ambia Allah mussalam they were all prophets of Allah subhanaw taala but we follow the last and final one of them. And then third reason is to know them so that you can love them. Because this is the beauty of the lives of the umbrella masarap in the lives of other people. The closer you go to a

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person the more you know about a person, the more the persons force come to the fore they come to your attention. They say familiarity breeds contempt. But in the case of of the MBL mussalam familiarity breeds

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respect and familiarity breeds love and hope for them. And the last one is to create good positive role models for ourselves because this is essential to prevent the influence of bad role models. We've got plenty of bad role models today

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in our lives in this world, and therefore, we need a counter to that we need a detox to that we need an antidote to that poison of bad role models, and that antidote is the lives of the mBiA musallam. Finally, I want to repeat this, which I said earlier, once we hear a story or a part of a story, I would recommend that you reflect on the lessons from that and see how we can apply them in our own lives, I will try to draw out the lessons as I understand them, and I would like you to reflect, I would like you to share your own understanding also, in the live session, this is a live session you will do you can even type your questions and comments and inshallah I am right here, and I will

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respond to them. inshallah, finally, we leave with the action plan, you can see the slide, what am I going to start doing? What am I going to stop doing? What will I continue to do after listening to the life of the mbls ceram? What is it from their life, which I was not doing, which I will start doing? What is it from their lives, which I, which I learned that what I'm doing in my life, that does not tally with what the Navy did, therefore, I will stop doing that. And what is it that I'm doing in my life today, which is good. So I will do that more consciously. I asked Allah subhanaw taala

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to be pleased with you,

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and never to be displeased, I asked Allah subhanaw taala to enable all of us to learn from this. So that we

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we can we can please him geladeira Allah who asked Allah subhanaw taala to ensure that these lessons that we are studying here, become a means of guidance for us and become a means of Shabbat before Allah subhanaw taala and that we don't ignore these lessons. And these lessons do not become a argument against us. ask Allah subhanaw taala to be pleased with you for coming here for attending the session. I request you to make the Ask Us when I make the art and for all of you that are less than I should protect you from all evil in this world and in the next world and to keep you free from all what and to provide you from his own treasures in his own way, in keeping with his majesty

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and grace was another dream while he was ibH made by Rama together. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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