Khalil Hendricks – R27 Reflections on the Quran 7
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The importance of worship and guidance in personal and professional life is emphasized, with references to Jesus and Ninety. The guidance is emphasized as a means of preparation and success, and individuals are encouraged to pray for success and stay together in a relationship. Saboni, the fruit of love, is also discussed as a means of praying and staying together in a relationship.
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was abuse.
we have a couple
of trial session today with five different presenters. So the
evening session is a study of some Ayah from Quran.
So currently we are between
the end to last
Alibaba is the last lesson on the ALI
grant. That's a conclusion of the rest of the etiquette. The next
two nights and three nights will get the degree of issues
concluding the study. So those are, those were books in terms
motivation for the
of these verses.
somehow, and they asked her
about what was the most amazing thing
that she saw for the listener, Allah sub Allahu, alayhi to
get pastor. And then she starts crying because she must
have taken care of have
taken care of Allah. She said, everything was Arjuna was amazing.
And she says, Mata ATI, he came to me one night,
asmaati, permit me to worship my master, my lord, Abuja, abutu
Allah, and I say, Oh Lord, by
Allah, be said to me, I love To be close to you. What you mean for a
Swahili Sathi,
when he saw
Allahu alaihi wasallam, and he started crying, salallahu, alayhi
sallam, until he served his beard, saluadi salad, and he continued to
cry, had
until he served the earth walay wa sallam. Be and then he died. And
he lay on his side. He continued to cry hasidah until the morning,
you know, his salad, to announce the salatu Summa,
or to bring to
god Messenger of Allah, what's causing you to cry? Why are you
has already
forgiven everything
yours, past,
future and
physical. What's going to prevent me from crying when this night,
these Surahs in
nativism, these verses have been
revealed. In other
words, the prophet saws response to Wahid was intense response.
Shaken by
verses, sunmatch.
Wo destruction be to the one that reads these verses and doesn't
think about
no destruction to the universe. Destruction. Instruction through
those who read the verse, They don't
think about us. Those who read the verses don't think about the
prophet is
stronger, stronger.
So our Nia inshaAllah is fulfilled, the Vasi of
Prophet, the instruction of Prophet, sallAllahu, alayhi wa
sallam, to read these verses, the short verses, and just do to have
some to think about it, discuss it in children. So we're actually all
the way on the last verse. So I'll just translate quickly, and we'll
get to the last verse in children.
So we study on verse number 190, on page 37
prawns. In the creation
the heavens and the earth was beloved within
the earth,
and the alternating of the night and the day that ayati. There are
certain, undoubtedly signs diburi and verb, the poses of
understanding al ladeena, who is possessed of understanding of
insect. And ladeena is those who hear Allah. They make Bikur. They
remember Allah. They are conscious of Allah. I am. And while they are
standing, but for older than while they are sitting, wider to know
being, and while they are on the sides the holy grave, they also
make way at the back Karuna. And they think. They use their minds.
They use the intellect, the big karuna, and they think and they
in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the result of the
decline, result of the funding that they expresses to Allah, Oh
you did
not create a all of this bald ELA in vain, without any purpose. All
of the creation has a purpose, and one comes to all creation. Ayahuas
Subhana, glory be to you. How perfection be to you. Exaltation
be to you. Fatima, Ava nav
So Tina,
save us. I never know from the punishment of the Hawthorne.
indeed you Allah, men who never two between Nara, whenever you
Allah, enter into the
alphazetta, who you have certainly humiliated. His Grace at this
mumina bin lar and he is not to the dawning the round who has been
answered from any help. Oh our master.
Inna Ridley, Samir Na, we have muladian calling up in a man to
Imaan to faith, and saying that alamin will be Rock, be cool,
forgive master immediately we
lubaina. Oh our master, forgive for us our
sins and bury away from us. Say yadina, our evil deeds are
disgusting deeds, but the word
and take us and cause us to die with the people of goodness,
oh our master,
give us, grant us
that which you Allah, promised other
upon the tongues of your messengers,
and do not disgrace us on the Day of Judgment.
In Me. Indeed, you of Allah.
You do not break the promise. You're
the promise this Korean messenger that
we have mentioned before. You're committed, and you are advised to
be persistent in Torah becomes Lord. You becomes a human being.
You shouldn't be persistent.
the whole time it comes to Allah. You must ask Allah persistently,
again. Allah loves being with
us. Allah loves it. Turn to Allah for everything. Turn to the
Prophet says, Turn to Allah, even for the strap of Yeshua broke,
for the big things, for the small things, for the same things, over
and over again.
But do I move for rebel? Dua is the essence of worship. I.
He was translating the work one of
the students, the person that's the author of God, to get from us
translating work from one of the students. And we one of the things
that the author mentions in his work, he said, The people knew it
will be enough
just to add them, nothing else, they knew what reality of dura
will be enough, travel,
sufficient, just to call upon first Ajay, whether you call
even the Father is the Prophet
didn't say thum,
of the family
they make Durant.
They make
dua immediately. Allah
makes Jawahar immediately. Answers the womb to them. Rahu, their
master, answers them, their Lord, the protector they maintain. The
educator answers them. The nourisher answers them and me that
I Allah and now, because Allah says is now sometimes, but me is
one person now, because Anna means we and he means that I 30 person,
and me that I love evil. I myself love evil. I will never force to
know, to waste another. I mean the actions of any person who's acting
is to do is doing anything, meaning from amongst you.
Of anywhere, some
of you are from. Others you are from another, Netherlands.
Finally, those who emigrated were all three room in the early and
driven from their homes, Wa ulufi sabili, and they were harmed in by
God wakaru, and they fought wakhutil And they were killed.
Rabukaranda. I will certainly, definitely,
undoubtedly, I will cover a cover up
animal from them. Say,
evil deeds. What a udhim and I will definitely myself. I myself
Allah will enter them. Jan 19, into guidance. Tajrim in Taqi, AD
and how, flowing from the needy. Taliban, tawaf
mean da as a reward from Allah, Allahu, Adim especial. Especially
moving about of
who just
believe in the land, because this is post
so after office and Muslims, some of the defeated and the disputes
are moving up and down. So does it? Don't they fool you. They're
moving about
in the lands predisposed to move up and down. It's just some small
then the refuge will be Jahannam, the whole fire forbids and Mehar
and what a terrible resting place.
Those who, those who
have this consciousness, as well as protective means a proper of
their master. For them is the
guidance will be flowing
from Benedict rivers, Khalid ina will be living forever and ever
fear Luz and all of the goddess all these rivers will only be the
starters. Lula means the starting preparation, the starting
hospitality, meaning there for Allah, for marrying the fly. And
what is, what Allah is. Khairul is better than aburad for the people
of goodness. Wainwrt,
indeed, from the people of the book that there is definitely a
man, you, Queen of Ilahi, believes in Allah, wamun tilakhim, and they
believe in that it was sent down to you believers. They believe in
the Quran as well, wamun Tidak hilayim, and they believe that it
was sent down to them as well. Ho Shereen and Allah. They are all
struck. They are overwhelmed by towards Allah, they
don't purchase, they don't pray with the verse, Verses of Allah a
small, something of small value,
ulayim, those people, the whom for them is abum, is the reward with
the master in Allah.
As a real represent. Indeed, Allah is so beautiful,
so we have to reach out our final verse of the surah.
The final verse begins all you who believes, taking
your attention
all this thing,
yeah, even in Abu listening?
Listener, believers. Listener, you are
in Abu hisbua Raw vituva, four verbs his view. Swabiru, ravidu,
ravitu Vula, do those four verbs that level took the whole
important that you may be too cold, you may be successful.
The other is always giving us a recipe for success.
So whatever are those four words, the first thing
is, oh, you believe. The first thing is, is built. We threw here
somehow actually
together. But
is different in different conditions. So the one type of
stuff is when something
calamity happens in your life, someone dies and is quite
accidentally lose your job, or your house burns down with some
calamity sovereign in that case, means not to lose yourself, don't
you lose yourself happens your first thing is in
Prophet said about that, a sophomore inter
when you hear the news immediately, that session time for
so not like three months later, immediately, when you get a new
news, several means, I hold my life to together. I don't lose my
life because of calamity. I hold things together.
Then the other day for sabara means you must hold things
together to keep doing what Allah is asking to do. That's actually
The last two are difficult. But start means that you need to pray
every day, and you need to pray on
that you keep doing what
Allah and the
Last time is going to be it means to to have someone to stay away
from that individual. And
that's actually the most difficult,
because to do a good deed to make yourself. Love takes a couple of
minutes to make yourself. Love takes a couple of minutes to not.
Sin is a constant battle. It doesn't end because it do.
Something is easy because the action, the action is limited, but
to refrain, refrain. You constantly. You must, you must do
that. So it takes some of us. You must pay yourself all the time.
You're not going to yourself into a spiritual accident and damage
your spiritual life.
You have to keep things together all the time. So somebody has that
job, holding things together and keeping truth, getting through it,
Yalina And I mean, so, so this has a this is as an outward meaning,
historical context, meaning and as inward, spiritual meaning.
What's the context? Which battle dimension happening?
So open was like a difficult battle. It was like bad because,
but it was amazing. Victory. This unexpected, amazing victory. The
Musudan high, they were on the map. They defeated the Quraysh
nahuti was a blow,
because then someone lost the battle. They lost lies. The
Prophet SAW Allah. It
was a blow. So Allah is saying, when you experience that blow, is
to rule as some sort all things together
was so beautiful. Now she saw
his people and saw people singing.
Good mutuality. Action between
people means to write. Kantaba means to write to each other.
Kata means to write to each other. So sabao means to have State
forces perseverance. Saul Baum means to mutually compete
in perseverance. So they're saying solve, which means different
means. Don't think your enemies are going to sleep.
They need to also persevere and persevere. So you must also solve
Europe. You must also find you must also try and compete and
match them in some impersonal.
It isn't some
little out of
things first, but the one in long string from
historical context,
the morality
of people who call
the outpost of the Islamic lands. Those are Islamic land.
They are outposts. They call the outposts for you. Will you tie?
It's like a cavalry place. Will you tie your horses? Keep them
there, ready for battle. So rabito, in the outward sense, in
the Ummah, outward physical sense, means you must secure your
because they became another Tak, secure your your borders.
What and have tapua of Allah
take that means to make your Imaan interaction. Take that means to
make your human into action. Line it up into that you may be
successful. Let's go back now as historic
contest beautiful listens for us to be
who beautiful
absolutely used to divine perseverance. I always tell the
that no matter where you are in life, someone is telling you a
Someone is marketing to you and selling you a story, selling you a
Every girl called every series, every movie, every show on TV, is
selling you a story.
Is a person
and then mashallah, they believe you.
Story, they will flood you,
and they will flood you, and they will, they will try to completely
change the way you, the way
you think. Are they being unique? People? Why does it you
know people in the history of mankind
as so many images in their mind.
Just think about
this, since young, this flood of images
and that image is what happens after a while, it starts
formatting your mind.
So if you watch all of the romantic movies,
then your idea of romance is that
the two meet, never fight, and the one is the battle of the airport.
Another one is there.
I mean, so bad now,
you know, they dream of the few guys, it's a vampire.
Like a vampire is an ultimate time on it,
actually, it's a thing of brainwashing. It's a form of
So Allah is saying sabihu, when people out there trying to move
you saw Abu, you also need to have this mutual patience, this mutual
striving, because he said the vine the sorrow used to to Buy to buy.
So it's important word
just remember you.
Anybody on TV? We reach
village if you
reach a
famous sudden the city is not. The problem is it's constant
marketing, and then marketing to you. Then walk through the action.
They can ask you, what do you want to their life? Which I want to do
job? Why? Some money? What you're the buyer for? The money someone
else is telling you what to buy with your.
My on my right place, light wain Shivani, Noor and my left place,
Noor, mam in vainia dei Nuran. And in front of me, nu mamin Hal
pinood, and from behind me, Nur Mamie, Phil pinoor. And from above
me, noon, what a noon. And below me, Nu Wa adrimi, Nuon and make
great, make abundant. For me, no one like your man of the Allah, on
the Day of
he said, Allah, azzawira, you Pray for Allah to put mug is
that's a.