Lauren Booth – Why Gaza is Undefeatable I Lessons In Unwavering Faith

Lauren Booth
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The speaker discusses the upcoming weekend iniva with a group of people in Brooklyn, including a woman who talks about her desire to be around people who are not
the supposed
the media wants to be wounded and killed by the Israeli peace war. She also talks about a woman who talks about her desire to be around people who are not
the supposed leaders of the United States.

AI: Summary ©

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			How are you?
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			You can be a stranger, a stranger in
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			Gaza, but everyone's your friend.
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			Somehow, I think it's Islam, their trust is
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			not broken, that people will still come and
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			love them.
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			The media wants us to be wounded and
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			terrified, right, by the appalling and unhindered violence
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			of Israel and the USA against the civilians
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			in Gaza.
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			But what is it like to actually be
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			with the people of Gaza?
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			Those that the mainstream wants us to believe
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			are bombers and killers from the womb to
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			the tomb.
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			And what is it like to meet them?
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			Inshallah, I want you to see the messages
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			from the people themselves in recent days.
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			Do they make you feel fear or do
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			they make you feel love and respect?
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			So, it's been raining in Gaza this week.
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			The forces of evil stopped the water, so
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sent beautiful, free
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			and abundant water.
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			Did you know that bombing has to stop
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			in the rain, so it also gives the
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			people a pause.
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			And this brother, too, summarises the incredible gratitude
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			of the believers for the rizq of Allah
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			November the 14th evening, alhamdulillah, we are getting
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			rain, we are getting fresh water, so that
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			the animals, the plants, the human beings can
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			all drink.
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is greater than
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			anything or anyone.
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			He is our refuge, He is our provider.
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			Now, as we know, too much rain can
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			cause flooding in Gaza and it comes with
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			great risks as well.
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			Waterborne diseases, because the Israelis have smashed the
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			sewage system.
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			This positive feeling towards our Lord is the
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			essence of the Palestinian Gaza spirit.
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			And it reminds me of a Hadith Qudsi.
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			These are words of Allah reported by the
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			Prophet, peace be upon him, outside of the
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			Allah says, I am as my servant thinks
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			I am.
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			I am with him when he makes mention
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			of me.
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			If he makes mention of me to himself,
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			I make mention of him to myself.
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			And if he makes mention of me in
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			an assembly, I make mention of him in
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			an assembly better than it.
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			Brothers and sisters, do we ever feel this
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			blessed when we turn on the hot water
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			in the shower or drink our morning coffee?
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			Or just turn on a tap for some
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			May Allah guide us to true patience and
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			On my last visit to Gaza, I went
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			to Bayat Hanun, which as you're going to
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			see is completely annihilated now.
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			And I met a family who were living
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			in what you and I would consider a
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			And it was very profound for me.
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			What's your name?
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			Dozens, probably hundreds of kitchens exactly the same
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			as this, just in Bayat Hanun.
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			At the moment they're lucky, I guess they
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			have some electricity.
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			They have no generator.
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			So they're lucky tonight to have this.
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			As I met all the children in this
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			really bizarre parade of injury and traumatic stress
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			syndrome and yet smiles, attempted smiles really.
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			They were in such a difficult situation.
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			I went to a back room, it was
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			Maghreb and I realized I hadn't prayed and
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			I started to cry.
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			Really, really sobbing.
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			And one of the mums came in with
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			a phone that was their only light.
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			And when I finished praying, she said to
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			me, why are you crying?
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			And I said, because I hate this for
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			I hate that Israel is doing this to
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			I hate that I can't do anything.
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			I hate the world doesn't care.
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			I hate the Arab leaders that are not
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			doing anything.
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			I hate our inactivity.
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			And she said, you're crying for us.
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			She was genuinely surprised.
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			Don't cry for us.
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			Allah has told us that if we stay
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			steadfast and we believe in him and we
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			trust in him, then it's Jannah.
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			We're so happy.
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			She meant happiness for the next life.
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			She meant a happiness in Sakina, though in
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			this life that we will never know.
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			A certainty of heart.
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			These people will never be defeated because of
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			their Iman, because of their love for Allah.
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			Which is, in my opinion, the biggest horror
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			movie made by the decision makers of the
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			Zionists in Israel.
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			And it's a scene that was broadcasted only
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			two months ago.
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			Exactly on the 15th of August.
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			And I'm ready to swear that the creature
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			of the alleged state shook more than the
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			scenes of the resistance.
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			And it's the scene of the Qur'an
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			that was shared by thousands of authors in
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			the mosques of Gaza.
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			This is the horror of the occupier.
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			Look at the mosques of Gaza.
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			This, in my opinion, is the generation of
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			liberation, by the will of Allah.
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			In light of the situation that we are
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			living in, and in light of the widespread
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			sedition, despite all of this, the numbers are
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			The people are very keen to raise their
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			children and daughters, to raise them in a
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			healthy way, to raise them in the Islamic
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			Let us serve the people, our true leaders.
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			Our true leaders in Iman in this age,
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			the Palestinians.