Khalil Hendricks – R23 Reflections on the Quran 3
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The transcript discusses the history and importance of the Quran in Surah Ali abroad, including its use of the word "the" in relation to culture and potential conflict. The concept of "omniscient" is discussed, including the ability to take care of oneself and one's environment, as well as the importance of faith and being confident in oneself. The importance of Shaykh's guidance and instructions for pursuing credit deals is also emphasized.
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Speak, Masjid on this basic month
page on the 37th
the last few minutes of Surah Ali abroad.
And yesterday,
we covered this 190 and one and 91
so we just released
how will that measures? Job
the lessons.
What's interesting, what we discussed about the Quran
is the placement and structure of the Quran, the discussion on, why
does Allah place certain Ayah in certain places? We know that the
placement of the ayah in the Surah, or Talib the levy, means it
is from Allah. The secrets of the ayah within the surah
are placed by Allah, placed by Allah,
in fact. So if you think about Surah Ali Ibrahim,
and when the revelation came down, the Prophet saw a number of
scribes. You call this crime, and tell his crime to write. And then
you tell the scribe, or you tell the people around us, well, this
area belongs in such a such and such and such a place. So that
was the surah was given like a done everything, because it was
great all the time
as this came down the process or another to place it in a certain
place. And we all that knowledge. We also teach in Iraq and beyond
that, most of you also need Salah as well. So when the sequencing
became established in the house, reminder of all the Sahara,
there's a committee of a chair of
is what body man. A body man
what is funny.
is someone who knows many subjects.
So Shaka was here. He wrote so many things about a massive
participant In the disaster. See,
he is
an expert in theological and actionable wisdom. But I want to
read what he says about the placement of his gospels. He says
says no, and
sisters know that the Maqsood and how to keep in mind is a technical
scope. Is a technical scope. But even the technical scholars, they
are deep, deep spirituality, despite their technical knowledge.
He says here now, Anna Laude that the mAh Sud, the intention, the
name binharan
from this, from this double hook, is Jan Puru Kulu it is to draw and
to attract the Puru the hearts when harwah and to draw the souls.
Anil ish Tiwari
from throw them away from ishtival, from being occupied till
one was creation inner to Al distirati, imagining
to give
them in the Mahdi Patil Haq, in the knowledge of the of Al Haqq,
the ALP is a.
Allah from the truth, which is ALLAH.
So he said, that is the objective of this book. Then he says about
the placement of these verses by
so he says so with Talad Kalam, with the words of the Quran has
been lengthy feet of real Afghan
in establishing the outer doors. The outer doors, there was lot of
the ayah were dealing with the doors. Well, in Jawahar, Bihar
muktibi, and the text was dealing with responding to the false
beliefs of those who want to deny the man. So after the Quran has
dealt with laws, after the Surah, this section, Quran is dealt with
laws. It has dealt with arguments against those who were trying to
debate the Quran. Either eat the Quran the Surah, it returned.
Either in qurdu will be victory. It came back to light
the hearts bibiur,
it came back to light up the hearts with Tawheed, when I hear
with with the godliness for Kibriya, the greatness of Allah,
where Jalal is magnificent, identified. So as
always, is saying that these ayat are placed at the end to bring us
to the fundamental objective of the Quran, to move us away from
being occupied by creation and to drown us in the knowledge of the
ultimate truth that is the goal of
Quran. This is the goal of the Quran. Consider another way it's
going to be was to make a wasp into joy in the creation to the
Creator. So it's a beautiful, beautiful way of expressing it.
So indeed, certainly
in the creation of the heavens.
And in other words, Allah says something. Allah says the will,
hunting us. He says
something interesting. He says, the creations of the Inner Earth
are attva,
the much greater creation of mankind.
Nevertheless, we, man always inflates himself. It's amazing how
we can inflate ourselves. It's amazing how significant we can
make ourselves feel
and this person, we are actually insignificant.
We are actually insignificant. And around us we can see this great
creation around being, creation this. This is one of the Israelis
mentioned. The great creation is for us to become humble,
even if you Want this out.
and is there a
little bit?
Love Him
and His daddy described,
they have an apple which
is Salim,
an apple which is Salim, meaning, what an apple which is solid,
meaning what.
They have an apple, which is Salim. Sound sorry, sound home.
Their minds are pure. The apple is pure. But if you go into the
Arabians will know about APALA, because APALA doesn't actually
mean internet.
APALA actually means to tie something to hinder, something
they're going to go to the the Arab world is called, you know,
he got the
where The Veda is called the Veda two, APALA so Abu,
is up. So
that black thing there, that black thing there, originally was used
when you want to park your camel.
No, run away with the camel. Cameras turned away, and you just
tie the legs of the camera.
You tie the legs of the camera up. You tie the legs of the camel. And
when you go again, you take the you take it the way to store
That's what. Even has two loops. Also it has two loops. Let's see
So what is the connection between fire, cattle and the young
internet? The connection is very simple. The connection.
Very simple, unless you are able to tie and restrain your emotions
and your desires and your your shackle your inclinations,
unless you are able to tie it to constrain and restrain, you'll
never be able to think of
you'll never it will consume you. It will consume
you. Break now there was a report Ambassador about the KU sister.
The first thing I said about the KU sister was the KU sister must
come third because the kushidaka. But
the second thing I said was, now, how many kustis Can you have?
So one of our brothers, Masha, one of our students, said that the
Hadith says that you can The first look is like, okay, but the second
look is against you.
So from that, mashaAllah, our students, one of our students, we
deduce from that Teresa that you can Have one
ecosystem, the second
ecosystem. That's
not nice. He
if we are not able to restrain our desires and our passions, you will
never be able to think clearly in the pur Alber. They are people
whose minds are so clear because they control over the desires.
They are not the slave of the desire, but when you become a
servant, design actually takes over your Italian being, and
you'll be like, What do you
know about the heavens and the earth? No sense. That's when those
are not interesting. I don't want to do that. There's my
biggest understand. So this is the people of Abu as think
Allah, these two verbs, we miss the two verbs, one, Allah.
remember Allah. You
know, you being standing and sitting around there on this side,
Malawi is very profound. Because also when you get into bed, don't
think, I can't remember all those lying down the
Buddha at birth, even when you're lying in your bed and you're
cleaning and you're warm in your bed, even then you even then
you might be crying. Be good. There's no time you cannot expect
a couch, and your heart can be around decorable. So we get into
big even with your heart
be in vehicle as you interested
with your heart, in case one takes your room and you, your room is
taken while you the
last thing you must do is speak with the musical, and you will be
offered should be in a set of liquor where the fourth karuna,
the second thing they do is this. Karuna,
real, karuna spiritual, eta fat, karuna
intellectual, if they think about the heavens and the creation of
the heavens and earth, so again,
people of good, people of intelligence understanding, they
should go into nature. They should study nature. They should study
our surroundings. But it's with the within the embed, within the
Embed of proper belief. We can't divorce signs from proper belief.
You can't divorce signs from Allah. And when they get this,
they explain. They explain. Rana. I want to come in Sharma list,
your organization, despite organized
adults when they are overwhelmed, spiritually, when they are
overwhelmed intellectually, the immediate response is, I
overwhelmed by all of these signs. My heart is overwhelmed. My heart,
my mind is overwhelmed. I need to communicate to the creator of all
this. And they call out, drop banner. They call out, drop
Rob banner, Rob banner, Rob
banner, what is rating forward? The only Lord
can't capture the meaning of Prophet.
Prakhana has many things. So one thing Rapada means is a master.
Means that Lord a master. He owns everything,
but tell me
the call is your own.
Do you serve? Say, 50,000 kilometers,
all the things that you want to look after them perfectly.
So I want to, I want to put two concepts here, concept of
omniscient and the concept of maintenance,
because they're two different concepts. You can have a house,
you know, maintain our people apart.
So Rob includes the idea of ownership. He is the master who
belongs to him. But it's beyond ownership. Also includes the idea
of looking after and taking care of, therefore, a quarter as well
which means that he is the master that raises and nurtures and looks
after his creation. What a merciful
is the word BU is always giving the creation, nevermind he's
giving them flavors. He's taking care of him. The word Rahma is
actually a very intimate word. It's actually a word of love. It's
not just the formal master up there. It is the one that's
looking after me. It's the one that owns me, but he's also taking
care of me. He has given me everything that I own,
everything that I own. And even when I turn away from Him and I
survey him and I take His favors, I'm used against him, he still
looks after me. This is ra
glory, perfection with you. Rob
our master in
Naka, indeed you. Allah Abu Asmaa, our men, two different narrow man
never had to defend whatever you enter a narrow into the * Fire,
means they could already you have already so
desire means to humiliate something.
And if there is a very specific connotation, it means to publicly
humiliate something.
How are the people of alpha and publicly humiliated
on the day of preamble, Allah, doesn't it?
Let me just
Allah says, please just see what your life has been about. Let's
bring out your your life. Let's bring out this life of yours.
Let's put it on the spirit.
And I think the amazing thing about human beings was taqwa,
the Allah inspired industrials and the basic human capacity is how
disgusting human being can be at times. Just
think this thing about your worst
thing, imagine your worstness.
It's unimaginable, sometimes unimaginable what we can do.
It's unimaginable the sound to be a human nature, but even my own
nature, the sound is the sounds how we can move between these
Okay, move between these extremes and people of the Hellfire, they
things won't be covered. Will all be brought out, and they will.
They will experience Christian one of the punishments of the such as
punishment and eating all those things. It's His
humiliation, public humiliation, your brother, mother, father,
neighbor, colleague, they're all going to see what your life was
about. Nothing will be
good. I mean, still talking to Allah, and it is not the Dali Mina
or the lalimena, the people wrong doing, binance from Ansar, from
any way, anyhow. You'll be absolutely no helper for the
people of alpha,
who is alpha,
if the people of alpha, who is our
who's going to help us into Jannah,
beloved prophets and Allah.
There is no Jannah or Prophet, salallahu, Allahu, salaam. He is
the one that brings us the Quran. He is the one that brings us the
model of the life to live. He is the one that brings us the truth
of Allah, wa la salah. He is the one of the Lana.
He has reserved him to write for how she heard. He will be of the
shepherd for us, the Prophet SAW comes to the way. He will stand at
beach, at the beach, we have to cross chapter in the story there
will say Arab, sending him, sending him, sending him, Oh
Allah, for each of the pumati, giving cross. Keep him safe. Keep
Safe. Keep him safe. This is the love of the Prophet salallahu
alayhi wa sallam for us. Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Can't
you imagine inshaAllah giving warning of the budget? You also
have to get a glimpse of what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa felt
for us.
Really, it is unbelievable. SalAllahu alayhi wa sallam is love
for us, then he's going to help us get into Jannah, not that he can
give you a free pass, but through his example, and through his
mother and through his shepherd inshaAllah, we will enter Jannah.
Therefore, the people that says rampala, they say rampala, oh, our
master in Nana, in Greek, we Samir na. We have heard mudality. We
have heard we have heard a caller.
Mudality, little Iman,
calling out little Iman to Iman. The
interesting about neither is that generally you lose when someone is
to shout out
some sort of distance. And the
interesting thing is that someone Allah said the qli is the Prophet
saw the call is the Quran. But then it's all the same with but
the interesting thing is that we still hear,
we still hear the calling, even though it's far
in time, we are still blessed, as Ummah is blessed to still hear the
calling all The time,
behind the spirit of Ramadan in
the Ramadan, Allah sends in the Allah sends a call. As a caller
calls out, you can hear it, but your heart can hear it, and the
caller calls out you. You wonder, why? Why can abusive wisdom
in the Ramadan, I can be so amazing because outside Ramadan, I
can't resist even the smallest penalty.
I can't resist even just to look. I just contact my eyes. Over here,
I can't
but in Ramadan, I can be thirsty, and I can put the water into my
mouth to lift my mouth, and my throat can be dry, but I won't
even drop into my feet.
Why do I have such a good amount? I want it to drop into this 30 I
won't even allow it. But out of our life, I'm so weak. One of the
things that you know about is a special corner that comes down
and says, Yeah, early, oh, the seeker of good Yahweh
not build. Come closer.
Proceed. Come here is something calling our heart. Muhammad is
calling our hearts,
let's say, calling united, calling out in Imam to Iman and that
saying, that, saying these words here,
which was
the fundamental.
Words, me,
who belong people?
I mean,
security, one of one of the ideas of Amin said, You reveal and touch
your heart. You find safety, you find security. Find sanctified
security. Believe protect your heart. Be Rock, be cool to your
master. So the Quora is telling us, amulet, come on
habiburam, believe in your master.
we believe. Then we believe,
what's our spot
means? Then there's
difference. Tell
me if I say the it means I walked in and I mean sat down. If I said
majala, it means I walked
in after a while, I sat down. So they've all been there, but far is
for the BJC. So even though he's telling the attitude of the Guru
when they
then we believe. We believe immediately when the caller comes.
We believe immediately, may Allah give us His quality that when they
call, that information comes from Abu Dhabi Prophet saw immediately.
We say,
even if you don't understand, if you don't agree, we say, we
believe first, rah Baner,
rah Baner, oh, our
Master fellow, oh, our Master
O Master so forgive Lana for us, the new banner. Forgive for us,
our guru. Forgive for us, our sins.
Capital mean,
you know the mean?
You know
the word Kaffir means
two. Means the one we have an elephant. You
can call
the farmer.
You call the farmers,
not because he is believers, because people take a seed, they
put in the ground, and they come in that. So a real word,
the real word is so the word Kaba doesn't mean this believe actually
means to cover, because in the beautiful hands of truth, Allah
won't even use the word the fact that you can negate it to me,
because you can't negate it to me. The only thing you can do is you
can try to cover it
up, but there's no way you can dismiss it. So even the word
dismiss and negate means that you are covering up what is actually
so, yeah, but the other way to do up, but Kafir? No other you. Cafe,
you cover up. Aina from us, say, Gina,
our seikid, our evil deeds,
our evil opinions about the rule. And say, I know the difference
between the two of some of the other major sins and the say that
or the minor sins. In
other words, I would say that the Rupa actually
not as bad as say that the Rupa thing to be embarrassed with and
say that is going to be something which comes from the raw so long
is a corpse and
the corpse of a disgusting
thing smells disgusting. So say, I will come from Soha, it's an
action to begin to be actions disgusting towards us. And how can
they do that?
And then the difference between the two and the cause of the
meaning here, because, when it comes to the law, because, Allah,
forgive us. Forgive us. But when you come to school say a
disgusting sense, we tell Allah, not just forgive us, kafir,
because to the hood very empty, and we don't say Kafir. Sayyadina,
kafir, Anna. And the Anna means from us, in other words, far from
us. Take that say, I didn't figure out far from us, and put it there
and cover up completely. I don't want to see the smell. I don't
know this thing to be even close to you. So beautiful, completely.
Cut it up, make it disappear. I don't know from us. Say, Yeah,
The direction
to take something and take something in food, take
something, take us, take ourselves, take our lives. Cause a
bit in other words, but actually needs to take I
there's different levels of Allah taking are taking us. There's
actually three levels.
Only our
you get your like to be alive and only have a body, and the body is
there life in the body, and the body was light, is there
Three things were like your body, your jazz, and then your life,
your higher and then your consciousness, the consciousness.
So what happens is three levels of taking the one level, every night,
every night overtakes our consciousness, have we done and
Allah? Because back in the in the morning. So what do we say in the
All Praise be to Allah. Gave us life
of the years, caused our death while English. To remove you.
That's the one. And then the next level of taking is, what would you
die? What's the whole technique?
Does it take you on your own? Yes, let's take the light of your body.
Because when you sleep, it doesn't matter your body. Because.
Again. So that's the wonderful the second way you can be guided is by
hearing the truth and your your fitrah. Your fitrah knows
the truth. Therefore, in famous verse, when people come to
jahannam and the gods of Jahannam asked what he's doing, what? And
then they say, no good.
If only mass, if we had to yell yellow
over to apply our mind to what to all the obvious signs around
that around us, Maria's heart is a say? Wouldn't be in heaven.
So even without revelation, there's enough Ayat for us to know
that Allah exists, and we go to Revelation for more certainty and
how to serve. So both of this is both of these aspects are captured
in these these verses, rahban Allah says,
rabbina Allah, Allah,
give us, grant us what man, that which white, 10th, that which you,
Allah, you promised US. Ali Allah promised us. Ala rusudika upon
Allah speaks properly the Quran about Jews, your and the
trading party here, in this, in this, IA is trading with Allah,
but Allah
quickly, Jannah is not a cash deal. It's a good thing.
Jannah isn't a cash deal. It's a credit deal. A consistent is a
cash deal.
You take a consistent, you get the Jannah a sister here
despairs. You
understand Shah a word that's our cash to you. Jannah is a credit
deal. Allah says doesn't even play now I'll give you, I'll
give you today.
But now, when you pursue the credit deal, you must check the
check who I'm dealing with. Can this person? Can this person hold
his head up?
I'm dealing with Hong Kong.
It's guaranteed.
It's guaranteed. And what we have is we have Shaykh on selling your
cash deal saying,
whatever, eat the fruit. Now. Eat the fruit now. Cash
deal, just follow me. You'll have a base in the sun for the next
life. Rahmana, beautiful and give Asmaa what you promised us, Allah,
for the spirit you
understand, for the gift you will give me. Give me that which you
Allah promised,
Allah upon your master, wala tuk. Sinai, OMA utiyama, wala e do not
tuk. Sinai, do not. Humadi ate us.
Kafiranas, Saya, don't you don't bring out Kula abus,
don't bring it out. Yo mantiyama, on the day of Yama in Naga, indeed
you. Allah,
you will not break and me right.
This is the
I know that we can have DeVos are meaning, and we begin with this,
Uri abusha, meaning, the one thing Allah calls on us is love to read
his book, supervision. Allah says. Allah says, and
your tuber is
what your back, your backside, your back to do.
And Allah says, I don't want you to just look at the surface.
Imagine the sea, but I want you to go just into the surface level. I
want you to go behind the surface level. Please look at the water.
I want
you to put on your gear and dive into the wood. Go beyond the pen.
Meaning, go beyond them.
And unless we do that, we have education, if
we should have a superficial region, okay, some
have not so their heart, they can't, they can't do it. So our me
must be Ya Allah. This book is there to guide me for my Italian
life. Make me of those who can engage with this book.
And it's an ocean the rise of Bahasa. It's an ocean of no
But you must dive into this ocean and swim for the rest of your your
life. And I'll end you this when you dive,
when you dive into an ocean and you come out,
you only got a small piece of the ocean, and there was a bit of
winds on your body. When you dive tomorrow, you get some more drops,
and you see the smoothies you die the next day. Get some more of
more drops, but it's just a few drops.
The ocean doesn't give
up everything
because they say no actions.