Majed Mahmoud – Friday Khutbah 02-08-2024

Majed Mahmoud
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Allah's commandments and his message in the context of global issues like corruption and corruption is discussed. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to be informed of their own success and the importance of respecting others' opinions. They also discuss forgiveness and acceptance of one's actions, staying true to one's values, and staying true to one's values in life. The segment provides guidance on three choices of answers when asked for something from Allah, including options one, two, and three, and a woman who was killed by a car accident and given a phone number for help. The segment also touches on upcoming events and a message for registered users.
AI: Transcript ©
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How many of Allah's commandments do you follow?

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How many of Allah's commandments do you follow? And how many you

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not? That's the value in the sight of Allah. May Allah make us all of

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Al Fay is in and Rabbi Alameen

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in one of my previous jobs. I'm an engineer by profession. When I

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first got it as an entry level, I made a very significant mistake

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that was going to cause the company a large financial loss. So

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I was very stressed out. I was very anxious. And I was told, may

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I did go to this person, they may be able to solve the problem. So

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right from the get go, I rushed to that individual who should be able

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to solve the problem that I caused. On my way to him, someone

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stops me and asks, Majid, where are you going? I said, you

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probably heard what I've done. The whole company knows I'm going to

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this person. I was told he can solve the problem, and this man

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who stalked me told me one sentence, one he says, The man you

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are about to meet is also known to be a very, very nice person. He's

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a very nice person. So just from that attribute, that that person

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is a nice man, the one I'm about to meet make me feel comfortable,

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made me feel peaceful. Why? From one name, He's a nice person, so

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this means he will not make fun of me. Oh, a new graduate, causing us

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problems already. He's a nice guy. That means he will go beyond the

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eight hour shift to help me all these meanings, from one word nice

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to that individual, nice guy,

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Allah is the best of examples. They say. How do you and I feel

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when we hear Allah is our Rahman Al Rahim?

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Do we feel there's hope?

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When you hear Allah is AR Rahman Al Rahim? Do you feel that your

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sin is too big, that Allah may not forgive ah.

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How do you feel when you hear that Allah is Al Mujib? Al Mujib is the

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one who replies to your call. Al Mujib the one who gives you

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whatever is best for you. When you ask him, does this feeling not

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come in when we hear Allah's names and attributes? Listen to Ahmed

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Abu Khattab Radi Allahu Anhu in a very powerful statement that he

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gave. In that statement, there are two parts to it. The first part he

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says, In Nila Ahmad ijabah, he says, I'm not worried or concerned

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whether Allah will reply, whether Allah will answer or not. I'm not

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worried whether he will answer or not. What are you worried about?

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Walakini, Ahmed, Mohammed dua, my concern is on my end, will I call

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him or not? Allahu Akbar, he knows if I call, he answers. So the

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problem is not, will Allah answer or No? Allah will answer, but will

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I call SubhanAllah. That's an example of someone that

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understands what does it mean that Allah is Al Mujib, the one who

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answers the call. May Allah grant us the understanding of Ahmad

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Allah. And the focus of this khutbah is the aspect of dua,

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because there are some moments in your life where the means that you

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can take of change. Are so limited to one or two, but the one mean

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that will always be present in whatever problem, whatever issue,

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locally, statewide, nationally, internationally, the one mean that

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will always be available is dua, the weapon of the believer. May

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Allah make us utilize it. Rameen

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Rasul, sallam. We learn from Islam that everyone in this masjid,

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though, is my first time giving here, but we're all inshaAllah,

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brothers and sisters, no matter who you are, you are poor and weak

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with all respect. Do you know what house I live in, what car I have?

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You are still poor and weak with all love and honesty, all what it

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takes to ruin your mood is one mosquito to be released in the car

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that you have, one fly in your massive master bedroom can

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irritate the entire night. You see how weak we are, one fly, one

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mosquito, and sometimes it's a virus that you cannot even see,

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can change your entire day, if not weak, if not life, may Allah

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protect us, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing

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wrong al insanif. And then when we complain to others about our

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problems and needs, I'm sure many of you will agree when you call

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someone like, I have this problem, this problem many times the one on

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the other side of the phone call, what do they tell you? Me too, I

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too, have this problem. So we're all confirming, and sometimes in

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that call, whether man or woman, young or old, very attached to the

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deen or not, sometimes you get emotional as you vent that, you

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start crying. You don't take the second call, you don't answer it.

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Someone knocks on the door like I'm into this call. You're so

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Standard of religiosity that I'm looking for as an example, what

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happens you start to reduce your needs or reduce your standards?

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With Zechariah, the more difficult it became, the more he raised the

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standard of his dua

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the more it became impossible, the more hope he had unbelievable way

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of thinking, because that means I respect you. That means it's not

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about me as much as about you. All the doctors told me my chance of

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recovery is 5%

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you may do out to Allah so desperately I have only 5% chance

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to survive. The doctor calls you, oh, your case got worse. You have

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1% chance now you don't say, Ya Allah, cure me. Ya Allah, make me

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better than ever before. Allahu Akbar, it's a whole different

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mindset. So what was the last dua? He didn't ask Allah for a

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righteous child. Was actually different. He asked Allah,

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duriyattam, paiba, Ya Allah, this is the first time you see in the

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Quran and with Zakaria, Ya Allah, I want a righteous child, a

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righteous grandchild, a righteous great grandchild. I want my whole

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lineage to be righteous. Allahu Akbar to have one child. First,

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I'm going to aim for the stars so I can land in the moon. As they

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say, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi was telling me, he says, when you

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ask Allah for Paradise, ask Allah for what firdausal Allah, that's

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your way of thinking and your optimism. Abu Bakr sabdi qli

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Allahu, anhu, the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam says,

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Jannah has eight gates, gate of Salah and gate of Siam AND gate of

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Sadaqah and charity. And then when you excel in one a gate caller

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says, Oh, you who excelled in fasting, that's your entrance. So

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people go the next gate. Akala says, Oh, you who did very well in

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sadaqah, come from this door. Abu Bakr as

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did not sit like some other people that say, well, Allah, doesn't

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matter what door inshallah I come from the window. I just want to go

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to Jannah. That's not the attitude. So he told the prophet,

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assalam, ya rasulallah, is it possible for one person to be

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called from all eight doors

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ambition in the right place? So the Prophet sallallahu, Islam,

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said, yes, there are people that would be called from all eight May

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Allah make you all from them. So the Prophet says, yes, there are,

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and you're one of them. InshaAllah, this is the ambition,

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they say, impossible situation, 302 days, it is all look what's

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happening. Look at the assassinations. Look at the

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corruption Wallahi, our dua will not just not decrease, will not

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just remain the same. We will ask Allah for a victory more than ever

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before, because Allah, Allah, Kulim hadir, Allah, is capable of

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everything and anything. And look to what Allah said in authentic

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hadith. Allah says, ya Abadi, O My servant. So everybody who is a

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servant of Allah pay attention. Allah says, here a badilah,

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walakum wa akhir akum. If all of you, from beginning of time till

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the last human being that is born, wait in Sukhum, WA jinn, naqum,

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and even the jinn, so count the billions now and the jinn, all

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humans and all jinn, kamafisa, Aiden, Wahid in FASA, abuni, all

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of us would to raise our hands to Allah the same time and ask Allah

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for something Allah says for our Tay to cool in San in min Huma,

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salata, I will give every single one of you what you asked for.

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LEM kosdali came in. Mulki Shaya, My kingdom will not be reduced. My

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checking balance, my balance will not be reduced, except to what

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point ready for the example Allah says, except like a needle that

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you dip in an ocean, you take the needle outside the ocean, how much

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water did the ocean lose because of the dip of the needle? Two

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drops, nothing to count. That's the equivalence of all our needs

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to what Allah really has in stock. Allahu Akbar, ask, ask Allah

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subhanahu wa how amazing is a Samir, the All Hearing that can

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distinguish who said what? Right now, one guy says, Hey, brother, I

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have a question. I'm like, who is the brother? One guy can confuse

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me, Allah says, the whole world asks Allah. He knows what you

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asked in every language, and he knows the intention and what's

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behind it. May Allah grant us the best I say, whatever I have said,

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and you hear many times these few moments, we ask Allah to forgive

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us and forgive you, and I so seek his forgiveness. So as you sit the

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few seconds in sha Allah, ask Allah from the bottom of this

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heart, not because you deserve it as much as because he is RAF.

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That's his name, Rahim. So what are you trying to tell us? If we

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are sincere, Allah, please forgive me. I.

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Whereby the one who will hold me accountable, Allah would forgive

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you for all of your sins and my sins inshaAllah, like how like a

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newborn baby,

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just show him respect that he's capable no matter what you've done

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in your life, Allah can forgive except if a right that you took

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from someone return that right. So the equation can be completed in

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sha Allah. So I say whatever I have said, and I ask Allah to

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forgive me, and I ask Allah to forgive you. He is the most

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forgiving. So seek his forgiveness. You.

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Believe Allah accepted, believe ALLAH has erased and be

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optimistic. Allah says, I am what you expect of me. Allah said, I

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will meet your expectations of me so think, well, of Allah. To

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conclude, inshaAllah, there's a lot that can be said on what you

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do from your end. When you make dua, be certain Allah will

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respond. You want Allah to accept your DUA focus as much as you

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humanly possibly can, to have Halal income as much as you

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possibly can. Allah knows in the corporate world, it's almost

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impossible, but Allah tells us, Fatah, allahum, fear Allah as much

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as you possibly can. May Allah forgive us. Ya Rab Allah says,

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rasulallah says, Allah accepts your DUA, as long as you're not

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hasty. So don't give up and throw the towel too early. The one that

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I want to end with is Hadith the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa

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sallam, which I'll mention through a very short story. There's a

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masjid that used to attend very frequently, and there's a brother

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that used to always be in the first row. Sometimes when I am

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early, I see him walking to the masjid. He has no car, no bike,

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bus pass nothing, until anytime I pass by, I pick him up, I drop him

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off. About a week or two. At one point, he stopped showing up.

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Someone very committed stopped showing up. So I was concerned. I

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know his house. I go to his house, I knock on the door. I'm worried.

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How is he doing? Where is he at? And he opens the door. So I was

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grateful that he's fine, good health. So I say, Assalamu

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alaikum. And the man refuses to say, Wa Alaikum Salaam. And I'm

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very shocked. Someone always in the masjid first row now not even

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Wa Alaikum Salaam. And he said, What do you want? I said, I came

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to check on you. He said, I'm good move on in life. Subhanallah,

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because of my situation in the community, I was able to gently

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push back to help out. So I said, Tell me, what's the problem. If I

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can help you, I will tell you. If I cannot, I'll tell you. I'm

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sorry. He's like, okay, whatever. We went down to the basement.

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What's your story? He said, You know how committed I am to the

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masjid. I said, Yes, I'm a witness to that. You know, I go even if

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there's a blizzard or a thunderstorm, I always walk to the

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masjid. I said, Oh, lahi. I understand. I pick you up. I drop

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you up. I know what's the problem? He said, for the past nine months,

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nine months, I've been making all kinds of dua. Not a single one

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Allah gave me. Why should I worship Him?

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May Allah forgive us. May Allah forgive us. This is when someone

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is very into the deen from the outer but maybe lack knowledge,

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may Allah increases in knowledge. Ya rab. InshaAllah. Tonight, we

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have a session to talk about one of the greatest duas in the Quran,

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David versus Goliath tonight, inshaAllah, so that brother,

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there's Allah that can be said, and that's the conclusion. As I

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mentioned the Hadith. I said to him, whenever you make dua to

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Allah, one of three things happen. You ask Allah for anything.

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There's three choices that will happen, three answers. You'll get

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an answer for sure. Wallahi, there's an answer in sha. Allah,

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how? Leave it up to him to choose what's the first one? You ask

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Allah for something specific. Option one, Allah gives you what

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you ask for simple you want this car. Allah gave you this car. You

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want to marry that person. Allah made you marry that person. Done.

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Option two, you asked Allah for something, but the thing that you

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asked for the Hakim, the All Wise knows it's not good for you. It

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would harm you. It's not high for your iman. Okay, so I wasted my

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time. No, did not waste your time. Your dua goes to Allah.

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You don't get what you want, but there was a hardship coming your

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way. You're about to have an accident on one of the highways,

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but that dua blocked the accident. So when you were driving, you

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almost got an accident, and you went to the right, you went to the

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left, and you're like, man, Alhamdulillah, I'm a good driver.

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You're not a good driver. It's because a dua that you did in

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college. Oh, Allah, make me marry that girl and make her say,

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shahada and Allah never made that happen. It was stored to save you

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from that accident. On that day, Allahu, Akbar did not go to waste

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the third and last, you ask Allah for something he does not give it

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to you. You ask Allah for something he does not block a

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hardship upon you. You ask Allah.

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For something, and Allah stores it in Hasan at on the day of Yom

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Kiyama, for a moment, your K your skill is heavy, then you have a

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great life. The Sahaba said, then we will never stop making dua.

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It's a win win win situation. The Prophet did not say, don't have

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this attitude. No. He said, Allahu, Akbar, Allah loves this

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attitude, yes, make as much dua, and Allah will continue to give

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Alhamdulillah brothers back to the masajid la May Allah grant us the

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best, which of the three is the best? Whatever Allah sees best.

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Allah, Muhammad, he was

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ALLAH for ya Rahim, Allahu Anta, tawab, Rahim Allahumma, yuk Wah

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buhar in nakaala, kuli, Shane, Kadir, Allah

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mean one certain element, Adana was a bit akada once or in wabari

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had a gym, and Mubarak with a couple min humid do I was sadaqah

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was salah, which is

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a Mr.

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Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar, a shadow.

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Law, a shadow and Mohammad. Ala, hi Allah, solidity. High

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quality, solid. How come it is solid? Allahu Akbar, lines are

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as possible.

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Allah Akbar,

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Alhamdulillah, mean,

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Rahim ma manikin, I

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can Abu Ino, Sura pal, mustahim,

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Sura pal,

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Levin, seropane,

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oy, Dilma, boo, bialyhim, walam, bon

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Insan, ala fi ho sir, Ella,

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Dina, Sonny hat, Whatever. So Bill hay water also be sober.

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Samir, Allah, who name and Hamida.

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Allahu, Akbar, a

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Allahu Akbar.

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Allahu Akbar, a

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Allahu, Akbar,

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Alhamdulillah, Bilal, mean your Rahim. Maliki, omidini, ya kan Abu

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Idina, surapal, musta team Sura pallaina, anam Talai, him, oy, Dil

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Mau, bialayhim, walam, Bonin.

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law he will fat

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or I eat and say the whole Luna fi Dini, he Awa ja

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FASA be Hamdi, Arabica was still fear

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In who cannot tell

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00:40:36 --> 00:40:39

Samia, Allahu, Neman Hamida, a

00:40:43 --> 00:40:45

Allahu Akbar,

00:40:52 --> 00:40:54

Allahu Akbar,

00:41:00 --> 00:41:01

Allahu Akbar.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:12

Allahu Akbar, a

00:41:49 --> 00:41:52

Assalamualaikum, warahmatullahi,

00:41:54 --> 00:41:58

Asmaa Income, warahmatullahi wa

00:42:33 --> 00:42:38

so now I come Inshallah, a few announcements, starting with the

00:42:38 --> 00:42:41

night, with the sheik mentioned. Sheik Majid Inshallah, there is

00:42:41 --> 00:42:45

the Al Maghrib program, King of Jerusalem, the epic of the wood

00:42:45 --> 00:42:48

and jalute, and that's going to be starting at 7pm so if you haven't

00:42:48 --> 00:42:51

registered yet, you can register at Al,

00:42:53 --> 00:42:59

Inshallah, will have the QR code up as you go. Make sure to

00:42:59 --> 00:43:02

register. Now, don't wait till the last minute at the door. Once we

00:43:02 --> 00:43:06

get to full capacity, call us. The doors will close so org slash

00:43:06 --> 00:43:09

stories. Inshallah, there will be babysitting at manata. You drop

00:43:09 --> 00:43:12

them off there, and then. Inshallah, you can, you can come

00:43:12 --> 00:43:15

through here at the Nasim banquet hall. Inshallah, there will also

00:43:15 --> 00:43:19

be three food trucks here tonight, starting from 630 you have the

00:43:19 --> 00:43:22

Chaka food truck, cafe, med and snow me something, the snow cone

00:43:22 --> 00:43:26

food truck as well. Inshallah, so it's going to be a great night

00:43:26 --> 00:43:29

tomorrow. We have the last barbecue of the summer, which is

00:43:29 --> 00:43:31

going to be sponsored by ikna relief, that's going to be at

00:43:31 --> 00:43:36

6:30pm on Saturday. And then on Sunday, we have a special guest,

00:43:36 --> 00:43:39

Dr talher, who's going to be here visiting Memphis, and he's going

00:43:39 --> 00:43:43

to be doing a special program between duhur and Asr called Ibn

00:43:43 --> 00:43:46

Al Qayyum is letter to a friend. So between duhur to Assad.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:50

Inshallah, it'll be here in the prayer hall, the MIT prayer hall,

00:43:50 --> 00:43:54

and that one is free of charge. So it was a full slate of things. And

00:43:54 --> 00:44:00

then lastly, we have two requests. Inshallah, we had sent this out a

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while back, but brother rafad al Hashem was in a motorcycle

00:44:04 --> 00:44:07

accident few weeks ago. He's still in a coma, so the family is asking

00:44:07 --> 00:44:12

for Daz. And also, many of you have heard and through the

00:44:12 --> 00:44:17

announcements of not the passing away of Yusuf ziyadah, his janazah

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prayer is being held at Mr. Rahman right now, and then they're going

00:44:20 --> 00:44:23

to go to the cemetery after for the burial inshallah.

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