Kamil Ahmad – Ramadan with Allah – Episode #7 – Al-Adab Maʿa-Allah – Conduct with Allah

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of Islam's etiquette, including the loss of certain individuals and the use of evil language. They stress the need to respect symbols of Islam, including the use of head and wearer, and acknowledge the importance of dealing with loss and frustration. The speakers also emphasize the need to be patient and contentious with one's actions and to be aware of one's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Ottoman, Milan Yana Alcala, he urged marine Allah Allah He was Sufi woman beheaded. Western Nabisco Nettie he, Isla Yomi Dean, alumna alumina Maya in Verona. When finally my banner was in

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rubbish rally surgery was sadly Emory aka data melissani Yahoo, Kohli and adad salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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When it comes to our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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there is one very important aspect that we need to focus on.

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And that is,

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how do we perceive of Allah subhanho wa Taala in our hearts?

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Where does Allah rank

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in our hearts?

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How is your behavior and conduct with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And so when we respect certain people in this world,

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we deal with them and we behave with them in a certain way,

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out of veneration out of respect for them.

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We have certain etiquette

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with our parents,

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because they are the ones who

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raised us up.

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We have certain etiquette, certain adab with our teachers, because they are the ones who taught us.

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And so we have to have a certain set of

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certain etiquette with a loss of Hannah who with data because it is he Subhanahu wa tada who created us, who provided for us who showered his unlimited blessings upon us.

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So it doesn't make sense that we behave with certain added

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to human beings when they deserve it, yes.

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we don't have any adab when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And so, Islam can be divided into four,

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into beliefs,

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through worship,

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dealings and transactions

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the fourth

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etiquettes behavior, manners,

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and so on until,

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for Muslims beliefs

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are up to par.

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And his worship is also

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up to par.

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What's left is for him or her to crown themselves with

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etiquette in Islam

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is three categories.

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The first is an add up

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with a law

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and the second is added with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the third is added with the rest of Allah's creation.

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And so, when talking about

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etiquette, with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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we can mention several things.

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The very first point that we can mention here is

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that etiquettes with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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first and foremost means

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the veneration of Allah

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and respect for Allah subhanho wa Taala himself

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as Allah subhanho wa Taala says, describing the believers

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in mean una ley de la Lu Kira Allahu wa de la Kuru boom. What either Juliet IE him as to who is that whom he man Eman and why narrow beam ito ahkello

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Allah says the true believers are only those

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whose hearts crumble at the remembrance of Allah.

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When they remember Allah, their hearts tremble

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and those whose a man increases

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when the verses of Allah are recited to them

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and those who put their trust

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in their Lord.

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And so what this means is that you don't allow your heart to turn to anyone besides Allah subhanho wa Taala

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nor do you allow your desires to be

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in what Allah dislikes.

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Rather you avoid it out of veneration and respect for a lot.

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You avoid fulfilling your desires, when

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they involve what is displeasing to Allah,

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our veneration for a lot out of respect for who Allah is

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not only because Allah has forbade us from certain things,

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adapt, for Allah subhana wa Tada.

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The second thing that

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etiquette with a lot involves is to not disrespect Allah subhanho wa Taala with our tongues

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not to say about Allah subhana wa tada

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what is basically

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deficiency for Allah subhanho wa Taala not to attribute to any kind of deficiency

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whether it be weakness,

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or that a lot acts randomly

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without any purpose.

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These are all attributes that involves some kind of deficiency.

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The loss of Hannah who says, So, the Hannah who what Allah

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aku Luna rulu, when Kabira

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may Allah be glorified

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and exalted,

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he is glorified, he is exalted, above what they say.

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above what the kuffaar say about awasu hana who will

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look at the etiquette of Ibrahim alayhis salam

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in how he

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attribute to Allah subhana wa Tada. What is befitting for Allah?

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What did he say?

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He said,

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and when I am ill,

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it is he Allah who cures me.

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Notice how he attributed the illness to himself.

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He said, when I fall ill

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as for the Cure, he attributed it to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Even though Yes,

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Allah subhanahu wa tada predestined

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and allowed him to fall ill and for us to fall ill.

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But out of etiquette, we do not attribute that to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we don't say Allah is the one who caused me to fall ill. Allah is the one who harmed me. We don't see that. And we're going to talk more about that later on.

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So Ibrahim had a look at his adapt with a loss of Hannah who.

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Likewise, we find the same thing a lot tells us about the Righteous Among the jinn.

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In surah, two Jin among the things that they said was Lana de assured rune, Puri, the demon fill out

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our order be him.

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Boom, Russia.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says here, the jinn among the things that they said and we do not know whether

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Evil is intended for those on Earth.

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This is concerning

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a certain change that occurred in the heavens

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when previously they used to eavesdrop

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in the heavens listening to what the angels are

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bringing down of the commands of a law and the decree of a law so these to eavesdrop and they would

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take this information through

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to fortune tellers and pass on information concerning the future.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent,

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they were no longer able to do that.

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And so,

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shooting stars would hit them, say hi to them. So, the Djinn realize that, you know, something has happened here.

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So they said, among the things that they said, what an Nanana DD a chatroom or ew man Phil on

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camera boom roshanda. They said we don't know

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evil is intended for those on Earth, or if their Lord intends for them a right path.

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In his tafsir, he says, the jinn they stated this in such a manner out of their etiquette

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in freezing their speech, because they did not attribute the doing of evil to anyone.

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They said in Alanna de assured rune reader, we don't know has evil been intended for those on earth? Notice they do not say as Allah intended evil for the people on earth. No, they said,

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We don't know. Has evil been intended for those on earth?

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They've been Kassir, he says, but they attributed the good to Allah

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are audible him Roku from Russia or has a lot their Lord intended good for them. So when it came to evil,

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they did not attribute it to anyone. But when it came to good they attributed to Allah decathlete says, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in his two hour was shot rule he said the lake and evil is not attributed to you.

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And so from our adab would Allah is that we only attribute to him what is good and what is perfect.

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And we do not attribute to him subhanho wa Taala any kind of deficiency, we need to be careful about what our tongues speak concerning Allah subhana wa what's

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the third thing that our etiquette with a lot involves

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is to believe in Allah, to have certainty

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in Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and to accept

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and to submit

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to everything that Allah has sent us, either in the Quran, or through

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the prophet sallallahu Sallam upon the tongue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from our ad app with a law

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is to believe in everything that has come to us. from him subhanho wa Taala

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do not reject anything of that. Do not object to anything of that.

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And so Allah subhanahu wa tada says, describing the believers

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in Americana called El Mina EDA do a la hora su D. Li qu Medina whom Pena coo Mia now Aparna, what would our eco Muslim,

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the only response of the true believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger so that they could judge between them? They're only call is the only response is

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the mirror now what we hear and we obey.

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from our adab with a lot

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to accept, submit to it wholeheartedly.

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not finding in our hearts any kind of objection

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to what we have heard from Allah and His messenger.

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This is from our adapt with

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the fourth point

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Certainly our job with Allah

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is to respect

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that is attributed to Allah

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to respect

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and venerate

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anything that is attributed to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the messengers of Allah,

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they are a loss messengers, losses or

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losses concerning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Rasulullah

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he is the Messenger of Allah.

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Likewise, the books of Allah, we refer to them as qu to be,

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they are the books of a lot they are attributed to

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likewise Baitullah,

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the house of Allah, it is attributed to Allah the calendar.

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And so, these are the things that are attributed to Allah, we need to have respect for them, we need to have veneration for them. Likewise,

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when reading the Shah of Allah, what are the Shah of Allah?

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The symbols of Allah

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the symbols of this Deen there are certain things which are considered symbols of our Deen

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like the rituals in which a lot refers to them as Shah of Allah, the symbols of Allah.

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Likewise the months certain months are sacred, like this current month of Ramadan.

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We need to have respect for

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other months of the year. They are.

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They are sacred Allah made them sacred.

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Likewise, anything else that Allah has me secret

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the various aspects of our Deen

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we're not allowed to disrespect any of that.

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We're not allowed to make fun of any of that.

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There are some people they make fun of certain things which are considered as shy or that were deemed

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symbols of our Deen.

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The beard is a symbol of our Deen the hijab is a symbol of our Deen.

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salaat is a symbol of our Deen eating halal. This is a symbol of our Deen, halal food

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and so on and so forth.

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When it comes to all of these things, whether they are things attributed to Allah, or the Shah of Allah, the symbols of Allah, we need to have respect for them. And by doing so, we're expecting Allah subhana wa tada we are fulfilling our etiquette and our adapt with Allah subhana wa tada Allah says

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Delica 1 million Zim poodle Mattila hee hoo holla. Who interrupted Allah says, and that is so and whoever

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honors what Allah has me secret, it is better for them in the sight of their Lord.

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And then a few verses later, Allah says in Surah Al Hajj Danica woman, you have lived sha

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Allah, in Han Taka ko loop that is so and whoever honors the symbols of Allah Shah it of Allah. It is certainly out of the taqwa of the heart.

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It is a sign of your taqwa

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that you honor the symbols of Allah. It is a sign of your taqwa that you respect what Allah has made.

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And this is why

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it was out of this respect that

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the seller, some of them, they would dress up in the best of clothing.

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They would dress up in the best of clothing.

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When not when going out to meet somebody important.

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Somebody Special No.

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standing up

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in their salon lot before Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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They would wear their best coat

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He says,

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sort of used to like bathing in the last 10 nights, every night they would be

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some of them would even put on perfume, and we're the best of clothes. Why?

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Because they're looking for laser cutter. And when laser cutter comes in, they want to be

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in the most presentable manner to Allah subhana wa Tada. The angels descend, they want to look good

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because the angels are special, a lot is special.

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So they are honoring the Shah of Allah by doing so.

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Finally, the last thing that our etiquette our adapt with a lot involves

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is to deal with

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the huddle of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the decrees have a lot to do with them

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with patience and contentment

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Allah subhana wa tada decrees something for you.

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It may be painful.

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It may be very difficult to cope with it.

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It's a calamity. It's a crisis in your life. The catastrophe

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it was from Allah,

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out of your etiquette with Allah subhana wa tada what should you do?

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You should be patient.

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And you should be contented with what Allah has decreed for you.

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And you should not be objective.

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until Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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ma or saw the memo see betting

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lab eaten a lot.

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There is no masiva there is no calamity that befalls except by the will of Allah.

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And then what is a loss a woman you mean biLlahi

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and whoever believes whoever truly believes in Allah,

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that Allah will guide to their heart

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to whatever adversity befalls.

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Man is that when the calamity befalls

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you attribute it to the color of Allah.

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So you remain patient, and content with what was decreed satisfy

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one of the famous teller he was asked about this verse. And so he said, it refers to someone who has been afflicted with a certain calamity.

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And he knows that it is from Allah. He's 10 and he submitted, submitted willfully.

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So I want to conclude on this point

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dealing with

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calamities or law changes

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and how to have the proper etiquette with a law concerning that.

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Want to conclude with the following description that loss of Hannah huhtala gives us of most people?

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Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Surah two is wrong.

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And this is repeated elsewhere.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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in sunny

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when we grant

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our fevers our blessings to people

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but a man

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turns away

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turns away

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wanna be Johnny?

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act arrogantly?

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x. Here we go.

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Meaning that went along.

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sounds good to you.

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He bestows his favours upon you his his blessings.

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You think

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I deserve this?

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I worked hard for this, to achieve this, and I'm the one who achieved it.

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It turns away from a lot.

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He doesn't attribute that listen to a lot. rather he attributed attributed to himself

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and he act arrogantly.

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If he's reminded This is a blessing from Allah,

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He says, No,

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this is something that I have achieved myself.

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And then what does the law say?

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And then,

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when man is touched with evil,

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he loses all hope.

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He loses all hope.

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He falls into depression.

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Look at his state becomes miserable.

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So such people are those who boast about what they have

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many blessings of Allah

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may be rich.

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you know, they may have been blessed with other kinds of blessings that Allah has given them.

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Maybe intelligence,

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maybe strength.

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So, the purpose for

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and they say these are all because of my own efforts. I deserve it.

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But now when a calamity befalls them,

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they become depressed. And they tend to put the blame

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for their suffering on Allah.

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They tend to put the blame of their suffering on Allah. They ask, Oh Allah, what did I do to deserve this? Why have you? Oh Allah, why have you?

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rocked me with this calamity.

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But when good happened,

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could happen to them. They said this was my own doing.

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I deserved it.

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But when something bad happened,

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what did they say? He said, this is the doing of a law.

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I don't deserve it.

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And so the lesson that we learned from this

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is a lesson of etiquette.

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with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Not only of how we think of Allah subhanho wa Taala but also how we talk about Allah subhana wa tada because how we talk is based on how we think.

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So if this is what we're saying about law,

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it says a lot about

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our perception of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And how we think of Allah

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with arrogance.

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And so although Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who predestines everything.

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It is out of respect,

00:29:08 --> 00:29:14

out of adab and etiquette with a lot to only attribute to him the good

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as we mentioned earlier, and not the bad

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just like I did here in this verse.

00:29:27 --> 00:29:28

What is it What

00:29:30 --> 00:29:30

is wrong?

00:29:31 --> 00:29:35

Amna Island inszone when we

00:29:36 --> 00:29:50

bless man with these favors, so Allah attributed the favors to himself, that he is the one who bestowed man with favors, but when it came to evil,

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what did the law say? What did I miss who shot

00:29:55 --> 00:29:59

What did not say? And when a law touches

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Men with evil, rather Allah says, but when man is touched with evil

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when man is touched with evil

00:30:11 --> 00:30:26

and so this is throughout the Quran, and we mentioned two examples already. earlier on, we mentioned the example of Ibrahim Ali Salah, and how he attributed to Allah The Cure, but he attributed to himself,

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the illness

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and the jinn, the Righteous Among the jinn, who attributed to Allah good, but not that

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this is a theme that we find throughout the day.

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we notice Allah subhanho wa Taala does not attribute harm to himself, a sharp, evil, a lot does not attributed to himself.

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But rather, he only attributes good to himself, whatever harm

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he mentions, he either leaves it open, as mentioned here, when man is touched with evil, or a lot of tributes to ourselves.

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Why? Because we are the cause of whatever befalls us. That's a reality. Whatever calamity befalls us. We need to

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We need to ponder, why has this calamity befall in us? And when we contemplate when we think over we'll find out that the reason is ourselves.

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