Maryam Amir – Her prayers were answered

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A friend of a person in Egypt describes a situation where a woman begged for money and followed her in the streets, causing her to ask for money and eventually asking for their names and their children's names. The woman eventually refuses to make any money and regretts, causing her to ask for help from God and encourage her to never take anything small or small.
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A friend of mine was sitting in Egypt, and she said that there
were many women who would beg for money and follow her in the
streets asking for money for their kids, and she didn't have a lot of
money, so she kept asking them, What are your names? What are your
kids' names? How old are you? And subhanAllah, they felt so seen,
and they started asking her, what dua can we make for you? And she
said, every dua that she asked for them to make was answered. You
might be at the end of Ramadan feeling like you haven't done
anything and regretting so much of it, but listen to the words of Ibn
Al tayym. Perhaps you might be asleep while the doors of heaven
are knocking with 10s of supplications for you by a poor
person you aided, or a sad person you cheered up or a distressed
person you brought relief to. Therefore, never underestimate any