Lauren Booth – How G-za people see the world
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The Palestinian people have faced challenges such as the loss of many people and injuries, the attack on civilian infrastructure, and the historical significance of the holy eye. They are also interested in returning to their hometown of Jerusalem and receiving their status as Muslim. The return of Islam to everyone is important, including the source of their goal, Jerusalem, and the Bible's culture. Viewers are encouraged to visit links for more information.
AI: Summary ©
Despite all the challenges, the morale of the
Palestinian people here is very high.
You know, the divine rule of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will at the end be
Palestine is the holy land for a reason.
Never for a second came to my mind
that I should lose.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
So first of all, we have to do
an update.
As the Zionist entities attack on civilians in
Gaza, it goes into its fourth month.
4% of the population of Gaza are
now dead, missing or injured.
Imagine what that would mean in your area,
in your school.
4% of a school dead, missing or
That's the reality on the ground now in
70% of civilian infrastructure is now decimated.
And what are we talking about?
We're talking about the stuff of daily life.
Schools, hospitals, homes, universities, roads, mosques, churches, on
and on and on it goes.
The stuff of life, it's gone.
People are just going over rubble.
I had a discussion this week with a
brother called Mansour.
Mansour Shuman is actually a Canadian citizen.
He and his family visited Gaza because they're
Palestinian heritage and they went to see family
before the war broke out.
And he decided to stay.
Allahu Akbar.
That alone is huge.
The bombs were falling.
Baby's head's crushed.
And he sent his family out.
And he asked them permission to stay.
His responses were heart-moving.
But also, for some of you, it could
be life-changing.
So, you know, fate will happen to us,
regardless if we like it or not.
So why don't we just be positive about
it and move forward?
And what more positive can you get than
being in Gaza during these times?
It's like a golden ticket opportunity.
First class airline ticket.
If properly utilized, to Jannah, inshallah.
So, may Allah accept all of our efforts
together with all of you.
Make our intentions for all the work that
we do for his sake and his sake
And utilize us for his deed and not
replace us.
Mansour is doing good with every moment of
his life.
And it begs the question, what did I
do today to please Allah?
What did I do to help anyone else?
Today, we have a very special guest.
The youngest reporter here in Gaza.
Let's get to know her.
My name is Sanaa.
So, it's
a big victory for the free people of
this world.
And the people here believe that they have
already won.
And then
is Khaled Nabhan, or as he's become known,
soul of my soul, who lost both of
his grandchildren to an Israeli missile, and Reem
especially, the way he cuddled her, touched the
world's heart.
What is he doing now?
I never in Gaza felt judged or pushed
out because I was not Muslim.
It really, it still touches my heart and
now we're getting to see this.
This is the biggest dawah, perhaps in a
thousand years, reaching across the world to give
you at home, alhamdulillah, a real chance to
see what Islam is, free of all the
paid-for negativity, against our Prophet, peace be
upon him, the light of the worlds, get
to know him, read about him, but what
you're seeing now, what you're admiring those people,
they will tell you, I do this because
I'm following a sunnah, a practice of the
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and I'm
doing this because the Quran says here to
be generous to the visitor and the guest,
it's all in the book.
Allahu Akbar, that's what we're getting to see.
And as Muslims, we also believe that, yes,
you can grieve, but you cannot grieve in
a very outlandish way, you know, and you
have to practice patience, especially at the first
hit of the hearing of bad news, or
the hearing of sorrow, or the measurement of
loss of sorrow.
And there's a lot of ayahs in the
Quran and in the hadith that talk about
sabreen, that talk about people who remain steadfast,
who remain patient, and many times right now
we are reading the Quran, we are reading
the sunnah, and we're thinking, oh subhanAllah, that's
what it means to be patient, okay, so
may Allah make us patient in this matter,
because the divine rule of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala will at the end be victorious,
with us or without us.
So we are merely tools, and we ask
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to utilize us
And alhamdulillah, despite all the challenges, the morale
of the Palestinian people here is very high.
They believe that they are on the right
side of history, they believe that, you know,
they are honestly sort of so surprised seeing
the reaction from the free people of the
world in their views as well.
Always Palestine has been a positive historical change
for people all around the world.
It's the land of the prophets, you know,
it's the land of, subhanAllah, Palestine is the
holy land for a reason.
Please read surah al-Israa, al-Israa in
the Quran.
It talks about how Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala, in the final days, will bring together
all the Zionists into one place, and then
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will show how
bad their actions are to the whole world.
And then, inshaAllah, inshaAllah, after the trial that
we are all going through, being ruled by
man-made laws, man-made unjust political, social,
economic systems, inshaAllah the divine rule of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala will return back so
that the oppressed will not be oppressed anymore,
so that the weak will not be weak
anymore, so that the rights will be returned
to everyone who deserves it.
And the source of it will be Jerusalem,
the source of it will be Palestine, inshaAllah.
And this is not a struggle for Palestine,
this is not a struggle for Palestinians.
Palestine is a waqf for all the Muslims
all around the world.
Palestine has been home for Muslims, Jews, and
Christians for 1400 years.
We've lived together in the same quarters in
Jerusalem, when Umar bin Khattab opened Jerusalem and
he found out that the Jews had been
expelled and their land was turned into a
dumpster, he started cleaning that land with his
own hands, and he sent missionaries to invite
the Jews to come back and live in
One of my intentions that I made to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is, you know,
if the Zionists were to attack Gaza, that
may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala utilize me
to help serve his cause.
Through whatever means he sees best to serve.
So I felt that, you know, it's a
dream come true, you know, that's something that,
you know, I never, it never for a
second came to my mind that I should
lose, honestly, I'll be very honest with you,
because I felt this was like, this is
it, you know, like this is, this is,
this is, I mean, I mean, I mean,
going like, let's say I run away from
What if the same thing happens to the
other country that I'm in?
What if a war starts there, right?
What will I do?
I'll run away from it as well.
Don't you just love these people?
It's impossible not to, to feel a great
affection for people who are that generous with
their heart.
There's a saying that, إذا كنت تعرف أين
مقابلك عند الله وانظر أين أقامك that if
you want to know what, where, what your
status is, where your status is with Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, look at where he
has placed you to do or look where
he has placed you and look at where
your daily actions are leading you.
Mansoor, can you make a lovely du'a
from your heart?
Can I ask a brother here who lost
his wife, his house, and has four disabled
children to make this du'a in Arabic
and we can say Ameen behind her?
As-salamu alaykum.
Wa alaykum as-salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.
Brother Sufyan, say Ameen inshaAllah.
Alhamdulillah ala ni'ma al-Islam wa kafa biha
min ni'ma.
Allahumma arhamna fa innaka bina arahma.
Wala tu'addibna fa anta alayna qadir.
Allahumma arhamna wa ghfir lana.
Wa tawafana muslimin.
Wa alhikma bis salihin.
Allahumma sabbirna.
Allahumma al-tufbina bima jara fi ghazza.
Allahumma al-tufbina.
Allahumma kunna awlan wa mu'ina lana.
Allahumma arham al-usar.
Wa arham al-fuqara wa al-misakeen.
Wa arham al-shuhada.
Wa shafi al-jarha.
Wa fiqh al-asra.
Allahumma harri al-aqsa wa al-masra bi
Allahumma inna ta'ala Allah anta ajtami al
-ummah ala kitabi Allah wa sunnat Rasulullah salallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
Allahumma inna nasa laka al-huda.
Wa al-tuqa, wa al-afafa, wa al
Wa min al-amali ma tarda.
Radina billahi Rabbah.
Wa bil-Islami dina.
Wa bi Muhammad an-Nabiyyan wa Rasulah.
Allahumma arhamna kama wa rahimti al-awwaleen.
Wa ghfur lana wa ja'alna min waratat
jannat al-na'een.
Allahumma ja'alna tawwar wa muqawmeen fi sa
'at al-aqsa qareefan bi-idhnillah.
Life is better than bearable even in the
hardest times because God has not left us
And that's the lesson that we've been taught
in this brutal attack on Gaza.
They will have victory.
And my brothers and sisters who are already
Muslim we need to understand yaqeen is certainty.
And what the Palestinians are teaching us right
now is what certainty in Allah's victory, what
that looks like.
May we imbibe it in our lives, with
our neighbours and in our fields of influence
as well.
I hope you like these videos.
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I look forward to your comments.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.