Khalid Yasin – Commitment To Change
![Khalid Yasin](
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The speakers discuss the importance of community responsibility and small, independent groups to prevent evil behavior and prevent harm from the community. They stress the need for faith-based groups and interfaithing action to enhance community, and the importance of community proactive community service to prevent fraud and corruption. The speakers also emphasize the need for individuals to consider their own religion and re builds their roots as part of a larger community. embracing Islam as a part of one's identity and community is key to rebuilding one's identity and community.
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Welcome to Islamic view. I'm your host pressing Hassan and I teach you universal Green Peace. Assalamu Aleikum, I would like to welcome my guest Count yessing assalamu Aleikum, welcome to the show. Again, appreciate you coming back.
On this program, we would like to discuss community responsibility with the Muslim community as well as the non Muslim community. What would you say, in general is our responsibility?
Well, I think
probably in keeping with the
topic itself, or the, the anonymous community in the
community, you know, the world today is
a global community, right.
So it doesn't matter whether we're talking about our local community, in the inner city, or community,
in a particular region, or state or whether we talk about our national concerns.
People who live in a community, they have
common responsibility. And
if the individuals who live in the communities whether the residents or the citizens of the country, if they don't have a consciousness or a concern about the community, that is going to lead to community irresponsibility.
Sometimes we think that the people who are criminals, people who sell drugs or people who were derelicts or people who are dysfunctional, sometimes we think of them as being irresponsible. But I would say they're not the only ones that are dysfunctional, irresponsible. Anyone who is a resident, who's a citizen, who is a part of the community, and is not concerned about the issues, and problems of the community and the people of the community, then their dysfunctional citizens will be dysfunctional people in community. So you say like the average family who feel like their responsibility is to provide for their family to take care of their family. And that's enough. So
you say that they're responsible enough? No, that's not.
We can't, we can't live as an isolated family.
If I live in this building, and there are 30 or 40 other people that live in this building, I can't think that just because I pay my rent, because I take care of myself, my family and I mind my business, that I'm fulfilling my responsibilities to the people in this building. Now,
you know, people are building to dislike people in a boat. if everybody's in a boat, say they just concerned about their own compartment, right? Or support some people in the boat.
Want to drill a hole in the bottom of the boat.
And some people in the bottom part of the boat, okay. So, the prophet Mohammed said, We are in this boat together in a boat together what we call the boat, America, the boat the world, what he called the boat, the state, whether you call it both the city or the boat, the area where I live in the boat, the community neighborhood, are in this boat together. And we have to be concerned, the people who who leave who go out of the house and come back and they eat and they sleep and they're only concerned about themselves and their family. They're selfish.
They really talk about a lot of people well, that's why the community is becoming eroded. And that's why we leave the community for the worst of the people. When the best of the people close their doors, and they don't work together. They don't talk together. Then the worst of the people they take over the community.
You see, people are only concerned about the community one affects them. Right? See if somebody comes in my area and breaks in my house. You see if somebody rapes my daughter, you see if something happens in my neighborhood, then all of a sudden the people they want to react
or what have they done to prevent What are they done to contribute?
What kind of activity do they do not not reaction, but pro action? What do they do? Well, they will be shocked like I didn't think this was happening this neighborhood. I didn't know my neighbor was like that. This is it because they didn't even know they named it. So you know community responsibility. Just to it is preventing the wrong. It is commanding what is right and preventing the wrong this is simple terminology and advocate is unbelievable. maruf we're not even mooncup that is enjoying what is right and is promoting the good things right
and forbidding what is
Wrong, creating services for people to have a better quality of life. At the same token, looking around the community and seeing that which may harm people, or things that might be a harm to the community, and then coming together and preventing that. Now, this is this is calls for community consciousness. And unfortunately, we say that a person who is brain dead, we say that they're dysfunctional. They're like a vegetable, because they're brain dead, they're living, their heart is pumping, they're being force fed. But somebody has to take care of them. Because they're brain dead, or people who are not conscious in the community. They're just like the same thing. But they just
socially did.
They're eating, they're sleeping, they take care of themselves, they're coming in and out. But regarding the community itself, they think that if it's crime, the police will take care of that.
You see, the parks, in the neighborhoods in the streets, whatever, oh, the sanitation will take care of that, oh, I pay my taxes, you know, so this net, and so they are only concerned about themselves. And when you find a community that everyone is concerned about themselves, this is a community which is under erosion.
And only thing you can find is inside people's houses, a nice little rug, go dinette set, you know, little pictures on the walls, things that make their house look nice. But when you go outside of the community, nobody sweeps the streets of the community. Nobody gets together and does block sweeps. We used to do that when we
feel that everyone else will take care of that. And then winners society now where everyone spent a lot of time at work.
And some will feel like Well, I'm working on taking my family on to title have to have this. They have churches and mosques and synagogues that will do that they have you know, the park districts, they have this group, their group that will do this. So they feel like they don't have to participate to do anything because someone else is doing. So how do you stop the interest to know that they should participate? as well? Well, I think I think that
persons like yourself and myself and small people who are able to think outside the box, that is think outside of themselves. And to give a little bit of themselves to the community, they have to form small community action groups.
So in an area, like where we're living at, if only five neighbors came together, and thought about the community, what are the assets of the community?
What are the resources of the community?
What are the problems of the community? What kind of agencies are here inside the community?
Are there any other groups, small groups, or citizens or neighbors who are thinking that way thinking
that you form a think tank?
You know, on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, five people get together over someone's house or in a church or in a mosque or community center. And they have an agenda to discuss the community issues.
Who's Who in the community? If there's a problem, where do we go? What are the most principal numbers that everybody in the community needs to have? Because you know, when there's a problem, the first thing we look for is who should be called, right? Well, if there was a group of people that said, Listen, we are a community resource committee, let's call it that. And what we have done is we have put together a nice little brochure to say to all the neighbors and people in community, if you have a problem, this is who you call.
So say, Oh, that's nice. But who did that a group of people who met last Sunday or whatever it is, to put those numbers together? That took an afternoon, their time, they gave something from themselves, and as a result of that, they gave that resource to the people in that neighborhood. Okay. So the next month, they said, well, the community resource committee committee is suggesting that all the neighbors, you know, we've, we've sectioned off this part of the city into, let's say, 10 sectors, and those sectors might be four by five blocks each. And so we said that sector by sector, we're going to clean the empty lots. We're going to sweep the streets once a month. And so
people say, Well, how are we going to do that? Well, every sector has a captain
and that Captain solicits
510 1520 people in his or her area
To do what we call the sanitation department, we call the police department to block off the streets for us. You know, we call the sanitation department to bring us brooms and shovels and black bags and plastic bags. And we call the people out of their homes and early in the morning, and we have coffee, and we have tea, and we have whatever. And we, you know, even bring the children out and set up a little smaller basketball court for them. So the, the the object is to start early morning, 10 o'clock. And by two o'clock, three o'clock in the afternoon, we've cleaned a lot, we've swept some streets, you know, we've, we've had people to sign in. And so we know, people were building a little
database of concern. And in the afternoon, we have some coffee, or tea or cookout, or whatever it is, and Gary keys and blah, blah, it costs nothing.
So we do the sector by sector, and what happens within a period of time, and people that area develop a concern for their community.
Because once the community is clean, you've cleaned up some lots, you came together, you've collected some names. Now, you say you want to have that whole area, all those sectors together want to meet. And we want to talk to the
police captain, Fire Chief, you know, Chief of Fire Department, Councilman Councilman there. And now we want to talk about our community, we've already done something. Okay, so we've done something already. Now we want to talk to our Councilman, he has to come because, you know, otherwise, next year, he won't be there.
We want to talk to the fire department and chief of police and see what they have collected over the time, problems and issues. We want to set up a police, you know, community watch. So you know, there are people in our community who are elderly, who don't leave the house much. They sit in the windows all day, and then watch anyway. So give them a phone
to give them a phone. So these are things that we can do to enhance our community that doesn't cost much.
Now, that's the general community. When we start developing community consciousness, you'll find that when people when people clean their front yards, and their backyards, and the empty lots and they sweep the streets, and they greet each other, they know each other a consciousness builds in that community where people just can't ride to that community playing loud music and throwing bottles and cans out and nobody's going to sell drugs up and down that street because the people have come together with a consciousness.
It didn't cost money, it just caused a little effort.
Now, this is called Community
Action, not reaction.
People who are active, usually they create what is called a
preventive shield.
You see, so normally when thieves dellux criminals, when they want to go into an area to prey on the people, they're going to go to areas where they already find that the people are get active.
Nobody's gonna try to rob, you know, a vigorous, healthy person in the light, no, they're going to go into dark and they're gonna look for somebody who they think is vulnerable. So people look for vulnerable areas to sell drugs, vulnerable areas to create problems and to disturbances and to live and to germinate. They don't come to active, conscious, vigilant communities to do that. Now, they won't do that, because the people community won't permit that. And so this is how we develop what I consider to be community consciousness and that leads to community responsibility. The opposite is community
stagnation and community irresponsibility. So you can't have one.
You can't, you can't have both. It's going to be one or the other. And unfortunately, when we start becoming selfish, and personal and individualistic and insensitive, it leads to community stagnation, leads to community, irresponsibility, and eventually, everything that's outside in the street and in the community. No matter how nice your little places it is, soon it will come inside. And this is why from our own self interest, we need to become involved. Now promises to single week probably need to transcend over into the area of the Muslim community
and how Muslims
can contribute towards this whole idea of community responsibility. Because look, and I don't just say Muslims, I say Muslim because we're Muslims. But it could be Christians, it could be Hindus could be boosts, it could be anyone who's religious, how faith based individuals can contribute towards community dynamism
sparking a concern within the community to do what we're talking about. Why?
Because if people have faith as their base,
they have a motive.
They have a love for God. They have a love for people, they have a love for the community. They have an obligation to enjoin what is right, to forbid what is wrong. Because faith is not just personal.
To have faith, you have to want to share it with others.
To have faith, you want to preserve it.
To have faith, you have to be vigilant and disciplined.
So imagine every little faith group, with their own little church on the corner, or mosque or whatever, just leaving from their houses, that they feel secure, going to their little masters in churches or whatever they think of secure and in between their passing through the community.
So if their faith and their,
their Allahu Akbar, ours, or their hallelujahs, or whatever they say, inside their church, if their prayers or their reading, and or reading the Bible, if all of that happens inside the church, and whatever they do inside the houses, if it doesn't benefit, and bear fruit in the community. What good is it? That's a good point. It's just selfish. It's just again, the same selfishness that people have inside their houses, is the same selfishness that they have inside their churches, as long as they feel that they got a personal relationship with God, or personal religion or whatever. They feel that's enough. So then how do you awaken their mind to be able to understand this? Why say
people have to come out of the church
and look around the church, the church is inside of a community, people have to come outside the mosque. And they have to see that the mosque is in a community, the people have to come outside the synagogues or places of worship, wherever it is, and see that it's inside of a community. And if you're not concerned about community,
I would go as far as to say that it's very doubtful that whatever God that you're worshiping, has any real concern for you, or will answer your prayers. If you don't have concern for your fellow man and your community. Why would one think that God should answer that selfish praise?
Now, maybe people worshipping a selfish God, and therefore, that God thinks like they think I don't know. But I don't think that the God of humanity. No, I don't think that the common Creator of all of us who we are worshipping to different religions. I don't think that that God responds to selfish niggardly, stingy, insensitive individuals, just because they go to a beautiful church or mosque. No, I don't think.
So I think that faith based communities, mosques, temples, synagogues, churches, each of them need to have a Community Action Group.
And if we can agree about religious doctrine,
then we can agree about community action. We don't need to have we don't need to have religious dialogue, we need to go beyond dialogue, because that's just we just respecting each other's religion. Nobody's go into
not religious dialogue, but religious, interfaith action. I think we spent too much time with dialogues and seminars and meetings and things like that we met a lot of things in action. Yeah. And I think there is a few things that are being done in community, but not on a large scale. I think it's really, really small.
Yeah, and I think that the Christians and the Muslims and the Hindus and the Buddhists and atheists and the communists and the mius and the Deus
I think that all of us need to
roll up our sleeves on a Saturday morning,
you know, before church or after church or before the mosque, and after whatever it is, and come together as people in the community with our faith.
You know, not our doctrine, but our faith, and say, these are the problems of the community, and we want to take action to address them. These are the resources of our community, and we want to take we want to take the initiative to use these resources to enhance our community.
Now then, when we do that, we can practice our doctrines in our separate places if we want to do that, but the community can see
the faith that comes as a result of the doctrines that we have. That's the only way I can see the evidence of what people do inside of churches otherwise, I don't know. I mean, if, if there's no money in the bank, why would people be going into the bank? Exactly.
You know, people go to the bank, because there's money to take out and money to put in. So people go to churches for what, just to pray. I think that the God of the human beings doesn't need people to pray inside churches or mosques, we can stay, we could, we could reach God and pray to God, wherever we are. But I think that those places are there, because it's supposed to harness us, give us a place where we can think and talk together and like the criminals plan and plan for evil, we should use our churches and our monster plot and plan for the good.
We need to come together as a faith based group of people in the community to address the issue of our children, our youth, who if we say that our children are going the wrong direction, and that they're,
they're engaged in a lot of activities that's going to destroy the community and themselves, is because they're unsupervised. Because there are no facilities, because they're on the corners. And there's no role models. So the churches need to clean up their basements. Or they need to create some small, you know, move their chairs, or the pews out the way.
on Sunday morning, or Sunday night, or whatever it is, pray us that whole area for praying, but then take those pews and take those chairs and move them out of the way and bring some table tennis, some pool tables, some things that young people like to do, because young people don't like to do a whole lot of praying.
And the mosques, you know, they need to,
you know, the prayer inside the mosque, they only take me five times a day, they only take 10 to 15 minutes.
So with the mosque need to do is in between the prayers, those couple of hours in between the prayers, they need to designate time for young people to come in and do what they like to do. Not what do mothers and fathers like to do? Because young Muslims or young Christians or young, whoever
asked them, they don't want to become an Assad, no Moscow, no church, just to be praying. I'll be preached to or to be, or to be preached to know. They don't mind us, suggesting to them or guiding us them to something, but they want to know, is there. Is there some way I can earn money? Are they in jobs available? Is there some skills that I can learn?
Are there some activities? You know, can we have a camp?
You know, can we go on some trips? Can we go to the museum?
Is there something that we can do
to socialize with other young people that is in a healthy environment that they don't miss some of them, they don't know how to say that. But we when we become adults, and sophisticated, we forget how we felt when we were 13 1517. Well, that's the same way our children and the children feel inside the community. So it's just a busy mom saying that, that community responsibility.
I feel the community responsibility lies upon the shoulders of the mothers and fathers, the individuals of the community, it lies upon the shoulders of the community leaders, whether they are
leaders in the political or the social realm or the religious realm. Because commanding the right means providing the community with the maximum amount of justice, decency, arbitration for the issues,
charity for people who need it,
law and order, you know, meaning that
creating auxiliary
relationships with the police department and the fire department,
giving the support that the schools need through parent, teacher,
parent, teacher and people in the community
initiatives, social welfare, and then preventing the wrong that we see. I mean, people talk about corruption and crime and oppression.
And poverty, and racism and fraud and child abuse and other things. Whose fault is that? We say the criminals, I say, no,
it is the criminals fault.
But it's the people who end the community who do not.
They don't police the community, they don't supervise the community, they don't supervise their children, they don't create an environment that creates a preventive atmosphere for crime. So then it becomes our fault indirectly. We need to as community, individuals and citizens and family members and religious people provide Community Services, not always asking somebody else to do it. Well, we provide the services defend our community.
Think about?
Well, where are graveyards?
I mean, who does the graveyards belong to.
And more specifically, I'm talking about people of particular religious backgrounds. Who themselves they don't think about, where they're gonna bury their dead, we Muslims, we don't think about what we're not very update, update our deceased until they die.
So that's just like, continuing to put dirt under the rug until there's just a big pile under the rug. And then you dream it. And when you you step on that pile and break your ankle, then you say, oh, there was that stuff I was piling under the rug. See, so
this is why community proaction not reaction is what we're talking about here. You know, visiting people in hospitals, building setting up clinics, because sometimes people don't need to go to the hospital. If we had clinics, inside our community, you know, visitation clinics, maybe they're only open in the community, once a week, where volunteer doctors and
medical personnel come there, and they just receive people for free, and check their blood pressure and do things. And they do that. So we did do that. That doesn't cost much. Actually, we do have that see. And that sometime prevents people from having to go to hospital.
Looking at our highways in our schools,
you know, some cities, they have this adaptive highway thing where every exit of the highways is some people adopted and they clean it, they rake it in, put some nice little things that make it more decorative, more appealing, or whatever the case might be, well, we can adopt the neighborhood enough to clean up the latson. Whatever.
Yes. So here, we're talking about community responsibility. And we're talking about the general community, of course, but as Muslims as as we are, I think that the Muslims who hear this, you need to ask yourself,
when's the last time you came outside of your mosque, and you looked up and down the street, or the neighborhood around your mosque? And you felt a real concern about that neighborhood and the people of that neighborhood? And then you took that concern back into the mosque and sat down with others and said, Listen, we live here, we pray here. And if we do not live, where we pray, we need to ask ourselves, why? What are we doing, we're having a mosque, in a neighborhood that we don't live in.
And in many cases, Muslims have masjids in neighborhoods that they don't even live in. Therefore, they don't have a care for that neighborhood. They just bought the building because it was available. But they don't do anything for the people in that neighborhood, outside of that mosque, and that's a tragedy. And that's unfortunate. Now, whether the people carry that baggage with them from where they came from, or whether that just their mentality
that they that they have grown up with. I say that's a tragedy and we need to address that. And a lot of the immigrant Muslims who have been fortunate enough to come from war torn countries, or countries gripped in
social and political complications, and they have come here to America and been welcomed either through asylum or immigration or whatever, need to ask themselves how grateful they are.
And then these ask themselves a question, What right do they have to come into a neighborhood to buy a church and turn into a mosque or to buy a school in turn?
To an Islamic school or whatever, what why do they have to do that, and,
and just serve their own ethnic group. And not to give a concern, and not to be enough to even not even make any gestures towards the community that is around them and has welcomed them.
You know, I don't,
I don't think that that is a sign of gratitude.
It's not a sign of gratitude for the country that received them. It's not a sign of gratitude for the neighborhood where they have launched or set up their mosque. And it's not a sign of gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala, whom we worship, because the prophet SAW Sam said to us that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not bless the people who are not grateful to others who have given to them.
Anyone that law, I mean, forever, if a Hindu or Buddhist or even if your enemy
gives you something,
they might be your enemy, they might not like you, and you may not like them. But if the way by which you were able to attain something came to them, you have to show your gratitude. That's the way Islamic
etiquette and behavior works. So I am as a Muslim,
more principally
directing my advice today, towards the Muslims of this city, and of this state,
that we should become community conscious. And we need to think outside of our ethnic and cultural communities, and we need to walk outside the mosque.
In some cases, the mosque itself
is one of the places that needs the most cleaning.
When you walk outside the mosque and parking lot in the area around the mosque and pickup papers, sweet, we should have a block sweep wherever there's a mosque once a month, whether the Muslims themselves, call the sanitation department, and they get the brooms and the shovels and the plastic bags and the dumpsters. And then and then they go and say to the neighbors, will you join us to clean the neighborhood.
And the neighbors probably will. And after we finish, we have a picnic, or we have some whatever. Now also, then we have the way by which to say to them that it is our faith. Yes, that motivated us to do this. And now we would like to also this evening have an open house so that our neighbors can see what we do in the mosque, they probably will come since we initiated something that they say is not cultural
concern outside of the mosque. Because if I'm a person who lives in a neighborhood,
and the mosque is down the street, and I'm a non Muslim, and I see them come and go and come and go and come and go. And on Friday, I see them come with a lot of calls popping in everybody's, you know, driving
all of that, but they never, they never do anything in the community. They might open up a store and they you know, we go to their stores and we buy from them. But they don't do anything in the community. We don't see them in the PTA in the school. We don't see them down at City Hall in the community meetings, you know,
but every now and then they put something in our mailbox saying about their religion. I would say How dare them.
I mean, how dare them to invite me to come to their mosque with their religion. And they don't come to our schools, they don't come to the city hall. They don't involve themselves. And, and sometimes, sometimes the mosque
is not the very best place looking place in the block.
So they didn't add to the aesthetics even of the community.
In many cases, you know, it's a building, they get roads inside and it's all right, but on the outside, they don't move along. They don't cut the grass. I mean, they don't mow the lawn. They don't. What do you call it cutting the bushes over they call them? They don't do the landscaping. You know this? So I'm asking the Muslims, try to think outside the box. That means outside of yourself and outside of your mosque. Think what your neighbors think about you see yourself as your neighbor see you
because Tao begins with behavior. Yes, it begins with interest.
It begins with real dialogue and concern, the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. He used to go to visit the people in his visit the sick, not the Muslim sick. But the people who were ill. The prophet SAW seems to feed the people who were poor, not the Muslim poor, but anyone who needed something who were hungry. The Prophet peace investor point is to visit the elderly, not to visit the Muslim elderly, but whoever was elderly, and they were maybe confined or they
they were, they were not able to move around, they were immobile, or whatever. The Prophet decent must be upon us to go and visit the the people who were
maybe the widows and the
orphans and the profit made a piece of US department made a point to visit the people who were the disadvantaged, the disenfranchised people, that was his tradition, and not just the people are the same sphere. Because when everyone saw his tradition is not to pray, just not to pray it tradition is not just about fasting in traditions, and it's just not about No, no, the tradition of the prophet SAW Sam was that he was a social worker.
So we want to follow a lot of traditions, doctrines about the Prophet peace and bust employment accord and but we're not social workers. We're just people who are concerned about their own families who have come from a certain place, and their own ethnic groups who have come from a certain place. And just Islam has to be a part of that
ethnic culture.
And that's, then we inviting people to Islam through that culture, I say that's wrong. When Muslims start to become concerned about the community, active in the community, conscious about the community, to community will, will, will read that they will respond to that, then we open up real and genuine ways by which people can examine, what are the benefits of being Muslim? And if they don't want to be Muslim? What's the benefit of living in a Muslim community?
And what do the Muslims have to offer besides doctrine? That's what people want to say, but they don't say.
And I think that people who become Muslims, like ourselves, we have an advantage, because we know what it is to be a non Muslim. So we can, we could say to our Muslim brothers and sisters, this is how non Muslims think,
would tell you that because we're Muslims now. But we used to be non Muslims. And we can see.
And so maybe this is a wake up call. And we're not just talking to our immigrant brothers and sisters, because, you know, the brothers and sisters who have become Muslims, who consider themselves to be revert Muslims convert Muslims, I asked that question to them sometimes. What happened to your political involvement?
You know, when brothers and sisters were non Muslims, they were politically active.
They were concerned in the community, didn't they became Muslims. Some of us now sudden, we're no longer involved in the community.
Maybe we became Muslims, and we became spiritually active. But then we became especially active, then we became socially and politically inactive. So that's been imbalanced. Maybe we need to revisit our roots.
Because if Islam gave something to me, as an individual, should I be obligated to share that with my family members? Yes, my extended family members, the people of my community that I came out of, I should say to reverb, brothers and sisters, don't fall into the same trap of thinking that you have become a Muslim. And now you are saved. And you are some special group now. And you know that, you know, you're different from that community that you came out of? No, you are distinct, you are favored. God blessed you. But that's like a person who has been blessed with God with money, or with health. And somehow or another. They think that his day is
what God has showed him. That is not theirs. He gave it to them as a test. And God Almighty gave to us a login to us Islam as a test. But our family, our extended family and our communities that we came out of when we were children that we proven that we live in, we need to bring the benefit of Islam. Back to those people. And here I'm talking to the revert brothers and sisters so that we don't become isolationist that we don't fall into the trap of our own Islamic * culture because many of the revert Muslims become
Islamic, Hispanic,
Islamic, African American, Islamic, European, whatever. So we fall into the same trap, that our consciousness, we're Muslims, but it still doesn't evolve beyond that ethnic or cultural, whatever, how we came. So the beauty of Islam is that culture is okay. But it should always be subordinate to our Islamic consciousness. And our Islamic consciousness should be profound enough, so that we are community conscious. The individuals in the community, the families of the community, the neighborhoods,
the local communities, the state, the regions, and eventually, if we have this kind of consciousness will affect the country and allowing us to best
hope that
we made some
good contribution today in our discussion for non Muslims in
the Muslim community.
I think you hit on a lot of issues that need to be addressed. And for those who watch this program, I hope that it will awaken their minds and and get them out in community and see what they can do and stop sitting at home and complaining about what's going on community from watching the news and actually get with some people there are resources out there I think people don't
have the initiative to go and participate with those whom status that the groups that have been themselves but inshallah
I hope we can make a change and I thank you for coming on to the show. And inshallah, I would like to invite you back again. Yeah, inshallah, we will certainly will do that every chance we get to, probably apropos for us just leave for the Muslims. The verse of the Quran lost sight of the delight of Jean kuntum Kira, Merchant
of Venice, Cameroon, referred to known as the Mancha
Villa, that is going to Hydra
omoton Project bidness. Tomorrow, tomorrow for Jonah Mancha.
La supplementally says you are Muslims, the best people evolved for mankind because you
enjoy what is right. And you forbid What is wrong? And of course you have a covenant of belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala thank you very much just inshallah, for your program and for your audience. And thank you for coming on the show. Thank you for watching Islamic view. Assalamu Aleikum