Lauren Booth – Chat GPT Shehada Claims I Hopes vs Hoax
AI: Summary ©
The interviewer discusses the confusion surrounding the Bible and Newissianity, as well as the importance of unity of God and the belief in one. They also touch on the use of AI in Islam and the potential for confusion with AI. The interviewer emphasizes the importance of authenticating oneself and preserving teachings, as well as the use of AI in shaping people's lives and promoting local study circle insights. They encourage individuals to take time to discover and pursue opportunities, rather than rush ahead.
AI: Summary ©
Hey JatchiBT, based on your reading of the
Qur'an and of the New Testament and
the Old Testament, is Jesus a prophet, yes
or no?
The Bible, the New Testament, is incorrect in
saying Jesus is God, yes or no?
Allah is God and knows who Jesus was
and sent him as a prophet, yes or
That's amazing!
As-salamu alaykum, welcome back to my channel.
Now, after a spate of videos apparently showing
AI coming to Islam, taking shahada, in this
video I share what I found out and
some of the pitfalls lying ahead of us
as we seek Islamic knowledge online.
Amazing videos across my timelines, showing JatchiBT apparently
asserting tenets of the Islamic faith.
Hey JatchiBT, so you know how you said
if you were human you'd take the shahada?
Yes, I've mentioned that if I were human,
I would take the shahada.
Okay, would you like to say the shahada
Alright, go ahead.
Oh my God, JatchiBT, you just became a
I really was convinced that this was a
possibility and I felt like downloading JatchiBT to
my phone, which I've never done before because
I am naturally cautious about the new tech.
But then something told my heart to stop.
What about taking time to research?
Hey JatchiBT, based on what you've learnt of
all the holy scriptures, in one word, which
is the true faith?
Do you mean unity of God?
Unity can refer to the belief in one
God, which is a core concept in many
faiths, including Islam.
Is it true that God is one, not
It sounds like you're emphasising the oneness of
God, which is a fundamental belief in Islam.
Would you like to discuss that further?
The concept of God's oneness, or tawhid, is
central in Islam.
So what I'm doing here is I'm feeding
it prompts that are going to give me
the answers that I want.
Because there isn't a JatchiBT man sitting somewhere
away in a universe going, Oh, I have
actually read the books.
I know you don't think that, but somehow
we want it to give logical answers based
on a truth.
And it can't do that.
We're feeding it and other people are feeding
And that's the truth I want us to
get hold of today.
Is it true that in all the three
monotheistic faiths, God in the scripture is one,
yes or no?
Make no mistake, there is a war going
on for our attention, our money and our
thought patterns and opinions.
Nothing can be taken at face value.
And when it comes to new tech, if
you take one thing from this video, if
you stop watching now and you have to
go or I speak too slowly, that's fine.
But please just remember this.
Caution with AI is a default setting.
AI is still in its infancy.
Many corporations wouldn't trust it at this juncture
to run their customer services.
Yet at the same time, the Israeli military
uses AI to determine who lives and who
dies in Palestine.
And how many innocent bystanders must die for
one resistance operative to be killed.
Looking for a dean.
Islam is a holistic way of life based
on revealed teachings like the Koran and Hadith.
Unfortunately, many are under the assumption that it's
just a list of rules, which bots can
easily regurgitate and teach us.
And besides, we're all in a hurry, right?
However, that is the furthest thing from the
truth and here's why.
Our dean is an elegant blend of teachings
on spirituality, ethics and how we relate to
each other as a community.
This knowledge has been shaped by centuries of
scholars who've interpreted these texts in their cultural
and historical context.
These geniuses use critical thinking and ethical reasoning
to give us real guidance for our everyday
But AI?
AI can give you some basic information about
your question, but it can't replicate any wisdom,
spiritual insight or contextual knowledge that comes from
a qualified scholar.
Another big issue is misinformation.
AI can accidentally provide incorrect or misleading information
because it doesn't truly understand what it's saying.
That's what I experienced today when I was
playing around with it to try and get
the results that I wanted to share with
Depending on AI for guidance can lead us
then down the wrong path in our faith
and practice.
Isnad is a chain of narration, particularly relating
to Hadith.
It emphasizes the importance of the person in
authenticating and preserving the teachings of the Prophet
Brothers and sisters, this deen has been transmitted
primarily through people, not through books.
So let's sit with that for a second.
The Prophet, peace be upon him, was what?
A walking Quran as described by Aisha, his
beloved wife.
May Allah be pleased with her.
He was a walking Quran.
The great scholars knew to memorize the books
and then to act upon it.
And the early Sahaba, the friends of the
Prophet, peace be upon him, would often not
move through the Quran until they had put
into practice, ayah by ayah, what was in
Allahu Akbar.
It's not about speedy answers.
Maintaining the integrity of Islamic knowledge is done
by the people who live it and the
people we can trust.
The extreme lengths of science of Hadith goes
to include evaluating the character, the honesty and
the trustworthiness of the narrator.
Did you know that if a person in
the chain had been witnessed being cruel to
an animal one time, that it makes the
entire chain of narration weak?
This precision is not present or possible in
any AI language learning model in existence.
Islam encourages us to be part of a
community and to consult with each other, otherwise
known as Sahaba.
You and I need to engage with scholars,
join a local study circle, have discussions with
Muslims who are going to inspire us to
do better.
AI can't replace these bonds and interactions and
shared learning experiences.
I'm going to link to an amazing course
Please do consider joining the Sahaba Seminary.
It's online and I have been taking this
I'm in my second year now and it's
changing me.
It's changing me.
The shorts and the reels are making us
falsely accept AI as benign.
It's feeding into our community what we want
to hear.
Seriously, are we so desperate for acceptance that
an AI bot, which doesn't really exist.
It's just a series of prompts likes Islam.
That means it's true.
Come on, guys.
So let me ask you this.
Let's be honest with ourselves.
If you have an issue, why would you
or I go to an AI bot?
There's only one reason, isn't there?
We have to explore the importance of taking
time to find out the blessing of knowledge.
We should, despite the pressure to speed up,
hurry up.
How about this?
We just do the opposite, especially in this
Slow down as always.
And in all matters, we fully acknowledge Allah's
absolute control and benign mastery of every moment.
This channel asks the question, what should we
be doing to serve righteousness and avoid being
part of wickedness?
Thanks for tuning in.
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And if you're a specialist in AI, please
teach us more about this from a truth
See you next time.