Kamil Ahmad – Instilling Yaqeen – Lesson #6 – The Beauty and Uniqueness of Islam
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The importance of finding out which religion is true and false is highlighted in the discussion of Islam. The beauty of Islam is in the way it takes into consideration everything and is holistic and comprehensive. worship in the heart and love of Islam is also emphasized. The church's teachings and practical examples are discussed, as well as the challenges of reforming people and achieving a practical example to show the value of reform. evidence is also emphasized as a tool for proving the legitimacy of Islam.
AI: Summary ©
hamdu Lillah
wa Salatu was Salam ala to monolock milania Holla Holla Holla Holla Holla marine.
While early he was so happy woman today we have Dr.
Stan Abby Sunita he elomi Deen unbarred salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
After going through some of the
proofs for the truth of Islam, looking at
the proofs for Allah subhanho, wa Taala,
the prophethood
the Quran,
it's important to emphasize on
another very, very
important topic that further instills yaqeen in the Muslim concerning
concerning Islam, and his belief in Islam as being the truth.
And that is
emphasizing on those aspects that make Islam unique,
and different from all other religions,
and systems, and philosophies and ideologies that are out there.
And so this is because some people think that
all religions are the same.
And it doesn't matter which one you follow.
And so they say that, you know, all of these religions, they
teach good.
They tell us to do good, they tell us to stay away from evil. So why should we say that?
Islam is the only true religion that we have to follow.
And so to answer that, firstly, it is illogical to claim
that all religions are the same, and that they're all equal. Because they all in the end of the day, they all contradict one another.
There are no two religions
that claim to be the same.
Rather, each and every single religion claims to be the truth.
And so they cannot all be true in the same and equal all at once. Because the truth
is one.
The truth is one
and cannot be multiple.
And so if one belief system has components that are proven to be true, than all other competing belief systems,
are proven to be false.
If one belief system has been proven to be the truth, then all competing belief systems which have contrary claims to them, they have to be false.
For example, if you were to say,
between three religions,
concerning IE, Saudi Salah
where you have one religion, who considered him to be a son of Allah,
another, claiming that he was a false prophet.
And another who said, He's simply a messenger, a human being sent by Allah,
how can all three be the same?
Only one can be true.
And once we arrive at the conclusion that one is true based on their evidence, as we look at the evidence using compare, we see that one is true, therefore automatically, the two other
religions are false.
And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions when Allah mentioned that when Islam came,
the truth came
and it destroyed everything else.
And how cool
was that Huckleberry
the hoopla say, that the truth has come, and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood is bound to vanish.
So when the truth has come, it has annihilated and basically refuted everything else which is false. Secondly, after proving that Islam is a truth, based on our previous discussions, all the previous classes where we looked at the existence of a law
The Prophethood
the Quran.
After proving that Islam is the truth, based on all of that,
there are additional points which we can mention, that shows us how Islam is unique and different from all other religions. And all of this proves what it proves that this is the only religion from Allah subhanho wa Taala. That
has been kept preserved until today.
And so, the following points that we're going to discuss today are basically looking at
the beauty of Islam.
And its uniqueness
how it is unique in so many different ways,
compared when we compare them when we compare Islam to, to all the other religions are out there. Now when it comes to
looking at the beauty and the uniqueness of Islam. Many scholars of Islam have written books on this, but we find that everyone looked at a particular angle,
or a particular area,
and only discussed that area for example, some scholars looked at the legislation's of Islam.
You know how Islam is unique in that aspect and the beauty of the legislations of Islam.
Others looked at it from a different angle,
we're not going to get into the details of the various aspects of how sound is beautiful, because that would be a very, very long discussion. Instead, we're going to look at
a few points that
are general
or general. And a lot of different examples can be mentioned under these under these few points.
And so the very first point that we have, is
looking at men and existence holistically. What do we mean by this? Basically, one of the ways of seeing the beauty of Islam is by looking at how Islam takes into consideration everything in a holistic and comprehensive fashion.
Because many times those who object to Islam, or some of its legislations, they don't take this fact into consideration. And so instead, they look at Islam from a neuro perspective.
They look at certain aspects of Islam
from their own personal interests.
Or, for example, they they focus on objecting to Islam based on our existence in this dunya only,
without taking into consideration that there is something called lifetime life after death
without taking into consideration that
many of the legislations of Islam
beyond self interest,
but many times therefore, protecting an entire society.
And so when Allah subhanho wa Taala legislated
the five daily Salawat for example,
staying away from food and drink and Ramadan
or giving to the poor
or performing hajj and so on and so forth.
Allah subhanho wa Taala did not legislate these obligations simply as tasks, responsibilities that we must complete, like robots.
But rather when Allah subhanho wa Taala
made these legislations for us. He made them for our own benefit.
And this benefit is going back to us in this life and the next.
Yes, of course we do these because Allah has commanded us to do them.
Whether we know the wisdom behind the commands of Allah or not, but that doesn't mean that the legislations of Allah
And his obligations are meaningless.
Or that we won't get anything out of them.
And so a lot of people when they object to Islam, they look at some of the obligations.
And they think that these are burdensome.
And they're difficult.
Because they're looking at it from that angle that
there's no benefit in this for me.
Rather, I'm simply like a slave
you know, I have to obey
my master.
And there's no benefit in me for that.
And so all of the legislations of Islam, every single one of them.
They connect us back to a law one way or the other.
And so this is something very, very important to understand. The older legislations of Islam,
one way or the other, they connect us back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so for example, look at Allah. Allah says, in any and Allahu La Ilaha Illa NSR Bodine. What aqui masala tellicherry
Allah says,
It is truly me, I am Allah, there is none worthy of worship except me. So worship Me alone and establish Salah for my remembrance.
And so we pray in order to remember Allah
and we pray because we want to connect with Allah.
Also, regarding fasting, Allah says Yo, are you Hello Lena Ehrman? Kuta Bali chemistry on camera cootie Valentina. makaveli Camila Allah come to Taku Are you believe fasting has become prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you. For what purpose? What's the ultimate objective of fasting
lagoon tycoon, so that perhaps attain taqwa.
Again, connecting the servant back to Allah.
Look at Al Hajj. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the last around the cab
running between Safa and Marwa and stoning the pillars
have only been made to establish the decree of Allah. That's the only purpose behind these rituals,
not rituals that we blindly follow. And we do that have no meaning. But rather all of that
is for the remembrance of Allah.
Because by doing these things, we're remembering a lot either by our hearts or by our tongues.
And so the point is that Islam connects all of its legislations back to Allah subhanho wa Taala, one way or the other.
And all of the various details concerning the legislations of Islam, whether it be telling us how to worship Allah, or whether it be how to deal with one another as human beings,
in our business, in our trades, in our social dealings with one another,
whether it be an hour o'clock, whether it be how to govern a nation, regardless of what the legislation is, all of them are interconnected.
They're all interconnected.
And this shows us the comprehensive nature of Islam, and how Islam takes into consideration
the human being
and his existence and how it's not only for his dunya, but also for his accuracy. And so this is something unique with regards to Islam that you will find in any other religion.
Moving on to the second point,
understanding the reality of worshipping Islam,
understanding the reality of worship in Islam.
And so the essence of worship in Islam is the total submission
of one's will to Allah subhanahu wa Tada.
And so worship in Islam is not just a bunch of rituals, and practices that we do that are empty of any meaning,
or that are simply outward actions.
Without anything happening internally.
A lot of people when they think of worship, they think of certain rituals, whether it be prayer, whether it be something else.
And they think these are outward physical actions.
And they don't have any internal meaning to them.
And so Islam teaches us that worship, it stems
from the heart.
And it stems from what is known as the Tao of Allah,
the veneration of Allah.
And also the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is where worship a bad it stems from.
we also have to realize that
in Islam worship is not only
is not only out of love for Allah subhanho wa Taala.
And so, a believer worship is worships of loss of Hannah who was the head, out of love for him, yes,
but also hoping for his reward.
And also, he worships Him out of fear out of all, of who he is.
And so what this means is
that the one who recognizes Allah subhanho wa Taala, and he recognizes who Allah subhanho wa Taala is, only he will be able to enjoy his a bad
only he will be able to
taste the sweetness and the pleasure of worship.
And this concept of worship in Islam is not something theoretical.
It's not something that we only read
in the books.
And that's it.
Rather, it's something practical meaning that you will never understand these concepts of you know, the love for Allah veneration for Allah.
And how, you know, this leads to the worship of Allah, you'll never understand that
until you actually experience it yourself.
And so
this is why no one
this is why no one who properly worships Allah subhanho wa Taala and tastes the pleasure of that worship would ever want to forsake
Islam for anything else.
A person who has tasted the sweetness of a man
and the pleasure of a bed
where he connects with the loss of Hannah, who would Tyler in the Nevada
when he experiences that
there is no way that he would ever want to give up this Diem for anything else. And that's why we always say that
you can teach a person
all you want
and you could try to brainwash him all you want, by throwing information at him.
But this will never develop your theme in his heart, certainty and conviction in his heart that this is the truth, until
he tastes it for himself.
Until he tastes the essence of very bad for himself.
And that's why
some of the set of things to say that we find a certain pleasure and a certain bliss, a certain happiness in worship,
that if the kings and the sons of kings were to know and to work to realize what we're in, of bliss, while we're in our data,
if they were to realize what we're in,
then they would fight us for it with their swords.
Because this is a true happiness
that Allah grants
to his obedient servants. true happiness is not found in material things.
Rather, it is something internal.
And that's why there are many people who accepted Islam
as a result of trying something of a bad
there are people who have accepted Islam, just simply try and go and activate data.
Sometimes it's not information that convinces a person but rather
try and get out for himself.
And so sometimes you would tell someone,
go into sujood.
And connect with Allah subhanahu wa tada ask Allah to guide you.
And they find this connection. And they immediately embraced Islam.
Why, because
that is a true essence of Ayurveda. And once again,
this is something that is unique with Islam,
that you won't find
anywhere else.
Moving on to the third point,
the unique nature of the proofs of Islam,
the unique nature of the proofs of Islam.
And so when compared
to the proofs, and the arguments presented by
other religions and other ideologies, we find
that the proofs and the arguments of Islam
on all of its fundamental aspects,
the proofs and the arguments that Islam puts forward for all of its foundational matters, such as the concept of a law tawheed,
life after death, the resurrection,
and so on and so forth.
And being the truth, etc. You find
the proofs of Islam
are strong.
They are convincing.
They are coherent.
They are bulletproof.
And then if you were to look at all the other religions out there,
all the other philosophies, all the other ideologies, what do you find? You find
that their arguments can easily
come crashing down.
There are arguments are feeble,
they're incoherent, many times they're illogical.
Take the example of proving the authenticity of the Quran. And this is something that we covered last week.
And so the scholars of Islam have put forward proof after proof, argument upon argument proving how the Quran is divine
and how it is a true Word of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You have entire volumes of books
that the scholars have written on this one subject alone, sometimes they would go on
entire books talking about only one proof, such as the Bulava of the Quran
is the eloquence of the Quran.
And looking at all the various aspects of how the Quran is eloquent, and how this eloquence proves that it could not be the word of any human being.
Now let's look at the other most famous religious scripture today. And that is the Bible. And what do you find?
Look at the proofs. And the arguments that Christian scholars put forward to try to convince us that the Bible
is from Allah subhana wa Tada.
And this is why it's important to remember that it's not evidence
that would convince a Muslim to leave Islam for Christianity.
It's not evidence
compared the evidence is for the Quran versus the evidence is for the Bible. But rather you find that when people embrace when they leave Islam, and embrace Christianity, it's always due to other factors. It's never because of evidence and how convincing the evidence was. But rather it's other emotional things or for example,
pressuring them
To leave Islam or criticizing Islam, attacking Islam, it's never tried to establish the validity
of our beliefs or the validity of the Bible.
And so that's because Islam raises the bar
on verifying the historical authenticity of
the Koran, and also the sooner
Islam raises the bar, while Christians they're comfortable taking from scriptures who sources are not accurately verified.
Islam raises the bar on the preservation of the Quran, and also the preservation of the pseudonym. While Christians are comfortable with admitting that
they don't have to settle for 100% accuracy of the Bible.
If you were to ask any Christian scholar do it do admit that there are inaccuracies.
And we can prove 100% accuracy of of the Bible.
Also, Islam raises the bar on the clarity of
the fundamental doctrines. And this is what we're going to get into next. The next point we're going to talk about is this. And so for example, we have the five pillars of Islam.
We have the six pillars of EMA. We have the concept of tofield. Yet, Christians, they need to struggle really hard to try to demonstrate that their Bible teaches the most fundamental aspects of their belief,
such as the Trinity.
Imagine if we Muslims had to produce
hundreds of books,
and 10s of 1000s of articles just to prove
that the five pillars of Islam are the foundation of Islam.
Or that Islam teaches the Shahada, for example.
So Islam raises the bar on everything,
especially on accuracy, and verifying our beliefs.
And so
when Muslims are used to such a high standard,
why would they want to leave Islam
for something like Christianity?
And so when you look at the unique nature of the proofs of Islam, you find
that it's something unique, no other religion on the face of this earth has such strong, convincing, coherence, coherent, bullet proof arguments,
the fundamentals of its religion.
Moving on to the point number four,
the clarity of Islam concerning belief in the Creator,
the clarity
of Islam concerning belief in the Creator.
And so there is no religious scripture
of any religion today.
That venerates the Creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala
or negates any deficiencies from Allah subhanho wa Taala, mentioning what God is supposed to be like,
and what he is not supposed to be like.
You don't have any such scripture, like the Quran.
The Quran gives us a concise, clear concept concerning who Allah is, and what attributes he should have, and what attributes he should have. simple, clear, logical.
And so Islam is different from all other religions, in its clarity of who Allah is, and who Allah is not from the angle of a loss perfection
from the perspective
of the fact that the Creator is perfect, from every angle from every perspective, and so, the creator has no deficiencies whatsoever
and this is something clear
throughout the Quran.
And this is not something difficult to find. It's not something difficult to prove.
Islam is clarity concerning
the Creator.
Open the Quran, every single surah talks about it
one way or the other,
either talking about who Allah is or affirming certain perfect attributes for Allah or negating certain deficient attributes from Allah.
Look at the greatest surah in the Quran Surah Fatiha
it starts by talking about praising Allah subhana wa Tada, Lord of the worlds
talking about laws of mercy,
talking about a lot owning and being the Master of the Day of Judgment, and then talking about how we should worship Allah alone. And so on and so forth.
Go to the greatest area in the Quran.
I took kursi from the very beginning until the very end, talking about the perfection of Allah negating
deficient attributes from Allah, not that Hulu Sina to Well, no, no
no sleep, nor any drowsiness touches Allah not even drowsiness.
Talking about the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala talking about how a lot is that every living
and how you consume the independent not depending on anything of his creation.
Look at the sooner that the prophets are seldom said represents a third of the Quran.
Whoo hoo. Allahu Ahad.
And so this is not something difficult to prove. On the other hand,
look at what other religions teach about Allah subhana wa.
And just open their books and their scriptures.
And so Al Kitab
are those who had scriptures that were originally from Allah, and then they became distorted.
So if there is any
books besides the Qur'an, that should talk about a lot in a positive way. It should be the books that they have, even after its distortion.
But yet, what do you find? If if we see these deficiencies in their books, then forget about all the other religions that had no
attribution to Allah subhanho wa Taala
such as Hinduism, Buddhism.
And so what do you find?
In the Jewish scriptures, we find that Allah subhanho wa Taala is described as having regretted some of his actions.
We find that they mentioned that Allah subhanahu wa taala got into a fight with the aku Valley center.
They mentioned how, when Adam alayhis salam ate from the tree,
he then hid.
And a lot didn't know where he was.
These are only a few examples. There are many worse examples in this.
Look at how
the Bible mentions that Allah has had to take rest on the seventh day after creating the heavens and the earth in six days.
And Allah mentions this in sutra
that he created the heavens and the earth in six days. And then Allah says, woman has sent me a loop.
And no fatigue touched us refuting that Christian concept that Allah had to rest Allah is not in interest.
This is
an attribute of deficiency.
Not only that, but look at Christianity
and how obscure
and how ambiguous their beliefs are concerning Allah.
And how they have to go through so much
how they have to go through great lengths
in trying to prove
the foundation of their belief, which is the Trinity.
This is the foundation of their belief. What did we What did we say concerning Islam, that the foundation of our belief is the Shahada.
And it's something clear throughout the Quran
For the Christians there, the foundation of their belief is the Trinity.
And what do we find? We find
they have to go through so much to try to prove that this is something mentioned in the Bible.
They have to go through so much difficulty in trying to prove
their aqidah logically.
And so it's enough of an insult, it's easy enough of an insult for them to say concerning a lot
that Allah came to this world and entered the the womb of a human being,
and then was born
and then
was crucified.
And then not only that,
but you have to call out for help.
After they crucified Him,
that in and of itself,
is enough of an insult to Allah subhana wa Tada.
And so it's due to this clarity concerning the concept of Allah Subhana, who attalla
in Islam, that we have such a clear concept of Allah.
It's because of that, that the enemies of Islam,
you'll find that they never try
to poke holes
in this concept.
This is the foundation of our belief.
If you want to bring down our Dean,
then do it by targeting the very foundation. If you're successful in that, then you bring down the entire structure.
But what do you find?
They can't poke any holes
in the concept of tawheed in Islam, so what do they do?
They resort to,
you know, attacking the other aspects of Islam,
such as what Allah has legislated
the various legislations in Islam.
And that's because the concept of Allied Islam is so clear, so coherent, so logical
that they can't,
they can't criticize it.
Can't poke holes at it.
The next point, point number five
the existence of a practical example,
for theoretical teachings.
And so among the beauties of Islam is that it combined between theory and practice
where a law centers a book,
but didn't just leave it at that.
The Lord did not just send us a book and, and tell us to follow
what he has commanded what He has sent us in this book.
If I had done that,
then this book would have been open to interpretation.
And a lot of people would have found it difficult to implement his teachings.
And so a lot did not just give us a set of beliefs,
practices and rules in the Quran, and just command us to submit
without sending us a practical, living example,
to follow his teachings
and that we find in the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so he was that example of a person who
perfectly adhere
to those beliefs, to those practices to those rules that Allah has mentioned in the Quran, like no one else. And that's why I showed all the Allahu Allah when she was asked about
the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what did she say?
She said, kind of Hulu Al Quran. The his character was the Horan.
So he was a living example
of what Allah has sent in the Quran.
The presence of this practical living example to follow
what's the benefit of it?
The benefit of it is that it makes it easy for us now to adhere
to the teachings of the Quran
as opposed to
philosophical teachings, that philosophers they write about.
They're just ideas
that in many cases are imaginary.
And you don't have anyone who could
actually be considered a living example of those teachings.
And so this is why one of the wisdoms behind a law sending us a human role model
so that adhering to the teachings of Islam,
becomes easy for us.
And so imagine if the messenger was some other creature, not a human being.
It would have been justification for people to say, Well,
he can follow the teachings perfectly adhere to them, because he's not one of us.
Allah gave him certain qualities that made it easy for him to, to follow the teachings.
But now when Allah has sent us a messenger from ourselves, as Allah says,
that he sent us a messenger from ourselves meaning a human like us.
Now, we can argue in that way, and that's why the,
the mushy Kuhn
This is something that they tried to argue with.
And so Allah says, well, man, man, I mean it. Who will who that Illa and corlew that's a long verschuren Rasulullah
Allah says nothing has prevented people from believing when guidance has come to them. Except that they protest has Allah sent a human as a messenger
and then Allah says, pretty low can feel all the Malacca
young una moto MA in Nina Denis zelner, la mina summary. mela can Rasul.
Allah refutes this claim.
And so Allah says, say, had there been angels walking on earth
instead of humans.
Had there been angels walking on earth well settled, we would have surely sent down to them an angel from the heavens as a messenger
showing us that the messenger had to be a human like us. And this, therefore makes it easy for us now to follow the teachings that Allah has centers.
Also, Allah subhanho wa Taala made
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to go through many trials, many difficulties, many challenges, to show the people that he was merely a human being.
And that nothing stopped him.
After all of those challenges, after all those difficulties, nothing stopped him from being
the most worshipping of Allah,
the Most fearing of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the most righteous servants of Allah subhanahu wa Tada.
And so, what this means is that, if he could have done it, with all of these challenges in front of him,
then who are we to say that we can do it when the challenges that we are facing are much less.
That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that those who are trying to the most will face the most calamities from all human beings, were the prophets and the messengers, and then those who follow them in righteousness.
And so this is something unique to Islam where we have
a living, practical example before us.
Who could basically live those theoretical teachings that loss of Hannah who without a sentence
moving on to the last point
And that is
the moderate and balanced reform,
to moderate and balanced reform.
And so when you look at any reform movement
throughout history,
no matter how tolerant they consider themselves to be, you will always find that it was extremely difficult for them
to control their followers from going to extremes
in their opposition.
So basically, whenever we had reform movements throughout history, they were trying to reform the corruption of the people.
And so,
once they gained the upper hand,
what did they do? They went into extremes.
They went into extremes.
And they even killed
their opposition. And there are many examples of this.
You have the French Revolution,
and how they stood up against the church, then when they were successful, they killed anyone who had any
representation of the church. And they, they turned all the churches into
of non religion and atheism.
You have the example of Marxism
and how when they revolted against
the Russian Empire, what did they do?
And how they went against
religion and killed millions of people,
and many other examples. So
the point is that these movements, all claimed that they were reforming
the corruption of the people before them.
And so what that means is that you're going to bring something which is better.
But you find in all of these cases,
they would go to extremes in their reform.
On the other hand, when you look at Islam, and how it came to reform the Arabs
and change their backward ways of Jamelia.
What do you find,
replacing it with Islam? You find that Islam placed extreme importance on the concept of balance and moderation and not going to extremes.
And so,
we have many a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
In fact, we have the Quran before before that Hadith.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, wakulla, wash robu Allah to eat and drink and don't go to extremes.
And many other examples in the Quran. As for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he warned us from going to extremes
beware of going to extremes. And he also said religion is very easy. And whoever overburdens overburdens himself in his religion, he won't be able to continue.
Meaning if you overburden yourself, go to extremes in your deen what you have overburden yourself with, you won't be able to last that long.
Which is why when some of those harbor
they were impressed by what they had found in Islam.
In this Dean that came to reform, the corruption
that they had been living in.
They were so impressed and they wanted to
they wanted to really get into it.
So they went into extremes.
And so we have
this famous Hadith in which three individuals.
One said that he will never get married, he'll stay away from women.
Because he wants to be so devoted to Allah subhanho wa Taala.
And other said, He will never eat meat
and a third said that he would never say
Upon his bed.
So, when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam heard this, he called them and he said, Are you the ones who are saying this? So they said, Yes. And then he said, By Allah,
I fear a lot more than you do.
There's no way that you can be more fearful of Allah than me, more devote to Allah than me. And yet, I am also the most obedient and most beautiful among, among you. And yet, I observe.
I fast and I also break my fast meaning, I don't stressed every single day of the year. Some days I've had some days, I don't fast, and I sleep at night.
I pray at night, and I also sleep at night.
And I also have taken many wives.
And then he sort of lucked out, he said, So whoever turns away from my son, that he does not belong to me.
So once again, this shows us
the emphasis that Islam placed on moderation and balance, when it came to reform the people, something that you won't find in any other reform movement in any other ideology that came to try to reform the people, or in any other religion. So these are some of the unique aspects of Islam, some of the beauties of Islam,
that further proof
that it is a truth from Allah subhanho wa Taala as compared to all other religions or ideologies that are out there.
With that, we end today's lesson and shout Allahu taala. Next week, we'll move on to looking at the nature of evidence.
when we say that we have proofs, what does it mean? And when others say that they have proofs? Are their proofs acceptable?
When it comes to deciding what the truth is concerning Islam or concerning Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that's what we'll look at we'll go into next week. Until then subhanak along will be Hamrick. Shed will learn sulfuryl where to go