Mirza Yawar Baig – ISWM and Interfaith Council Virtual Iftaar

Mirza Yawar Baig
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The interfaithy community is often discussed as a way to build faith and achieve spiritual and political blessings. Fasting is often prescribed for people of age 30 or older, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of fasting as a means of achieving these outcomes. The use of fasting has been prescribed for people experiencing anxiety or fear, and the speaker encourages students to obey instructions and stay away from criticized situations. The importance of fasting and embracing opportunities to grow in one's life is also highlighted.

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			Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. I begin In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
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			I would like to welcome all of you to our
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			interfaith Iftar
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			which is jointly sponsored by the IRS Wm, the Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts, and the
interfaith Council of greater Springfield
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			to share our reflections on the spiritual and physical blessings of fasting.
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			My brothers and sisters, I would like to remind you of myself,
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			that Islam preaches a Universalist, inclusive, compassionate doctrine.
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			It praises it preaches universal brotherhood and sisterhood of all human beings, and a symbiotic
nurturing relationship with all creation.
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			Another glorious and magnificent jela delallo is Rabbil alameen not Trumble? muslimeen He is the
Creator, sustainer maintainer. nourisher of the words not only are the Muslims
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			and to Him we will all return.
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			Our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Peace and blessings of Allah subhanaw taala be on him is
Rahmatullah Allah me. He is mercy for all the worlds all operations. The Quran is the book of Acts
of guidance for all mankind. For the leanness not only who they are, not only who they live mostly
me, not only guidance for Muslims, but for guidance for all of humankind.
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			Islam is based on the fundamental principle of the relationship between our Creator and us, between
Allah subhanaw taala and ourselves, between God Almighty and humankind, indeed, between the creator
and all his creation, human and otherwise, Ramadan comes to reiterate that relationship and to help
us to renew it. The basis of that relationship is obedience, which builds faith. And that is why in
the eye at which you heard this now,
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			the last panel that I mentioned, he said, Yeah, you are levina armano cortiva iconsiam comarcal de
vida de la la quinta taco, which means Oh, you believe fasting has been prescribed for you, as it
was prescribed for those before you. So that you have become people who are matakohe a person of
taqwa a person with that consciousness and feeling and soul overwhelming and overriding concern to
please his creator in everything that he or she thinks or speaks or does nothing supersedes that
particular need to develop this feeling in our hearts. Fasting was prescribed for people before us
and also for us.
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			The eye after that, in same the same surah Surat Al Baqarah. Allah subhanaw taala said, What is
Asada? kyriba The unni for any Karim Buju da da di is add on for yesterday who Lee Will you mean ob
La La homeo Shalom, which means and when my slaves ask you, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam
concerning me, then indeed I am near them. I respond to the invocations of the supplicant, I respond
to the door of the person asking me when he or she calls on me alone without any partners. So let
them obey me, and believe in me, so that they may be guided rightly.
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			Allah Subhana, Allah blessed the fasting person and said that when the fasting person simply asked
about him, he, the glorious and magnificent is near the fasting person. This read rates, the
fundamental relationship that I mentioned, between our Creator and us a relationship that is direct
relationship that is a two way relationship that is independent of time and place, a relationship
that is available to everyone, irrespective of race, or nationality, or wealth, or learning or
anything else. We are all Allah subhanho Dallas creatures, and he is there for every one of us.
However, like all promises in the Koran, we must do something to invoke that promise. Allah subhanaw
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			taala said, let them obey me and let them have faith in me. Now it may seem a bit strange to
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			To put obedience before faith, because normally you would expect it to be the other way around.
However, this truth came, became clear to me when I was standing on the top of the battlements of a
fort in central India more than 30 years ago, behind me was a sheer drop all the way down to the
rocks, maybe 400 or 500 feet below. I was teaching a leadership course. And this was one of the
experiencial challenges that my students and I had to do. rappelling
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			as I looked down at the drop, lightheaded, even dizzy, I seriously questioned my own sanity. What
was I doing here? How did I get myself into this predicament. But I had to pay attention to the
instructor who was explaining the equipment and technique, I would have given an arm and a leg to be
able to walk away from there when my honor intact. But I was a team leader, and of course
facilitator. And so I had to be the first one, to take that fateful step.
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			To put my head into the lion's mouth, as it were, when all was said and done, I stepped backward,
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			off the battlements into space, I dropped about maybe 30 feet,
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			and realize that I had left by a stomach backup on the batteries, and then the rope held with a
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			I was swinging like a pendulum, and safe, then my stomach returned to its place. And I was thrilled.
so thrilled, that I can feel I can still feel that thrill today. When I think of that, and as I
speak to you now, as I said, perhaps more than 30 years after that experience.
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			I felt totally safe. I felt totally safe. I trusted the role, the instructor and the experience. I
had faith.
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			That what did I need to do to get there, I had to obey, obey unseen, unknown, but obey. Because I
knew that these that the instructor had the experience, that the instructor was interested in my
welfare and safety even more than I was perhaps. And because I knew that I had to do this for my
honor. Because of who I was the teacher, the leader, who others will follow only when we obey, not
always because we understand the logic of the instruction. But because we know that the instructor
knows best can we feel the joy, the safety and the comfort and the exhilaration of faith. That is a
lesson that Ramadan comes to teach us. We fast from dawn to dusk, not from harmful things, but from
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			things which are normal, healthy, permitted and good. We fast for one reason only, because Allah
said so because Allah prescribed it for us, as he had prescribed it for those before us. So that we
may correct that lethal and terminal deficiency in our souls, a weak connection with our Creator,
Allah subhanho wa Taala. We've asked to help ourselves to understand that obedience is the core of
all goodness. And that if you obey Allah, and stay away from what he permitted, and what is
beneficial, simply because he ordered us to do so then how much more important it is to stay away
from what he prohibited throughout our lives. That is the core message or other obedience comes
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			before success. ask Allah subhanho data, to accept your coming and to accept your
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			to accept the worship of all those who are fasting and worshiping. ask Allah Subhana Allah to
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			act to to bless all of you and your families, and to keep you safe in this time of trial. And to see
us safely through this trial, to a time when we will once again be able to meet not virtually like
this, but actually physically in person and share some bread together. And of course, a little bit
more than the bread. Thank you very much once again, for coming and for being with us. Or Salam
Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh