Kamil Ahmad – Mjales Ramadan #1

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of fasting in achieving the Taqwa of Islam, as it is a means of rebuilding and achieving the Taqwa of Islam. They emphasize the need for training for young people to understand the value of fasting, as it is a reward for good deeds. The importance of fasting is also discussed, including the connection between fasting and achieving the Taqwa of Islam, the importance of staying away from activities, and the benefits of fasting for achieving the Taqwa. The speaker emphasizes the importance of fasting for achieving the Taqwa and protecting one's property.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was so happy he Ultramarine and about a Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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In sha Allah in these

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sessions that we're going to be doing weekly, in this month of Ramadan, every Saturday, we're gonna go through one of the books of Chef Urbinati mean, entitled Majelis Shaha, Ramadan, Majelis Shahar Ramadan.

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And the chef basically wrote this book for Imams of masajid, and others who want to go through something daily, in the month of Ramadan. And that's why he divided it into 30 chapters. He divided it into 30 chapters. But obviously, we're not going to be able to go through all of that.

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just because we only have four, four sittings.

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And so what we're going to do is we're gonna go through

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the topics that are related to each other,

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as many of them as we can fit in sha Allah Huhtala. That's what we're going to do.

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And so, the shares basically wrote

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in a variety of different topics related to Ramadan.

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And related to other issues as well, some of it is general and some of it is related to rulings, fifth, rulings related to fasting related to praying, the amylase, etc.

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So we start with the first chapter where the Sheikh he talks about the virtue of the month of Ramadan, the virtue of the month of Ramadan.

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And so he mentions how

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Allah subhanho wa Taala firstly, has mentioned the virtue of this month when Allah subhanho wa Taala said, shahada Ramadan and lady on Zilla V Hill Quran, who Delhi Nursey are the United minion who that will fall Khan.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala said in this area in Surah, Al Baqarah

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shahada Ramadan.

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The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Quran has been revealed.

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The month in which the Quran has been revealed as a guide for mankind.

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And so, just the fact that the Quran was revealed in this month is sufficient.

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It's sufficient as a virtue

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as a virtue and a blessing for this month.

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In an issue of mentioned other virtues

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and so he mentioned the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when the month of Ramadan comes,

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the gates of Jannah are opened, the gates of hellfire are closed and the shayateen are locked up.

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And he mentions that the significance of this is that

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it basically shows us that good deeds leading to Jannah are made easier during this month.

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And the opposite,

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the opposite as well, and that is that evil deeds sins are made more difficult.

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evil deeds leading to the Hellfire are made more difficult.

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And then he mentions a hadith narrated by Imam Muhammad

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where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned several

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blessings and virtues of the month of Ramadan. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that my ummah has been given five characteristics in Ramadan

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that no other nation has been given before.

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And then he mentions them. The first one.

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He says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hulu family saw me agreeable and Allah He Maryhill misc that the fasting person,

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his mouth and the smell that may come from his mouth is more beloved to

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loss of Hannah who would tell them

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then the smell of misc. The beautiful smell of perfume and misc.

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That smell that foul smell that comes from the mouth of the fasting person

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is more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala than the smell of misc. The show will go on to explain

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this hadith, but we'll go through the Hadith first. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, What does tell Pharaoh Lahoma Ramallah eager to tell you through?

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The second characteristic is that the angels will seek forgiveness for these fasting people until until they break their fast

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and then he said well you say you know Allahu Allah Yeoman Ginetta, who usually call you daddy or Salah Hoon and you'll go and human guna will other or you'll see rule like

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that the third characteristic is that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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adorns his Jana every single day.

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And he says to Jana, to Paradise, that my believing slaves, the righteous ones, they're about to reach you very soon. After much difficulty after bearing much difficulty. They're about to reach you.

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And then the fourth point the the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said what to suffer to fee he morada to Shayateen Fela Hello zona de la Monica and we also know sunnah EV

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the major shale team, the big shale twin, they are chained up. And so they're not able to do as much damage as they were able to do outside of the month of Ramadan.

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And then the fifth and last point that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned where you will vote will love him. He asked you will he ask you later? Well, can you lay out rasool Allah here a little cuddle Call, call Allah. When I came to LA Milena you have a Euro who De La Cava Anna Lou.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that these people are forgiving their sins in the last night of the month of Ramadan.

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So the Companions they asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that Leila to Qatar. He said No, rather

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the one who does any good deed he is rewarded for that deed when at the end of it. And so the point of this is that they are rewarded at the end of Ramadan, for their fasting their pm and all of that.

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And then the show he explains each one of these points and so he says the first point and that is that the breadth of the fasting person is more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala then the smell of beautiful misc beautiful perfume. And he explains why that is. He says that the reason why that is, is because

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this foul smell comes as a result of the obedience of Allah subhanho wa taala. And so the first in person, he stays away from food and drink. And as a result of that, the smell comes

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and He gives examples of other acts of obedience that are beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala even though we may look at these things as being

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you know as as not looking good. And so he gives the example of the Shaheed the murderer who was killed in battle,

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and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that he will be brought on the day of judgment to Allah subhanho wa Taala in which state

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now in a beautiful state, not looking very beautiful, not wearing the best of clothes, even though he sacrificed his life for Allah subhanho wa Taala even though he died for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and even though the murder the Shaheed his status with Allah subhanho wa Taala cannot be compared with anyone else's status. And even then he will be brought on the day of judgment in the state in which he was killed in the close, in which he was killed in the sweat that he had on his body, in the blood and the wounds gushing forth from his body.

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For us, this does not look like a good state, but it is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's why on the day of judgment, He will be brought forth before Allah subhanahu adatta in this state. He gives another example and that is the example of

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those who go for Hajj.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala

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praising these people on the day of our offer when they're standing before Allah subhanho wa Taala on the plains of our offer.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala calls out to his angels, praising these people. And he says, Look at my, my slaves, my servants, and how they have come to me

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full of dust and sweat.

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And so

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when you go for hedge,

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you're not wearing the best of clothes and you're covered in sweat and dust.

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And yet Allah subhanho wa Taala is praising these people before the best of creation, the angels, why? Because they are coming to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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serving Allah subhanho wa Taala and obeying His command.

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We move on to the second point that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned and that is that the angels they seek forgiveness for

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the fasting people in the month of Ramadan.

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And so the angels are those who Allah subhana wa Tada has created as obedient servants, obedient slaves, they do not disobey Allah subhana wa Tada a single command.

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And so they are the best of Allah's creation.

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They are the best of Allah's creation, besides the prophets and the messengers.

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And so the fact that they are seeking forgiveness, for for the fasting individual,

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this is a great virtue. And that is because they are the best of Allah's creation and they are the nearest to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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they are the nearest to Allah subhanho wa taala. And so this shows us that search is still far, seeking of forgiveness is more likely to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa taala. And that's why when you want someone when you want your DUA to be accepted, or you want

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something from Allah subhanho wa Taala usually what do you do? You go to someone who is close to Allah subhanho wa Taala someone who is righteous, or scholar, a pious individual and you say, can you make dua for me? Why because this person is close to Allah. And so imagine the angels making dua for you to seek forgiveness for your sins. The third point that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned was that Jana is adorned and beautified every day and Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Address addressing Jana says that my servants who are fasting, going through difficulty abandoning their food and drink for my sake, they are about to reach you after much difficulty and after being very patient.

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And then the fourth point was regarding the shale team. And here in this hadith the Prophet SAW Selim mentioned that they are mer that a shale twin which are the big shale team,

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the leaders of the shale team they are chained up.

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And so this is the correct understanding of this hadith in other narrations of this hadith, it just simply mentions that the shayateen The devils are chained up and that's it. But in this hadith, it is explained. And that's why some may be wondering, why is it that we still see evil in the month of Ramadan, even though the shayateen are chained up?

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And so this is the explanation that not all the shayateen are chained up the heads of the sharpener chained up also

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also the scholars they mentioned that

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we have our own Shayateen

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the Korean

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the companion the evil companion that each and every single one of us has from among the jinn. They are devils and they whisper to us encouraging us to do evil. Also, we have the evil knifes the soul,

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our evil knifes it desires evil naturally it inclines towards that and that's why Ramadan is the best opportunity to purify these you know souls that incline towards evil. Why? Because

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basically in the in the month of Ramadan

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they're in

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inclination towards evil is there but it is less why? Because the shayateen are locked up. And so, if you're leaning towards evil, then it is because of your enough's that has become accustomed to that evil, you enough's that is inclined towards that evil and that became accustomed to that evil throughout the year and so now is the time

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to take a hold of that knifes, and accustom it to abandoning the evil and replacing it with good

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and the fifth and last point that was mentioned in this hadith is

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives

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the fasting people in the month of Ramadan in the last night and so their sins are forgiven in the last night when Ramadan is coming to an end, and this is how we can understand the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Man sama Ramadan Eman and what he Serban or who fear Allah Who Matakana in Zambia

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that Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan, with Eman

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believing in Ramadan, and fasting being obligatory upon them and hoping for Allah's reward, Eman and what decided.

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The Prophet SAW Selim says that all of their sins are forgiven, all of their previous sins are forgiven.

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And so this is for those who basically start Ramadan in this manner with Eman believing in it, and hoping for Allah's reward. And they continue the month of Ramadan in the state until the very end. Now for those who started and then they lag behind,

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not for those who, you know, they don't believe in fasting being obligatory upon them, rather, they just do it, because everyone's doing it. Or they do it because this is a ritual for them.

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And so this is how we understand this hadith. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responding to the Companions, when they asked them is that later to God, he said, No, rather, it is.

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Any deed that a person does, when does he get his reward at the end, not in the middle, at the end, and that is the case with all good deeds, we are rewarded at the end of the good deeds. And that's why

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our reward, we shouldn't expect it in this dunya. The true believer, he should never await his reward in this dunya, whatever you do, don't see compensation for whatever good you do from people. Because maybe you will be deprived of that reward in the Accra because you received it in this dunya.

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This year, he explains how

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Allah subhanho wa taala.

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has been kind to us, by giving us this reward through three different ways. The first way is that he has made this hybrid for us in the first place. If it was not for this hybrid of fasting the month of Ramadan, then none of this reward would be attributed to it. And so we should thank Allah for, you know, giving us this opportunity in the first place. Unlike most people, they feel Ramadan as a burden for them. They don't thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for this great virtue. And so yes, it's difficult, but we should look at we should look at what is greater than the difficulty that is involved in it. We shall look at the far reaching goal of the month of Ramadan, and fasting in the

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month of Ramadan as Allah subhanho wa Taala said, What is the objective of fasting?

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What is the objective of fasting but Taqwa la lagoon, tacos, and so we shouldn't treat Ramadan and fasting in the month of Ramadan as a burden, as something heavy on our shoulders, as many people do, and we should especially train our young ones.

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We should train them to understand this, because many of them, they find it difficult. And so we should train them to understand that there is something far greater in fasting besides obedience to Allah's command, and that is to achieve the Taqwa of Allah. And that is in order to thank Allah subhana wa Tada for these rewards that are attributed to those who fast this month. The second point that the sheikh mentions is

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this reward is for those who Allah subhanahu wa Tada. Allow them to continue until the end of Ramadan.

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And so whatever good deed you do, don't think that you did it on your own.

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Don't think that this you, you did it on your own. Rather, it was Allah subhanho wa taala, Who allowed you to continue until you made it to the end. And the third point, that the share he mentions is that Allah subhanho wa Taala favored,

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favored us with this huge reward. And so the reward of fasting is not like any other reward. The reward of fasting is not like any other reward as we're going to come to.

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When the shell he speaks about the virtues of fasting.

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And so the reward of fasting is multiplied many times. And so as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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in a hadith, that

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whoever does a good deed, whoever does a good deed, his reward, for that deed is multiplied. It is multiplied, it is multiplied by 10 times and beyond 10 times.

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As for a sin that we may commit,

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one evil deed that we may do,

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we only get

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one evil deed recorded for it,

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we only get one evil deed recorded for it,

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whereas the good deeds are multiplied.

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And so this is due to the bounty and the favor of Allah subhana who were the IRA, so that no one can come on the day of judgment and say, I didn't have the chance

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to do good deeds, I didn't have the chance and the opportunity to do good deeds, the opportunity is there.

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In fact, Allah is multiplying it not just 10 times, but up to 700 times as mentioned in the Hadith.

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And so the deprived those who are truly deprived, and there are those who are truly at loss, or those who miss out on such great opportunities. We move on after that to the next chapter where the the Shirky talks about the virtues of fasting, the virtues of fasting. And so the first section was about the virtues of the month of Ramadan. Now he's going to talk about the virtues of fasting.

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And so he mentions how

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the greatest virtue of fasting is that we achieve the Taqwa of Allah subhanahu Uttara through it, as as mentioned in the verse, as mentioned in the verse, Allah Allah com taco cootie Valley como su yamu, cootie, vinylidene and Corbally Kamala Allah, taco. Fasting has become prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those who came before you lagoon TOCOM so that you achieve Taqwa.

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But we hear this verse many times we hear this iron so many times every Ramadan we hear it. But how many of us have understood the connection between fasting and Taqwa?

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What is the connection between the two?

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Between fasting

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and achieving Taqwa? Moreover, how many people actually achieved the Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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After fasting the month of Ramadan, how many people actually attain that Taqwa?

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So this is something we need to ask ourselves.

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How we achieve that Taqwa that very goal and objective behind fasting the month of Ramadan, or have we not? And so if we have not, we need to, you know, check what's going on? What's wrong with my fasting? Where is the problem? There must be something wrong if you're not achieving that Taqwa.

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And so the connection between fasting and Taqwa

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when a person fasts, he abandons food and drink,

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food and drink.

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The Halal of it

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is permissible is not

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it's not haram for you to eat and drink rather, it's obligatory upon you to eat wholesome good food and drink

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and you're not allowed to stay away.

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We from giving nourishment to your body that is actually haram to fast 24 hours or too fast an entire week. That's haram.

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It's not permissible.

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And so you're abandoning food and drink, something that Allah has made permissible for you, in fact, obligatory upon you to have you are, you are abandoning it. Why?

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Only because Allah has commanded you to do so.

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But think about it.

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You fast you stay away from food and drink

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at all times, from Fudger until sunset.

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Whether people are watching you,

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or no one's watching you.

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Whether you're at the masjid,

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at your workplace, at school,

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among your family, your friends or whether you're by yourself, and no one is watching you. You're still fasting or you're not. You still stay away from food and drink. And so that is the meaning of Taqwa.

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That is the very essence of taqwa, the consciousness of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, why are you staying away when no one's watching you? Because

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you understand that Allah is watching you. You're staying away. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala is watching you. And so you could easily cheat and eat and drink when no one is there. But

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you understand that I need to fast.

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Even though no one's watching, I need to continue my fast because Allah has made this obligatory upon me until the very last second before sunset.

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And so this is how Taqwa is achieved. And so by staying away from that, which is halal, you're training yourself to stay away from that which is haram. And so through fasting, you're training your yourself

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to abstain from things and that's why if you were to notice, out of the five pillars of Islam, fasting is the only one

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that requires us to stay away to abstain. All the other pillars are asking us to do something, say the shahada pray five times a day, give your Zakah go for Hajj, Austria and fasting is the only one that asks us to stay away to abstain from something. Why because now that will train us to stay away from haram.

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And so the sheer he mentions that among the virtues of fasting is

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that to fasting our sins are forgiven as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said man sama Ramadan Eman and what he says then we'll move your Allah whom at Akkad Danna minimum they Whoever fasts, the month of Ramadan with Eman believing in this pillar to be obligatory upon him and desire then, hoping for Allah's reward. Allah forgives all of his sins.

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Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said or Salah to enhance will do ma la Juma one more Donna era Ramadan, hookah Pharaoh to Medina Hoonah either Julie but Al Qaeda yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the five daily salawat

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and one Juma to the next, and one Ramadan to the next. All of these, expiate our sins. What comes in between these are sins are forgiven, with one condition the prophets of salaam said, as long as you stay away from the major sins, as long as you stay away from the major sins. And that's because the major sins if we fall into a major sin, we have to we have to seek repentance we have to ask Allah to forgive us for that particular major sin. As for the minor sins, then there are various things that

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that basically erase minor sins, this being one of them, between each Salah that we pray between Fajr and Zohar between Zohar and Hassan, whatever minor sins that we may commit,

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they get erased. They get exploited also between one Ramadan and the next. And so fasting you

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A month of Ramadan. He forgives our sins.

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Also, the share he mentions

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a hadith with regards to the virtue of fasting.

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And this hadith has been mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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near Reading from Allah subhanho wa taala. And so this hadith what is it? Hadith?

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could see, Hadith could see, Hadith where the Prophet SAW Selim is speaking, narrating from Allah saying, Allah said such and such. And so, the words are the words of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, but the meaning

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it is attributed to Allah, where's the Quran? What is the Quran,

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it is the words of Allah and the meanings are also from Allah subhanahu wa taala. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said called Allahu tahona Kulu Kulu Muhammad ibn Adam, Allahu ALA. So for in the holy war, enter and Zb

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that every single deed of the son of Adam is for him.

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Except for fasting, except for fasting, it was done for me, and I will reward him for it, I will reward him for it.

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And so what we understand from this is that

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all the deeds that we do,

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whether we fast we, whether we pray, whether we give in charity, whatever kindness we do to others,

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this, these acts of a Buddha,

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it's easy for us to fall into rehab, to do them for other than Allah subhanho wa Taala to basically do them, showing off boasting, showing the people that I'm doing such a good deed. And so you could be praying in the masjid and shaitan comes to you, and says people are watching and so and so what do you do? You beautify your Salah for their sake. And so you have, you have basically directed this a bad to them away from Allah. That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us from this act, which is called Riyadh. And he referred to it as the Hidden Sheikh, the hidden shed, it's a kind of shit. Why because you're associating others with Allah in your worship. And so the Prophet

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salallahu alayhi salam warned us from falling into this subtle or hidden kind of check.

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And so what we understand from this is that fasting is the only one is the only act of worship, that it's very difficult for us to fall into Riyadh with regards to it. And that's because a person who is staying away from food and drink, hardly anyone will notice, hardly anyone will notice. And that's why

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here in this hadith, Allah says, that my servant, he did it for my sake. That's the meaning of it. And so, Allah says, what an exhibit, and so I will reward him for it. And so, the reward what we understand from this is, that the reward for fasting is not like the reward for any other deed.

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Why? Because here,

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the reward is not mentioned.

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Allah concealed the reward. He kept the reward hidden. He hasn't told us what the reward is.

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He hasn't told us what the reward is, with regards to other good deeds, the rewards have been mentioned, that you'll get such and such, such and such has an art or such and such engender, etc.

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As for fasting, its reward has been has been hidden. And so we will see that reward when we meet Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Moving on this hadith is a long Hadith this is only the first part of it. Moving on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said was to Yamo Jonah was to yamu Judah. And so the prophets of salaam said and fasting is a guard a protection.

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It is a protection, a guard from falling into haram.

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And that's why we mentioned that fasting trains us to stay away from haram. It trains us to stay away from haram. Why? Because you're conscious. You're conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala watching you and so if you're conscious of Allah watching you with regards to you eating or drinking, then obviously you will also be conscious if you're about to commit a sin. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu Allah

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lucidum said

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that Allah is not in need of us staying away from food and drink. If

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if we're not guarding our tongues,

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if we're lying, we're backbiting we're speaking falsehood, then Allah is not in need of us staying away from food and drink. That is how we understand this, that fasting is supposed to train us to stay away from haram. And that's why In another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also encouraged the young ones, the youth.

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He basically said that they should get married, but if they're not able to get married, they don't have the financial capability to get married, then what should they do? What what is the solution for their desires, their natural desires? What is the solution for it? Is it to go and commit Zina? Is it to you know, look at haram and fulfill your desires? No. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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if you're not able to get married, then then fast, then fast. And then he explained why? He said, Because fasting, it helps us to lower our gaze from looking at haram. And it protects our private parts. And this is how we understand it. By fasting,

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your desires become weakened. And so your, your desires are not as strong, as if you know when you are eating, and drinking.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, so either can or young saw me I had the comb, fella YotaPhone when I asked him for insight, but who huddle according to who folio in Saudi, he went on to say that

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if one of you is fasting, then he should not fall into haram. He should not fall into haram. And if someone comes to him,

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and curses him, insults him, tries to start an argument with him, then what should he do? Should he fight back? Should he curse him and insult him back? No, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said he should he should say to him,

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What should he say?

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What should he say? I am fasting. He should say I am fasting. And so what this means is that I don't want to debate. I don't want to fall into haram by wasting my time in debate, and in argumentation. I am fasting. And, you know, I'm conscious of the fact that I'm fasting, and I don't want to break my fast.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said well let enough to Muhammad in via the law Hulu famous saw in October Hamdulillah, he made Rephaim misc.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam swearing by Allah subhanho wa Taala saying, by him, in whose hand the soul of Muhammad is,

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the breath

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and what comes out of the mouth of the fasting person is more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala than the smell of beautiful misc and we've already explained that. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Leah saw me for her attorney of raw Hoonah, either of Torah, very heavy filter, we're either lucky or robber who fairly her be so me. And this is the last part of the Hadith the Prophet SAW Selim said

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that each and every single facet in person he has to joyous occasions to times when he becomes happy. The first is

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the first is

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in a few minutes when we go to break our fast. And so we're happy.

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And we're joyous. Why.

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Why are we happy?

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Exactly. Because

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we're happy because

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we have been blessed to complete an act of worship. We're not happy because we want to get rid of this burden that's on our shoulders. Finally, it's over. And now we're happy. No, that's not why we're happy because

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because Allah gave us this opportunity to complete our fast and to get that reward for fasting. What is the reward? The reward is with Allah subhanho wa Taala and the second time when we will be happy.

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The fasting person the second time when he will be happy is on the day when he meets

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Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, very happy, so me, why will we, why will he be happy on that day, he'll be happy because of his fasting. And so this brings us back to the first part of the Hadith

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of the reward for the one who fasts.

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When you meet Allah subhanho, wa taala, on the Day of Judgment, you will see that reward, the reward for the reward for fasting.

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And so

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this is the main Hadith that a chef he discusses.

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In this chapter, he mentions

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one more Hadith, and that is

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the Hadith related to fasting, interceding for us on the Day of Judgment. And so the Shiva the intercession is something real, something that we must believe in. And that is basically

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the intercession

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on the day of judgment for those

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who had sins, for them not to be punished for their for their sins, or for those who enter Jannah for them to rise in rank, higher

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than the rank that they deserve for their deeds, or for those who end up in the Hellfire from among the believers, for them to be taken out of the hellfire and not be punished for their sins and be admitted into Jannah. And there are different kinds of intersections. There are different kinds of intersections. And there are different kinds of intercessors. Those who will intercede who will come to Allah subhanho wa Taala and intercede on our behalf

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in order to understand this concept of intercession better.

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Let's give the example

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let's say you work in a company

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you get in trouble for something,

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you get in trouble for something

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and you want to find a way out now,

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you might get fired.

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So you go to your friend who happens to be a close friend of the boss, of the manager of the company.

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And you ask him to have a good word, put in a good word for you so that you don't get fired. This is called intercession. This is called intercession. And so you're asking your friend to intercede on your behalf before the boss or the manager. And so on the Day of Judgment, there will be different kinds of intercessors who will go to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and intercede on our behalf. The greatest intercessor on that day will be our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so him being close to Allah subhanho wa taala. Without a doubt, he will be granted the greatest intercession and he will intercede on behalf of his of his owner, for those who deserve to be punished for them not to be punished for those who enter gender for them to rise in rank and other kinds of intersections.

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The point is, this hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Austria mobile Quran we are Shalini lil Abdi Jamelia.

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Besides the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam besides others who will intercede there are various Hadith regarding intercession we have the prophets will intercede. We have

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the shahada, the martyrs, they will be able to intercede. We have

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the Halfhill of the Quran, who will intercede on behalf of his parents. And we have different kinds of intercession intercessors on that day, besides that, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in this hadith, that fasting,

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fasting and the Quran, these two things, these two acts of worship, will come on the day of judgment and intercede on behalf

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on behalf of the people who used these good deeds. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said your call or CRM, or Europe be man or two who

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was Sherawat for Shafia NiFi.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that fasting

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We'll come on that day. And we'll say, My Lord, I prevented him from food and from fulfilling his desires, so allow me to intercede for him. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said while you're cool on Quran, manga to unknown, maybe Lail for sure, for sure fear ni fi. And the Quran will come and will say, Oh Allah, I prevented him from his sleep at night. Meaning that this Quran is for the one who recited it in cuyama Lane.

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He forsake, he forsake his sleep, and got up in the middle of the night and recited Quran in his family. And so it will come on that day on the day of judgment and say, Oh Allah, let me to intercede on his behalf. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, God, for Yash for irony, and so they will be able to intercede, they will be allowed to intercede. And so these are some of the virtues of fasting we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to allow all of us to fast this month of Ramadan with Eman and hoping for the this great reward that awaits us. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to not deprive us of this reward.

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What else you do the Awana and your hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala Sayidina Muhammad while early he was so happy he

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must have

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