Maryam Amir – Women get no extra rewards

Maryam Amir
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the use of words like "quarantine," "quarantine," and "quarantine," in English, particularly in relation to the printing of the Prophet's words. They also mention a dictionary term for women, "quarantine," that is not limitless. The speaker suggests that the use of these words may result in reward and negative consequences, and that "quarantine" may be a reference to a person or situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Said that prayer and congregation is better than prayer alone by 27

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degrees. And a separate narration, the Prophet saw them, talked about

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the way that as you walk to the masjid and ranks with every step,

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your sins are forgiven with every step that the angels keep praying

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for you. Now in that second narration, I mentioned the word

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the Prophet, peace be upon him. Uses is a rod jewel. Many times

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people see the word Rajul and think it means man, which it does.

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But have you ever heard in English? Does mankind mean only

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men in English? Take, for example, Lisa, and it's an Arabic

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dictionary. Is an example of Abu Zeid al Qaeda VI and his wife, and

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how they argued and the way that they're described. Island, two

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men. Ibn Delhi says, although it mentions the word men, meaning of

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that descriptive word doesn't limit it to men. It includes women

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as well. And if women go to the masjid, they receive the same

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reward. And hasm says, are you really gonna say that if a woman

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goes out and she takes so much effort to go and do all of this

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work to get to the masjid, it's not worth anything because she

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should have just stayed home, but to say that if a woman goes to the

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masjid, she's not even gonna be rewarded for it, I think that

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that's where maybe those making that comment should bring me that

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