Maryam Amir – Is menses a punishment Menses and Hajj
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The speaker discusses the hedge and the importance of not getting into a woman who has a period of bleeding. They recommend three ways to handle the situation: wait until the period is done, take a shower and practice making a toe off, and ask the woman to recite a statement. The speaker also mentions that some people may not want to stay near a woman who is bleeding.
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When I was about to be in hajj, an older woman came to me crying. She
said she had gotten her period, and she asked the woman around her
what to do, and they said it is a punishment from Allah. They asked
her what she did, what she did in hajj, to be so sinful that she got
her period. These are older women. Their entire lives, they've been
taught, and they've taught that your period, especially in a time
of heightened spiritual practice as a punishment from God. I get
messages like this from women who were told that they had done
something wrong. This idea that your natural, healthy, very
important, critical to humanity period as a punishment from God
does not come from Islam. In fact, a lot of the ways that we see
women's issues comes from colonialism and fortunately,
honestly, puritanical ideas of women in Christianity heavily
impacted Muslim culture, and that's not from our sources. When
Aisha radiAllahu anha went to hedge with the Prophet, peace be
upon you can imagine how excited she was after all these years of
being away from Mecca, being in Medina, and now she gets to make
hed, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she gets her
period. She was devastated. She was crying. And the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, very gently, very kindly, asked her if
she got her period. And then the Prophet, peace be upon him. So
beautiful. This is something decreed for the daughters of Adam.
He connected her moment of pain and vulnerability with a prophet
of God, the shaming, the stigma, the blaming, the all of that
that's not from our sources. Rava Salaah. Salam taught her to do
everything that the Hajjaj do, except for make tawaf, obviously
we also don't make salah, but she would have known that Radi Allahu
anha and had you go to Mina, you go to Arafat, you go to Muslimah,
you go to the jamarat. These are all things you can do on your
period without needing wudu. But to complete the hedge, you need to
make a toe off, and that's the tricky part, because you can't
make tow off while you're on your period. So you can take
medication, but when you take medication, it's possible that you
might end up bleeding even more so than you might have without them.
And so what do you do? You have two options. One, you can wait
until your period is done, but that's simply not realistic for
the majority of us who don't live anywhere close to Mecca. Or two,
you can take Ibn Taymiyyah opinion. During the time of Ibn
Taymiyyah, Rahim Allah, the security that used to be a part of
the hajj process no longer existed. From the from the from
the khulafa, the leadership did not have the type of security it
used to in the time of the four the Imams of the form of that him.
And so he was faced with a question that none of them had
been faced with before. Bedouins were raiding caravans. Caravans
couldn't stay later and would leave immediately after the Hajj
was done for protection. So no caravan would wait for a woman to
finish her period anymore, when, in the past, they used to. So he
made a fatwa that a woman can make tawaf when she is bleeding on her
period. Some of the scholars say sacrifice should be given if she
does so, you can speak with your hedge group to figure out your
situation. Definitely take classes to understand your period. Here
are three I recommend. Have you done little? Claria, the woman
Quran, reciters, applause.