Kamil Ahmad – Bidding Farewell to Ramaḍān

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the loss of Hannah's deeds and the need for everyone to pursue their good deeds. The importance of forgiveness and knowing the history of Prophet's actions is emphasized. The importance of giving and practicing good deeds is emphasized, and the importance of not being too worried about one's deed is emphasized. The importance of striving hard to achieve good deeds is emphasized, and the importance of giving in the month of Guinea is emphasized. The importance of giving a capital letter during fasting and giving a time during a busy day is also emphasized. The importance of practice praying and not being in trouble is emphasized, and the importance of not waiting for rewarded deeds before reaching the completion of a project is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah.

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While early he was hobby he woman, Debbie yahuda.

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We are now in the final hour of Ramadan.

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the month of Ramadan has gone by

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as if it was only a day or a few days

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and that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala he said when he spoke about the legislation of fasting,

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the verse that we heard so many times, yeah, are you headed Edina? Amman kuti de la como swam can akuti de la la, la la la la,

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la la comme takuan. O you who believe fasting has become legislators prescribed for you, as it was legislated and prescribed for those before you so that you achieve taqwa. And then what does the law say?

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A Yana Duda

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unlimited number of days. And that is exactly what Ramadan has been a limited number of days. It was only yesterday that it felt like we were welcoming the month of Ramadan.

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And then the month began. And now we are bidding farewell to the month of Ramadan.

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And this is the sooner of a loss of Hannah who had to Hannah with regards to his creation.

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This is a lot sooner

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that days go by

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yours come and go.

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Time goes by.

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This is the son of a loss of Hannah who went ahead

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and that is why

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on the Day of Judgment

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the people they will say to one another

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as a law has mentioned in various places in the Koran,

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such as in Surah Taha to hoffa tuna, Dino Illa, this tomb illa rashtra.

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They will whisper to one another, on the day of judgment,

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saying that you were only there in the dunya for 10 days.

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And then Allah Subhana who says no alemu Bhima yaku Luna, Ed aku answered whom Toria cotton Illa this tomb Illa Yama, Allah says we know what they say.

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And the best of them say that we were only there for one day.

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And so it feels like it was only one day that they spent in this dunya.

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And so that is a reality. That is a reality. And so Ramadan, it came and it went by and that is how this dunya is.

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In bidding farewell to this month of Ramadan.

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I just want to share a few points.

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A few points of reminder,

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as we count down the final minutes of this blessed month of Ramadan.

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The first and most important point that I wanted to mention

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is that we strove hard during this month of Ramadan

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praying tarawih PM, making Doha reciting the Quran giving sadaqa

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doing all sorts of good deeds hoping

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for the reward of a loss of Hannah who wins.

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But how many of us

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can guarantee that they will have that reward?

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In other words, how many of us can guarantee that his deeds have been accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And so

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we strove hard doing all kinds of good deeds.

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But the more important question is, have our deeds been accepted by

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Loss of Hannah who went to *.

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And so,

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the righteous

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of this owner

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and the true believers, they worship Allah subhanho wa Taala doing various

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acts of righteousness while fearing

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that what they have done has not been accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and that's why Allah subhana wa tada when he mentions the characteristics of the believers and sort of noon, he says one lady in

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Morocco worku Margiela

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and they are those the believers who give what they give?

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What boo boo magilla while their hearts

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are fearful.

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Their hearts are fearful of what I shall do the Allahu anhu she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam concerning this verse. She asked, Does it refer to those who drink alcohol?

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Those who steal

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major sin?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, yeah,

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rather, they are those who fast

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and praying and give soda. While we're

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while fearing that none of that none of that will be accepted from them,

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while fearing that none of that will be accepted from them.

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And so this is a reality My dear brothers and sisters, and that is why the seller

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after Ramadan, they used to fear a loss of Hannah who would Dinah and they used to make Doha

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they used to make to have for an entire six months, there are lots of Hannah who would die to accept

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what they have done in the month of Ramadan.

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Then, the six months before the next Ramadan, they would ask Allah subhanho wa Taala, to allow them to witness the next Ramadan. And so the reason for that is their fear

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that what they did all of their good deeds, that it will not be accepted from them.

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And that is why even many of the setup among the Sahaba and those who came after them, there are many statements of theirs in this regard. And so how do you know the last one?

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He said, be more concerned

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about the acceptance of the deed, rather than being concerned about performing the deed itself.

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Don't be so concerned about performing many, many good deeds.

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Don't be so concerned

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about the deed itself. Rather be concerned more about that deed being accepted.

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And then Ali rhodiola who and he said Have you not heard a loss of Hannah who at the NSA in Nima yet acaba de la who minalima takim.

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Only Allah subhanho wa Taala only accepts

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he only accepts from the moutoku those who have the taqwa of Allah Subhana. Who, what

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should have been does, may Allah have mercy upon him and upon all the scholars of Islam?

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He was once

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doing Tafseer of the Quran. And he came upon the verse in Surah Baqarah where Allah Subhana who attalla said concerning Ibrahim alayhis salam and his son is married building the Kava.

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And so awasum Hannah, who says, What is your Ibrahim kawada mineral Beatty? What is my Hebrew robina Taco Bell Mina

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when Ibrahim alayhis salam

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and his son,

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they were building the Kaaba, and they were raising the foundations of the Kava. What did Ibrahim alayhis salam say?

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He said Rob, Donna Taka Ballymena. Our Lord accept from us

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accept this huge good deed that we're doing for you.

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So she has been baptized when these when this verse was recited

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And he was supposed to comment on it. Instead, he started to weep.

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And he cried for more than five minutes.

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And then all he said was

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Omron muscles. Lee abdeen muscles behind Halima Sue's Fiona cannon muscles will not adelita yes Allaha kabu

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he said

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that here was a command, a special command from Allah subhanahu wa Tada. What was the command? A special command to build the kabah the host of a loss of Hannah who would Dinah Leah have the muscles for a special servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala what are the best prophets of Allah subhana wa tada and his son

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the Amelie masu sues for a specific and special deed, to build one of the most sacred places on earth. fie mecanim muscles in a special place. NACA Allah subhanho wa Taala chose. And then he said, Well, Malika, yes, Allahu kaaboo.

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After all, that, he asks a loss of Hannah who went to Hana for acceptance.

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And then the sheer, he burst out crying.

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And so, if this is one of the best human beings to walk the face of the earth,

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asking the loss of Hannah who attalla to accept such a great deed,

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then how about us?

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Who have been asked for less than that.

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And so,

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we should be more concerned about the acceptance of our deeds, more than performing the deeds themselves.

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And that is why every single good deed it should be ended with is still far

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seeking the forgiveness of a loss of Hannah who went ahead. And that is why, even

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the way even the revelation that was sent to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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over a span of 23 years.

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What did a loss of Hannah who etana ended off with or what did Allah subhanho wa Taala command the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with at the end of his huge mission,

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through law he will fetch

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What are at NASA, Yoda who Luna v de la he of Raja

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when the victory of Allah comes

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and you see the people have entered into the deen in droves in large numbers

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for sub big behemoth Europe beaker.

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Then at that time,

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praise Allah subhanho wa Taala

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was the fear

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and seek forgiveness of a loss of Hannah who was the Hydra in the who Cana to Webb. And so this is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam ending his mission. And yet, Allah subhana wa tada is commanding him at the end of it, to seek the forgiveness of Allah Subhana. Who, what.

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And so we need to go back to the first day of Ramadan

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and think about what we did.

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Think about our sins

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and think about even the good deeds that we did.

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And our shortcomings in these good deeds.

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And then seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa tada for that. Then move on to the second day and the third day

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and then move on to the next 10 days and the final 10 days. Think about what we have done. Go back and review what we have done. And then ask Allah Subhana who went to Hana to forgive us for our shortcomings in what has gone by so far, in this month of Ramadan. And so it's still far

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seeking forgiveness of a loss of Hannah who went to Hana is like the stamp of approval

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for our deeds

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for having them accepted by Allah Subhana who wants to hide

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and so if

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If you want your good deeds to be accepted, no matter what they be, whether they be the obligatory acts, or whether they be the recommended and then a waffle, whatever they be, after we have completed them, we should turn to a loss of Hannah who had to Hannah, seeking His forgiveness in whatever we have done.

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And that is why a loss of Hannah who were to Hannah,

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he commands His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a great command

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that I love.

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And who La ilaha illa Allah? No, this is a command to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, no, oh, Mohammed,

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that there is none who deserves to be worshipped except Allah La ilaha illa Allah.

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And then what does Allah subhanho wa Taala say?

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We're still fairly damning

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and seek forgiveness for your sin.

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What is the relationship between these two things? here Allah subhanho wa Taala commands his prophet

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to have knowledge of La ilaha illa Allah and then he commands him

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to seek forgiveness for his sin.

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Having knowledge of La ilaha illa Allah, is this a sin?

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Is it something that requires us to ask a lot of forgiveness for

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what is the relationship between the two? Why has is still far been mentioned after you know, such a great deed and that is having knowledge of La ilaha illa Allah. The reason is, my dear brothers and sisters.

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The reason is, because La ilaha illa Allah

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the greatest deed, the only deed that causes a person to enter into Islam, and the only thing that causes him to leave it

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This statement is not accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala without so far

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and so you could say la ilaha illAllah with your tongue.

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But having said that, yes, it brings you into Islam, but then after that, you will have many sins

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and so it requires you to go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and seek His forgiveness. Similarly

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it won't be accepted unless we ask Allah subhana wa tada for his forgiveness. And that is why at the end of our Salah, we seek forgiveness and it's still far similarly, swam. Fasting

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will not be accepted, until we seek a loss forgiveness for what has gone by during this month of fasting and similarly, all good deeds, they end and they are concluded with

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still far seeking the forgiveness of Allah Subhana who what?

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Now, how do we know if our good deeds have been accepted? Whether it be during this month of Ramadan or in general? How do we know that our good deeds are accepted by Allah Subhana who was

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first and foremost, there are two conditions for any good deed to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. The first is a loss of loss in media. And the second is

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a TBR or a Matata.

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And so the first condition for any good deed to be accepted is having the right intention. Doing it sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala not for anyone else.

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And so, if you perform a deed, then do it for a lot alone. And that is why the kuffar the machinery Kuhn,

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none of their deeds will be accepted from them, no matter how many good deeds they may have done in their life, no matter how many times they prayed, no matter how much good deeds that they may have done, whether it be charity, whether it be feeding the poor, whatever good deed it may be, it will never be accepted from them. Why? Because it was not done sincerely for the sake of a loss of Hannah who went to hide. And so this is the most important condition for any good deed to be accepted that it be done.

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Sincerely for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. Included in that is

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that if you do a deed

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that is,

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it seems that it is being done for the sake of Allah but in your heart, it is not sincerely for the sake of a loss of how to what to hide. What do I mean by that? What I mean by that is that a person he does a deed

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that seems to be for the sake of a law, but in reality, it is done showing off.

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And so, this person, he has not made his intention sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala rather, his intention is a mix between having it for Allah and for the people. And so, we have to fear falling into the sin of a Ria, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us, that it is the subtle kind of shift, it is the hidden kind of shift that he fears for his own more than the major shift, the shift of prostrating to idols, and worshipping other than Allah Subhana, who what's

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the second condition for any deed to be accepted is that

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it be done in accordance to how Allah subhanho wa Taala wants it to be done. Meaning that you have performed this deed

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in the way that Allah Subhana who Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have taught us.

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And so you follow the Sunnah in regards to that particular deed, and you make sure that you have done it in the proper manner.

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And so you have to make sure that whatever deed it is, that it is done in accordance to the Sunnah, not in opposition to this one.

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And so these are the two conditions for any good deed to be accepted. And so you should ask yourself, the deeds that I have performed in the month of Ramadan, did they fulfill these two conditions.

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Another way of knowing whether or not our deeds have been accepted, in this month of Ramadan, is

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by continuing the good that we have started in this month of Ramadan. And so once the days of Ramadan have gone by,

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it doesn't mean that the days of good deeds have now come to an end.

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Rather, as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the best of deeds are those

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that are permanent.

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The best of deeds are those that are continuous, those that continue, not those that a person does, and then he stops. And so after the month of Ramadan,

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we need to strive hard to continue the good that we had begun, whether it be fasting, whether it be the AMA lane, whether it be recitation of the Quran, whether it be giving in sadhaka.

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And so assign that your deeds have been accepted is that they continue after the month of Ramadan.

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Also, a sign that your deeds have been accepted

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that after the month of Ramadan, your life has actually changed.

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And so, the very objective of fasting in the month of Ramadan you have achieved and our objective is not none other than attaining the taqwa of Allah Subhana who want to hide the consciousness of a lot, the fear of loss of Hannah who went to Hana throughout your life.

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And so if you have achieved taqwa

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during this month of Ramadan, and this continues afterwards, and change has come in your life, then this is a sign that your deeds in the month of Ramadan were accepted, the hidden Allahu taala

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and so this is basically a few words regarding acceptance of our deeds. We ask Allah subhanahu wa tada to accept our deeds during this month of Ramadan

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in the remaining few minutes

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of this blessed month of Ramadan, as we count down the last few minutes,

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there are a few other

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points that I wanted to share that are very, very important at this particular time.

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First of all, is a cattle fitter

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Zakat will fit or

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is obligatory upon each and every single Muslim.

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the wisdom behind giving Zakat will fit are

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we can say it is twofold. First of all,

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first of all, givings a guttural fetter,

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it is meant to purify us of our shortcomings during the month of Ramadan. So as we mentioned,

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as we mentioned, we did not truly worship Allah subhanho wa Taala, the worship that he most deserves, and there were shortcomings throughout this month of Ramadan, whether it be in our fasting, whether it be in our salon, in our clear Malaysia, whether it be in our citation of the Quran, whether it be giving and feeding the poor, etc, whatever good deed it was, there was shortcoming this we have to admit. And so the cattle fitter is meant to purify us of those shortcomings. And that is why the very meaning of Zika is purification. And so we give of our wealth, to purify us of our sins, and our shortcomings.

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And the other wisdom behind giving, the cattle fitter is bringing joy to the poor and the needy. And so, when we are enjoying ourselves on the day of eat, with our family,

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and we are having a good time, there are those in the community

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who don't have what we have the poor and the needy, whether it be in our community, or whether it be elsewhere in the Muslim.

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And so, when we give

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when we give us a capital letter to those who are in need, we are bringing joy to them. And this brings a sense

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of unity in the oma and so, this is one oma whatever a part of it feels the rest of it is supposed to feel.

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Now, there are two times

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to give us a capital letter, one is the preferred time and the other is the permissible time. And so, the preferred time to give the capital letter

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is in the morning have read after so often scheduled until until you go out for Sinatra late this is the preferred time this is the sooner However, if you cannot, then it is permissible to give the Capitol theatre a day or two before he.

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Now, if somebody misses giving the cattle fitter,

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and he ends up giving it after salata lead, then it does not count as a cattle fitter. Rather, it counts as regular sadaqa. He'll be rewarded for it, but it won't count as the cattle filter. And so, the cattle filter is obligatory, it is obligatory upon every single Muslim, the young, the old, both men and women.

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And some scholars have even said that, it is preferred to give it for the fetus, in the womb of the mother

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and it is the guardian of the household, the guardian of the family, who gives it even on behalf of his wife

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and giving the cattle fitter is sooner

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in one's own country, in one one's own community. However, if the need of it is greater elsewhere in another country, where Muslims are suffering,

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whether it be because of war, because of poverty, whatever it be, then it is permissible rather it is more preferable to give it where it is in need most.

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This is regarding the counterfeiter

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After that, we move on to another very important point and that is regarding a to b.

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And so a lot of Hannah who went to Hana after mentioning the verses of fasting

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he ended off by saying Yuri de la who de como usara whenever you redo be como la ser

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after mentioning that

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the traveler the sick, it is not obligatory upon them too fast Rather, they could make up their fast afterwards a loss of Hannah who attended after mentioning this, he says, you read the law who be common Yusra, whenever you redo become Rasul

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Allah he does, Allah subhana wa Tada. He wants easiness for us

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and he does not want us to be in difficulty. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Well, he took Camilo light data, Willie to Kabira la Nana Hadouken when Allah contest to touch Quran, and so Allah says that he also wants that we complete the number of days meaning

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29 or 30 days of Ramadan, he wants us to complete them. When he took me to late data, when he took a beer Allah Allah had a cold and he wants us to glorify Him by saying to Kabir

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for what he has guided us to what Allah cultish guru and so that perhaps we may thank him and be grateful to him subhanho wa Taala for what for

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having facilitated fasting and praying in this month of Ramadan.

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And so, it is Sunnah

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to start the tour Kabir

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have read the night before he

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and so, with the sunset of the last day of Ramadan

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it is

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prescribed to begin the tequila.

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And this goes on until until sonatas lead until the man comes forth to lead salata late

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as for the form of the view, how do we say the takbeer various forms have been mentioned and all of them are permissible.

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However, the most authentic that has been transmitted to us is what abdulrazaq in his masana has narrated with an authentic chain, going back to salamander fallacy, who said, he said Kabira LA, glorify Allah say tech B, and then he said, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, oh Kabira so to say Allahu Akbar three times, and then say, Kabir, ah, this is the most authentic form However, other forms are permissible. So whether you say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar will allow him then even this is permissible.

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Now this is regarding to be and it should be said out loud, whether it be in the masjid, whether it be outside wherever it be. After that, we move on to some remaining soon as regarding regarding the date of read. And so it is from the Sunnah to eat something before you head out in the morning for Sonata hate.

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And the sooner is to eat an odd number of dates.

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To eat an odd number of dates. This is specifically for eagle feather, eagle feather and so, that is because no one should be fasting tomorrow on the day of the heat. And so in order to show that it is recommended to eat something before you go out for Salatu aid and as I mentioned, the sooner is to eat an odd number of dates.

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Among the soldiers on

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on on the day of aid is to head out

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to head out in the morning.

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Having washed oneself having performed looser

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and put on perfume and having worn the best of clothes

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And as for the women, then they should not go out in the best of clothes, showing it to the public Rather, they should, you know, still be in their hijab and not sure of their beauty, what Allah subhanho wa Taala has commanded them to conceal.

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As for

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selaginella read itself,

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then the scholars have differed, whether it is obligatory upon each and every single Muslim are not. And so, some have said that it is simply Mr. hub It is recommended, it is encouraged, while others have said that it is wajib it is obligatory,

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the more correct opinion and Allah knows best is that

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which many scholars have chosen among them, Shere Khan Islam evil tanea and that is that salata aid is obligatory upon every single Muslim except those who have a valid excuse, except those who have a valid excuse, such as the sick, who are in a sick in a sickness that they cannot move, for example, they're in the hospital, etc.

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So, every single Muslim should come out, including the women including the young, including the elderly.

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Also from the Sunnah, regarding the day of aid is that you head out for salata lead

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from one path and you return from another

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and that is in order to meet as many Muslims as one can on the way and in order to spread the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala wherever one goes.

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tomorrow being the day of aid, it is actually the day of two eights.

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And so, tomorrow is your maluma it is a Friday

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and it is also human lead. And so, when this occurs, when the day of the read coincides with a Friday, we say in such a case that one prayer counts for the other. What that means is that if you have prayed so not to lead, then you don't have to pray Salatu Juma However, if you end up missing solitary, then Salatu Juma becomes obligatory upon you.

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However, this doesn't mean that you know, we can choose this doesn't mean that we should choose and say you know, should I go for salata lead or should I go for slaughter Juma? No, we say that so not lead is preferred, and so salata lead should be given precedence over salaat illuma. However, if one ends up missing for whatever reason, so not to lead, then Salatu Juma becomes obligatory upon him. However, if he comes to the masjid and there's no one there to lead Serato Juma then in this case, we say that Salatu Juma for him has become waived. And so he should pray. sola Tovar as for everyone else

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who has prayed slightly in sha Allah all of us who will pray tomorrow

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Serato Juma is not obligatory upon us rather. So not to her is obligatory upon us. So no one should say I praise Allah to read and now there's no more salaah for me no Salatu

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is obligatory in place of in place of salata Juma?

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No, for those who have not prayed salata laid, then they will pray so lots of drama with the hotbar. This is specifically for them.

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This is specifically for those who have not prayed who have not praised the lottery. As for those who have prayed, then they

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prefer, they should come to the masjid and they should pray salaat over separately and those who have not prayed, then they will produce a lot of drama. As I said, most likely they will not find anyone to pray Salatu Juma with them. Therefore Serato Juma becomes a way for them and they will join everyone else with so a lot of our Angelenos missed.

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And so in conclusion, we have come to the end of the blessed month of Ramadan. The time has come for our guests to depart.

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And although it is leaving,

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although our guest is leaving,

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it has left something behind with us.

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And that is what has been written of our deeds.

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And so the only thing that remains with us after Ramadan has left is what has been written of our deeds. Do not wait to receive the reward of your deeds before reaching Allah subhanho wa Taala what do I mean by that? I mean, do not wait for your reward in this dunya

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don't ask for your reward in this dunya for whatever good deeds you have done, why because, what you will find with a loss of Hannah who went to Hana of reward, nothing can replace it, when to cut the movie and fusi can mean hiring to do who hang the law, whatever you have put forth of good, you will find it were not in this dunya rather, in the next you will find it where you will find it with a loss of Hannah who will do who handle a lot. You will find it with a loss of Hannah, who when

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we asked a loss of Hannah who would have had to accept from us

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our fasting and our praying and our soda clock and whatever good deeds we have done. In the month of Ramadan. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to conclude this month of ours with still far seeking His forgiveness for our shortcomings. We ask Allah Subhana who were to Hana to

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allow us to see and witness Ramadan many years ahead of us, while we are in a state of good health and in a state of high eema We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala as he has concluded this month or Ramadan for us to conclude our lives

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in the best of states. We ask Allah Subhana who Allah to grant us steadfastness in this dunya until the day that he decides to take away our souls. We ask Allah subhanahu wa tada for the best of this dounia and the best of the alzira Robin attina dunia has an awful lot. He has an joaquina banagher also Allahumma salli ala nabina Muhammad while early he was offering me he urged marine

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