Kamil Ahmad – Be in this World as a Traveler

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallam advises the caller to live in a temporary environment and not feel like a permanent home. The importance of maximizing enjoyment and avoiding waste of time is emphasized. The importance of working hard and focusing on one's goal is also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need for accountability and action to achieve success in life, and provides examples of lessons learned from the Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam's teachings. The importance of taking advantage of good health and avoiding waste of time is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala at Emmanuel aquilani Allahu Allah He urged marine. While early he was

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women to behead you was tending to be suniti Isla Yomi Dean, alumna alumina in Sedona one Santa Bhima alum Tina was it dinner? illman Why mela

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well, arena con was looking at da da da da da da da da which is me man. SME Runa cola ruiner Center. I mean we are blind I mean, Am I bad? Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Moving on to

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Hadeeth number 40.

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And when we hear

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Heidi's number 40 many think that this is the last Heidi's in.

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In this collection of our own by email and no UI, the 40 hadith of Imam and no we but that is not the case.

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Although he entitled The 40 Hadith, there are actually there are actually 4042 or 43 a hadith and so this is Hadith number 40. And this hadith

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is reported by Imam Al Bukhari

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in his Sufi

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I'm delighted in Ramadan, the Allahu and hoonah

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on an Elsa Danny Asada Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Beeman keybie

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Alcala confit dunya Calvary boo,

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boo Sabine

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Abdullah ibn hermano, the Allahumma he reports that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took me by the shoulder, and said, Be in this world, as if you are a stranger, or a pastor or by or a pastor, or by

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what kind of Abraham be Allahumma yaku

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either and zeta, fella until we find out on Toby rusada. What either aspect of Toby really mess up, well, who would mean so hatikvah limar avec woman, woman hyah Tikka remotec.

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And so that was the Hadees that we mentioned. And then after that, it's been a rumor, he says himself, he used to say it normally used to say, if you reach the evening, then do not wait for the morning. And if you reach the morning, do not wait for the evening. And then he said take advantage of your good health, before times of sickness and take advantage of your life before your death.

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And so, this Harry

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is an example of

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what the prophet sallallahu Sallam was given

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of Elijah Muhammad Al Kalam.

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Short but comprehensive speech. And Mr. Mandela, we mentioned in his introduction to this book, that he selected those ahaadeeth

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that fulfilled this condition

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you know, it was short words book containing huge and massive meanings. And this is a beautiful example of that. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in one sentence, what can be explained for hours and hours.

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And so,

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the basic message of this hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to get across to, in Homer, the son of a hammer of Viola

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Abdullah, even remember the famous companion, who, at that time, he was a young team.

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He was young.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took him by the shoulder and he wanted to get this message across to him.

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What was this message? This message was that this dunya that we live in today, it is not our permanent home.

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So don't treat it like that Don't act like this is our permanent home,

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but rather act like a person who knows that he is here for a very, very short time.

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And that he is eventually moving on. He is eventually moving on to his permanent home.

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And this is

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similar to what the believer from the family affair at home.

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And so there's a story mentioned in the Quran about the Mothman of attitude on the believer from the family of Pharaoh. And this is mentioned in sudo Hafiz.

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He said, y'all call me in

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to Dunia mahtab

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we're in Hirata he had our own car.

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He said, Oh my people, this worldly life that we live in, is only a temporary enjoyment. Whereas the acciara It is truly the home of permanent settlement.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also used to try to get this message across to his companions. In one Hadith, he says, Murli what will it dunya? Molly Molly dunya.

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What do I have to do with the dunya

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in Hadley Hill, he said in Nana metally one method adonia korok even

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is still one letter shadow Ratan sama, sama raha taraka.

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He said that, my example

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with regards to the dunya is nothing but that of a writer,

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a writer traveling on his animal,

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and he comes across a tree. And he decides to take a rest under this tree.

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So he takes a rest, maybe for a few minutes, maybe for an hour. And then he gets up and he leaves it, he leaves that tree and that beautiful shade, that he enjoyed

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the Prophet sallallahu it was setting them compared himself with respect to the dunya in the same way, that this is something very, very short. And we are eventually going to leave it very, very.

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And so through this piece of advice, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam directed this great companion of Abdullah Omar

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to really ponder over the reality of the life of the dunya that we live in today. And that we should be one of two people.

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He said be in the dunya, like one of two people.

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The first is couldn't fit dunya and nakahara.

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Be in the dunya as if you are a stranger.

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And so a stranger is a person

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who is basically, you know, he's left his land.

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And he's gone to a different country

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to live there, but not as a permanent resident, but only for a short time.

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So he's a person who has left his land, whether it be for business, whether it be for a visit, whether it be for education, whether it be for medical treatment, whatever the case, he leaves his country, and he goes to a different country

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to stay there for some time. So he has now become a stranger in that country.

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His heart

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is attached to his own country

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that he plans on going back to eventually His heart is not attached to this new country that he's living in. And he knows

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that, you know, I'm here only for a temporary period of time. And so he doesn't, he doesn't settle himself into this place.

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And he does not busy himself with the material, worldly things in this place.

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But rather he only takes what he needs. He only takes of the material dunya in this country.

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What he needs that will fulfill his basic needs. Also, His heart is not attached to the people of that country.

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His heart

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is not attached to these people who he's living among, who he is looked at as a stranger.

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He doesn't care about them.

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They look at him as a stranger. And he looks at them as strangers. His heart is not attached to them, but rather, His heart is attached to his own people.

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And so he misses them.

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And he longs to go back to them.

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And so

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this is how the believer should be in Nigeria. This is how the believer should be in dunya. The second the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Oh, I beautiful city,

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or, like the passerby.

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And it's usually translated as a traveler. But the correct translation of Abu Dhabi is the one who passes by somewhere.

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So he is moving along.

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And he passes by a certain place. So he is a traveler.

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He is the traveler, but he's referred to as the one who, the one who's passing by. So this is a person who is traveling.

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And he passes by a town

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or a city along his journey.

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he doesn't stop in this town or in this city, to settle in to, you know, find a home to live in, no, he's only there for a few moments. Maybe for a few hours, maybe he'll rest in this place, and then move on. The point is that this is only a break for him. It's only a pit stop. And so he

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is looking forward to his final destination. This place is not his final destination. And he knows that.

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He knows that very well. What he has on his mind, is his final destination. And that is all he's concerned about. That is all he's worried about.

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He is not worried about where he has topped right now in this town in the city.

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And so what does he do, he doesn't busy himself. He doesn't busy himself, where with this, you know, city or this town.

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But rather, he has his mind focused on his final destination. And so this person, he has absolutely no attachment to to this place where he is stopping in.

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And so the difference between these two examples that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned,

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he said that we should be like one of these two people. The difference between the two is that the first one, the stranger,

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basically lives

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in this place, where he has gone to reside in but as a temporary resident. And so, this is how the believer should be in this dunya.

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He should be as if I'm here, temporarily.

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The second

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the hobby to Seville, the passerby, the traveler.

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He doesn't even consider himself to be living

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in this dunya but rather,

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he considers himself to be just taking

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a pitstop, a break and moving on.

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And so there's no doubt that the better of the two in terms of their relationship with the dunia is the second, there's no doubt that the second is the one that we should aspire to be like the ones who have no attachment to this dunya whatsoever. And so such people, they are those who have their eyes completely set on their final destination and that is the Acura and that is all that they are concerned about.

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Holly rhodiola who I'm

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in an authentic nutrition, he says

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in the dunya could well that would be

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what even the Akira Khadija Villa

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will equally mean Huma Abedin for coonan in Urbana, Illinois.

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euro what are the kulu mean? dounia for intall yo Ma, I'm a loony Rafi sub. Well, then he said when villa

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in this beautiful statement earlier on the Allahu and he says, All people

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the dunia has gone and left you,

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whatever of this dunya has passed. It has passed, it has gone

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wild the Acura is coming ahead of you.

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While the Acura

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it's coming quickly ahead of you.

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And he says for each of the two for the dunya and akhira. For each of the two artists people, so be of the people of the accurate and do not be the people of the dunya. And then he says, today, there is action. Without account. Today is the day to work hard

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in doing deeds, while there is no accountability, you can do whatever you want. Allah has left us in this dunya there is no hisab there's no accountability today.

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You want to do good, do good. You want to do evil, do evil.

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But now

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he says, tomorrow

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there will be accountability, but there will be no action.

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Today there is action without account. But tomorrow there will be accountability, but no chance to do any action.

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And so this is the Hadeeth

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that where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained how we should be one of the two, either

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the stranger or the pastor by the traveller. Now there is another way of looking at this hadith that many scholars have mentioned in their commentaries of this hadith. And that is

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by looking at this Hadith, and the advice that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave to Abraham or here

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by looking at it in the sense that

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we as human beings,

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did not begin our life in this journey,

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but rather,

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our origin goes back to Jenna.

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And that was

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with regards to Adam alley, etc.

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And so

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we began

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in Ghana.

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And then we were sent here to the earth

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to be tried

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and tested.

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So we are here not as the people of the dunya.

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We are here not as the true residents of the dunya.

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This is not our true home. But rather we are here only as a stranger who we explained someone who leaves his homeland and goes to a different country

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to reside in temporarily. And so we are like that or like the traveler who has come here

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along his journey,

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just passing by and going back.

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And so if we were to ponder over this deeply,

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we would always be concerned about

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how can we return back to our original home

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and this is why

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Rahim Allah, he mentioned this exact meaning

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in lines of poetry,

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in several of his books,

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in several of his books, like had the law

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and Medallia decided to kill him. He mentioned how

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the Muslim He longs for his original home.

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he wishes that he can return back to his original home and that is gender.

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he is only he realizes that he is only here as a captive that has been dragged by his enemy.

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And that was when a police

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took Adam

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As a captive

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by trapping him into his trap, and causing him to descend to the earth. And so

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even look at him he asks, after mentioned this scenario of,

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you know, us being dragged here as captives of war by our enemy believes, he then asks,

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will the son of Adam,

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will he returned to his original home or not?

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And so that should be the concern of the believer?

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How can I get back to my original home?

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How can I safely return to my original home and so our original home is

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his agenda.

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And so anyone who understands this,

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they would never treat this dunya as their real home,

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feeling comfortable here

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enjoying this life of theirs,

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becoming attached to this material world,

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such that we are always concerned about, you know, how can I maximize my enjoyment in this dunya

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anytime something new comes out, I have to be the first one to buy it. And so we're just chasing after the dunya.

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We're just chasing after it. Why because our hearts are attached to it. But the believer shouldn't be like that, because he understands that

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this is only a temporary home in which he is living in.

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And so someone who, you know, this is his temporary home, he doesn't go after,

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you know, attaining

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everything that is out there. But rather, he only takes what he needs. He only takes what he needs. And all that is on his mind is

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how can I accomplish my goal

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for why I am here, just like the stranger who leaves his homeland, to go to a different country.

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And I'm sure all of us have experienced this, or many of us, where we have traveled to other places for various reasons, whether it be for a visit,

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whether it be for education,

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whether it be for business, and so on and so forth.

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When we are in that state, we are in that, you know, strange land, we never consider it to be our real home.

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And only a foolish person would look for Okay, so where can I buy my home here? And how can I prepare my house here in this foreign land?

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That he knows he's not going to be here for a long time? And so he looks How can I maximize my enjoyment here? How can I buy this and that and he starts, you know, busying himself with the dunya over there. Nobody does that no sane person does that. And so, all he focuses on is why he came here, if it was for education, how can I you know, be successful, it was if it was for business, how can I be successful in my business trip, and so on and so forth. Likewise a believer, his focus, and concern should be on why we are here. Why we are here in the dunya. And that is for a man and woman

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to strengthen strength, strengthen our man in Allah subhanho wa Taala and do as much good deeds as we can. That is why we are here. And that is what we are preparing ourselves for. For the euro.

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And so

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both of these

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the traveler, and the stranger, they only take of the dunya what they need, they only take of the dunya what they need,

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leaving what they don't need, leaving what they don't need. Why? Because they know that no matter how long I live for, eventually, eventually I'm going to have to depart.

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How long does the average person live in this dunya 6078 years.

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Even if we were to go, you know into into the past where they used to live longer lives. New Halle Salah who lived 1000

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Yours, even him, he came and went, his people they came. And they went even if they live.

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And so the believer, he understands this very well, that no matter how long I live here for, eventually I'm going to have to leave, eventually, I'm going to have to leave. So my concern should not be about

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this present abode, but rather, the Acura which is, which is permanent, and which will never end after that.

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The Hadeeth mentioned the comment of ability or not. And so in a remote would advise others based on the advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in this Hadith, and so he would say, either, um, Satan fell out on top of the Rosada, what either fell out on top our LMS app, if you reach the evening, then do not wait until the morning.

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And if you reach the morning, then do not wait for the evening.

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And so this could mean one of two things.

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Either, it means that

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he is saying that we should work hard to do good deeds before you reach the morning, and do not put it off for another day.

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A day that may never come. So when you wake up,

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in the morning, you reach the morning,

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start working right away, do as many good deeds as you can, and don't say, I'll do it tomorrow. Or I'll do it. You know, on this day, don't put it off for a day that may never come. And likewise, if you wish the evening, don't wait until the morning meaning work hard in this evening. And don't say I have I have tomorrow.

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The second meaning is that if you reach the morning,

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if you reach the morning, do not have false hopes of living until the evening.

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So if you have woken up in the morning, don't expect that you're going to live until the evening. And vice versa. If you reach the evening,

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if you reach the evening, don't expect that you're going to live to see the next morning. And so

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what this teaches us is that the believer should have death always on his mind that I could die at any moment. And this is why some of the scholars they would say work for your dunya as if you're gonna live forever.

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Work for your dunya as if you're gonna live forever.

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Meaning with regards to your dounia related matters.

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Whatever you could not get done today. Don't worry about it you have tomorrow.

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It's not a big deal if you didn't get it done.

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But with regards

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to the with regards to the Acura with regards to the axiata work for your Acura as if you will die tomorrow,

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work for your Acura as if you will die tomorrow. So don't put off matters

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related to your Acura for ID that may never come. Because that is all that matters in that

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whatever you put forward today, and today, meaning in the dunya

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it may come to an end at any moment when you're least expecting it.

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And so this is a great Hadith that teaches us many lessons. And so we'll go through some of the lessons that this hadith teaches us as we conclude.

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The first lesson is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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as we can see in this hadith

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was the best example of a teacher.

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How? Firstly,

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grabbed in a hammock for the alarm.

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And he said that even the homeowner

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was a young teenager at the time.

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And teenagers, they get distracted

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and sometimes they may not pay attention.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted him to pay attention

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to this message that you wanted to get across to him. So what did he do?

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He grabbed him by the shoulder. So he was standing in front of him and he put his hand on his shoulder

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So what that does is it makes the student to Now pay attention to what the teacher is about to about to teach. The second example of how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was an exemplary teacher, is

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that he taught him something very, very important

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in just a few words, and by giving him an example.

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And so, a good teacher is one who does not only,

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you know,

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fill you with information,

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but rather, one who gives you information. And then in order to make sure that you've understood it, he gives an example. And, and so through examples, we learn difficult and abstract content concepts, that sometimes they may be difficult to grasp.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did this on many, many occasions. He did this on many, many different occasions. And so there are so many parables that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he gave us. And these parables are something that we are going through in our weekly class, the prophetic parables, here at Abu huraira. On on Mondays.

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And before that, we went through the parables of the Quran. And so in the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa taala gave so many parables

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where Allah subhanahu wa tada

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you meet a concept easy to understand, by giving a parable by giving an example. So that is exactly what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did here. In this Hadith, he gave

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in Homer, an example that, you know, he can familiarize himself with, be in this dunya as if you are such and such, he didn't say to him, Look, all Ebon Hama be in this dunya only taking, you know,

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what you need of this dunya treat this dunya as a temporary place, because you're going to eventually leave it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could have given him all of that, he could have said that, but in order for him to remember these words, and, and, and this example, he gave him this profound example, that he can relate with, and that he could,

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you know, ponder over its meaning and pass it on to others.

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The second lesson that we learned from this hadith

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is that the smart person

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is the one who concerns himself

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with his final destination,

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the smart in the same person

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is the one who he worries about his final destination, making it his end goal.

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And so, the smart person is not the one

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you know, he busied himself with other things other than his end goal or his final destination. And so, if you want to achieve anything in this life,

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if you want to be successful in anything in his life, what do you do? You focus on, you know, that eventual goal that you want to achieve?

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What is that eventual goal that I want to achieve? And then you work hard towards it. And you pay attention, you focus your energy and your mind on that.

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As for others, who don't do that, but rather they worry, or they concern themselves with side matters, and things that are not going to help them to achieve that final goal.

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Then what happens? They don't end up achieving that goal. They don't end up you know, being successful in achieving that goal. So, likewise, the believer

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his final destination is nothing other than that.

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And worrying about how can I

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attain the reward of Allah subhanahu wa tada? How can I safely How can I safely

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How can I safely reach my final destination which is, which is gender

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and so there was once a man who came to visit a Buddha, probably Allahu Allah.

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And so he entered his house and he started to look around

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he saw that a Buddha, he didn't have anything in his house.

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So he asked him, oh, Buddha,

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where are your belongings?

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And so a Buddha, he said,

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we have a house that we are heading to, meaning, this house of mine is not my real house. But rather there is a house that I have my, my eyes set on.

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And so the man He said, But you must have something of belongings while you're here.

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How can it be imaginable that you're living in this life with no belongings.

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And so a Buddha roseola rang, he responded, and he said, the owner of the house is not letting us to stay in

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the owner of the house is not letting us to stay in it.

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that I don't know when I'm going to leave this house. So why should I be concerned about decorating this house in this dunya, about buying things about hoarding, and piling up the dounia? When I'm not here forever. In fact, I don't even know if I'll live to see another day. So does that make sense. And so this shows us that the smart person is not the one who busies himself in this dunya trying all he can to achieve what he can have this dunya while forgetting about his eventual goal, and forgetting about the final destination, which is his abode in the Acura and in the third lesson that we learned from this hadith

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is that the believer who has his eyes set on the Euro is truly liked a stranger. He is truly like the state, like the state of the stranger. And the stranger we mentioned is someone who

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he leaves his home,

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his homeland, he leaves and he goes to a different country.

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And so he finds himself, he's a complete stranger. Nobody knows him. And he doesn't know anyone.

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And so

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such a person, he went to that place for

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a certain purpose to achieve a certain goal.

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And so he doesn't care about the people around him.

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Yes, I'm considered a stranger to them. And they are considered strangers to me. But I don't care about them. I didn't come here because of them.

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Nor does he care about the fact

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that he doesn't know too many people.

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That doesn't worry him that doesn't bother him. Why? Because he didn't come to this place to make friends to make connections. That was not why he came here. But rather he came here for a purpose, like we said, whether it be you know, for business for education for a visit,

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for medical treatment, he came here for a purpose, Nobody leaves their homeland,

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you know, that their heart is attached to him and his family and his people to go to a foreign place where he knows nobody, and nobody knows him. And he spent so much time and energy and and money to go to the space. Nobody does that. Only for the sake of having fun.

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Only for the sake of you know getting to know the people here and making friends and connections. But rather they take such a journey and go to such a place for for a certain purpose that they want to achieve a certain goal.

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And so, the believer who has his eyes set on the Acura

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is truly like that stranger in the studio.

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He doesn't care about the fact

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that people look at him as being a stranger.

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He doesn't care about the fact that he doesn't know too many people. He doesn't care about the fact that because he is adhering to his Diem. He's gonna lose friends. Because of adhering to his Deen. He's gonna be looked at as a stranger because of adhering to his deem.

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He's not going to have that many connections with the people of the day. He doesn't care about

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His eyes are set on something else. And that's why it has an adversary.

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He says, In this regard, he says, In this world, the believer is like the stranger.

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He does not despair. He doesn't become agitated, when the dunia humiliate, when the people of the dunya look down on him, it doesn't bother him.

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Nor does he have his eyes set on the honor and the prestige that is in the hands of the people. His eyes are not set on gaining some kind of ranking status among the people. He doesn't care about the people and how they look.

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And then he said, the people are in one state. And he is in a completely different state,

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that people are in one Valley, and he's in a completely different Valley. Meaning that he doesn't care about them, and they don't care about him.

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The fourth lesson that we learned from this hadith

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that one should take of his dunia only what he means

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and not more than that, take of your dunya what you need, and leave what you don't need. And that is the very definition of a zoo.

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zoo, it means to basically leave of the dunya what will not be of any benefit for you

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to leave of the dunya to forsake the dunya

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that which will not benefit you in your

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Now this does not mean that one should you know

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live in poverty.

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And you know, dress in the worst kind of clothes and so on and so forth. No, but use the dunia for your Acura.

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And so the definition of a zoo head is to leave what will not benefit you in your area. So, if you do have something of the dunia,

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then use it for your Acura.

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We're not saying give it up for sake it completely. But don't use it to enjoy it, but rather use it, use it for your accurate. And so if Allah Subhana, who is out of for example, blesses you with wealth, then use it, use it in giving that wealth to others in South Africa, and so on. And so first, the fifth lesson that we learned from this hadith

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is that the believer should always be wary of death.

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And that it could meet you certainly at any time.

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And so if we think of almost everyone

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who has ever left dystonia,

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I'm sure each and every single one of us know somebody who has passed away, whether it be recently or you know, in the past.

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Think about those who passed away that, you know,

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did they leave this junior at a time when they were prepared?

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00:43:31 --> 00:43:37

did they leave having achieved all of their goals and their plans know,

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not a single one of them was prepared for death when it came.

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They didn't expect that they would die at this time or this age or this place.

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At the same time, they had many plans for their future.

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They have many plans for their future.

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And they didn't achieve them.

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And so this teaches us that the believers should be weary of death.

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And he should realize that death is something that could come at any time. As Omar mentioned in his statement, that when you reach the morning, do not wait until the evening. We mentioned that one of the meanings is don't expect to live until the evening. Likewise, if you reach the evening, don't expect to live until the moon and so unfortunately, many people are heedless of this.

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And so we have to

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you know, get rid of that heedlessness

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that has basically come in between us and realizing the true nature of this dunya

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we are heedless of the era we live in in this life completely heedless and negligent

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forgetting about the fact that we are here temporarily and

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we are eventually going somewhere else and that that can happen at any time that that can happen at any time. Finally, the last lesson that we learned from this,

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from this hadith is that we should take advantage of what we have today for what we will not have tomorrow, and that is taken from the last part of the statement of avian armor.

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When he said, Well hood patita Lee Moravec workmen hierarchically magic, take advantage of your good health before a time comes when you fall ill and take advantage of your life before your death, take advantage of your life before your death. And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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you have mahtani Malibu Malibu and on fee Makati, Dominus, that there are two blessings that many people are that many people

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don't take advantage of.

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And that they waste,

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how to work for

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good health and free time, good health and free time. And so

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me means is that right now, if you are in good health,

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you are full of energy. And there's so much potential in you, there's so much you can do.

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Take advantage of that. Take advantage of it in putting in basically building for your algebra.

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And don't let it go. Don't let that period of your life to go to waste.

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And also your free time.

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Don't let it go to waste because there will come a time when you will become too busy.

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And you won't have time anymore to to do those particular good deeds. And so

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the true believer takes advantage of his good health before a day comes when he falls ill. And he takes advantage of this life that he has,

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no matter how long it may be. He takes advantage of it before before his death. And so this is the one who's truly intelligent.

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The one who the one who takes advantage of these two things, because if we were to think about it,

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anyone who has ever fallen ill

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will tell you how they regret not having taken advantage of their time when they had it.

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And those who have fallen ill and may today be on their deathbed. They will also tell you

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that they regret how they wasted their life. Now they're moving on to the era. The doctors are telling them you only have a few days to live, they will tell you how they regret not having taken advantage of every single day in their lives. And more profound than that is what Allah subhanahu wa tada tells us in the Quran, of the regret of the people in that era. How they will regret the time that they wasted, how they will regret all the days that they wasted and they never took advantage of and they will ask Allah subhanahu wa tada to give them a second chance. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us how even if he was to give them a second chance, they would come back to the dounia

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and and waste that second chance. And so we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala

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to make us from among those who take advantage of the time that we have in this dunya and to not let it to go to waste because we only have one life to live and after that there is no second chance we ask Allah subhanahu wa tada to make us from among those who have their eyes set on what is more important. And that is their final destination their Acura and to not make us from among those who become heedless, to not make us from among those who their concern is only linear. Without we come to the end of this session. Somehow Nicola will become the cash head to Allah, Allah Allah and I still Furukawa to buoy Lake wa salatu wa salam ala nabina Muhammad while early he was so happy he

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urged me

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