Kamal El-Mekki – The To-Do-List for the last Hour of Fridays

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses various hadiths and their significance during a time period, including a story about a man with debts and problems, a woman experiencing a difficult time, and multiple hadiths about different opinions on time. The importance of avoiding disregarding the church's history and the need to be careful with narratives is emphasized, along with the importance of not disregarding Maghrib's story and practicing forgiveness during difficult times. distraction-free talks between two speakers, including a story about a man taking advantage of the Easter time, and a family outing, are also discussed. It is emphasized that seeking forgiveness during difficult times is crucial, and practicing forgiveness to test his ability to deliver falsehoods is also important.
AI: Transcript ©
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Inna alhamdulillah nahmaduhu wa nastaeenuhu wa nastaghfiruhu wa

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na'udhu billahi min shururi anfusina wa min

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sayyiati a'malina man yahdihi allahu fala mudhilla lah

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waman yudhlil fala hadiya lah wa ashhadu an

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la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah wa

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ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh ya ayyuha

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allatheena aamanu attaqu allaha haqqa tuqatihi wa la

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tamutunna illa wa antum muslimoon ya ayyuha allatheena

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aamanu attaqu allaha wa quloo qawlan sadeeda yusbih

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lakum a'malakum wa yagfil lakum dhunubakum waman yuta

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'illaha wa rasulahu faqad faaza fawzan azeema amma

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ba'd fa inna astaqal hadithi kitaabullah wa ahsana

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al hadi hadi muhammadin sallallahu alayhi wasallam wa

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sharr al umoor muhdathatuha wa kulla muhdathatin bid

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'a wa kulla bid'atin dalala wa kulla

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bid'atin finnaar brothers and sisters in islam

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today our khutbah is about the last hour

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on the day of friday the last sa

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'ah the last hour of the day of

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friday and we'll begin with this story from

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this shaykh who says my entire life my

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father he never accepted any invitation on friday

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he never booked or planned any activity on

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friday he said friday he would pray asr

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in the masjid and he would sit from

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asr until maghrib and he would make dua

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to allah azza wa jal in the masjid

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another story was a man who had all

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kinds of debts and problems and he didn't

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know what to do so he was advised

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and he lived in mecca so they told

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him go to the haram this was on

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friday and they said pray asr there and

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then don't leave just stay there making dua

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until maghrib he says i prayed asr and

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i made dua until maghrib and i stayed

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there after maghrib and before isha came i

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got a phone call someone offering me a

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huge amount of money solving all my problems

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so what is so special about this last

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hour on the day of friday we have

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a hadith mentioned in sa'eeh bukhari and

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muslim about abu hurairah he said abu al

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qasim said so this is abu hurairah narrating

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from the prophet on friday on

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the day of friday there is an hour

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that there is no believing muslim who coincides

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or happens to be asking allah subhana wa

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ta'ala during this time for any of

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the good of this world or the next

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except that allah subhana wa ta'ala will

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give it to them now the hadith also

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says standing in prayer but the scholars explained

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and this we'll see later on as explained

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by the prophet doesn't mean that he's engaged

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in prayer but the fact that you're sitting

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in the musalla and the hadith the prophet

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explained anytime you are sitting in the musalla

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awaiting a prayer or sitting in the musalla

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after a prayer it's considered salah so that's

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what it means someone's in the musalla making

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dua to allah azza wa jal so this

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hadith is authentic in sa'eeh bukhari and

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muslim and it says there's this hour on

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the day of friday and it's a 12

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hour day so there's within this day there

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is an hour if you're asking allah for

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anything you will get it so the question

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is then what is and when is this

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hour when is this specific time ibn al

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qayyim rahimahullah he mentioned 19 different opinions on

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when this time is and as a total

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there are about 40 different opinions when is

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this exact time but we're going to look

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at the top 2 the top 2 one

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of them is narrated by tirmidhi and ibn

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majah and it's from abu burda abu burda

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is a tabi'i he is the son

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of the companion abu musa al ashari so

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he meets with abdullah ibn umar ibn al

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khattab and he says abdullah ibn umar so

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abdullah ibn umar is now asking him did

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you hear your father the companion abu musa

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al ashari narrating anything from the prophet about

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the hour of al jumu'ah and this

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means the hour where your dua is accepted

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i said yes yes so

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he says yes i heard my father say

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that he heard the prophet that this hour

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where your dua is answered is from between

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the time the imam sits meaning between the

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2 khutbas until the prayer is over so

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and there are other hadith saying the same

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thing stating the same opinion but they all

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range from weak to very weak so this

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opinion also doesn't mean that you ignore the

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khutba and you engage in dua the scholars

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explain rather you listen to the khutba you

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say ameen when the imam makes dua you

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make dua between the 2 khutbas meaning when

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the imam sits down you make dua and

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you make dua in the prayer and before

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the taslim so that's the first opinion as

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to when is this hour or this specific

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time the second opinion is the more popular

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opinion and that is it is after asr

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prayer on the day of al jumu'ah

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and this is the opinion of companions of

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the prophet including abdullah ibn salam abu huraira

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radiallahu anhu from the scholars and imam ahmad

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ibn hanbar rahimahumullah this is narrated by imam

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ahmad rahimahumullah and abu saeed al khudri through

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abu huraira radiallahu anhu the prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam said so

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the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying

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on friday there is an hour there is

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no believing servant or muslim servant who is

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making dua to allah during this hour or

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this time except that allah subhanahu wa ta

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'ala will give it to him and then

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he says it is after asr and there

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is weakness in this narration but it is

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supported by other many similar narrations in sunan

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abu dawud and also narrated by al nasai

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through jabir ibn abdullah the prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam said the day of friday is

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12 hours so

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similar hadith to that one and then the

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prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said seek out

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this hour in the last hour after asr

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meaning the last hour after asr before maghrib

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comes in in the sunan of saeed ibn

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mansoor from abu salama ibn abdulrahman the prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is saying that

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he says a group from the companions of

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the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gathered this

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is after the death of the prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam companions gathered together so they

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mentioned that specific hour that is on the

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day of friday so until they separated or

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dispersed none of them had disagreed that it

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is the last hour on the day of

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friday the companions gathered together and not a

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single one of them disagreed that it is

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the last hour on the day meaning before

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maghrib comes in of friday and likewise another

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narration supporting this narrated by ibn majah this

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is abdullah ibn salam he says i said

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while the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was

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sitting he was talking about the hour of

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the jumaa where the dua is answered and

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he said it is after asr or he

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said there is an hour in the jumaa

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so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he

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said he signaled to me or a little

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less than an hour an hour or a

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little less than that so i said sadaq

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or a little less than that then i

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asked him which hour is it and he

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wants to pinpoint one is a specific time

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so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it

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is the last hour of the hours of

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the day before Maghrib comes in so then

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I said it is not from the time

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of prayer because you're not allowed to pray

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after Asr unless there's a reason janazah or

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something like that but for no reason just

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extra voluntary prayers you're not allowed to in

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this time it's not a time of prayer

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so then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and this is the hadith we alluded to

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earlier explained that when someone is sitting in

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the musallah before or after the salah that

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is considered salah so that's why we find

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and we find other narrations by the way

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in it in Sunan al-Tirmidhi narrated by

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Anas radiallahu anhu and the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said so he's

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saying seek out that hour where your dua

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is answered from after Asr until the Sun

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sets that's why you find great scholars such

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as Saeed ibn Jubair rahimahullah they said that

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Saeed when he would pray Asr he would

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not talk to anyone he would just sit

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until maghrib making dua to Allah so this

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is the hour that we're supposed to seek

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and this is the day we're in that

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day where there is this hour and how

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many Fridays have passed where perhaps we missed

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out on this great opportunity ask Allah azzajal

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for his forgiveness indeed those who ask for

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his forgiveness shall prosper we

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know that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala informs

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us of the best of times and virtuous

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times such as Ramadan and Laylatul Qadr and

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the excellence of Friday so that we can

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take advantage of these times otherwise what is

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the point of telling us about the best

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of times if there is nothing that we're

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gonna do in the best of times so

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it befits and behooves the believing man and

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woman to free up their that hour and

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that time of Friday I mean we understand

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it's the weekend and families go out and

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things happen and we're not saying you have

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to miss out on that but we're gonna

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mention the highest level the highest level is

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to free yourself during this time and before

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maghrib comes in to sit and make some

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dua to Allah azzawajal then if not then

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even if you're at a family outing or

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some event you can stop or in your

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car or just step aside and make some

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dua to Allah azzawajal just to not miss

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the greatness of this hour or the possibility

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of this hour and if you can't do

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it regularly at least take advantage of of

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it during times of difficulty just like we

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saw in the stories in the beginning maybe

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I can't do this regularly but when I

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have difficulty in my life I take advantage

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of moments like this I take advantage of

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the last hour of Friday and I'll conclude

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with this true story that happened in our

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times this old man and he has a

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teenage son he says my son is always

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out of the house he said sometimes he'll

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be out for five days and I don't

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see him so he's spending that in his

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nights and times with his friends he said

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I was so angry with him that I

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was going to make dua against him and

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some of my friends advised me they said

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don't make dua against him said this is

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the day of Friday and the last hour

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of the day just go sit in the

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masjid and make dua for him he said

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I went and I made dua for him

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until maghrib and then I prayed maghrib and

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I came home he said when when I

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was at home my son came to me

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and he shook my hand and he kissed

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my hand so that was the first thing

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that was out of the ordinary then the

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second thing he asked me if I want

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coffee or tea that was the second thing

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out of the ordinary and then he made

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it and we sat down and we drank

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together and we spoke and then we spoke

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until isha and when isha came my son

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said to me let's go and pray together

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and I expected him after the salah to

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say goodbye to me because he's going to

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go out and hang out with his friends

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until the early morning and what have you

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he said he came back and he said

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let's have dinner and we had dinner and

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we had a long talk afterwards and there

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are many success stories and many stories about

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the excellence of this hour but the most

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important thing brothers and sisters is don't do

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this to test Allah Azza wa Jal don't

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do it to test if Allah will give

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you to test if this is true what

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you heard in the khutbah works or doesn't

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work ask as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said Ud'u Allaha wa antum muqinoona

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bil ijabah ask Allah while you are certain

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of the response coming from Allah Azza wa

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Jal so ask Allah Azza wa Jal knowing

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that he is ghafoor knowing that he's rahim

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that he is merciful that he's forgiving knowing

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that he's the one who answers dua not

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to test if he will if it will

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work or not with that without we ask

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Allah Azza wa Jal to make us of

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those who hear the truth as clear truth

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and follow the best of it and to

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make us of those who recognize falsehood as

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clear falsehood and abstain from it Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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arfa ma halla bi ikhwanina fi falistin, Allahumma

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