Lauren Booth – Ramadan in Al Aqsa

Lauren Booth
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker describes their experiences visiting various churches and cemeteries in Northern Israeli, including a church in Jerusalem and a few churches in the region. They also discuss their belief in the holy month of centers, as well as visiting a cemeterian's house where they pray against colonialists. The speaker describes visits to clarified sites and a family's visit to pray at a holy site, as well as a family's visit to pray at a holy site and the importance of avoiding being recognized as a colonialist. They also mention a young man who asked them to find a QOA in English and later sent one, causing confusion and confusion for the locals.

AI: Summary ©

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			As-salamu alaykum, I first visited Jerusalem in
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			2009 as a Christian, and at that time
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			I went to the Via Dolorosa, which are
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			the stations of the cross as it's known,
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			and I went to the Church of the
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			Holy Sepulchre, one of the most famous churches
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			in the whole of Christianity.
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			But I still wanted to go into one
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			particular place, the Al-Aqsa compound.
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			Well, there were two reasons, firstly because children
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			in the West Bank where I'd been visiting
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			had asked me, if you go, please report
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			back to us and tell us, are the
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			tiles on the Dome of the Rock as
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			blue as they look?
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			Is it really as peaceful as they say
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			it is?
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			Because as Palestinian children, the chances of them
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			getting to the capital of Palestine, East Jerusalem,
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			were very slim to none.
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			And the other reason was that I felt
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			certain I was missing a big part of
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			the faith jigsaw by being able to skirt
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			the compound but not go inside.
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			But I've just got back from my first
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			ever trip to the Al-Aqsa compound, alhamdulillah.
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			It was 48 hours that have changed my
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			life again.
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			It came as part of a three holy
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			city tour in the holy month of Ramadan
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			and the chances of me getting to the
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			holy Al-Aqsa compound after Medina and Mecca
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			were actually really slim because as a pro
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			-Palestine activist, I have some background in resisting
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			colonial propaganda.
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			In fact, my husband and I, we fully
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			expected to be turned back at the crossing
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			and when our group arrived, barely anybody was
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			getting in that day.
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			All we did was we made lots and
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			lots of dua, lots and lots of dua.
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			Hasbuna Allah wa ni'mal wakil.
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			And then a miracle happened.
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			We got to the Allenby crossing and within
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			minutes, my passport, well, they don't stamp it
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			I was given a little marker saying, here's
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			your entry ticket to Israel, have a nice
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			My husband and all the other men were
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			kept for two hours.
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			But then our whole group got in.
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			We made it guys, I can't believe it,
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			we're going to Al-Aqsa.
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			I remember walking on the sloping hill from
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			the Panorama Hotel that climbs up to Lions
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			And there we passed two incredible churches and
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			the Rahma Cemetery, where Prophets and Sahabi are
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			But we also came across our first checkpoint.
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			Heavily armed, sneering colonial soldiers, plucking people just
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			wanting to go to Maghreb to break their
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			fast in this kilometers wide city within a
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			city, a city of faith and believers.
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			But there they were at gunpoint being questioned.
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			We walked past, praying against the colonial settlers.
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			Does this harassment mean you shouldn't go to
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			Al-Aqsa is actually Bayt al-Maqdis, Haram
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			It is 35 acres.
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			And did you know inside it, it has
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			its own parks and there are acres of
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			trees that you can sit underneath and the
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			birds greet you at Fajr and they hail
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			the coming of the night as well, beautifully
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			at Iftar time, Allahu Akbar.
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			You join tens of thousands of Muslims heading
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			towards the many masjids that are on this
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			beautiful site, laughing, talking, discussing, praying, making dhikr.
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			But the essence of it, it's peace.
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			That's me, it's Naughty Mess as usual.
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			Not a very spiritual thing to say but
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			wallahi, when you pray next to the women
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			of Al-Aqsa and you say, free Palestine,
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			Hurrah Palestine, they start crying and they hug
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			you because they're worried about you.
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			And they're comforting you.
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			This is the quality, quality of the believers.
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			Quality and the reality of Sakina.
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			I don't think we quite understand it in
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			the rest of the world.
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			We've lost it.
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			We've lost it because we fill our time
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			with rubbish.
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			And our eyes with sin and our ears
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			with halal.
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			And it pecks, pecks, pecks away at us.
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			One of the many things I really appreciated
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			during my visit was that sisters get to
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			pray in half of the Dome of the
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			Rock masjid.
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			That's the huge masjid with the golden dome,
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			1400 years old, commissioned by Marwan and Umayyad
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			caliph, subhanallah.
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			But the golden dome was actually commissioned by
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			Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman sultan, subhanallah.
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			And in the centre of it is a
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			huge stone believed to be, understood to be,
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			the place where Ibrahim alayhi salam was commanded
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			by Allah to sacrifice his son.
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			And of course, he didn't have to do
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			And that is also known as the starting
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			place of the Prophet's mirage journey.
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			But again, I'll tell you, it's the people,
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			it's the quality of the people there.
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			So here I am in Masjid Marwan, in
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			one of the original underneath Al-Aqsa mosques,
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			which means it's really ancient.
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			And I met these family, mashallah, coming here
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			in Ramadan to pray.
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			And the nur on their faces, nurayni, nurayni,
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			and I asked them, what is it like
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			to live in Palestine?
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			And they said, barakah, barakah.
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			That there's so much barakah.
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			And yeah, you have a message there.
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			Ramadan Kareem.
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			Ramadan Kareem.
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			Ramadan Kareem.
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			We love you too much.
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			We love them too much.
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			Mashallah, may Allah bless them.
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			The peace is only broken by stun grenades,
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			smoke grenades, and the occasional cracking of gunfire
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			from the colonial settlers.
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			But do the locals avoid this site?
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			Do they say, let's stay away, we mustn't
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			go there, I'm not taking my kids there.
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			No, subhanAllah.
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			This is why they are chosen to be
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			the protectors of this holy site.
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			Allah Ta'ala has made Palestine the place
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			that is blessed for all peoples.
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			And every stone cries his name.
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			And every bird sings a chorus.
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			Back in 2009, I was doing some shopping,
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			souvenir shopping, and I was in a rush
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			and it was my last day.
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			And I met a young man and he'd
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			taken me shopping, a Palestinian.
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			And I asked him, could you find me
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			a Qur'an in English?
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			And he ran and he was excited and
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			he brought it back.
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			He said, English Qur'an.
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			And I put it in my bag.
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			And then I thought we'd have to haggle.
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			How much do I owe you?
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			I knew it was a lot of money
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			for the storekeepers.
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			Because tourists don't go there.
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			Because they're told, did you buy anything off
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			any Arabs?
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			Maybe it's poison, maybe it's got bombs in
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			You know, you go in the shops there
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			and there's dust on things.
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			Because they're barely scraping by but full of
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			Anyway, I said to him, how much do
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			I owe you?
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			And he started to count.
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			And I estimated about £100, a lot of
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			money, back in 2009.
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			And then this young Shabab looked at me
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			and he said, oh, you don't owe me
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			Just one thing I ask.
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			Please don't forget Palestine when you go.
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			That's how I got my first ever copy
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			of the Qur'an.
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			From a Shabab on the streets of Jerusalem.
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			Asking for the struggle of the people to
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			be remembered.
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			It's our duty to support the ongoing renovations,
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			the structural care and the people of Al
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			And the Prophet, peace upon him, said, a
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			group from my Ummah will continue to struggle
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			from the gates of Damascus and the area
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			around it.
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			And from the gates of Jerusalem and from
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			the area around it.
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			No deserters will harm them.
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			They will continue to aid one another in
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			the way of truth until the day of
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