Mirza Yawar Baig – Fidelity is the soul of Faith

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the meaning of Fidelity, which is faithfulness and a relationship to oneself. They share personal stories about a friend's loan and emphasize the importance of Fidelity in shaping behavior and setting boundaries. The speakers also emphasize the importance of faith, social media, and political leaders in creating a trusting society and rebuilding a legacy of fidelity. They urge people to trust their leaders and take responsibility for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters,

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when truth,

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and courage

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are combined,

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you get fidelity.

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means faithfulness.

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is to be truthful to the only one

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that matters. Allah

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Fidelity is to be truthful to yourself because

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in the end

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it is not about them,

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it is about you.

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It is about me.

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Let me give you an example of the

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meaning of fidelity

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as I have experienced it in my own

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In 1994,

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I invested everything I had in in a

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For various reasons, a year later, I urgently

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needed more funds.

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I had none.

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I couldn't even borrow the money because I

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had no collateral to offer.

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I was very worried

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because I would have lost everything if I

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could not

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raise those funds.

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One day,

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my friend, Bertie Swallows,

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visited me

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and took one look at my face and

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asked, what's wrong?

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I said nothing is wrong. He said like

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*. I know you. Something is seriously wrong

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or you won't look like this. Tell me

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what is it.

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didn't want to tell him but eventually

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he forced me to tell him

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what the situation was.

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He listened in silence

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and then

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he left.

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Next day

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he came to our house. He picked me

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and drove to his bank.

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He pulled out a bunch of papers from

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his briefcase

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and put them on the manager's desk and

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said, I need a loan for so much.

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Here is the collateral.

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The manager looked at the papers,

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and he said, sir, the value of your

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house is 3 times the amount you asked

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me for. So I'm very happy to give

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you the loan right away.

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I immediately realized what was happening

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and I grabbed the papers

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and I demanded. I said, buddy, what are

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you doing?

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Do you realize that if my business sinks

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and I cannot repay this loan, you will

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lose your home?

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He said to me something which

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I will take to my grave.

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He said to me,

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what is the good of my owning a

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if I can't help you when you need

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How many people will say that even to

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their own

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blood brothers?

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And this was a man

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who was

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no relation of mine

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but he saw us as a Christian man.

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Just a friend

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But he had fidelity.

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He was faithful to his friendship.

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I still didn't take the loan.

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few years later passed away. He's no more.

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But his memory lives with me

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There is a hole in my heart

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which will never fill.

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Bertie for me

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is the symbol

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of fidelity.

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who put his life

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on the line for a friend.

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I tell I'm telling you this personal story

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to show that fidelity is not about exhorting

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others to it. It's not about lecturing people,

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about being faithful

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but about choosing to put our time and

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money where our mouth is and to be

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to our creator Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and

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to our fellow preachers.

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Fidelity is about choosing to act according to

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our principles

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and being willing to pay the price

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because to do the opposite

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is not free.

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It is infinitely

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more costly.

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is constancy

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and fidelity

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us. I remember the beautiful hadith of Rasulullah

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where he said

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that if there is a ship

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with 2 decks

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and the people

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on the upper deck

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have fresh water to drink.

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The water

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water barrels on

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the upper deck.

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The people

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on the lower deck have to go up

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to get this water.

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And if somebody in the lower deck says,

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well, you know, why should we go up

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all the time to

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disturb these good people? Let us just make

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a hole in the side of the ship

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and we can get our own water.

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Rasool Rasoolam said

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that if somebody gives

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And if this suggestion is acted upon,

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the whole ship will sink.

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If these people are not prevented from making

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a hole in the side of the ship,

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the whole ship will sink.

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I submit to you that today

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we live in a world

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which seems to be devoid of fidelity.

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I am not saying nobody is faithful.

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I am saying generally

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the atmosphere

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is an atmosphere

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which lacks fidelity, lacks faithfulness.

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And that is the reason why

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it also lacks trust

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because trust is another name for faith.

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Where there is no faith,

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there can be no trust. And that's what

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we are seeing today in our world.

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Nobody trusts anybody else. We don't trust the

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that we have.

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You don't trust

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the church. You don't trust the mosque. You

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don't trust your olema. You don't trust your

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You don't trust your political leaders. You don't

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trust your religious leaders.

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You don't trust your parents. You don't trust

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your children, your employees, your employers,

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your business partners.

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The most

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common emotion, the most common

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trend in this society of ours today is

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lack of trust.

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And going forward,

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take for example,

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the combination of social media and AI

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is only producing more and more

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because AI has made it possible for us

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to create for people to create

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deep fake videos.

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there was a time when you said

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pictures don't lie. Here is a picture.

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Today pictures lie.

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It is actually possible

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to produce pictures and videos

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are true and which are more real than

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the real,

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and they are completely false.

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Some of us talk about this with great

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Fantastic. What development? But think about that from

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the angle of trust. What do you think

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it will do to whatever trust still remains?

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And that's why I make dua and I

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say you Allah, you Allah, you Allah,

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the most beneficent and most merciful love.

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We praise you and thank you for all

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you have given us in your greater than

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unmerited generosity.

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Please help us to remember who we are

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and whose we are, who we belong to.

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Grant us the grace to unite as one

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people in turning back to you with all

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of our hearts and all of our souls

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and with all of our minds.

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Cleanse us of all that separates us from

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you and help us to cultivate the virtues

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we need this day and always

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so that we may grow in fidelity to

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you who are always faithful

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and to our spouses and families and to

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our communities and countries thereby live in accordance

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with your holy will.

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In your boundless mercy

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and loving kindness,

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you Allah, please heal us

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and restore us

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and our land

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because truly

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we are sick.

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We are a very sick society.

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creator and sustainer

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to you is our return.

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All praise and thanks

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are for you in keeping with the glory

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of your countenance and the magnificence of your

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Forgive our sins and guide us to live

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a life that is pleasing to you because

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in the end that is the only thing

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that matters.

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Enable us, you Arab,

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to be faithful to you

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and through you to be faithful to all

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those who touch us and who we touch

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in any possible way.

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Enable us to restore trust in a world

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that is devoid of it.

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Enable us to leave behind a legacy of

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that will benefit us when we are alone

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under the earth in our graves.

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Enable us to remember that this life is

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and death is the reality

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waiting for which is called living.

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Enable us to remember that this will come

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to pass

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on every single one of us, no matter

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how powerful

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and immortal

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we may imagine ourselves to be.

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Enable us to remember

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to factor you into our equations

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because you are in them anyway.

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To you we belong and to you is

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our return.

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Enable us to worship you and to speak

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and act

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as if we can see you and though

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we can't see you,

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know that you are with us,

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seeing us, and hearing us every instant of

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our lives.

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Enable us to decide on the sole criterion

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of whether our speech

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or action pleases you

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because you are only pleased with that which

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is good, wholesome, and beneficial.

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And so the one who tries to please

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you alone

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becomes popular and influential

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while the one who tries to please people

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at the expense of displeasing you pleases nobody.

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We praise you and thank you and we

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seek your forgiveness

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and mercy.

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