Kamil Ahmad – Heart Therapy: Episode 23 – Actions of the Heart – 11 Tawakkul (Reliance)

Kamil Ahmad

The heart is the most significant organ of the human body, both physically and spiritually. Thus, we need to strive to make sure our hearts are sound, healthy and free of every defect. The Prophet (SAW) said, “There is a piece of flesh in the body, if healthy, the whole body is healthy, and if corrupt, the whole body is corrupt. Indeed, it is the heart.”

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The heart and trusting Allah Subhanho wa taala are crucial actions for achieving goals. It is important to strive and put one's trust in Allah's weight in one's shoulders to achieve goals and avoid harms. The importance of reliance on Allah's "ham[[is to achieve goals and avoid harms, as it is the only way to achieve them. The speaker emphasizes the need to combine these pillars to not give up on the effort and to stay firm in reliance on the person in order to achieve their goals. The importance of achieving river satisfaction in Allah's "ham[[is to entrust all people to do so, and the speaker discusses the importance of achieving a river satisfaction in Allah's "ham" and trusting their father to take care of their needs.

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			All my life I
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			have always held me
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			Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was salam, O
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			Allah, Allah He.
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			While early he was so happy woman South Island, Angie he wanted we had the era Yomi Dean, a man bad
as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome to this latest episode of heart therapy. In the
last several episodes, we have been looking at the actions related to the heart.
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			And in the last episode, we had a look at the action of a sober or patients. In this episode, we
want to move on to another action of the heart, which is related to patience, and that is what is
known as a tawakkol.
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			And so a tawakkol
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			loosely can be translated as trust or reliance. And so it is one of the greatest levels of this
religion. Just like a person's head does not rest except on his shoulders. Likewise, he man and its
various ranks cannot rest except on the shoulders of a tawakkol Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah
commanded the prophets and the messengers, to have a telecoil to put their trust on him to rely upon
Him alone in all of their affairs.
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			And he has told us that he loves those who have a telecoil
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			and so Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What What can I realize easily? And so Allah subhanho wa Taala
says, what are what can Allah Allah Aziz Rahim? and rely upon Allah Aziz the the Exalted in Might,
and Rahim, the Most Merciful. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Why the law he set out what Curlew
in quantum meaning and upon a lot rely, if you are believers, and so, Allah subhanho wa Taala here
described one of the characteristics of the believers, that they are those who have a token. And
Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
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			for either Isaiah, fetter work on a law in the law her hip Buta, Joaquin, and when you have decided
to take a certain action, then rely upon Allah, go ahead with it, and put your trust in Allah. And
then Allah says, Indeed, Allah loves those who rely upon him. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
We're mania to what kelada la he for who has more that whoever relies upon him, then he is
sufficient for him. Meaning that if you put your trust in Allah, regarding any matter, put your
trust in Allah. rely upon Allah subhanho wa Taala, to do it for you, to take care of you, then he is
sufficient for you. He is sufficient for those who put their trust in Him. As for those who do not
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			put their trust in Him, then how can they expect to achieve what they are seeking.
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			And so the very point and objective of a tawakkol is that you submit your affairs to the one who
they belong to all of your affairs, everything in this world belongs to Allah. And you do not
dispute with the one who possesses them. And you rely upon him, not relying upon your own personal
power and ability, but leaving it to the power of a loss of Hannah who were to hire to do it for
you. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
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			What Allah he fit. And so, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, while a law he fell yet what can you mean?
Here are some Hannah who Allah is telling us regarding
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			messengers after their people, they rejected them. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Why the law he
failure to walk kalamoon and upon Allah that the believers rely and then what does the law say? One
Atlanta, Atlanta to what Cal had a law he will call her Donna sabudana. Here the messengers are
saying, and why should we not rely upon Allah subhanho wa Taala while it is he who has guided us to
our good ways, while and us beuran Alana de to Muna and we shall surely be patient over the harm,
that you may try to cause us why the law he failure to what collimator what chiune. And upon a law,
let those who rely, indeed let them rely. And so these were the prophets and the messengers, they
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			put their trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala, because they believed that Allah subhanahu wa tada alone
could protect them from any harm.
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			And so the prophets and their followers, they rely upon Allah, in all of their affairs, to attain
what they seek, and ward off what they may fear. And that is, as I said, because they know very
well, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is sufficient for them, and that he is the most powerful to do
anything, and that he is in charge of every big and small thing that happens in his creation.
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			And so this is the general meaning of a telecoil. And this is also what comes to mind when someone
talks about the reliance of Allah Subhana, who without relying upon him subhanho wa Taala. However,
it must be understood here that to work cool does not mean that you give up on the means to achieve
your goal. And you say, I put my trust in a law, and here I am sitting, not doing anything to
achieve my goal.
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			And so those who have true to what they do not abandon material resources.
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			And so, we all know the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, to the bedwin,
who had left his camel, without tying it, he said to him, tie your camel,
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			lock it up, tie it up, and then put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. What is the lesson that
we learned from this, that we have to take both the means, and we have to put our trust in Allah
subhanho wa Taala. And so this shows us that a token revolves around two things, firstly, relying
upon Allah, believing that he is the one who causes everything to happen, and he is also the one who
causes any means to become effective. And secondly, to take the appropriate means and measures in
order to do what we seek to do.
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			And so it is not permissible for the believer to refrain from taking the appropriate means and
measures. In fact, one is not truly relying upon Allah subhanho wa Taala until he takes the
appropriate means. And so for example, if you want to have a child, then you must get married. If
you do not get married, you will not be able to have a child. And so someone who says I'm just going
to sit here at home, and I'm not going to get married. I'll just wait for a child. This is insanity.
No sane person would say that. And so such a person he may say, I put my trust in Allah, Allah will
bless me with a child. No, of course not. Because you haven't taken the means towards achieving that
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			goal. Similarly,
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			someone else he may say, I'm going to sit here at home and provision will come to me
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			wealth will come to me from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah subhanho wa Taala will shower me with
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			just by me sitting at home and not doing anything.
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			And so you have to go out. You have to make a livelihood in order for you to have money to have
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			And then after you have stroke, after you have strived and tried your best to achieve that risk,
then you put
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			your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala as Allah subhanho wa Taala said either as mtef at our kallada
wa once you have become determined that you want to do something, do it and strive in it, and put
your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			and so, Miriam, the mother of a Saudi has Salam is another example of striving
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			to take the appropriate measures and means are not simply putting our trust in Allah Subhana who
without a without taking the means. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala What did he say to her? Allah
subhanho wa Taala said to her well, who's Zi la TBJ the NZ la ke BG the inoculated to cerca de la ke
Ruta then Ruto, Robin, Junya Allah subhanho wa Taala said, and shake the trunk of the date palm
tree, shake it towards you, so that fresh ripe dates will fall from the tree. And so she didn't just
sit there and say, You know what, these dates will just fall upon me. Even though if Allah subhanahu
wa tada wanted to, he could have done that for her. But Allah subhanahu wa tada wanted to teach us a
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			lesson that we have to take the appropriate means to achieve something we have to strive and then we
have to put our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala.
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			And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in this regard, strive to do that which will
benefit you and seek the help of a lot in that and do not feel helpless. Do not feel helpless.
strive to do what you can. If you want to make a living. If you want to get some money, then strive
to do that by seeking the help of Allah subhana wa tada and do not give up and do not feel helpless.
Put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala after you have taken the appropriate measures.
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			With that we'll take a short break and be right back in a few moments.
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			Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh welcome back to this episode of heart therapy. In this
episode, we have been discussing another one of the actions of the heart and that is what is known
as a tawakkol. And we mentioned that a tawakkol basically means to put your trust in Allah subhanho
wa Taala to rely upon Allah subhanho wa Taala that he will take care of your affairs.
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			And so what it means is that whatever you need, Allah subhanho wa Taala he is there for you, He will
give it to you. If you fear something, then Allah will protect you. If you are in need of something,
Allah will give it to you. You have trusted that Allah subhanahu wa tada will dispose of your
appearance. And we mentioned that it does not mean
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			that you give up on taking the appropriate measures and means to achieve what you are seeking.
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			Rather, you must combine between the two.
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			You must combine between the two.
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			Don't come with your camel and leave it outside and then expect that when you come back to it, it's
still going to be there. That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told that bedwin he
said to him, tie your camel and then put trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala.
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			Now, a token
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			is made up of several pillars and it will not be complete until all of these pillars exist. The
first pillar is to know Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			By His attributes, his names and attributes, such as the fact that he is the all capable, and the
sufficient to rely upon, that he is the Sustainer. And that he is the all knowing, and that things
can only happen with his will, and his decree. And so this first pillar is about knowledge, knowing
who it is, that you are putting your trust in. And so, Allah subhanahu, WA Tada, he is the all
capable, he is the one who is sufficient for us to rely upon. He is the Sustainer, he's the
provider, and so on and so forth. These are the names of Allah, and the many attributes of His
Lordship, that prove that he is truly deserving, for us to put our trust in Him. So this is a must
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			in order for a person to rely upon Allah subhanho wa Taala, to know Allah subhanahu wa tada through
his names and attributes.
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			The second pillar is to believe that every single matter has a cause, or a means it has either a
cause or a means. And so some people, they give up utilizing these means due to their ignorance. And
so they think that this reliance is simply to trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala.
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			Without taking the appropriate means. And so this causes people to become like those who wait for a
miracle to drop from the sky.
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			And so, such people they wait for Allah subhanho wa Taala, to send down
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			His provision for them, and for him, to feed them and take care of them, without them doing anything
on their part. So you must believe that every matter everything has a cause or a means.
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			And without those causes are those means
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			your tawakkol is incomplete.
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			The third pillar is to remain firm in relying upon a lot alone. And so a person's reliance upon
Allah cannot be fulfilled until one relies upon Him alone, as Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In Surah
qumola, who fell out Holly Bella comb, that if Allah should aid you, if he should give you victory,
then no one can overcome you. No one can defeat you. And he says, What in your little comb, Fernanda
lady, young Sudoku men died? And if he was to leave you, if he was to forsake you, then who is there
who can aid you after that? Who is there who can give you victory after that? And then what does the
law say? Why the law he fell, yet what can you mean, and upon a law, let the believers rely. And so
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			this shows us
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			that we must remain firm in our reliance upon a lot alone, and not upon anyone else. And so if we do
that we have completed our to what could in Allah subhanahu wa. And so many people, they're not like
this, instead, you see that they rely upon other things, or they rely upon them material means to
achieve their goals. And only in those means, they think that they can do everything on their own,
or through the help of others without the reliance in Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			the fourth pillar
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			of reliance in Allah subhanho wa Taala is to think well of Allah subhanahu wa tada what is referred
to as who's no one to think well of Allah subhanahu wa tada which is something that actually leads
to a telecoil in Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's because it's not really imaginable that a person
would put his trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala while thinking negatively of Allah subhanho wa Taala
and there is no tawakkol in that which you do not hope anything from. And so there are certain
people who they may give up
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			Achieving a certain goal, and they may give up in their tawakkol. Why because they have not seen the
fruits of what they are relying upon Allah for. They say I have done everything, I have done
everything to achieve my goal. I have done all the appropriate means. And I have also put my trust
in Allah but I don't see anything. And so what happens there, what could in the law starts to
diminish, and then they start to think negatively of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They think that Allah
subhanahu wa taala is not hearing them. They think that Allah Subhana Allah is not sufficient for
them. They think that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not give them what they have asked him for. So
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			this is what we refer to, as soon as one Billa thinking negatively of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So
the fourth pillar is to have host no Vaughn Villa, to think well of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Moving
on to the fifth pillar of a tawakkol
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			it is to rely upon Allah subhanho wa Taala wholeheartedly
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			and to feel tranquility, when doing so.
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			So the extent the extent that one feels,
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			and so the extent that one does not feel anxious, or confused about His provision.
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			And so this completes a person's talk call
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			that you have put your trust in Allah Subhana, WA Tada, you have taken the appropriate measures, and
then you're talking is firm in your heart. Not that you start to worry, you start to feel anxious,
that I'm not going to achieve my goal. This is a proof that your toe acquittal is not that strong.
And so some people
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			they don't feel secure. Until, you know, certain means have been utilized. And so if a lot of
decrees that the these means are not available for them. That's it, they fall into despair. And they
think that I will not achieve my goal, they throw too awkward out the window, when they see that
these means are not there. They're not available for them. And so this is the fifth pillar of our
call, that you put your full to work in Allah subhanho wa Taala without feeling anxious, without
worrying, believing truly, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will take care of it, not worrying the
slightest about it.
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			Finally, the sixth pillar of a tawakkol.
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			And we say that this is the highest level of ethical
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			towards which each and every single one of us should strive to attain.
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			And that is to realize that the very essence of reliance upon Allah subhanahu wa tada is to entrust
all matters to him, willingly, without feeling forced to do so.
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			And so, just like a child, he naturally puts his trust in His father, to take care of all of his
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			And he doesn't feel that he's being forced to have this trust in his heart. He naturally believes
that yes, this is my father, he will take care of everything for me Why? Because he he has
experienced his kindness, he's experienced, that my father does everything for me, he takes care of
everything for me, he provides me shelter he gives for me to eat and so on and so forth.
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			And so, a person is to walk in Allah subhanho wa Taala if it reaches this level, where he naturally
puts his trust in Allah subhanho data without feeling forced to do so, we say that this is the
highest level of a tawakkol and so once you reach this level, you have reached the level of what is
known as a river satisfaction in Allah subhanho wa Taala which is the ultimate benefit that is
gained from a tawakkol. Finally,
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			Ibrahim, may Allah have mercy
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			upon him, he mentioned some very beautiful words regarding a tawakkol. He said that the condition of
one who relies upon Allah subhanho wa Taala is like the condition of the one who is given a dyrham a
coin from a king,
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			then that precious coin, it becomes lost. So the king, he says to him, I have many coins like that,
and I have much more better things than that one coin. So, don't worry about it,
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			I will give you many coins similar.
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			So when you come to me, I will give you all the treasures and much more.
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			So it will kill him. He says, if this person knows the truthfulness of the king's words, he believes
that you know this king is truthful. And he trusts in him, and he knows that his treasures are full
like that. Then what he missed out on, it will not sat in him.
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			That small coin that he lost, it all sat in him. And so this is the station of a tower, that a
person relies upon Allah subhanho wa Taala in this way, he doesn't become saddened when he misses
out on what he was trying to achieve, because he put his trust in Allah. And he knows a loss of
Hannah who without will take care of his affairs, even if he doesn't see the fruits of it right
away. With that we come to the end of this episode I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us all
beneficial knowledge and asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from among those who have achieved
the highest level of a tawakkol with that we conclude Subhana Allah Mohammed ik shadow Allah, Allah,
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			Allah and Esther Furukawa to relate was Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
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			Oh my life I
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			have always helped me.
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			Wash away and
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			make me
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			do me a fresh
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			Don't leave me
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			Don't leave me
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