Maryam Lemu – How Will You Know When You Are Ready To Get Married

Maryam Lemu
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of traveling to fulfill one's dream of getting married. They explain that traveling to the fullest extent is difficult and rewarding, but it is crucial to improve one's self-esteem and develop their own values. The speaker also emphasizes that age doesn't matter and that traveling to the fullest extent is just a number.
AI: Transcript ©
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How will I know when I'm ready to

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get married? That's such an important question. How

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will you know when you're ready to get

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married? In the powerful words of the Prophet

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he said, The greatest struggle

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is to battle your own soul.

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To fight the evil within you. Wow.

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To fight the evil within you, to battle

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your own soul, the jihad binafs.

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The journey within when you genuinely embark on

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it is one of the toughest

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yet most rewarding journeys you'll ever undertake.

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You can travel the length and breadth of

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this planet,

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but until you have embarked on the journey

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within yourself,

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you do not really know who you are.

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In my opinion, age doesn't really matter. It's

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just a number.

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You are ready when you are truly self

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aware, when you have a healthy self esteem.

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You are ready when you truly understand your

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self worth and have a lot of self

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You are ready when you know those areas

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you need to improve upon and are working

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on them.

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You are ready when you have this internal

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and you develop yourself into an asset.

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You are ready when you reflect on how

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the journey of your life has been so

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far and how it has influenced you and

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shaped you.

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