Jamal Zarabozo – Al Fatihah An In Depth Study Part 09

Jamal Zarabozo
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the cultural structure of Islam, including the importance of the verse "has been deserved," and the use of "has been deserved" in the Arabic language. They stress the importance of showing evidence to prove one's stance and understanding the meaning of the verse "has" in the Quran. They also discuss the importance of avoiding actions of violence and staying away from certain aspects of life. The speakers stress the need for guidance and support from Jesus and the desire to achieve a pure love for everyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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have the lowest level of cinema movies and

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so inshallah Today we'll be continuing

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and moving on through the economical door, he can stain so far, what we have up to this point. We have verses that Phyllis about Alison Henrik God as I was trying to say Athenian FM

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versus it tell us about Alyssa Haleakala. In particular, the verses tell us that he is the one deserving of all praise. So that is telling us a lot about his attributes. In addition to that, he is the ROB He is the Creator, he is the Sustainer. And he has the attributes of mercy, and being the Master of the Day of Judgment. And these beliefs are these verses of the Quran I should say. The highlights one of the most important or two of the most important aspects of belief in Islam, the belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the belief in here after who mentioned us in many places in the Quran, Allah subhana wa tada combines Riemann belay, or Lehman Yamanaka.

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Now we shall, as I said, we'll move on to this next verse, the economic understanding. And so what we'll try to do is a little analyzing of the structure of the verses Allah, and then the meaning of the sentence, and the concepts that are involved in this verse. And then the finally the close relationship between the two different concepts that are mentioned here.

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You know, when reading sort of unpacking,

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and when you come to this point, and so in fact, you have, the first thing you should notice, is the change in person. Everything else that has come up to this point, you could call them like third person statements or impersonal statements, as 111 bla bla bla mean, Praise be to Allah, the Lord the words.

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Now all of a sudden, there's a shift. This is what is known as an intersection. There's a shift now, because no one reading sort of

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is now the speaker, the economic boudoir, yeah can assign when we read this, this is supposed to be us speaking in.

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So this is the first thing that we should notice in this place in the sort of

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this concept of infopath. This is part of the Arabic language part of the Arabic style.

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And actually recently, I believe it was also part of it mistaken. So me that this is one of the things that some people try to attack the put on this, you have a change, for example, sometimes of speaking the first person in the jumps to the second person and third person. And sometimes with these attacks on the Quran and attacks on Islam, it's hard to know whether the attack is just based on ignorance. So there's some bad intention behind it, because anyone who studied the Arabic language and especially the style of the Arabic language or the rhetoric of the Arabic language, will know that actually, this is something that has an important feature in the Arabic language and

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it is a praiseworthy characteristic of prose, especially with respect to the put on.

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Most importantly,

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as it should do here, sort of in fact you have is that when this happens in the Quran, it should awaken the reader.

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If you can imagine the whole Quran being in third person for example, allows this and under these judgments, this will happen and he said this and he did this, it would be difficult to be able to sit and read the Quran or the for example, in over a period of time. But as like the setting changes as close to being made as you yourself even become speaker sometime as in this case, your mind is being kept alert to what Allah subhana wa tada seen in the product. And if you look at some of the books of this year, in particular, each aspect of this concept of interpreting inward a person changes the narrative changes.

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In general, you can find the books associated scholars and trade discuss in each case. For example, what is the reason that I listen to what God has changed the person in this particular case? Just to give an example before we move on, if you think of the verse in the promissory note on opposite

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When are you Greek alarm? Lala, who is

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about the process

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and is talking first in the third person he found and he turned away

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when the blind man came to,

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that's the third person talking about the power system. And then the next verse directly is speaking directly to the political system. will now you

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Are you to know how to know if perhaps he might be purified the person coming to you.

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So this is a clear example of this concept of interfaith and Muslim scholars when they discuss sort of the opposite. They speak about this aspect.

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Here, if you understand what's going on, actually, the follow system is being reproached in a sense for his actions that he found he turned away because he was busy and making dolla but he did not do the best action. So at the same time that the Quran is correcting him, the Quran is not correcting him in such a blameworthy fashion, that it puts like a blemish on the cases

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does not say directly about him. You turned away you found you found a neutral underweight. But then when it comes to, perhaps you did not know how could you have known whether or not this man was going to be purified. And this is something that no human being would know. So to tell the process of them that you don't know this man is going to be fearful and this is not a big blemish on the pelvis.

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So at the same time, the pelvis SLM was corrected for not doing what is best, under those circumstances, corrected in in a very polite way that shows actually also our behavior how it should be towards the processor. And then when it comes to that aspects of both us and them could not be held accountable for then Alison Hannah without that speaks to him directly. So this aspect or this style of speaking narrative, something well established in the Quran and in the Arabic language and as I said, it is something that you should know when you're reciting sort of perfect I mean, this should not be this should not be the first time you ever thought about this is it? Oh, yeah, never

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knows that. At least I hope inshallah.

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But that would open tell everyone kind of notice how you have kind of a third person or a statement of fact in and all of a sudden, you're the speaker, the economic guru, here the speaker, he economically speaking directly to us.

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Now, what is the goal behind the societal the change in narrative here?

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Given because here, for example, speaks about it as when you're making those statements of fact about Allah subhanaw taala, you are now coming closer to Allah subhana wa tada both in the sense of you praising Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Also, when you realize those facts, you want to come closer to us.

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So then, therefore, now you have a closer look at our data and the proper way. Now you can speak directly to them. And you say you can now move away yet

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another interpretation, I think probably is more convincing, I think, although both of them are probably correct,

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is that if you aren't attentive to what you're saying, or what the previous verses are saying,

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about him,

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or her or him or human being,

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if you're attentive towards those are saying what those means.

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What should be the results

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when you think about what those words mean, you should have this desire in your heart to want to worship Allah.

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Allah subhana wa tada should be your goal and your object of worship. So actually, these words are kind of the results or the conclusion of the premises that have just been stated. And they should kind of like come flowing from the hearts of the Muslim.

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So when he's in the Select for example, and he mentions these first few verses, then these next words should be almost like a natural statement. For this it should come

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directly from his heart he economical doula in Spain, especially the first part he eken Abu, the second part of the law was guided us to the second part, we will discuss obviously, the meaning of all of them, but especially this for support, economical,

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what other relationship could you have with respect to Allah subhanho wa Taala? And what other conclusion could you have with the spiritualist manner with data after stating these first verses,

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except he economical?

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So that's the first thing that maybe should jump out to us. When we're reading the surah that

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Allah Subhana Allah God is first of all, stating that he has all of the attributes of praise. He has a love and he is filled with grace and mercy. And also he is the ruler on the Day of Judgment. So therefore the results should be the person basically submitting himself and bowing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And at the same time, as we'll talk about later, also recognizing his shortcomings with respect to Allah subhanho wa Taala and seeking Alison analog dollars.

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As one board set as some of the officer inputs in this place in the tissues, the feeling of the person should be as disposable

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ferny as an answer cooler leader have been a fan of copper and an akuna lab.

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And it's a sufficient in order for me that you are Lord to me. And it is sufficient to pride for me that I am a servant to enable this is basically the feeling for the impressions that someone should get when reaching this stage.

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We'll also see that there's

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more relationship between also this verse in the Quran and what comes previous to it.

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And also with respect to what comes immediately afterwards.

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Because we have actually in the first three verses of Quran, we have the concept of a tololo here, that Allah is the only the only one worthy of worship. We also have the robia that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the only Arab, the only creator the only nourisher Sustainer of this creation. And we also have the concept of Allah

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in those first few verses, and those are directly related to what comes after. In fact, one of the interpretations of Southern muthoni the seven off repeated verses and it can also mean that there's like corresponding between the different parts of it and you find this happening even those seven nights and I didn't discuss this due to time.

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Even though it was only seven if you find this in these verses have sort of defective so yeah, can I booboo? Here we are admitting that Allah subhana wa tada is the only one worthy of worship. So he is either this goes back to 100 Allah who said Abdullah actually means Laila Allah Plus

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he Akina Stein, we are admitting that Allah subhana wa tada is the one who can help. He is the one who is in charge. This goes back to Vladimir

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and then we say in Genesis,

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which goes back to Osama we are then asking Allah subhanaw taala to help us integrate. So he will also

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assign also refers to a list of what God is and what data is not one of them, he may not be willing to give us help. So this was as I said, it comes in a flows directly after all of the other verses that we discussed previously.

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And also when author pointed out

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that here we begin now with the economic rules here We begin by stating our goal to worship Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And just comes after stating all of the facts about Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So first, you have to have an understanding of all this mental chatter and your belief about Allah subhanho wa Taala has to be proper.

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In other words, what he was saying is this. Now PETA has to come before as

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far as I know, Laila, hello, we have to know all this rhetoric

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and has the proper belief about Allah subhana wa Tada. Plus, not to the detail, no, you know, you don't have to be score. If you know Alhamdulillah horrible. I mean,

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that's sufficient, if you know, you understand what.

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So these things should come first before actually the evidence.

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Because the evidence is there without these things and believing these things or recognizing these things, when evidence is useless. Like all the coupon, all the disbeliever gimmick evidence, to whatever to their idols to whatever, and all of those evidently nothing, so

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there will be no reward for them and those acts of worship.

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Because they did not know Allah subhanaw taala and they did not turn those acts of worship towards Allah subhana wa Tada. So, the key to having the proper bed is obviously to know who it is you're worshipping.

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You cannot really worship Allah subhana wa tada properly, unless you at least have a basic idea of home almost none of that is

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otherwise I don't know even how you would explain who you're worshiping. I don't know.

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Now, this verse in the Quran, scholars have written quite a bit about this verse in the Quran. And in fact, actually, if you look at

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what they've written about this verse to the end is more than what they've written about the previous verses. Here's actually where most of them begin really to speak a lot. In fact, there's two books by recent scholars just above this verse as the name of the book second, Abuja can sustain clever names.

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So you know exactly what they're speaking about. And in fact, didn't require them has a three volume set a three volume set that revolves around course he can just off if you ask me he gets a little bit away from the topic but it revolves all around this verse in the Quran. And of course, this is famous book that he just said he came beat him and as he economic over here can stay

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And in that book, at no time said that the secret or the hearts, and

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the secrets are the hearts of the creation, and the command

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and the books that are revealed, and the law is ever revealed. And the rewards and the punishments, ultimately results in these two things. Ultimately, all of them resolved and these two statements are ultimately to these two statements, and elodea. The servitude told us and Hannah with Allah and the taglines revolve around these two things.

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And he continues, he said, has appeal it says, he said, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed 104 books.

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And he combined the knowledge of all those books into a thora colon zero.

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And he combines

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the knowledge of those three books in the Quran.

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And you combine the knowledge of the Quran in the short sort of towards the end of the, like the last half.

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And he combined the meaning of those sort of in effect.

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And you combine a factor in economics where you can stay in this is given by him seeing that this has been said, I didn't find this thing in exactly hustle and bustle, he has almost exactly the same thing that he's talking about. So in fact, he has a whole month to spend. However, you may see me, for example, say that all the knowledge of the Quran has been collected. And in fact you have and all of the knowledge of the psyche has been collected in these two principles, the worship of love, and trust and reliance.

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If you go back to the headings of the process

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that we read earlier, in which the father says in his tools is that Alicia handler Tanner has said some facilities have been you have been I've been speaking,

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because I have divided the slot and allesandro Todd is tomasulo contract yet, I have divided the slot between me and my abs, my servants into two points.

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And when it comes to this part,

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plays a part a blue screen father has been will be a happy

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When it comes to this point, hello son, Henrik Allison, this is between me and my service, and my service show receive what he has.

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This is between me and my students.

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And actually, this ear canal Buddha can sustain this statement, which is as it says between the Los Angeles Times

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This is actually a kind of pledge for kind of commitments. You're saying to Allah subhanho wa Taala. This will worship as we talk about the meaning. You're saying to Allah subhanho wa Taala that we will worship no one other than you.

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And we shall seek help, and no one other than you. This is a pledge

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that you are making between yourself and a listener.

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And the fact is, you make this pledge, or at least you told me this pledge

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at least 17 times a day.

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Could you imagine if someone came to you every day and promise you every day, 17 times a day, at least 17 times a day that he's going to do such and such

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and that he never acts upon it. Or maybe he doesn't even realize what he promised you.

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If you say yeah, Can I check in the sky and you never bothered to really understand what this means.

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Then you're standing in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala 17 times a day making this pledge to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you don't even know what it is you're clicking on the center.

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There's a kind of covenant between you and

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this is between me and my server. Yeah, can absolutely can stain your ceiling Allah subhana wa Tada, we should worship only you and we shall seek help.

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I think about them, you should. We should think about the fact that every day 17 times a day we are renewing this contract and making this pledge over and over again.

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And the question is, how much are we actually trying to live up to?

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So now inshallah, let's examine a little bit about the exact structure of the verse.

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And I know that a number of you are Arabic speakers here and I know that the number you are taking

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Arabic and the number you have taken Arabic.

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If we wanted to say, for example that we worship you talking to Allah subhanaw taala, who wanted to say we worship You, we could say, Nabucco, we worship you. So this is a subject marker here. The subject marker is the first person through wheat.

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And this is also one of the things that Michelle will talk about it later. But this is also one of the things that you should recognize when you read this sort of thing. You're not actually making the pledge, even on your own behalf. Nothing,

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nothing, I worship you.

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But this is the first person throw, you're saying that we worship you. And this would be the opposite, this cap at the end. Now Buddha, this is the object of the verb. So here we're saying that we worship you This means we worship you. But here in this verse in the Quran, Allah subhana wa tada instead of putting this objects, the cap unit, the end, has put it first.

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And the way to put it first, of course, he's gonna just put a cap up there first, once you change it into

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so ear canal blue, has similar meaning to nabooda. But it's changed for a number of reasons. And by the way, obviously, the same discussion can be over here for ear can stain because they stain.

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But instead of saying, not Boudicca, Allison Hannah, what God has guided us to say he yakka Naboo Yacon ambu. And over here, he can assign.

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And there's a number of reasons why this is probably the case. And also when we make a conclusion about what does it mean is also other ways in Arabic. Good, we could have said what we're going to conclude.

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So one thing is when you say Yak and Moodle, you are putting Allah first.

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You are mentioning Allah first. You are not mentioning yourself first, you are making the more important one first. So this is a kind of

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Danny manner and this kind of etiquette with respect to elicit. Now you could have said if you wanted to put our lovers you could say Aloma Nabucco, you could have said your love, or something of that nature.

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But there's also another benefit that we get from this. When you say ear canal.

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When you move this object of the verb first, you make it exclusive.

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It is only you that we will

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just only use it we wish. So when we say yes and now we're not just saying that Buddha, but we are saying he can Abu This means you alone worship and in you alone do we seek help, we are going to say

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so there is an exclusiveness that is involved here. By the way this the wording of the Arabic is

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so it means that we are going to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala only and no one else other than Allah subhana wa Tada. So the words all of our worship is for you alone and directed towards you alone. And only in you when we seek help.

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And even though he mentioned it twice, he economic UIA can assign instead of simply saying Yeah, can I boo and a strain. You could say this, but this is again, emphasizing it's a proper again, etiquette and it is emphasizing what you're trying to see that in you alone, we worship, or you alone, we worship, and You alone, we seek help, and you're alone, you seek help.

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And here we're finding Alyssa Hannah without again has guided us suppose to sort out the fact that we would not know how to make this prayer to Allah subhana wa tada if it were not for the guidance of Allah subhana wa Tada. And one of the sections that I discussed, develop, do it in these lectures. But if you take for example, the circle effect you have and you compare it with what is known as the Lord's Prayer in Christianity, somebody that that was taught to say every night, you'll see that there's no comparison between what we are saying and in fact Yeah, and what is being said in the words. Even what we're asking for is completely different in certain facts. And those of us

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who have a data analyst right now listening to what God has led us to this most comprehensive and most important job and as ordered us and he guided us to it and then just by the way, leave it open for us. Yeah, that's a that's a nice job. I have to remember that Sunday memorizes.

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No matter what God ordered us also to sit

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in every rock ever referred Oh, this is part of His mercy. Because inshallah, if we do that one of these times, hopefully it'll have an effect upon us.

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Anytime inshallah, maybe you'll have more and more of a plus or even if it doesn't have an effect upon us every time we're great sometimes you shall learn and Allah subhanho wa Taala would respond to support to this drive it's Alicia handler causes guidance to Allah subhanho wa Taala has guided us to say to me economic boy, he

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combined together two very important aspects.

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And in this data and also as you'll see later, most scholars, they bring in the concept of the law, the law here and putting was trust and reliance and Alyssa Hamilton,

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you gotta listen and we're gonna as good as to say he eken Abu first and then follow that by EF and

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this is also something that scholars discussed in great detail. Why in disorder, because actually, when you think about it,

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this is bad. This is worship, seeking help from Alyson henwick God is actually a subset of it.

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When you turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and you pray to Allah subhanaw taala as you listen without the guidance,

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this is an act of rebellion in itself.

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So let's Malakal is giving us the general term First, the general concept and then following it up with the specific concept.

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Now this has nothing to do this happens in the Quran, for example, in the statements of the prophecy, but obviously usually stem from

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it will be sufficient for us to say yeah, can I do and that would imply that we're going to seek help from a number.

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But to emphasize the importance of something he escaped the house after the arm. So he said in in general, you stick around vital which is inclusive of those seeking help and Melissa Data for to stress the importance of it. Then you also mentioned the specific aspects.

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And here as we said before, here, we're combining two hidden little here with the two hidden obeah as we'll speak about laters Ella,

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the one who is truly turning to Allah subhana wa tada realizes that he cannot fulfill the first

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except by the means of the second.

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So also actually Allah subhanho wa Taala here is showing us the goal, giving us the goal, economic goal, and also showing us the mean so we're stating the wall first and then we're stating the means because how are we going to truly worship Allah subhanaw taala this will only be by the grace and the mercy and the health of Allah.

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So in reality we have captured in this verse, we have captured both the goal, which is the worst of all this kind of data and the means that we need to achieve that goal all these few words, the goal and the means,

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or the how many words, five words, if you count the well.

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In five words, we have spoken and mentioned the whole goal of our life, the whole purpose behind our creation here

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and how that can be achieved. All in these few words that we repeat everyday so often, maybe as we said, not realizing the importance of it and what exactly we are seeking from Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And also as an acclaimed points out obviously even by him has many points related to this verse. Feminism also points out that there's certain etiquette to making Dr. As well familiar with part of the etiquette is to praise Allah subhanaw taala first and also to mention, like a testimony of faith or some good deeds as you've done for the sake of a lesson I know what that is over here when you say yeah, can I Buddha yeah can stain. When you say yeah, can I boo,

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you are expressing your desire to be a servant and a slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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which is in itself an act or an act of gratitude for the lesson and without a part of the reason behind that is and to be thankful to all of us and with that.

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So basically what you're doing here,

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even in the first segment of the economic model, you are stating your desire to be a servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala, which should bring you closer to God and it should involve the Lord's mercy and he will help you just simply stating that factory's Allah subhanho wa Taala and telling us No, no doubt I want to worship you. This in itself.

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Should we also listen to what God has mercy and grace? And so therefore he will help you.

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So when you say yeah, can you state that first? And then when you say yeah, can the state What did you say and for my sermon is what Yes.

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00:30:00 --> 00:30:06

After this all of this preamble, then I'll listen then we're gonna respond shala to our job.

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And in fact, another aspect of the relationship between the two is that he said, one is a subset of the other. And, as we alluded to, they are actually complements of each other

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cannot fulfill the first aspect, the economic rule. You cannot fulfill economic rules telling Allah subhanho wa Taala, we would only worship you. If then you seek help from someone else, you turn to someone else and pray to someone else, and seek help from someone else. This is violating because this is actually a better job.

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And it drives worship. So if you do that, you're actually violating the first part.

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You cannot say, Yeah, can I be doing in church and pray to someone in the grave or pray to an idol and asking for help? Can I do that, then you're violating the first part. And as we said, you cannot actually do the first part of worship Allah subhanaw taala unless you get the help from Allah.

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So the two are complementary to each other. And this is why, you know, when you really study what these two terms mean, as I said, many scholars have said this is the key, or this is the secret or the mystery behind sort of xenophobia.

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And you also see that this one statements frees ourselves from just as I alluded to different aspects of Sure.

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Especially we have the open shirt, and we have the more obscure and ugly and

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it also shows your worship someone other than Allah subhana wa Tada, you go and you pray or you do some acts for someone other than Allah subhana wa Tada, this is an open shirt. And this is denied by the first party.

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And a hidden shirt, or I should say, a more obscure shirt that some people don't realize, is as I said, you go pray to someone else. And they think that other being or that other idol, or whatever it is, is actually able to help. And even Muslims do that. Now they might justify, they say, Okay, I'm praying to this dead person in this room, that person cannot respond unless Allah allows it. And so therefore, it's actually it's okay to still kind of shift. So both open clear shortcut and the morals

00:32:20 --> 00:32:34

are removed from someone fulfills this statement, in an economical way I can say again, when someone fulfills the statement, because someone might say it many times and not even realize what he said.

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And also, the person the second part, again, the first part pieces from shirk, and the second part also is in many of your parts, that you have no real power yourself.

00:32:50 --> 00:32:58

You've already said that Allah, Allah Allah mean the second part you are admitting that you have no real power and you are in need of all this kind of data.

00:32:59 --> 00:33:01

You are admitting that you are an

00:33:02 --> 00:33:10

au creation are slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala whether they want to admit it or not, but here you are coming in and meeting you're saying

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that I am actually powerless I need your help.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:22

This should be a very sincere draw on the point of the person and it is words should not go off

00:33:23 --> 00:33:27

the tongue of the person without considering what to say.

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And in fact also when you think about it, I was gonna leave this point for later but I can bring it up now. Also some of the diseases of the heart

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should be removed if you fulfill this property. Yeah, can you come over here

00:33:44 --> 00:33:46

and you can stain should feel from

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area you're doing acts of worship for someone other than all of us in our town he wants to be seen he wants to show off this You're such a great Muslim when you're not willing to see economical

00:34:00 --> 00:34:09

and any words the killer How is someone going to have COVID arrogance and pride when he realizes that he is helpless unless Alyssa without us?

00:34:11 --> 00:34:33

How can someone say he Yak in the sky and over and over again and then he has this arrogance in this pride and he thinks there's something special about him and he's better than others or something of that nature. He looks down upon others when you're actually he is helpless is powerless and this Alyssa without help. So, he says he can assign properly and knows what it means that should remove any kind of cover.

00:34:36 --> 00:34:47

Now, let us go back to the first part and concentrate this follow the rest of the lecture on the first part inshallah yakin Abu, you alone doing worship. What is that let's

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try to understand what is the vital from a career point of view not from personal opinion point of view or something of that nature? Because as I said, this is an extremely important topic.

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Do we have to understand we are turning tools Allah subhanaw taala saying he economical, and if we don't understand what the bad is, and what's the point of it.

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And as we spoke about at the end of that session about that 100 layer of anatomy, and how would you translate it into English and so forth, it is very important that we understand what is there from the Sharia perspective.

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Because, as we spoke about it that time, words change over time, cultures change, some other cultures become dominant and as we spoke about nowadays, in most of the world, today, the western slash atheist Express Christian

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culture is the dominant one.

00:35:43 --> 00:35:58

So, what worship means, if you say worship to somebody, even to a Muslim, his concept of what is worship, what is maybe actually a concept that is closer to some non Muslim cons of non Islamic concept, and law said concept which the city has.

00:36:00 --> 00:36:03

So, it is very important that we understand what is a better

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00:36:07 --> 00:36:12

if you go back to the lexical origin of the word, Providence, and a better

00:36:14 --> 00:36:16

the meaning that, it suggests,

00:36:17 --> 00:36:21

is one of extensive humility and submission.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:39

This is why the slave and before Islam, in particular before Islam, but also of Islam, although it's better to use other terms for them, as the processor closes, but the slave in the damaged area is known as the arm of the person. And this is my slave. This is

00:36:41 --> 00:36:49

because he is completely submissive, he has to be or he's supposed to be completely submissive and obedient to his master.

00:36:51 --> 00:37:08

The past for example, if you will, hiking now we have papers, that doesn't work as well. So, if you go hiking, sometimes you go hiking, you find a path which has been used by many people. So it has been been down for into submission, it is ready for you to go on. Anyone can walk on

00:37:09 --> 00:37:14

a pathway that has been beaten down so that it is now clear, anyone can walk and this is a career

00:37:16 --> 00:37:20

and is a path that is built in what we call an English beaten into submission.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:41

The camel there is tamed, the camel that has came to to listen to its owner, as also known as a diet and what the camel that is constrained and is in a situation where he'll be submissive to his owner. This is as we said, they call it a free diet. And

00:37:43 --> 00:38:01

there's many aspects to like, when we spoke about that, there are many aspects to the word of Abba, especially from a shittier point of view. And inshallah I will just give you some of the definitions and some of the scholars have given to give us an appreciation of what the words means.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:17

So, for example, majority, majority has a book has been translated into English, for basic Quranic terms, something of a controversial book, or less, not a controversial book, but as a book that he was attacked for, for many reasons.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:26

But in general, the concepts, which he wrote is very clear, very good. So he said about involves three aspects to

00:38:27 --> 00:38:30

the aspect of worship and adoration,

00:38:31 --> 00:38:39

which includes obviously love and humility, towards objects of adoration. Secondly, obedience and submission.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:43

And number three, service and subjection.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:58

And he goes on to he has kind of a long discussion about the fact of it, being an adult, someone gives up his freedom and his independence, in favor of the one that he is submitting to.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:09

And if you give up any resistance to or any disobedience to the one that he is serving, so he's completely under the authority of the one that is,

00:39:10 --> 00:39:16

his major role is to the major all of us labor and just obey the master and to carry out his wish.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:24

And he should also not only carry out his wishes, physically, he says, but also mentally, he should accept the supremacy and so forth.

00:39:26 --> 00:39:30

Actually, when you read his discussion, as opposed to some of the other scholars, this kind of

00:39:31 --> 00:39:47

comes up very, almost kind of harsh, because he just talked about the relationship between the master and the slave, like the masters and the slaves that we have of this world. And without also highlighting the fact that when we talk about Allah subhanho wa Taala is our master.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:59

He's not like the masters of this room. And in fact, this is by the way, another point that when you move this from an Islamic Society, to non Islamic Society also becomes like, for example, Americans

00:40:00 --> 00:40:39

We know that Islamic slavery was completely different from what existed in the West, in the western slavery. The idea, for example of beating the slaves and feeding them very cool if this was something normal, while in the slavery among the Muslims, as we see, among the Sahaba. Heliopolis, is their ex slaves who became the scores of the next generation, because they were very close to their master and benefited from them. And they became the respected people, some of the stores that we close, and these are next slaves of the companions. So even that worse, they we have to be careful. Because of us here, it's going to be very negative. No one would even wants to be a slave

00:40:39 --> 00:40:48

of God, if it means like slavery here in this society. But as I said, one thing that module he probably should have mentioned is when we talk about Allah, the master does not like any of the master.

00:40:49 --> 00:40:51

Right? He's already told us that he is a man.

00:40:53 --> 00:41:10

And even when you when you think about what he orders us to do, and he does not burden us beyond what we convert, he's our master. Yet, if you want to become a computer engineer, and you want to become a physicist, and you want to become an expert in the Arabic language, and teach Arabic,

00:41:15 --> 00:41:27

when you think about your life, even as a Muslim, you're free. You're safe, all this data, but such a slavery that he leaves you free. He wants to buy a certain car, you know, you want to upgrade your computer again.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:32

You know, as long as you stay within certain limits,

00:41:33 --> 00:41:59

and avoid yourself. And in fact, part of his being the master, because he has told us look, stay away from these things. And in reality, these things are bad for you anyway, they're bad for you. They're bad for your family, they're bad for society. Stay away from these things. And you have to do certain acts for this accident. Like the five pillars of Islam. There are a lot courses.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:07

We've already spoken about a lot of mercy, and what are they competing and how to show us around without is not put any hardship in the deed.

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So just

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do these two things, stay away from these things that are harmful and have a good intention.

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Go through life with a good intention. And

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this is the kind of master

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you want to do this, you want to do that that's fine, you want to move every year you want to stay in one place for 20 years.

00:42:31 --> 00:42:31


00:42:34 --> 00:42:48

So when we talk about we have to just be careful when someone could read for example, with no dude he has to say and, you know, go directly to those concepts of slavery here. And also when we speak about the liberty or the worship of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:42:49 --> 00:42:56

It signifies, as I said, completes and utmost humility and submissiveness and obedience and service.

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But it has to be done also with the components of the heart.

00:43:02 --> 00:43:20

It cannot just be your serving God, and you don't have in your heart, a willingness to submit to a listener without a devotion to Allah subhanho wa Taala and wanting to serve Allah subhanaw taala, both physically with your body and also in your heart. If these components are not there, it is not.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:32

So therefore, so many of the scores, when they spoke about are better one of the first things that they mentioned is this aspect of love. So, for example, Mohammed even

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the so called founder, the wahabis, those people the so called soft people, he defines about as complete love, complete submission, with fear and humility to all of us.

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It begins by saying complete love, and complete submission with fear and humbleness towards Allah slammer, God

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also discusses this in more detail. He said that Nevada has to combine two foundations to precipice

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extreme low and extreme submission and humility or humbleness to others.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:15

If these are not there, then it is not.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:19

So for example, you can love someone,

00:44:20 --> 00:44:30

but you do not submit to Him, you do not have that feeling of submission and real keen humbleness towards him. So therefore, you are not an Abbot, you are not a servant of that person. Even though you look

00:44:32 --> 00:44:40

similarly, you could serve someone and be completely submissive to someone and not have love for that person. Like probably you have great hate for that person.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:59

That could be but if you're completely submitting to someone, and have all those aspects of submission and humility to someone, but if you don't have the love for that person, then you're not an avid servant to them. Both of those have to be

00:45:00 --> 00:45:08

Mine. That's why For example, to recognize that all this man without a light years before the time for the system, to recognize it allege

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that Allah is the one who created everything.

00:45:12 --> 00:45:27

Now if you ask him who created the heavens in the earth and LCL love, just this recognition without this willingness of having love for Allah subhana wa tada and this willingness to submit to Allah subhanaw taala, then that does not make you a

00:45:28 --> 00:45:30

servant that will listen to your soul.

00:45:31 --> 00:45:41

Even though they mean said that's not what this word implies, complete, enable or humility and submission and humbleness to Allah subhanaw taala.

00:45:42 --> 00:45:51

And then he says that you will see a believer prostrating with his face in the ground out of complete humbleness to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And if this believer we're all for all that the world has. And if someone offered him everything to do or possesses to prostrate to someone else, he would not do it for that speaking of humility of submission is only to Allah.

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And he does not have that feeling to anyone other than Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And in fact, in another passage in

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the previous classes, our original claim is almost exactly from his teacher and Samia puts another passage even appliances, that the foundation of a better

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foundation of a barrier is the love of Allah

00:46:37 --> 00:46:39

is the level of love, and it's also the rebellion.

00:46:42 --> 00:46:43

And then he says In fact,

00:46:44 --> 00:46:49

it is only loving Allah subhanaw taala and not loving anyone.

00:46:51 --> 00:46:56

He said actually the foundation of it is to have a pure love only for us.

00:46:58 --> 00:47:05

So you only love Allah subhanho wa Taala and you don't love anyone other than that, however you love for his sake.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:20

Okay, you love for the sake. So in other words you love lnbf you love the province you love the messengers, you love the angels, you love those devoted servants, Allah subhanaw taala, but you love them for his sake.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:45

This is what this is really the essence, for the ultimate of what a bat is all about. It is not simply just loving Allah subhanaw taala. But the real ultimate goal of a better, as I said, is not simply living on the Sandwich Islands not even simply living alone without and more than anything. But in reality, all of your love is directed to all this data.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:50

And your love for anyone else is based on your love for love.

00:47:52 --> 00:48:14

And you only love because of all the data so we'll listen and our data to know somebody or someone who will love that person or that thing. And it will listen to a guy taala just like something or dislike someone, then you will not love that person because all of your love is based on all of your feelings of love are based on your love for love.

00:48:17 --> 00:48:29

And this love, as we'll talk about later, but he mentions in here Actually, this love the realization of this love and this over here the servitude told us $100 and it's keep going His heart

00:48:31 --> 00:48:38

is by following his commands and avoiding what he has prohibited.

00:48:40 --> 00:48:45

In essence, that is by following the messenger will listen.

00:48:47 --> 00:48:57

So you want to make all of your love for all the sandwich that he's not only above everything else, whatever the else is dependent upon Allah subhanaw taala and the local law.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:04

So if you have that feeling, we want to enact that by following the messenger of Allah.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:07

Because Allah subhana wa God has told us in the salon,

00:49:09 --> 00:49:10

Allah to the only

00:49:12 --> 00:49:18

lesson with Alice killing the messenger to kill us. If you truly love Allah, then follow me.

00:49:20 --> 00:49:22

And then Allah would love you in return.

00:49:24 --> 00:49:32

And if you have that love for Allah subhanho wa Taala there's no way you can say, I love Allah subhana wa Tada, but I don't really care about them as a manager.

00:49:33 --> 00:49:44

That's not the feeling of love. No one has a feeling of love has that feeling in his heart. He loves Allah subhanho wa Taala and his desire and his hope is to have all the Sanatana love him in return.

00:49:46 --> 00:49:52

So that's one of the keys that we can see from this verse. And so one of the implications of this verse Doyle, the Son of God is

00:49:53 --> 00:49:55

that if you truly love Allah subhanaw taala

00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

then there's an obligation upon that obligation upon you and

00:50:00 --> 00:50:09

To follow the messenger and inshallah if you do that, you will be fulfilling this verse and you will get the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala in return.

00:50:12 --> 00:50:17

So therefore when we say Yak and Alberto, we are saying to Allah subhana wa tada

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we are declaring a special relationship to Allah subhanaw taala and only Allah subhanaw taala which will behave towards Allah subhanho wa Taala with complete submission and devotion, out of love, and out of all for Allah subhanho wa Taala and out of fear we're listening.

00:50:36 --> 00:50:39

And once someone actually enters into the state

00:50:41 --> 00:50:50

of realizing that he should worship, only Allah subhanho wa Taala that frees him from all of the different kinds of slavery that exists in the world.

00:50:52 --> 00:51:08

When you are the slave of Allah subhanaw taala that frees you from all of the kinds of slavery that exists in this world. And in fact, when you worship bullet with God and when you serve Allah subhana wa tada you are doing what it is that you are created for.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:11

This is your purpose in life.

00:51:13 --> 00:51:23

And so therefore that act of about a towards Allah subhana wa tada is actually that that is the only kind of worship that is consistent with your

00:51:24 --> 00:51:25

what you have been created for.

00:51:28 --> 00:51:34

Any other kind of worship is going to be some kind of disequilibrium for me.

00:51:35 --> 00:51:37

There's going to be some kind of disequilibrium and

00:51:39 --> 00:51:46

the only way to remove that is by turning to Allah subhana wa tada and only Allah subhanho wa Taala. And wish list

00:51:47 --> 00:51:53

has told us that this was the message that was sent to all of the people.

00:51:54 --> 00:51:55

Last night was Alice's

00:51:59 --> 00:52:00

Mandala with clinical

00:52:02 --> 00:52:21

Allison and with Allison telling us to see a sense among every, every people's in messenger telling them to worship Allah and avoid any false objects of worship. A wolf is any force of devotion, we might have time discussing more inshallah.

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Carlos fills us out to dinner will ensue, in labu.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:32

They have not created jinn and mankind except for the purpose of worshiping me.

00:52:34 --> 00:52:39

And in fact, one thing should be very clear in the mind and in the hearts of every Muslim.

00:52:40 --> 00:52:48

And that is that there's nothing that can be achieved, there is no status, there is no goal.

00:52:49 --> 00:52:54

There is nothing more seeking that is greater than being a servant of Allah subhanaw taala.

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This is something that should be clear in every Muslims mind.

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And because nowadays we're facing loss of fitness,

00:53:04 --> 00:53:12

Everywhere you look, there are things there are people there are movements, or whatever, trying to take us away from the worship of Amazon or

00:53:14 --> 00:53:25

at least take us away from the true worship. Data they might claim Yes, you can worship but the true worship of Allah subhanaw taala we have everywhere forces trying to take us away from that truth.

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But if the Muslim is focused and realize that there's nothing more important,

00:53:34 --> 00:53:46

there's no position or no action that is greater and better than worshiping God and to be true. Allah subhana wa tada inshallah he can remain focus.

00:53:47 --> 00:53:50

He can remain focus and you can swipe off all of those.

00:53:51 --> 00:54:05

And in fact, you know more than that, hello, that everything else is working. Not only is the worship of Allah subhana wa tada the most important goal that he can focus on, but in reality, everything else is worse.

00:54:07 --> 00:54:11

You meet the last man without ematic human gene works with all those other things if he did

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00:54:15 --> 00:54:31

The only thing that will have lasting value on purpose is if he is a service of Allah subhanaw taala and data and there's no as I said, there's no greater position. There's nothing beyond being an object.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:51

I don't care if you are the president of the universe. You know, if that one you know the conspiracy theory one government is going to take over the world if you're the president of the world doesn't matter. And in fact, listen handle a God when he describes the service in the Quran when he describes the different prophets. He describes them as is.

00:54:53 --> 00:54:59

This is the most noble term that you can get from Allah subhana wa tada Allah subhanho wa Taala is describing you as is that

00:55:00 --> 00:55:18

Every one should wish and hope when you make a lasagna with data, Alyssa Haleakala will come to him and treat him as a lesson and with Alisha, even when, for example the number of examples we can take I'll just take one. When Allah subhana wa tada took as a promise I sent him

00:55:19 --> 00:55:44

and then sort on the rise from Mecca to Jerusalem and up into the heavens. This glorious and momentous occasion that if anyone was going to get what we call an English of behead Yanni and kebudayaan think that though I'm someone really special, this momentous occasion went to Russia to work out and described in the Quran. What is the words that Allah subhana wa tada uses for the process of

00:55:45 --> 00:55:49

some kind of Libya surah the OD de Leyland minion mosquito Haram is

00:55:51 --> 00:55:59

Exalted be He took his on his sleeve for journey by night from around to the furthest mosque in Jerusalem.

00:56:01 --> 00:56:02

Consider two times already.

00:56:03 --> 00:56:20

So we have to stop at this point the new Salah will continue with the discussion of workers abeta Exactly. are in reality from the city or point of view so that when we say can Abu Ellis we know what it is we are saying and what it is that we are trying to achieve inshallah and dislike but here I have two

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