Khalil Adam – Warriors Finish Ramadan Strong
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The holy Bible is viewed as a means of worship and is used as a means of worship in various prophets. It is essential to read carefully and not let fear and anxiety hold you. The title provides insight into the historical context of the Quran and its implications for modern day life. The use of the Quran in various prophets, including those facing trials and prediction, is seen as a way to save lives and provide food for those who have nothing. The end ofinos is the most beloved to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and the beginning ofinos is the most beloved to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
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Indeed, all thanks and praise belong to Allah,
lord of the worlds.
We seek his assistance, his forgiveness, and we
seek protection
in Allah from the evil
within ourselves and from the evil consequences of
our actions.
Whomsoever Allah guides, no one can misguide them.
And whomsoever Allah allows to be misguided, no
one can guide them straight again. I bear
witness that there's no one worthy of worship
except Allah alone. Allah reminds us in the
Quran when he says, oh, you who believe,
fear Allah as he deserves to be feared
and do not leave this world except that
you're in the state of Islam, state of
And he also reminds us when he says,
oh, you who believe, fear Allah and speak
the truth, stand up for justice.
Perhaps if you do so, Allah will direct
you to do good deeds and he will
take care of your affairs and whomsoever obeys
Allah and his messenger, that indeed they have
gained the greatest of all achievements.
My dear brothers and sisters,
we find ourselves,
half of Ramadan has passed.
And we have another remaining half that we
have to exert our souls, exert our
nafs in worshiping Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in
Before we get into the importance of finishing
there's a few things we want to talk
about today.
And one of the things is
in the message that I pray we reach
to Surat Yousef.
And it was fascinating
when we all read Surah Yusuf, the lessons
that we continuously
as we read it every single time.
And subhanAllah, one of the students of the
he came up to one of the shi'ud
who's been reciting over 15 years in Kuwait
and he explained to him that he has
seen and studied from scholars some new,
insights as to Surat Yusuf.
And that is what we're going to talk
to you today about.
We see that insul Yusuf, my dear brothers
and sisters,
that when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants you
to take you from point a to point
he wants to do something
to save the people.
He needs a savior. Allah doesn't need anything
but he uses this as his that
someone should bear the responsibility
and take on the burden
so that many people could benefit.
And similarly, we see the prophets of Allah
when at the end of the day, when
the day of judgment will arrive
and all of the prophets will say, nafsi
nafsi, myself, myself.
Adam being the first, the father of humanity
will be asked to start the intercession,
to start the day of judgment.
Even the kuffar, those who disbelieve, will beg
for this to start.
Every single prophet will direct you
to eventually the prophets of Allah alaihi wa
And the prophet
will say, I am for it.
And he will make sujood, as we see
in the
He will give sujood and Allah will inspire
him with words of praise
that has never been revealed to anyone before
him at that point
in time.
So you see the prophet shalaihi wa sallam
burdened the burden.
He took it on himself.
His daughters were,
His life, his uncle, his aunt,
wife, all of the sacrifice of the prophet
away the time that he spent away so
that he can propagate this religion, is that
so he can save a lot of people.
And we see this in Surat Yousaf.
That Allah takes Yusuf from point a to
point b all the way down
until at the end, he is destined to
save people.
And we see that only those who are
righteous can bear the burden
of this responsibility.
And we see,
when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, nahunnuqusu
alainka aasad al Qasas,
that we are revealing to you the best
of stories.
This student of Quran,
he says, what is the link between Al
We have a chapter in the Quran called
Al Qasas.
So I wonder what is the link and
when it was studied and the information was
SubhanAllah. There is it's mind blowing how Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala truly is the magnificent supreme
He is the one who has planned every
single thing and he knows every leaf when
it falls and every rock when it's turned.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when he refers to
the student of Quran looked back at the
student of Qasas
and he's seen that the story of Musa
and Yusuf alaihi salaam were very, very similar.
In fact, if we just take moments to
look at the similarities,
you too, my brothers and sisters, will be
The first is Surat Yusuf starts with a
story of a boy
and his father.
So we see here no recollection of the
mother, no mention of the mother.
But in Surat Musa,
a contrast is shown here. We see the
story of a boy
and his mother. No father is shown here.
We see similarly and by the way, they're
related because Ben Israel,
Yeah. Yusuf alayhis salam's call is Israel. Yahoo.
And so Musa, the tribes of Israel, all
spread in Egypt. So Musa is a direct,
relative of Yusuf.
So we see the first thing
in Surat al Qasas where Allah begins the
story of Musa alaihis salam. What happens to
Musa? His mother throws him in the water
of the well water of the Nile, the
And we see in Surat Yusuf
that his brothers throw him in the water
of the well. So so far it's sort
of similar but it gets even deeper.
We see that one story begins
outside of Egypt, story of Yusuf,
and it ends
in Egypt when they're all reunited at the
We see Musa alaihis salam's story in Surat
Al Qasas. It starts in Egypt until finally
the the exodus where he frees all of
the children of Israel. It ends outside of
We see that the person
who found,
Yusuf alaihis salam is the Aziz of Mus,
the one who was in charge of certain
regulations in in Egypt.
And so he finds him. This is a
male who finds him and takes him to
who? His wife.
And he says, Maybe we can take him
as a servant or we can adopt him
as a son. He'll maybe he'll benefit us
either way.
And we find in Surah Musa and Surah
al Qasas, the story of Musa,
the pharaoh's wife finds him. So it's a
female person that finds him here.
And she shows him to who? Firaun. She
takes him to Firaun. And what does she
say to Firaun?
The same statement that Dazee said to his
wife, Peras,
we can take him as a son or
he can benefit us in some way.
And we see there's contrast. In in this
case of Yusha alayhis salam, they took him
as a servant.
And in the case of Musa, they adopted
him as a son.
We see both prophets were tested with trials.
One was tested with fitna, the fitna of
In in in the case where the wife
seduced Yusuf alayhi salam,
and he said some words,
he said some words like saying,
seeking refuge and protection in Allah.
And what happens to Yusuf alayhi salaam?
He gets to do the time even though
he didn't do the crime.
But in the case of Musa alayhi salaam,
as this is, Allah showed us parallels.
Not everything is identical but similar.
That you can get to Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala not only one way, but there are
several roads to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Of
course, the ultimate way, the way of the
sunnah of the prophet as salam, but individually
we have different missions in life.
So So you see in the case of
Musa alaihis salam,
he was tested with the fitna of of
and the anger got the best of him.
He hit the man and he killed him.
So he committed the the act of murder.
But he said some words after
words of of repentance.
Just like when Adam did that sin. Just
like Adam, when he made the sin, he
said some words. Allah
taught him in Tawla how to return back.
Adam did it, and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
forgave his sins. And so Musa, similarly, he
wasn't like Yusuf in the case where he
stopped himself
before the act.
But rather, Musa committed the act, but Allah
still favored him because he made forgiveness. He
made Tawba. He ran away and made forgiveness
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So one doesn't
do the
crime, yet does the time. The other one,
he does the crime, but doesn't do the
time. SubhanAllah. It's very
astonishing the story as it goes. We see
in Surat Yusuf that the shirt of Yusuf
was used 3 times in 3 instances.
1, when the brothers tried to use it
to deceive the father
and that was the cause of the father
being blind.
Then we see the shirt coming up again
when it's time to free Yusuf.
When the wife of the Aziz accused him,
the man said, let's check the shirt.
Whether it's ripped from the back or the
front will determine if Yusuf is innocent or
not. And then the last instance is when,
at the end, the shirt of Yusuf was
brought back to yahoo so that he may
see. So Allah uses the prompt of the
shirt here
to illustrate some things, some symbolic things.
And then in the story of Musa, we
see the the staff being used in 3
different instances.
1, when Musa alayhi salaam was going with
his family, he saw the fire from the
and he Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talked to
him and he told him to throw the
stick and the that's the first time that
the stick was able to turn into a
snake. And Allah says don't be afraid. Musa
was Musa was very afraid at that moment.
And then we see the stick come up
again in the palace where where Fir'aun said
I challenge you. I'll bring my magicians, you
bring your tricks.
And so when the magician threw the stick
they turned into a snake. Allah told Musa
at that time to throw his stick. And
at that time, Allah subhanahu wa'ala says he
had a little fear, but it wasn't like
the fear of the first time. So Musa
threw his stick and then the last time
the stick was used symbolically
is when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
told Musa to throw it to split the
But both of these, prophets had brothers that
they confided in.
Yusuf alaihis salaam had been yami. He wanted
to see his younger brother. He told the
brothers bring him to me. And Musa alaihis
salaam, when he was told to go talk
to Fir'aun,
he says,
send with me my brother Havel.
the the sheikh,
who heard this explanation,
he says, I've been reading Surat Yusuf for
15 years
and I have never understood this meaning.
It shows you, my dear brothers and sisters,
that the Quran is a timeless book
that every generation will find in it miracles,
will find in it insights,
new things that Allah wants to to show.
Is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is begging for
you to open the book of Quran and
to read it with careful analysis.
To read it with the,
of getting guidance from it. If we were
just to read it on the surface level,
what benefit does it have except that maybe
it'll give us the adher that every letter
is counting as 10. Yes. There's always benefit
in opening the wire and reading it but
the pearls of this benefit are deep down
inside and not many people are willing are
not insincere
enough to take that journey with the Quran.
My dear brothers and sisters, both of these
Allah took them on a journey.
They had no idea
what their journey will end
with. But the purpose of Yusuf alaihis salaam
being taken from his family, sold into slavery,
put in jail for all those years, at
the end he saves
all of Egypt and the surrounding areas from
a famine.
Many people are saved because of this journey,
but there was one person that needed to
burden this so that many could be saved.
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala chooses Yusuf.
And in the case of Musa,
all of the burdens that Musa went through
at the end to save Bani Israel from
the tyrant of Haram.
What this is teaching us, dear, my brothers
and sisters? Sometimes we go through trials and
But Allah, if He loves you and He
knows you are worthy,
He will give you this goodness.
All you have to do is bear your
All you have to do is just as
the prophet
Say I believe in Allah, then just be
patient. Allah is magnificent in his planning, as
you can see.
All you have to do is rely on
his divine wisdom
and move forward without hesitation
because at the end,
That this is a guaranteed principle in the
Quran. That the end victory is always for
the pious, the God conscious.
But if you were to doubt and be
shaky about your journey, you will never end.
You will never end with the yaleem, the
yaleem that you need, the conviction that you
need. Our deen is solid. We're on solid
We're not doubting whether there will be a
We're not doubting if Allah has best interest
for the believers. No. This is guaranteed
that Allah promised the believers Aljannah.
And He will promise that He will guide
every step of the way. All you have
to do is put your reliance on Him
and will reach your destination which is Al
My dear brothers and sisters,
this past week,
we lost a good brother. Many of you
probably looked at the the Facebook videos or
the YouTube videos of this Australian brother called
Ali Bennett.
Ali Bennett is a, he was 36 years
old when he passed away.
His story is that he was an Australian
Muslim Palestinian in his origin.
His father had come and settled in Australia.
His father was a Quran teacher and he
had a sibling just like any ordinary person
and he
became successful. He was an electrician by profession.
He had his own company that went,
big and he became a millionaire before he
was 30 years old. And you would see
during the interviews, he's showing all of his
items, his material possessions,
Ferraris that are 600,000,
bracelets worth a 150,000,
shoes, 1300.
All of these amazing luxurious things that he
Halal in the halal means.
And then all of a sudden, 2015,
he talks about he got stricken with testicular
and that the doctor had told him he
only had 4 months to live.
And this shocked him severely. It woke him
up. He was sleeping.
He didn't do anything that was particularly haram
but he wasn't conscious of the reality
that time is ticking,
that we need to prepare for the asra.
What am I planting in the ground so
that I can reap the harvest of?
So in that sense, he was thinking
and he says once I realized my life
had just flashed before my eyes,
he says, I started a project called
I believe Muslims around the world.
And it was centered in Africa, Togo, and
other parts to create wells
and to make massages and to provide food
for those who had nothing.
And he dedicated the rest of his life
just for that.
Alhamdulillah, with the decree of Allah, he lived
longer than what the doctors told him he
was going to live.
But this this week, this Wednesday, he passed
And he left many videos
all of the things that he had done
up to that point, encouraging people,
particularly the youth,
that life is not guaranteed. He had it
but he gave it all up for the
sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And you
could see almost a 1000000 views
on YouTube.
they in the GoFundMe page that he tried
to, raise with this project, the goal was
a 1000000. They raised 1,500,000
And everybody had gravitated to him. And everybody
was giving him the gladiators. Don't worry. Just
be patient. You'll have agenda.
But this person started a project that saved
100 and thousands of people in Africa, probably.
And we don't know the extent of the
end of this project
and the day of judgement, how it will
present itself.
But the point is,
Ali, this good brother,
Allah used him.
He gave him this gift and he called
it himself, the gift of cancer.
That it was a gift in disguise.
When many people might panic, when Yusuf could
have panicked,
when he was taken to the well, when
he was put in jail, when Musa Alai
Salam could have panicked, when he accidentally killed
and ran.
that would not serve the purpose of trusting
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That when you trust Allah and you want
to meet Allah,
then you know and you think only good
about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And this brother
me all of his wealth for this project
and he recorded the video right before he
passed away saying that to look at this
after I have passed away. And he explains
all of the things that he went through
in life. And we ask
Allah to accept it among the highest level
of paradise.
Send you peace and salutations upon the prophets
of Allah a sallam.
My dear brothers and sisters,
we're approaching the end part of Ramadan.
The last 15 days. Impossible.
We have to understand
that in Islam, just like in anything else,
the conclusions of the matters are
that which they are ending on.
So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and his messenger
has told us it's not how you start,
but it's how you finish. What is the
And how you will exert yourself. Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala says,
Those who struggle for our sake,
we will surely guide them. Because you're showing
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala that you were willing
to put that 110%.
Out of all the months of the year,
Ramadan is the most beloved to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. Out of all the days of
the week, the best of the days are
Yomul Jum'ah, the day of Friday. And out
of the all of the nights of the
the night in which is worth more than
a 1000 months,
lay the tul Qadr is coming.
You'll have the last 10 days of poacher
before you even know it. What you have
to do is prepare to exert yourself. Aisha
radiAllahu anha used to say, when the last
10 days of Ramadan used to come, the
prophet used to tighten his belt.
An expression meaning that he used to put
in extra work
so that he can make sure he catches
that night. It is a night where Allah
laid down all the angels, writing the decree
of that person, the individual, how much he
will earn, what will be his decree for
the year. So people stay up and du'a,
themselves so that perhaps they would land,
supplication to Allah that will be accepted on
that night. And it is not that you
wait till that night because the night is
not known. It was known to the prophet,
alayhis salaam, but then after 2 sahabis had
been arguing
the the knowledge of that night
left him. But what we do know is
that it could be found in the last
10 nights and more likely in the last
of the odd nights, the last 10 of
the odd nights. So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is waiting to see my dear brothers and
sisters, how many of you are going to
step it up a notch? Seeking the permission,
seeking the mercy and the forgiveness of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. Abu Musa Al Aja'ale used
to be old in his age. Okay, Sahabi.
They used to ask him, why are you
working extra hard? You're you're getting old and
your bones are weak. He says, I am
like that horse, that race horse. When it
is set forth and it sees the finish
line, it puts in an extra
to make sure it finishes strong so that
you can win the race.
Likewise, my dear brothers and sisters, the end
of Ramadan is approaching. What was done is
done. If you didn't start strong, no no
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is giving you the
next 15 days. So many of our brothers
and sisters, in particular where I come from,
have died just before the 1st day of
Ramadan. Some died in the 1st week of
Ramadan. The deaths are just increasing.
And we don't know when this the the
angel of death will come for our soul.
So the point is that you take opportunity
and every single chance that Allah's our God
gives you, take it and and run with
it. Because we don't know if we're guaranteed
tomorrow. My dear brothers and sisters, those who
believe in Al Jannah,
those who truly believe in Al Jannah, they
will strive to do whatever they can,
and their ability to do so. Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, he says, particularly with giving, because
this is an act of goodness. You can
do whatever, fasting, giving,
umem and alwaat dapa. Whoever gives
and he is pious, God conscious.
Wasabdakba bilhusna.
And he believes in Al Husna. Al Husna
is Jannah because in another ayah, Allah says,
to those who do good,
they will be given Jannah and more. More
is seen Allah
We will guide you to the good path.
So the more you work, the more you
exert yourself,
the more Allah
guides you to that that
straight path that leads you right into jannah.
We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to make
it easy for all our brothers all over
the world, particularly in the areas of Yemen,
Syria, Sham, Pakistan, Afghanistan.
We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to make
ease for them their anxiety, to give them
the provisions that He has provided. We ask
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give us good
in this world and in the hereafter.