Mirza Yawar Baig – Investment not Charity – 1

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the concept of charity and investment, citing the example of a man named Jesus who initially provided only one amount for charity, but later added another amount for investment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of leaving one's current effort and pursuing the right path for profit to achieve retirement and profitability. The speaker also discusses the importance of trusting and giving in charity, citing the success of people who use the current day standards.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters, there is a

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confusion that

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is in the minds of a lot of

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people when we talk about sadaqah, when we

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talk about charity.

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There's a lot of confusion

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that I

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want to clarify. I want to simplify the,

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the principle

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for you and myself, Insha'Allah.

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And that is the difference between charity and

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investment. Charity versus investment.

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Now charity

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is really a zero sum game because we

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see charity as giving.

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All giving

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is to lose something.

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When you give, you are saying that you

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didn't receive anything in return. That is why

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if you give see the word we use?

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If you give $1,000

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in charity,

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you say I gave $1,000.

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But when you buy,

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say, Tesla shares

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for the same 1,000,

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you don't say I gave Elon Musk or

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Wall Street or Nasdaq or where or whatever,

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You don't say who gave the $1,000. You

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say I invested $1,000

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in in Tesla.

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You do this because you expect a return

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on your investment.

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You didn't give. You invested

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because anything you expect a return on is

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an investment,

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not charity.

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what do we say about spending in the

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path of Allah?

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Ask because this,

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in my view, is real

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retirement planning.

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created us for a purpose

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and told us

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what that what that purpose is.

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I did not create jinn and humans except

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to worship me.

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I seek no provision

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from them

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nor do I need them to feed me.

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Indeed, Allah alone

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is the supreme provider,

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the owner of all power,

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and ever mighty.

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Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is saying that he

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us with his power and glory and majesty.

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told us

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to leave our effort

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to earn a living and to rush

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to obey the command to pray.

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And then

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when we have completed the prayer,

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to search for our sustenance,

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not before,

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not instead of,

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not before the salah, not instead of the

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salah, but after

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fulfilling the command to pray.

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Then we have the permission

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to search.

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The permission to search implies that what we

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have been permitted

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to search

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for is already there.

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We can't be told to search for something

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that doesn't exist. For example, if I tell

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you, find the diamonds in this room. There

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are no diamonds in the room. How can

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you find them? So that command would be

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a foolish command.

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So when Allah is saying, search for my

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my my bounty, search for the for for

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what I have given you, it means it

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is there already.

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So when Allah

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permitted us to search for our sustenance,

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it is there. Allah

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then proceed

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first with

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Make effort, race.

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And I didn't say saunter along, mashi, just

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walk along. No. 1st

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to the remembrance of Allah

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was ruled by and leave your business

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leave your business that is best for you

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that is best for you if only you

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Once the prayer is over,

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for either who did the salatu,

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Once the prayer is over, then disperse throughout

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the land and seek the bounty of Allah.

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And remember Allah often

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so that you may be successful.

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The command is to leave al bayah,

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where you see profit.

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This is not restricted to the Friday prayer

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but to all prayers. Allah did not use

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the word shara'a, which is buying,

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which is also part of business, but

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and ordered us,

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to leave that for prayer.

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Right? Allah said, leave

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because buying is something where you,

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where there is a risk and you are

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spending something, whereas,

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So the implication is to leave something which

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is profitable

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for something else

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in which there is much more profit.

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Allah told us

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to search for sustenance,

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not to create Allah did not say make

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sustenance. Allah said search for sustenance.

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If you are alive, your sustenance has already

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been created,

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but you have the choice of getting it

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from this source or that source,

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which is an open book test because you

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have also been told the consequences

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of getting it from either of the sources.

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That is the test.

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If we pick the right source,

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not only will our investment be protected,

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but we will be rewarded

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for making that choice.

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But if we fall into the trap of

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and choose from the wrong place,

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then not only will we lose everything,

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but we may also be punished for choosing

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the wrong way when the correct way had

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already been shown to us.

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We are not told to create the food.

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We were told to choose the food from

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the right place. And by food, I mean,

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sustenance. It is everything that we need. And

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that is why the example of the bird

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in the nest,

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which sir searches for its sustenance, as Rama

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that our deh and our rizr,

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he said, is like a bird in the

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nest. It flies out in the morning

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searching for food, and it returns in the

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evening with its belly full.

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Allah does not provide the bird food in

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its nest.

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The food is there. The bird goes and

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searches for it.

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It doesn't make the food. It searches for

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what Allah has already provided.

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Also, it doesn't just sit there and wait

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for the food to come to it.

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It goes to find the food because that

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is what our effort is. Because people ask,

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if I simply said, will I get? If

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Allah wills, you will get. But Allah did

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not ask us to do that. Allah

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told us to go look for it.

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Ask Allah

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to help us to

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understand this and to,

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learn from this

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and to benefit from this

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by having tawukulullah.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala ordered us to spend

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in charity more than 66 times in the

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but did not ask us to accumulate

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or to sir or to save for so

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called rainy day, evil ones.

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And that is because

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he is the provider,

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and we trust him

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and rely on him.

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We are supposed to trust him and rely

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on him and not on our effort or

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our smarts or our accumulated wealth.

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This is not a prohibition on saving or

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earning. It is

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when we have a chance to give it

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to Allah.

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Because when we give in charity,

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we are really investing our wealth with Allah.

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That is the secret of charity.

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It is really investment

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with Allah.

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The Saabah understood this, and so we have

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these amazing stories of people who seem very

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strange in if we use our current day

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in the way they spent

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in the path of Allah.

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They spent like there was no tomorrow.

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The truth is that they spend that way

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because they understood

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the real meaning of tomorrow.

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I ask Allah

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to help us

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to really understand the meaning of tomorrow because

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tomorrow is in the context of the.

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It's not tomorrow as in a date change

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or the next date from from today, but

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in terms of the.

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We ask Allah's to make our tomorrow better

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than our today. Our better than our dunya.

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And our dunya, we ask Allah

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to give us

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from him, through him sufficient

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as a gift without the interference and without

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the dependence of anyone

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in creation.

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