Maryam Amir – The good you do

Maryam Amir
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how they use the Quran to review and remember the name of a girl who gave them a must have. They also talk about how even if you taught your child or your niece, a cousin, a family member, or even a cousin, they will receive a reward for their actions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of remembering the name of the girl and not just forgetting about the actions of the person they taught.
AI: Transcript ©
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And a girl approached me and gave me a must have. That must have. I

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used Alhamdulillah to complete my memorization of the Quran. I use

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it for my review of the Quran. I continue to use it now when I take

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classes of Quran, and I think about that girl, because I don't

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remember her name, I would not be able to recognize her if I saw her

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in a crowd. And yet I think about how Ya Rabbi pray on the Day of

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Judgment, Inshallah, she comes and she sees this reward that she was

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not expecting because of a gift that she gave to someone. How many

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of us do something and we completely forget we've done it?

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Think about if you've taught your child or your niece or nephew, a

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cousin, a student, a sibling, how to say Alhamdulillah after they

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sneak thing related to goodness in the remembrance of Allah. And

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every time they do it inshaAllah, you're gonna get the reward. And

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anything that you do, who taught you, every time you do it

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inshaAllah, the reward goes back to them. Time you feel like you're

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not good enough for Allah. Remember even the deeds that

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you've done and you've completely forgotten about Allah. Never

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