Mirza Yawar Baig – Ayah means sign

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The importance of understanding Islam's meaning and references various examples, including recitation and Greek translation. The speaker emphasizes the need to approach Islam in a different way, using the Quran as a reference for learning and clarifying questions. The importance of memorization and learning from the same source, especially in the context of driving and caring for one's life, is emphasized. Visiting Islam in a different way is key, not just financially.
AI: Transcript ©
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So suppose if somebody is driving any the light go becomes red. He

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say, Oh, wow, fantastic. Looks so nice. The red light and he keeps

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What will happen? He'll either kill himself because some other

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somebody will knock him, or he will get a ticket.

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You have a stop sign. And we have on the corner here, the stop sign

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has got all lights blinking on the on and all around it. It's a

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wonderful, lovely, it looks like Christmas decoration. No nice stop

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sign, blinking lights. But I am coming into the road. I just

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drive. No problem. Stop sign. You get the

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point. I'm saying a sign has a meaning. A sign is not decoration.

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A sign has a meaning. When you look at a sign, what do you do?

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You say, What is the meaning of this sign? And why are you

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concerned? Because the meaning concerns you. If I don't

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understand what is a four way stop sign, I am going to get into

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trouble, because if I don't stop, the complete full stop to the car,

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then I will get a ticket.

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It's not a matter of beauty, or, you know, okay, this is a sign.

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No, no, no. Sign has meaning. A sign points to something. A sign

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is giving you direction to something. A sign is telling you

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that if you follow this, if you obey the sign. This will happen if

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you disobey the sign, that will happen,

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So now, when you look at the ayat of the Quran, you see these are

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signs from Allah, subhana wa taala. Then you have, you are

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bound to think. You start, you have to start thinking, What is

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Allah telling me? It's not just some tune or some nice you know, I

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think I heard al Wallahi Subhanallah share beautiful

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recitation. Oh, that is true. But

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when Shaykh Allah, when he decides he is not deciding for to please

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you is not entertainment,

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we have to listen and say, This is what Allah subhana wa Taala

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How does it apply to me? What must I do?

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signs are Ayat. Are signs, not verses?

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And think about, reflect on it and say, What is the importance of

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that? As I told you, it's not a matter of semantics, not just

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words, this word, that word, no, when Allah is using a word,

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his Meaning, Allah said, so, if somebody wants

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to translate, see even this, that same ayatili, Urial, Bab, take the

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Greek translation there. They translated as signs.

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Somewhere they say verse. So he said, I if this is you are saying

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sign here. Why do you why do you call the other thing worse, I

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mean, is one is the same, same word, ayah. How can the same word

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have one meaning here or some other meaning somewhere else? No,

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the whole thing to understand about Islam is that Islam is a way

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of life our entire life, Alhamdulillah, from the time we

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wake up, time we open our eyes when you are born, to the time we

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die. Allah subhanaw taala has given us a complete framework of

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If we follow the framework of reference inshaAllah, we get a

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beautiful life in this world, and we get Jannah. This is the beauty

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of Islam. Islam does not say, punish your body, starve yourself,

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beat up yourself, do this, do that? Suffer and then you get

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Jana. No, enjoy your life. Have a beautiful life.

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Live comfortably, right? Eat good food. Nobody stops you,

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not excess, but within limits, eat the best drive the best car, or

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stay in the best house. No, it's rough, right? Don't, don't go

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overboard. But at the same time,

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within limits. And those limits are big limits. You're driving

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car, no problem, but

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you won't drive a million dollar car that it means that you are

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stupid, because you're taking a million dollars and putting it

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into a depreciating asset.

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No, it doesn't make sense,

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not even financial sense.

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So point being that

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therefore we have to approach Islam and approach the Quran from

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the perspective of Amal perspective of applying it in our

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then, Inshallah, we get a lot of benefit. But if you just approach

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the Quran as, okay, something to read. And this is the story of

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usumali Salam, story of Ibrahim alaihi salam, story of this one,

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that one. And then, you know, nice story. No, no. So I

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remember myself when you let us think about this. Let us approach

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the Quran in the way that the Sahaba of Rasulullah approached

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the Quran. They took it, they read it. We know the famous story. I'll

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end with that. So.

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Story of Abdullah anuma, who memorized Urad Al Baqarah in 12

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So they asked him, Why do you take so long? He said, the way we used

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to learn from rasa Salam, we would take 10 ayats. We would read them.

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We would memorize them. We would reflect on them. We would think

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about them. If you had questions, we were to clarify the questions.

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If there were any akam, any orders, any rules in the in those

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ayat, we would apply them in our lives. We would live our lives

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according to them. Then when we were satisfied, we would go to

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rasa salam for the next 10 ayat.

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So the whole focus, even with memorization, is on application of

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that. That's why we say, if there is a difference in if you talk to

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the scholars, they say there is a huge difference between somebody

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who memorizes, just anybody can memorize. You can pick up, pick up

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the book and start reading, between that person and somebody

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who is memorizing under a shaykh,

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under supervision. There is a difference between the like, the

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difference between the heavens and the earth.

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Because when he is memorizing and learning under Ashe, he is

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undergoing tarbia, he is understanding, he is reflecting.

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He will be corrected. Not just correction, only in Tajweed, he is

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the correction in terms of how he is behaving, in terms of how what

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he understands.

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And that's why it's very important if you want to memorize, do that

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under Ashay, who knows what to do,

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right? I'm not saying don't memorize by all we do that, but

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under somebody who has the ability to guide you and to coach you,

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we ask Allah to open our hearts to his Kalam and to open up and to

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fill our lives with the khair and baraka of living by his Kalam. We

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ask Allah Tala to open our hearts to the to the hub and the Muhammad

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of rasulallah, so that we lead our lives as was led by Muhammad wa

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Rasulullah, salallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam Kari Waal Ali, he

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was savage Abu.

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