Majed Mahmoud – How To Avoid Falling Into Sin

Majed Mahmoud
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The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding sin and bad habit, working hard, and not letting things affect others. They stress the need for people to believe in themselves and not let the behavior of others affect them. The use of Islam in political and cultural settings is also discussed, including Chicago and New York. The importance of rewarding one's actions to avoid the loss of their lives is also emphasized. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a movie.

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			When it comes to sin, and disobeying of Allah subhanho wa taala.
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			Many people may bring excuses. Some may say, Well, I don't see the consequences. I've been doing
this haram thing for years. Others may say, Well, I don't think I can actually live without
committing it. Whatever that sin or the wrong habit, bad habit maybe. And there's more and more
excuses. from Allah's blessings He gave us in the Quran and the authentic hadith of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam methods to be able for you and I to avoid sin as much as we possibly
can. No, makes a very strong wording you need to believe that you can and I will share with you some
insha Allah may Allah protect us from say yet? We say that at the beginning of the hotbar will Allah
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			protect us men surely and fusina women say at the AMA and what does that mean? Oh Allah protect us
from the side effects of our sins Allahu Akbar, because that side effect when it comes to say yet
and the noob and prohibitions that some people do, may Allah forgive us all, but also allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says this beautiful Hadith he says the either and hate to Comanche in
fetched any boo, if I tell you to stop something. If I tell you to quit something, then quit it.
That's what he said. If I tell you to quit something, then quit it. Look, another half reading. And
if I tell you to do something that was the word job, the obligations if I tell you to do something
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			to mean who must start and then do your best. Did you notice a difference? When it comes to the
haram? They say yeah, the prohibitions, he said, If I tell you to quit, then quit. He didn't say do
your best you could it done. Might be difficult might whatever the case is, you need to just stop. I
can't imagine my life without that person opposite gender haram relationship. No, just quit it. You
can in sha Allah. I don't see myself being able to quit watching this thing not quit it until done.
When it comes to watching bad obligations. He tells you do your best. Work as hard as you can
because you can never do the wajib as much as Allah deserves. It's very difficult to have 100%
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			kosher and Salah Can you imagine if the prophet told us the exact same thing so Allah Allah was
ALLAH, when I tell you to pray 100% for sure how many of us will repeat the salah. How many of us,
this is a shocker, this is difficulty. But when it comes to sin prohibition when the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa Santos you quit it you need to believe and that's pretty much all what you need
to hear, to quit it you got to believe I can, I can survive. It might be a struggle, but at the end
of the day, I can do it in sha Allah. You have other means Allah says in the Quran, he says one lady
Naja had Rufina Lana, the unknown Cebu Lana. We're in Allah, Allah Allah sin. So number one I shared
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			with you is that when you hear the header of the products, I love you to believe you can quit this
in colors. That's one believe you can. Number two, Allah says in the Quran, those who struggle in
our path, we will guide them to the right path. Some LMS say this means if you do the obligations,
the YG bat the reward of it is that Allah will protect you from the prohibitions the Haram Allahu
Akbar. I remember one time I was speaking to a brother, who had a really bad habit, something that
was haram. So I told them to come along to perform salah. What did he tell me? He said, When I stop
the Haram, I will start the salah. But that's now we should work. Allah says in the Quran, or pluma
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			who here la can mean mineral Kitabi or Aquinas Allah, Allah says established Salah why? What's the
fruit? In na salata, 10 her annual fascia evil mancha Sala pushes away any vulgar language behavior
any filth. So you coming to Salah is what will help you quit the haram. This is a trick from shaitan
to you and to myself. Oh, how things how do you think you can show up to Salah to the masjid when
you do one two and three? Oh, you are a mana and a hypocrite? How can you show up and give that
sadaqa and that donation when you do such and such and such. So you're like when I stop this, I will
do that law to stop this, do that. perform the salah, do the TA do the good deed, it will protect
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			you from the Haram as Allah subhana wa Taala described. That's something for all of us to be okay
pay close attention to. It's like some people will say for example, when it comes to working out.
They say you know what? Once I eat healthy, I will start working out. Usually you do too many people
working out is what makes them start eating healthy. Because when you go on the treadmill Helaas
you're working out and you see how many calories you burned. You know 250 This is a mission. So when
you go back home you see this chocolate bar it says 200 calories 300 You're like I just said
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			for 45 minutes, I can't eat this chocolate I can't I have to watch my diet. So in many people you
working out is what makes you have a good diet. So pound loss, not vice versa. That's close
attention to that. Not just this, rasool Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told you to quit it, you
have to believe in yourself and believe what Allah has put in you. Number two, to stop the Haram
make sure you do the YG bad the obligations. Number three, you have to remember there's a
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			I have to be honest, and if the reward is not working, if this is not helping, then we have to know
that there's consequences to that sin. For example, when it comes to bribing people here in North
America and Allah knows best you can live your life without the need to bribe May Allah protect us
era behind me. So Rasul Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam says The one who falls into bribe or Rashi
Well, well, Porter, Sheila Anahola Allah's curses on them, what does that mean? A third Domitilla
you will see no mercy from Allah if you get involved into the bribing aspect and so on. This is
serious stuff. So think of the punishment that may happen to that individual to yourself or to
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			myself, when we perform the Haram you know, one of the Musha acts of Han Allah. He says if the one
thing you can think of as the consequences of watching the Haram or looking at the Haram is the
punishment will be is that you will not see Allah and Jenna is that not enough of a motive to stop
the haram?
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			Allah says in the Quran, Allah says in the Quran,
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			Allah beam yoga in Loma Joe Boone, one of the punishments the severe risk of punishment Yamaka to
the disbelievers is that they will not see Allah, them knowing that is so painful, perhaps nothing
is equal to it and Allah knows best. So when you see this and you're saying, You know what, I'm
gonna watch this but you're actually the expense may be jeopardizing using Allah rasool Allah, Allah
sent him Is this worth it? So think of the punishment. And number four, look at people that did such
a great job during such difficult times. Some of us may say we live here in the United States,
Harlem is very accessible. You have the store here to go to this thing to click on and watch this
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			thing to buy and do so on So yeah, he now nowadays tough No, let me tell you, someone who had it
tougher than all of us put together. Someone who had it so tough yet he passes sha Allah, someone
Allah has put in the Quran for you and I to look up to unlearn and be inspired by and that's step
number four. Look at those who struggled and how they passed and have the greatest of examples that
are let's say from the Quran to show someone who had an opportunity of haram, yet turned it down was
none other than us finally his Salam. The story is detailed as long. But to summarize, Yusuf Ali
salam to show you how easy it was to commit the Haram he was a stranger. Okay, why, why is that
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			point important? When you're a stranger? No one cares much about you. When the President sneezes or
he picks his nose, may Allah protect y'all forgive me. They will be on the news. He touched his
nose. He did this the way he looked the way he walked. Or you see how he tripped. news breaking
news, because he is not a stranger. He's known to him but the most odd people on Earth. But when
you're a stranger, you can be on the floor, whatever jumping around acting weird. No one will care
much about you. So committing Haram is a lot easier. Yusuf Ali Salam was not just a stranger, he was
away from family. No, Mom, no, Dad, no brother, no sister. No. So it makes it even easier. You're
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			going to commit to haram in Chicago or in New York is a lot easier than here because there are a lot
of people that know you. Okay, not just that he was very handsome men. Gorgeous as also a lice.
Allah has explained all of this. He was young and he was strong. Now he couldn't make it worse. The
one who was trying to seduce him was a wonderful looking lady, the wife of the financial minister.
You want to make it worse. She's the one seducing him not Tim running after her. She said hey Tilak
in the Quran, I'm all yours. Want to get it worse? She made it in a way that she locked all the
doors were locked away. And she locked all the windows no one can see no one can hear. So the
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			location, the age the atmosphere, everything is set up. It doesn't get any more difficult. But look
to what use of Valley salaam did three things may Allah Allah Miyata and allow you all to remember
the three things he did?
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			Number one, he said, mouth Allah.
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			Rosa Billa what does it say mean? I seek Allah's refuge. Use of Valley salam from the first moment
he realized I cannot do this myself. human capacity. It's almost impossible. Allahu Akbar. So number
one, I need God.
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			I need Allah so anytime you struggle through anything through any
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			Ave haram or the halal or the wajib, or the salah or waking up, you need Allah. No one here is a
tough guy. I'm telling you, I'm not tough guy. You're not tough guy. We're all weak. We're all poor,
no matter how much money or in power and influence you have no Fukuhara poor people to Allah. And
you have to realize that and that's Prophet Yusuf Ali Salam. Number one, Allah, Allah, Allah helped
me Allah, Allah helped me please acknowledge that it's very important. When you humble yourself to
Allah Allah elevates you. Number two in the Hora BS and MS. Why? He said Allah has honored me I was
thrown into a well I faced death I was sold as a slave and now I'm working in the financial
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			ministers palace in Egypt. This is my thank you back to Allah
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			this is my thank you back to Allah that now I will use my my good looks my strength my age. All that
stuff may eloquence in speech to do that major sin is this my thank you back and please remember
that next time we're about to watch something that is haram he say it just my thank you back to
Allah for the EIN he gave me when you're about to listen to backbiting and gossiping leave and he
said that's your thank you back to Allah for your hearing. I have my cousin first cousin, deaf.
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			Deaf, Allah there were times we say something we laugh in a gathering and my cousin will be crying.
So we go to my cursor while you're crying. You guys are laughing I don't know what is it about? I
can't hear ya Allah. May Allah make us grateful for the hearing and Hamdulillah you hear the hope
you hear this? Well let's and there's no price tag.
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			So you tell Allah in a nice way you tell yourself Is this my thank you back now you're in the United
States 100 LED generally safe your thank you back to Allah as you go to haram stores.
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			Allah gave you a house that is safe and sound so you will use your bedroom in the computer in Haram
is your thank you back in the horror cinema for any try example based on each one of us. Number
three use of Elisa Lam What did he do? He says Alan you set up a Salatu was Salam. May Allah protect
us he remembered the punishment. He says, We know you flee her volume. He realized if I do it is
punishment. I'm an oppressor on a violin. Allah gave me these blessings I used against them that
fear a cop. So one of the ways to push you from the Haram No, there's a punishment to it. One of the
Allameh he says something very profound. He says Alma RC narrow Nam. Sins are the fire to blessings.
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			Think of the sin as fire. You commit sin the fire growth than the fire burns your blessings. So if
you lose this blessing and you lose that blessing you wonder why is from the fire of the sins May
Allah protect us era Bill Alameen the Akula Kimata Coronado hottub iron Billa May Allah protect us
from Zawadi Nam the loss of blessings in no livelihood? Vani moon, remember that rasool Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that on the Day of Judgment, the one for example, who consumes riba
was the punishment of rocks being thrown into their stomach swimming in the river of blood? Remember
the consequences of not waking up for fragile and doing things that may be wrong all night long?
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			There's two hours left refriger two hours you're like, Yeah, I have to sleep. The Why did you stay
up so late knowing you cannot wake up for fetcher? If you sleep for just two hours, you know your
body, don't play games. Don't play games. What's the punishment? I'll tell you Rasool allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says on Yom Okayama the person who misses Salah will be sleeping on like
a bench someone with a rock will grab the rock and smash the head of the one Nana and Salah who
sleeps ignoring salah, careless about salah who cares. Not they put the alarm and they try.
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			And then the rock rolls then the head that was crushed goes back to normal. Then the man goes grabs
the rock and does it again. But the after life period before you know Klamath explains. Everything
has a cop, the man who has a hook and rips his right mouth and the right nostril of his nose and his
right of the ear of the eye. rips it all the way ilakaka means the back right here. Your head,
what's going on? Then he does it to the left side. And then by the time he's done the left side the
right side goes back to normal. Why? He says a lie that goes viral
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			kulula hub. So think of it if the blessings that was mentioned the mercy that was measured was not
moving. You are moving me then think of the punishment in Nola euphytica, Valley moon and right away
what did he do yesterday Salaam. He says these things and then he ran and that's what you need to
do. There's a fitna, that's another step here. There's a fitna run from it, don't walk away, run
away from it, because you have your strong at the beginning of the sin as it's up
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			approaching, you know very well it's coming you feel it, you know, every time you serve the web at
this time at that way in your bed or whatever the case may be, or at work anytime such something
like that happens, you know, it's coming. So you have control. So use your control before you lose
it later on. And you know, at one point or loss, you lose control, may Allah forgive us. So run as
fast as you can. May Allah forgive us and you know, Bill Alameen, we pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala
to allow us to realize that we can always go back to Allah. And whatever has been mentioned is not
to make you hopeless, but rather to make you hopeful. Make you hopeful that Allah may forgive you
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			for what you have done, but also don't have the false hope that you can do the sin and get away with
it. Like at the end of the day, I'm a Muslim, and no Muslim stays in * forever. Don't say like
what some people said, as in the Quran, Yeoman, about like, we stay in Jahannam for one day, so that
don't have this. There's respect to Allah. What if it was one minute or one second? And Johanna, you
just let go like, who cares law? take it serious. You know, when you have this authentic tradition,
where it's said that when a believer commits a sin, the believer, it's like a mountain those about
to collapse, you feel like the world is about to end when you do the harm. You feel bad, you feel
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			guilty. If you don't feel like you want to have fun or go have a meal or anything if you feel
ridiculous. That's a sign of a man in sha Allah. As for the monastic as for the one who has no faith
he commits the sin is like a fly is
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			and move on in life. May Allah make us of the meaning. When we do the sin, we feel bad. We feel like
the world is about to collapse. There's nothing wrong. There's something to be proud of. So let that
pain push you to change. May Allah forgive us. And to end with this.
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			There's a motivational speaker that brings us a really great example for us. He says, How do you
hunt a wolf? In a Tundra cold weather? How do you get the wolf down, you want to grab them how you
get a double bladed knife and you try to find this blood of a seal. You dip that bladed knife into
that blood until it becomes a popsicle. Obviously, instead of a wooden stick, it's a double bladed
knife. Then you place it upside down into the snow hoping the wolf will smell it. Recognize it and
man this is like it's pizza, right? It's beautiful. Eventually the wolf comes you want to hunt that
wolf down. The wolf starts to lick that knife lick that knife and the warmth of the breath of the
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			wolf melts the blood bit by debt debt by debt and the wolf is loving this blood until all the blood
on the bladed knife is completely melted. So the wolf licks it, but now cuts its tongue. But there's
fresh blood there's so warm so the wolf is even more excited. Oh, this is warm blood beautiful.
keeps licking until it dies. What's the point here? Many people, they focus on the pleasure and they
forget the pain.
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			Don't focus on the pleasure for five minutes.
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			10 minutes 15 hour a year and you forget the pain of Allah knows how many decades as your son our 10
years. Forget the dunya imagine the after. So don't focus on the pleasure and forget the pain when
it comes to sins when it comes to see you at focus on the pain and forget the pleasure when it comes
to the Senate and YG batten obligations. Forget the pain focus on the pleasure and the reward of
Allah subhanho wa Taala