Ebrahim Bham – Interpersonal relationships
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My dear respected elders and brothers,
there are different
branches in our deen, and every one of
them is important.
1 of the branches of deen the
and our beloved name is.
As they create emphasis upon these
to fulfill the rights of our fellow human
In our sharia, we term it as.
And this is a very important
part of our
that there are 3 types of rights that
a person has. There are 3 types of.
One, is death, which Allah will not forgive
by the proclamation of Allah.
Allah will not forgive a person who has
sought safe partners to Allah.
As long as he's committing shirk,
Allah won't forgive him.
If he's doing shirk, and then he ask
Allah for Tawba,
and he
repents, then will forgive him.
The second type of deeds is that which
which is between a person and.
Wishes will forgive.
If doesn't wish, can punish.
And then there's a third type of rights
and the third type of sin,
which is to do with a fellow human
being. You have done someone wrong. You have
reserved his wealth.
You have dishonored him. You have backbited him.
Allah won't forgive until that person forgives.
So these are 3 types of teach,
and this is a very important.
It's an important part of deal. Today, you
and I, we regard Salat as the we
regard Zakat and Zikar as the but with
regard to fellow human beings relationship, we don't
regard it as the.
Look at what Allah the
Have you seen those who deny religion?
Now you and I, we will say Who
is the one who denies religion?
That one who doesn't read,
who doesn't make sicker.
And the one who repels the orphan.
and he doesn't encourage the feeding of the
Or He is the one who denies religion.
Who regards that today
as a denial of religion is the one
who does not fulfill the rights of human
And on the day of,
Allah Dalla will take into account
just as he takes into account the violation
of the rights of Allah,
Allah will take into account the violation of
the rights of human being.
Very great ally. In Karachi, at the time
Pakistan became independent,
he was a freedom fighter,
and he was part of those who made
sacrifice for Pakistan.
He lifted the flag first time.
1947, 14th August. He was the first person
to lift the Pakistani flag.
He wrote a commentary on Sahih Muslim.
India, he has written.
You must listen to this. The person who
severs family relationship
does not assist and help his relatives,
causes difficulty to neighbors,
searches, talks in people,
talks and behave errandly arrogantly with
people, will not enter Jannah
even if he's divided his
one of our great allies. Today, I don't
want to speak so much upon the importance
with regard to. I
want to give
what Islam has told us,
how can we better our relationships with people.
And I will make mention of the points.
First point,
whenever Allah Ta'ala has made mention of the
rights of human beings,
Allah has always qualified it with Taqwa.
First, do the rights of Allah, then according
to that, Allah will correct your relationship with
Get you correct your relationship with Allah.
Allah will correct your relationship with people. Many
times people find we don't get along with
our wife. We don't get along with our
children. We don't get along with our relatives.
Maybe you need to see is your relationship
with Allah correct or not.
So Allah Dala has always in the ayat
which I read in the Khubba, what the
with regard to the rights of your relatives.
So the first thing,
The better your the better your relationship with
very important, greater emphasis
on the fulfillment of your obligation
than the receiving of your dues.
This is important. One should be prepared
to accept less
for his own rights,
but give more to others what they deserve.
2nd very important principle,
get as far give more importance
to your responsibilities
than your rights.
1st, fulfill the rights of others.
1st, fulfill the rights of others, then as
far as your rights is concerned, I've seen
Whoever strives to fulfill the rights of others,
you will see, Allah will see, your rights
will get fulfilled and your needs will get
This is a reality. You will see it.
But strive to fulfill the rights of others.
Today, what it is?
When it's time to take, we will take.
Time to give and ask my bigger brother,
he'll give you. But learn to give,
learn to fulfill your rights,
then you will see. So this is important.
Greater info emphasis on the fulfillment of your
than the receiving of your dues. Breathe be
prepared to accept
than one's due and give more to others
what is they do.
3rd thing,
observance of the rights of others
is not only
a command of Allah, it is an which
Allah will question you on the day of.
You have to who
said that if a camel
dies of hunger
on the bank of Euphrates River in Iraq,
where is sitting in Medina?
Where is Iraq very far? If a camel
dies of, I'm afraid Allah will question me
on the day of
It is an.
The right that you owe to your your
parents, your relatives, your neighbors, your Muslim brother,
it's not only a command,
which will question you on the day of
3rd point I've made mention of.
If I make a mistake in my counting,
then you must correct me. Number 4,
what what is this? Nowadays, people, you know,
we we they forget, so we have to
make numbers.
The 4th thing,
the emphasis
upon the rights of others and the rights
of is such
that Islam has taught give preference to others
even if difficulty comes
Give preference to others even if difficulty comes,
oh lord. This was the what Allah told
us spoke about the answer.
I made mention of this incident many, many
times. The
made them brothers. So when
made their brothers, they started looking after the
people of Makkah. When they started looking after
the people of Mecca, one day, the put
wealth. He told the people of, oh, people
of, there is this wealth. Let me give
it to the people of
Then we don't have to look after
to look
after them. What he said,
give it to them, and we still look
So a Muslim
defers his own needs
in order to help others.
He endures
while providing comfort to others.
He will sometimes bear hunger so that others
will be fed.
There's some friends in hours. They first feed
others, then they eat. So
believer first feeds others even if he has
to bear some sort of hunger.
This is the way we do. We give
other people
even if difficulty comes our
And I'll say sometimes there is a situation
when you are home, you can go in.
Gives you a right to go make mention
with regard to where you are wrong. However,
there are certain times if you are wrong
and you keep quiet, Allah will help you.
So this is the 4th thing I have
made mention of. Give others preference even if
difficulty comes you wrong. And then if you
can't do that, put it, don't harm others.
This is the cornerstone
with regard to the rights of others.
Don't give anyone.
A Muslim is he who helps other people.
Other people are safe from the arm of
his hands and his tongue.
Muslim What is this that we give people
the cliff?
We we speak to people, which, you know,
we give people that we don't see how
we speak to people. When we park, we
don't park in the correct manner. When we
speak, we don't get taken to account the
feelings of another.
This is what Islam. Islam says, a Muslim
is here. Other Muslims are safe from the
evil of his hands and tongue. Says
that when he used to get up for
the Hajjat,
He used to open the door softly, close
the door softly.
He's sleeping, wife is sleeping,
and the wife of Nabi Islam loved him
so much. If you would have made a
noise, if you would have inconvenience them, if
they would have got away, they would never
have complained.
But this was the.
Didn't cause the cliff and inconvenience
even to his own wife.
Today, we have to come late from somewhere,
from a meeting, went to visit someone. How
do we enter into the house?
We hope and enter into houses such a
way the whole house, you know, they they
get disturbed. This is the way.
Listen to
Whoever harms others,
Allah will harm him.
Whoever harms others, Allah will harm him. Whoever
causes hardship to others, Allah will cause him
This is something that we have to keep
in mind. Islam wants to build a society
which is a model of civility, that we
don't have others. Nabiya Karim saw Muslim's most
beautiful hadith.
Nabi saw Islam said iman has 77 branches.
The most highest form of iman is
The lowest form of iman is to remove
an offensive item from the road. Lower than
that, there is no iman.
There is no lower iman that you can't
even remove something from the road of people.
So this is, I don't know, number 5.
Now number 6, this is very important,
by a Muslim loves people.
A Muslim
loves people,
and people love him.
He is friendly,
and people befriend him.
Now this particular situation,
I don't understand this.
I'm not speaking without any evidence.
Al Muqmin
La fayrafim
Allah Youalaf walayuglaf.
A Muslim is a receptacle
of love.
There is no good in a person
who does not befriend other people,
who is not does not love people, who
does not befriend people, and people does not
befriend him. There's no good in him.
is no good in a person who does
not love people, who does not befriend people,
and people does not befriend him. This is
the hadith of the reoccurring source of them.
So this is something that we have to
keep in mind. Be good to people. Find
ways to be good to people. Go and
visit people. Go and befriend people.
That is the.
There is no good in a person who
does not befriend people and people does not
befriend it.
And then the 7th thing, don't look down
upon people.
Don't look down
In Hadith,
it is enough. It is enough evil for
a person.
Oh, they got no other evil. He's got
no other faults. This particular evil is enough
to destroy him that he looks down upon
He regards other people as you know? I
I was just thinking this week, and I
made mention of it yesterday in my radio
1 son passed away.
After a week or so,
on the day of Midah, the mother passes
No one knows the person.
Know that he's a very great pious person
went in jamar, and everyone knows the person,
ordinary person.
He passes away while going for Hajj. His
mother passes away. Both mother and son passes
away. Today, they all just read, you know,
the tribute to the mother by one of
the daughters.
She didn't know people didn't know her. Who
are we to judge people?
Mahapat was people, my dear respected brothers.
Then another important point.
Right? Number I think number 7 number. Right?
88. 88.
How do you deal with people who are
different from you?
Everyone is gonna be like you. So sometimes
there's a person there's a temperament difference.
So sometimes a person who is
an extrovert, he likes to meet people.
I like to meet with people. I like
to joke with people. Sometimes the people regard
their joking as, no, this person is a
and he's joking with us. But I that's
my tibit. I learned some people are introvert.
They don't like to speak to people. They
don't. Now how do you get the right
balance between
a person who's an introvert as a person
who's an extrovert?
Sometimes you must be able to
to make sacrifices.
What a dream. You are an extrovert,
so someone is an introvert, respect him.
Don't go and say because he is not
like you, you start looking down upon him.
Sometimes there is going to be situation. I
like to give this example in Nabiya Karim
alaihi wasalam was sitting one day, and Abu
Bakr came, Umar came. And Nabiya was relaxed.
And then we saw
slightly raised. People could see the bottom of
his shim. Right? And Abu Bakr came and
asked permission, and we saw some set like
that lying down. Umrah came lying down, and
then 3rd person
put his right, put his right.
Hassan Aisha used to see all this.
I couldn't sit like that relax in front
of him. I took into account his temperament.
Sometimes you take into account of So what
if a person gets angry, take into account
by itself, skip by it sometimes. He gets
angry, so what?
So people are not the same. Take into
account people's temperament.
Lastly, now time is good. I had another
10, 11 points. No, man. Inshallah, come be
clear. Last night, help people,
brothers. Learn to help people. And this is
such a beautiful incident. Let me conclude with
it. It's one of the most beautiful incidents
that I I made mention of this incident
in a row where and where in front
of presidents and in front of many people.
This incident of Josep Bin Ayaz and Shatik
e Balthi.
So Shatiq Abalthi used to make Ibadat in
the Haram. All the time, sit in the
Haram and make Ibadat. So Fuzay bin Ayaz
was like someone who used to travel, go
out in the path of Allah, go out
in. So one day, Jose said,
tell me
your purpose in life, you all the time
in the Haram. Why did you choose this
particular way?
One day, I was going in the in
the, you know, desert or somewhere,
and I saw an amazing incident.
I saw there was a blind bird.
You know?
And I saw this blind bird, and I
said, you Allah, who's gonna feed this blind
Where is he going to be? Where is
he gonna get food from? Who's gonna feed
this blind
Then I saw another bird coming. Another bird
came, brought a worm, bought some food, put
it in the beak of the blind bird.
See, so I saw this. For, Jose, can
you saw it now? What did you do?
To he said, Jose,
If a lot Allah can look after a
blind bird,
Allah will look after me.
I like to look after a blind bird.
Allah will look after me.
I have sacrificed my life. I'm gonna make
you bad if Allah will look after me.
So he said,
I'm surprised at you.
He said, why?
He said, can I ask you a question?
He said, what?
He said, why did you choose to be
the blind bird?
Why didn't you choose to be the bird
that was feeding the blind
Why didn't you choose the bird that was
feeding? Why did you choose to be the
blind bird?
I go and help people, brothers, and let
Allah will help us. May Allah give us
a to think of really becoming people who
get along with people. Today, yeah, everywhere you
listen, everywhere you hear, people are not getting
along in families, in communities, in jamaats. These
are some of the usouls. If we can
put it together, Allah will give us Muhammad.